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RE: Lets fix Factions!

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11/27/2011 20:35:18   

Great ideas guys! I have one more idea:

Currently there are 3 sections in a faction: The Founder, Officers, and Members. Why not change it to Leaders, Officers, and Members? A maximum of 2 Leaders, 6 officers, and 10 members. The founder still has all the power as to who to elect as what position, but say the founder is not active, they can elect leaders who can do everything and place themselves as an officer or even member if they want to. Leaders will be able to Change the flag, add members, and most importantly kick members. The only person they can't kick would of course be the Founder. This would ensure the continuity of the faction if say the founder goes inactive because another leader could take over, and keep the faction going ( Recruit members, kick inactive members).
AQ Epic  Post #: 26
11/27/2011 20:37:49   

there is one flaw tho what if the founder has been inactive since before so
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 27
11/27/2011 20:42:21   

How do you replace leaders?
AQ Epic  Post #: 28
11/27/2011 20:47:14   

Maybe allow the Founder to chose a Regent or whatever, from his Officers to handle the Faction whiles he is off. The Founder could chose whether to give the Regent the abilities to Kick Members, Kick Officers, Rename Officers and Pick/Demote Officers. A Regent has all the Capabilities of an Officer, plus whatever the Founder decides suitable.

However, the Regent cannot Kick the Founder.

A Regent would be chosen automatically if the Founder was absent from EpicDuel for say, 100 Days.

The Regent would also have all Founder Abilities if the Founder went Inactive for 100 days and have not given the Regent full Ability to Kick Members, Kick Officers, Rename Officers and Pick/Demote Officers.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 29
11/27/2011 20:47:44   
Angels Holocaust

Founder step down is impossible. Founders of factions payed to create a faction, the Devs can't implement a feature that allows players to exchange material goods. Another problem that we face is what if the founder want's to be the leader again? Oh man, there's going to be tons of problems. It's just too hard, and time consuming. Here's another example, what if the founder is tricked into stepping down to an officer or member and all of a sudden the officer or member betrays him/her and hands it off to another person? There's just too many problems in this.
Post #: 30
11/27/2011 20:49:36   

And if the regent goes inactive? Auto-configure a new one?
AQ Epic  Post #: 31
11/27/2011 20:52:03   

@Angels Holocaust
Well, if the Founder can't be kicked, why couldn't he just take over again, since Founders should have the ability to regain Foundership at any time.

And if the founder is tricked into stepping down to an officer or member and all of a sudden the officer or member betrays him/her and hands it off to another person is a problem, just don't give the temporary leader the ability to transfer the Faction's leadership.


Hmmm. If they could make teh codes, yep, auto-configure.

< Message edited by drinde -- 11/27/2011 20:53:46 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 32
11/27/2011 20:55:08   

Regent inactivity = 15 EXACTLY.

I like that.

< Message edited by greenrain13 -- 11/27/2011 21:20:14 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 33
11/27/2011 21:13:51   

tell that to my ex faction on my alt the leader was inactive 100s of days before i joined and i had more wins in the faction than any body and most active member
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 34
11/27/2011 22:18:08   
Elf Priest JZaanu

Founder Step-down is very risky with many possible problems.

In this post I had presented recently, I suggested having a Faction Presets License. This can let all the activity in the faction happen if the founder happens to become inactive.

Here is the post. Just view and do not comment.

AQW Epic  Post #: 35
11/27/2011 22:46:50   

You shouldn't Elect an Inactive Leader ;)
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
11/27/2011 23:12:10   
l Chop Suey l

The purpose of factions is to team up and gain victory if you're a exile or legion and I mean from my perspective if your gonna join factions that are varium supported or not you gotta prove yourself 24/7 nonstop that ur gonna lead this faction to the conclusion of truth thats how we roll in ED Gladiators(one of the best factions ever!)I wish people would respect each other to be faithful but it doesn't work that way obviously. Epicduel is for the faint of the heart,the line between order and chaos.

AQW Epic  Post #: 37
11/27/2011 23:23:32   

There shouldnt be a founder step-down feature. It will cause alot of problems. Please think of the consequences.

I suggested b4 that they might make it this way:


That way even if the founder is not free, the co founder will have the power and authority. Obviously, the founder will still be overall in-charge.


Seven Stars - Seven Heaven
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Epic  Post #: 38
11/27/2011 23:54:45   

co founder should be allowed to change stuff like flag, add new members, and kick members.
AQW Epic  Post #: 39
11/28/2011 0:23:36   
Angels Holocaust

We need to add a new rank to the factions and that's Pokemon Master. No seriously, just make factions the way they used be and get rid of flags, and this silly world domination bs. The simpler something is the better. Just take a look at Facebook, it was once easy to use and fun now it's all complicated and has way too many features that they people never wanted. Epicduel has been doing that with each and every update, making things harder and less fun.
Post #: 40
11/28/2011 0:32:31   

@ Goldslayer

Erm, yeap, thats my idea. The co-founder should have the power and authority. Maybe i phrased my previous post incorrectly, sorry. But obviously whatever power and authority the co-founder has cant outmatch that of the founder.

< Message edited by ngshuyi94 -- 11/28/2011 0:33:18 >
Epic  Post #: 41
11/28/2011 0:40:56   

^The co-founder will only get power after the founder is inactive for, say, 3 weeks? That's good.


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 42
11/28/2011 0:43:42   

^ Eh, what i meant was simply, that the co-founder can change the faction's flag, and do stuff like that but obviously cant kick the founder, Thats all.

< Message edited by ngshuyi94 -- 11/28/2011 0:44:12 >
Epic  Post #: 43
11/28/2011 0:50:20   

If thats the case, wouldnt it be risky if the co-founder kicks another member he doesnt like? I think only the founder should have the right to remove members, up to the point where he becomes inactive.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 44
11/28/2011 2:21:05   

^ Good point actually.
Epic  Post #: 45
11/28/2011 2:38:05   

if u dont trust who u are making a cofounder, why make him a cofounder at all?

obviously co founder is a huge thing and there has to be trust between the founder and the co founder.
if u dont trust the cofounder then simply dont make him a cofounder in the first place.

there shouldn't be no ifs and buts when it comes to making a decision of who to make co founder.
or u simply dont make any at all. u dont have to make any members an officer. u can have simply all members. well in this case u dont have to have a coleader.

obviously the co founder cant kick the founder but he should be able to kick officers and members.
and demote officers into mems and promote members into officers

co-leader = same powers as the main leader except for disbanding the faction.
AQW Epic  Post #: 46
11/28/2011 2:56:11   
Angels Holocaust

People will lie and kiss up to get what they want.
Post #: 47
11/28/2011 4:47:12   

^ True, but that is why u need to know them long enough and good enough, and like what Goldslayer said, u gotta know him so well and trust him so much that u make him the co founder. Its a massive decision not to be taken lightly.
Epic  Post #: 48
11/28/2011 4:51:20   
Gepard Acht

^ have you heard of the term betrayal? :P
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
11/28/2011 4:51:33   

I think there shouldn't be a co-founder, but instead, 3 high-ranked officers. If any decision is to be made in the absence of the founder, it will be put to a vote.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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