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RE: =MtAK= Shreder (UCaG)

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12/20/2011 0:10:32   
Anon Y. Mous

hey, i see you!
Oh no! I've been spotted!
congrats on seizing a bit more power!
On the contrary, my power has remained about the same. I stepped down from AQW Q&A to take this post, so it all works out...

< Message edited by Shreder -- 12/20/2011 0:40:49 >
DF  Post #: 26
12/20/2011 18:04:45   

*Begin Vader Breath* Shreder Ravenloft, join me in... The dark side!
But I'm a GOOD raven...

Now then, to actually begin my questions...
Alright then.

One) Would you join the dark side if you were offered cookies?
Tempting though the cookies are I could have to refuse.

Two) Have you ever converted (a) character(s) from a dream into a project/something?
Nope. I rarely remember my dreams to begin with...

Three) If you could successfully Hannibal Lecture any one of the Greek Gods, which one would you choose?
If I could what?

Four) If you could have any mythological/supernatural/fictional super-beast/monster as your pet, what would it be?
A phoenix would be cool...

Five) If you could unleash an apocalypse of any kind and level, what would you do?
What if I don't want to end the world?

Six) If you had a one-time reality warping power, what would you use it for?
Making the world a better place.

Seven) If you were a genie, what would you do if you were given this wish? "I wish you wouldn't grant this wish."
Tell the person that they don't get a wish anymore for trying to be overly clever and create a paradox.

Eight) If you were an evil overlord, would you be a genre savvy master or genre blind?
Neither, since I'm not and don't plan on becoming an evil overlord.

Nine) If you could travel through time, to what year/time period would you go?
All over the place, depending on what I feel like.

Ten) If Deadpool a character from a video game/show/movie/book/etc suddenly started talking to you what would you do?
Question my sanity.

Eleven) If you could break the fourth wall of any media, what game/show/movie/book/etc would you break the fourth wall of?
Break ALL the 4th walls! :P

Well, that's all for now. I may have more stuff for you later, until then... *Ninja Vanish*

< Message edited by Shreder -- 12/21/2011 0:42:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
12/21/2011 0:28:01   

Ooooh, this will be the first time I'm trying a MTAK post.
1. So, are you enjoying the game I made?
It seems interesting, yeah.
2. Got any criticism for me?
Nothing major. I kind of feel like we still don't understand how the cards and stuff are supposed to fit into the game, and there are some places where your grammar is less than perfect, but overall it's pretty good.
3. Am I doing okay as a GM from what you observe?
Sure, you're doing alright.
4. What do you think about the game so far?
I'm interested to see where you go with it...
5. Do you like ponies?>
Not particularly.
Please god, no...
7. Why your name only has one D?
Long story short, I wasn't great at spelling back when I first started using it for stuff, and it kind of stuck...
8. Can I ask more questions later?
Sure, if the thread's still open...

< Message edited by Shreder -- 12/21/2011 0:45:46 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 28
12/21/2011 3:49:54   
How We Roll Winner

Hello Shreder!
Congratulations on becoming an AK.
Thanks! Although technically I've been an AK for close to two years now; I only just became an AK of UCaG...
So, for starters, how long have you been in UCaG?
I forget...at least two years, maybe three...
Glad you applied for my game.
It looks like it should be fun! I like the concept.
I don't know if you remember, but you also applied for the first game that I made, remember? Something about us going to different planets, starting from Earth? We had a dark side of us? The game was even named something something dark side!I was the host and also a commander in the game.
I do remember, though a little bit vaguely...
Anyways, don't have anything else to ask. Congratz again.
Thanks again!
See ya!

< Message edited by Shreder -- 12/21/2011 4:02:19 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 29
12/23/2011 3:56:09   

*Smoke cloud forms out of nowhere* Ello there, Shreder Ravenloft, are you ready to rock and roll?
Hi! Although I really must ask, since when has my last name been "Ravenloft"?

Time to proceed to the madness.
You're a bit late for that--the madness is already here...

One) If you could have any one Pokemon in real-life, which one would it be?
Mewtwo. His psychic powers would be helpful in myriad ways.

Two) If you could have any set of three superpowers, what would they be?
Flight, Underwater Breathing/Pressure Resistance, and Telekinesis.

Three) Which would you prefer, power over Time or Space?
Space. Time is better left well enough alone.

Four) If you could create a new animal, what would it be like?
Something that both swims and flies.

Five) If you were an overlord, would you be a genre savvy master or genre blind?
All of the Above.

Six) Have you ever read the Evil Overlord's List?

Seven) Shreder, can you dodge Force Lightning?
I do not need to dodge it. The Dragonfly Goddess protects me.

Eight) If you could be in any video game, which one would you choose?
Hm...I don't really know. LoZ maybe?

Nine) Quick, Shreder! Your mission objective is to rescue that poor little kitten hanging from a tree two hundred and fifty feet in the air. Your only supplies are a one-by-one pillow, a small hook with a hole for rope, ten pieces of twenty foot long rope, and a toy helicopter with a fifteen minute battery life. How would you accomplish this?
Ignore the random assortment of junk I've been given, fly up, and carry the silly kitty down.

Ten) Which do you prefer, Ninja, Pirate, or Ninja Pirate?
All of the Above!

Eleven) If you had reality-warping power for half-an-hour, what would you do with it? The results are permanent and creating new universes/worlds is allowed.
Do ALL the things!

Well, I'm not really sure what else to do now, so... LOOK, A DISTRACTION! *Flees from sight*

< Message edited by Shreder -- 12/27/2011 8:31:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
12/27/2011 8:32:14   


I'll leave this hear for a few days so people can see it, then I'll move it to the archives.
DF MQ  Post #: 31
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