^ What do you mean where does you str abusing tank fall into.... obviolsy both catagories. Your opinion is that a push to more stats will equal more options, I can see how one would think that but its effects lead to the decline in options, yes you have more stats to use but at the same time creating to much power for creativity to handle thus ruining creative build whos focus isnt extreme tank or powerful burst attacks. I admit that more stats will open up new builds I agree but what you need to realise at the same time it closses OFF FOR GOOD old doors. I would push that a complete reduction in stats will lead to more variety, What wrong with using the stats off your wepons without your enhacments to make your build, any added bonus is not a bonus if everyone gets it, nor does this bonus do anygood accept rip everyone off and reck balance and reduce variety. My opinion anyway. Also you mentioned that reqirements and stat progression make you need more stats..... dont you realise that this things were made because of the fact people had too many! What I find silly is your right to have diverse builds now in other words to become a decent tank/power abuser you need alot of stats to get past the restrictions, thus forcing people to use as much stats as possible thus ruining the sole purpose of stat dimishing and requiremnts :/ I dont think stat dimishing does anything accpet continue on the abusive bulds but in a more braud area eg. most power builds these days will have a bit of everything including support. To fully return things to creative time, a total reduction in stats would help plus the reductions of requirments and stat dinshing, the result will be the highly respected power builds currently will o longer be as effective meaning old build can come out of the closet cause they will no longer be pushed around by the big fat bullies that are abusive stat enforced builds. Also did I mention that without abusive stat enforced builds reining supreme LUCK will be reduced as a result of blocked tursn or crits being so game changing. WHY? because overall all build will have less power meaning every turn is less inportant because to beat power build you need to equal the power while survivng theirs that why luck is so unfluencing atm.
< Message edited by Remorse -- 12/6/2011 10:31:09 >