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ED , I feel offended

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10/23/2011 7:33:55   

First of all , I've been around since December 2009 , a.k.a beta evolution . I've always found this game fascinating and very amusing . But today I felt very offended by it .

This is about the Tactical Mercenary and Bounty hunter classes . I've been a player for almost 2 years now , I've been studying every possible aspect of every build . I don't claim to know how to use each and every build , but i know how most of them work .

Recently ,with the raise of the level cap , i have been fighting a lot . But 1v1 is impossible now . Strength builds are getting out of control . Do you know what the saddest part is ? That I'm not beaten by strategy , but by imbalance . Now , although I like to say to myself ,that a player who uses strength build is brainless and has no ideas, this is not true . They are the smart ones . They are the ones ,who found this loophole and effectively abuse it . Why do I feel offended ? Because I don't want to use the loophole . I want to use my own head , my strategy and BALANCE . Strength builds not only give you high percentage of winning ,but the also win the fight extremely fast for you , and in the case of Bounty hunters , an almost certain victory .

So ED , are you planning on doing something about it ?
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/23/2011 7:37:48   

my mage, blood mage and bounty hunter have all ended up with strength builds :( I was getting stomped using 5 focus in 1v1.
Post #: 2
10/23/2011 7:40:00   

Forget mages, they are long dead if you ask me , take a look at those bounty hunters and tacticals running around with 100+ strength .
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
10/23/2011 7:40:34   

I dont agree with you i have been using focus build from 2 weeks and its best against all classes.Even i beat many strength build easily its just strategy nothing else.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/23/2011 7:46:30   

As a BM the only good way to use a 5 focus build is in Juggernaut...
STR builds work unless you are fighting a STR Tact merc

For some reason having + 33 Defence = less than crap against +23/28 Defence tact mercs
on the contrary, I'm the one getting blocked then.

Same with Crits, They crit a hell of a lot more with a mere 21+ Support
then when I have + 50 support

It's like that class makes the Stats Broken

And Maul?? That damp skill stuns more at level 1 than the other stun skills do =/

@ Soni

You forgot to mention you are a tact merc aswell ;)

< Message edited by andy123 -- 10/23/2011 7:51:46 >


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
10/23/2011 7:46:32   

I do agree with you. I was battling a strength tactical mercenary earlier, and he went first, smokescreened me, stunned me and then he striked me down and I was dead. Even though I had more support than him, he still got luckier. ._.

I agree that mages are long dead, they've been nerfed and discriminated frequently with each balance change and with the release of each new weapon. I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do about it though :).
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
10/23/2011 7:58:11   

I did not mention it ,as I'm trying to be objective . The tactical merc is the safest class to play with nowadays and the fact that even TLM can't withstand the imbalance of the Strength builds screams BALANCE
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
10/23/2011 8:21:07   

I think its not player's fault... the "game" gave us delta weaps with an awesome amount of str and +10 enhacements with al most no requirements... in old fortune city u have dark star weap that give u 10 more str with no other requierement... if u have eggzooka or any other STR zooka u can easy get over 100 STR over 125 hp and near 90 dex (to increase block and connect chance) not countin MAX hybrid armor, to make a decent tanking... very fast an easy build to make easy battles even with high defense guys... i allways rage with my gun close to 48-50 / 65 damage with critical gun... as a summary players just get those weaps that devs give us... we all want faster, easy wins so STR is the best way.
Epic  Post #: 8
10/23/2011 8:21:15   

Funny, STR build gain Rage faster than Sup build due to how battle work in real fight
Meh STR amd Focus are broken. You now see either STR or Focus builds out there
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
10/23/2011 8:25:29   

@ Blue

well that's something I also don't understand...

example of Tank vs Str Tact merc...
STR still do 30+ damage and rage faster than the Tank that does 10 damage

Things are broken left and right.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
10/23/2011 9:45:10   

i actually wouldn't have thought of me to be able to do it but i made a plasma bolt/ support/strength build and its pretty good
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 11
10/23/2011 9:53:11   
I am Primal

Snaipera i couldn't agree more with you finally someone who knows how i feel thanks
Post #: 12
10/23/2011 10:21:39   
One Winged Angel1357

I would like to point one flaw out in your post and it is the only one I can find

Beta evolution was in June '09
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
10/23/2011 11:33:27   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Locking this up. Please keep balance discussions in the Balance Discussions thread.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
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