First of all , I've been around since December 2009 , a.k.a beta evolution . I've always found this game fascinating and very amusing . But today I felt very offended by it . This is about the Tactical Mercenary and Bounty hunter classes . I've been a player for almost 2 years now , I've been studying every possible aspect of every build . I don't claim to know how to use each and every build , but i know how most of them work . Recently ,with the raise of the level cap , i have been fighting a lot . But 1v1 is impossible now . Strength builds are getting out of control . Do you know what the saddest part is ? That I'm not beaten by strategy , but by imbalance . Now , although I like to say to myself ,that a player who uses strength build is brainless and has no ideas, this is not true . They are the smart ones . They are the ones ,who found this loophole and effectively abuse it . Why do I feel offended ? Because I don't want to use the loophole . I want to use my own head , my strategy and BALANCE . Strength builds not only give you high percentage of winning ,but the also win the fight extremely fast for you , and in the case of Bounty hunters , an almost certain victory . So ED , are you planning on doing something about it ?