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RE: =ED= Official Hudelf Thread

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12/19/2011 12:53:35   
Xx. Christian .xX


Have you broken equipment by applying some of your karate moves when coding doesn't go your way?

How many keyboards can you break in a pile with a karate chop?

i think you meant taekwando

1 more question: why did you stop taekwando? and try to learn kung fu and karate its fun but kinda harder than taekwando
Post #: 51
12/19/2011 13:00:57   

hai Hudelf :)

Welcome to the Forums :)

here are my questions:

1) What are your favorite colors ?(mines blue)
2) cookies or cake?(i prefer cookies XD)
3) if u did take tea know-do where did tae kwon-do originate from and what does black belt symbolize?(i know the answers cause i m a black belt in tae kwon-do too :P )
4) do u know about the old ed forums?(ahh good times)
5) How long have u been doing programing?
6) what is your favorite skill in Epicduel?(mine are artillery strike,multishot and plasma rain)
7) 1v1 or 2v2 or Juggernaut ?( i like 2v2)
8) which in-game npc do u like(i love mirv cause he sell cheap stuff XD)


< Message edited by Luna_moonraider -- 12/19/2011 13:02:03 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 52
12/19/2011 13:11:03   
Xx. Christian .xX


if u did take tea know-do where did tae kwon-do originate from and what does black belt symbolize?(i know the answers cause i m a black belt in tae kwon-do too :P )

i think i can answer that, tae kwon-do was originate from China, and some think it comes from japan well i thnk hudelfs sensei might tell him in a different way but my sensei told me its from china, and black belt symbolizes how good you are, maturity, good level in your skills
Post #: 53
12/19/2011 13:28:20   

*Slips Hudelf a 20*
Exile needs a few hundred thousand points.


AQW Epic  Post #: 54
12/19/2011 14:00:13   

@ reyes 89

china lolz wrong answer i will wait for Hudelf to answer before i tell what is the real answer. and yes black belt does symbolize what u said. sigh wanted hudelf to answer it not u reyes.
AQW Epic  Post #: 55
12/19/2011 15:07:16   
Bu Kek Siansu

Welcome to the forums, Hudelf. :)
Post #: 56
12/19/2011 15:08:58   


Yes, that shall be your new name >:3 Glad to see you've finally shown your face!
Post #: 57
12/19/2011 15:46:23   

welcome to the forums hudelf hope you have a great (well deserved) vacation !
AQW Epic  Post #: 58
12/19/2011 16:22:12   
Epic Pwnser

Hi I'm Epic Pwnser (a founder :D) in-game and on forums and welcome to the forums Hudelf!
Now that you've gotten a voice, I hope Epicduel becomes even greater as it is with your wonderful help!
And you sound very very accomplished. I hope you can use those Taekwondo skills when you ever decide to play Epicduel!

And since you already got a lot of questions, I wish you the very best working for ED.


Epic  Post #: 59
12/19/2011 16:35:15   

Hudelf does sound pretty accomplished, hope you a have a wonderful entertaining time here on epicduel.
Don't let the 10 year old flaming little cupcakes get you down because you better be ready for a few lol.
Epic  Post #: 60
12/19/2011 17:17:10   
Xx. Christian .xX


china lolz wrong answer i will wait for Hudelf to answer before i tell what is the real answer. and yes black belt does symbolize what u said. sigh wanted hudelf to answer it not u reyes.

ok my bad, its japan, it was made to train the samurai, and im sorry (its a empty handed way so they can defend themselves)
Post #: 61
12/19/2011 17:43:42   

So, it was you who caused the retrain disaster!

Nah, jk, you're awesome. And so was that update. ;)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 62
12/19/2011 17:43:41   
One Winged Angel1357

My last question.
One mage to another what is your favorite Mage skill in ED
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 63
12/19/2011 21:07:15   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Hey Hudelf, its nice to finally see you on the forums! :D

DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 64
12/19/2011 21:11:39   

Hudelf you read too? o: so far since summer i've read the Eragon series, Tree of Avalon series, and the inkheart series along with a few other books. I recommend Tree of Avalon if you haven't read it yet. :3
AQW Epic  Post #: 65
12/19/2011 21:56:00   

Wow. Been on the road for 12 hours, lots of questions. I'll try to catch up.


Since it's safe to assume your a fan of shooters, what shooters do you play? BF3, TF2, MW3?
Last do you play Minecraft? (heheh)

I'm not crazy about the current trend of "realistic" military shooters. TF2 is good. Everyone plays Minecraft, I think ;)


Oh, you do/did XC, too? What was your 5k time? If you remember it, haha.

It wasn't ever great, think my best was around 21-22 minutes. Average probably 24+.

Lycus: Thanks very much!


What has been your favourite piece to work on so far, and why?
What has been your most challenging goal and have you accomplished that yet?
Do you have a favourite in game area, if so why is this?

Woah, some pretty serious questions hahaha.
1. I really enjoyed doing the retrain, probably because it was my first major feature I worked on, and I love making quality of life/usability changes.
2. My biggest challenge has simply been to get comfortable with the EpicDuel code. Accomplished? I'm way better off than I was when I started, but still a lot to learn.
3. Honestly, I really like the new Frysteland area. The mountains in the background just look so awesome.

@Wootz, that's a lot of questions haha. Just gonna answer a few
a) Community is clearly very passionate about the game, which is definitely not a bad thing.
c) My plans are just to help make new features that are fun and that you guys enjoy. Generic, but true.
j) Bethesda are very good at making single player experiences, something that I think has been overrated lately.
k) Been curious about Salvatore for a while. He's another on my infinitely long "want-to-try-out" list.


Hi Hud (if I can call you that? lol) You can call me Fay
First. I wish you a very warm welcome to the forums.
Second. Watch what you say. lol They will read everything into you slightest word slip.
Third. I hope you do come into game sometimes, time permitting (incognito if you have to).
Forth. I am assuming you are American? Is this correct? I am from England. And I love BH and RED. :)
Fifth. I am extremely pleased that we have another good programmer.
Sixth. Do you use spell check?. lol
Seventh. I love the retraining facility. Sooooooo much time saved, especially for tweaks.
Eighth and final. Most of us are patient, some of us are rude, some are always in a hurry but all in all we are a good crowd of Internationals. So again from me and on behalf of those that do not use the Forums. WELCOME

Hey Fay! I've gained many nicknames over the years, so Hud is just fine.
2. All I can do is try to be honest and then hope for the best :P
3. I do go in-game but on alternate characters. As I mentioned before, shy and don't want too much attention when I play haha.
4. American, yes. I get the boring accent :(
6. All the major browsers have it built-in, but I don't often need to use it. Aforementioned reading has given me fairly good spelling and grammar.
7. Good to hear :)
8. So goes the internet, and thanks for the welcome!


P.S How long did it take to learn to programme things such as Epic Duel Features, I know you didn't make everything, but I'm thinking about trying programming.

Still learning! Titan tells me what I need to know that's specific to EpicDuel, but once you learn a programming language or two, you only have to learn the specifics.


Have you broken equipment by applying some of your karate moves when coding doesn't go your way?
How many keyboards can you break in a pile with a karate chop?

First: no, and second: 4.5. Don't ask.
Post #: 66
12/19/2011 22:24:25   

Catch-up part 2...


1 more question: why did you stop taekwando?

Might have mentioned this, but I started university and moved away from my instructor's school.


1) What are your favorite colors ?(mines blue)
2) cookies or cake?(i prefer cookies XD)
3) if u did take tea know-do where did tae kwon-do originate from and what does black belt symbolize?(i know the answers cause i m a black belt in tae kwon-do too :P )
4) do u know about the old ed forums?(ahh good times)
5) How long have u been doing programing?
6) what is your favorite skill in Epicduel?(mine are artillery strike,multishot and plasma rain)
7) 1v1 or 2v2 or Juggernaut ?( i like 2v2)
8) which in-game npc do u like(i love mirv cause he sell cheap stuff XD)

1) I'm partial to blues, but I don't really have a favorite.
2) Is cookie cake an option?
3) TKD started in South Korea. The symbolism is probably different per school, but I was taught that it represents a new beginning. You move through 9 ranks before black belt, only to be at the lowest rank of black belt, with 9 more ranks ahead of you.
4) I do not.
5) Hmmmm, it's been a good 8+ years since I first picked up a TI-83 calculator and started making games on it with a friend. Room for about 27 variables and severely limited memory makes things a bit tricky.
6) See avatar :)
7) I enjoy 2v2 as well.
8) Hank is hilarious, but Titan's beard is just too awesome to not give a shout out to.


Don't let the 10 year old flaming little cupcakes get you down because you better be ready for a few lol.

That is an amazing mental image.


One mage to another what is your favorite Mage skill in ED

Again, see avatar

Thanks again to everyone else for all the warm welcomes, very much appreciated.
Post #: 67
12/19/2011 22:28:22   

Where'd you go for college/university, and what did you major in? I'm currently a senior in high school, and I'm planning to enroll in a Comp Sci major.

Also, where'd you get the name "Hudelf" from? It's rather creative, I must say old chap. Quite the remarkable name I'm afraid.

< Message edited by hypedxlord -- 12/19/2011 22:31:54 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 68
12/19/2011 22:29:58   

Lol, hello Hudelf! Welcome to ED and the forums. Hopefully you'll enjoy your time. Here's just 1 question I'd like to ask you.

What interested you to become a computer Programmer? Especially for games.

That's the only question I got, Lol. Again, welcome to ED. I hope to see you on your main account. ;)


ED~ Inception X
HS~ Chromium
AQW~ Deathblad
AQ3D~ Violent

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 69
12/20/2011 8:40:12   

Replyin' time ;)

j) Bethesda are very good at making single player experiences, something that I think has been overrated lately.

Because Activision ruined the Singleplayer aspect with shooters, it's nice to know that future is going to relly on bloodthirsty kids.


k) Been curious about Salvatore for a while. He's another on my infinitely long "want-to-try-out" list.

I definetly suggest you to read his work, start with The Dark Elf Triology it's a great start to get kicked in the story. He really explains everything and shows good artistic pictures in words.


Everyone plays Minecraft, I think ;)

Minecraft hater right here /wave ;)

< Message edited by Wootz -- 12/20/2011 9:19:56 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 70
12/20/2011 12:23:31   
Sipping Cider

Welcome to the Forums!

The retrain revamp was a great improvement, and I am glad to hear:


I love making quality of life/usability changes.

The programming team has come up with many great ideas and new content, however I find that not enough time has been spent on just making the basics of the game more easy and enjoyable. Hearing that that is what you like doing makes you the perfect addition to the team, they did good with picking you.

All the books you mentioned earlier are great, especially the Wheel of Time, and I recommend reading the Bartamaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud. Great writing and the magic fantasy should be right up your alley.

Thank you for working for our entertainment and good luck!

< Message edited by theSunguardian -- 12/20/2011 12:24:47 >
Epic  Post #: 71
12/20/2011 22:00:54   

Finally found some questions to ask

1. Why did you decide to work into gaming and developing?
2. How long did it take for you to master your skills and graduate?
3. Is the AE team treating you well :o?
4. When you start playing EpicDuel and get to a higher level, would you like to battle me :)?
5. If you looked back at yourself.... about 5 years go would you have seen yourself coding games?
^^If no's the answer - you've done a good job so far! and... ^^ if yes - wow you've really got your goals set to do something great :D

Wish you luck in the future Hudelf :P

Question 4 is more like a challenge

< Message edited by Wind -- 12/20/2011 22:03:50 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 72
12/20/2011 22:30:41   

Taekwondo is not from China, not from Japan, but from Korea.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 73
12/20/2011 22:48:50   


TKD started in South Korea. The symbolism is probably different per school, but I was taught that it represents a new beginning. You move through 9 ranks before black belt, only to be at the lowest rank of black belt, with 9 more ranks ahead of you.

Actually, TKD started IN Korea, When it wasn't Divided. It was Originally founded by General Choi Hong Hi.
AQW Epic  Post #: 74
12/21/2011 2:15:59   

Firstly, a very big welcome to the team Hudelf!

Secondly I would advise you to obtain some really good armor to protect yourself from us wild and woolly warriors. ;) Being in Martial Arts just might not be quite enough

Is there a chance at all that we could have a "Duel Hudelf" time? We would like to get you while you are still a noob too thanks :P

DF AQW Epic  Post #: 75
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