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Chainsword Trilogy - Discussion & Behind the scenes?

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12/20/2011 15:10:19   

Greetings, people of Legends and Lore. As someone who's made home in DF board, I've had chance to chat with many great, perhaps greatest, writers of L&L board, and perhaps some of them/you recall seeing me before.
Nevertheless, I'm making my entrance to this board by starting my ambituous project, Chainsword Trilogy - Part 1

This will be long-time project, that has potential of lasting several years. Everything I'm saying now is that the first part will be about as long as two last parts combined.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance.


< Message edited by ChainSword -- 12/20/2011 15:12:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
12/20/2011 15:14:01   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

Love it Chain! The dialogue is well done and the whole set up is a great start- can't wait to see what's next! The only thing is its a bit choppy, but as that seems to be for effect, no complaint.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
12/20/2011 15:16:01   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

*glomps Chainsword and welcomes him to L&L!*

First chapter is very good so far, like I told you before I like the switching back and forth between memory and action; it adds a lot depth.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
12/20/2011 15:16:11   

*is in hte roof above ChainSword, he then falls in the head of Chainsword and turns to stone* Welcome to the L&L, what I have seen is awesome

< Message edited by Mortarion -- 12/20/2011 15:17:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
12/20/2011 15:20:27   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Great story (I was about to post in your discussion, when I realised you still hadn't set one up yet...)! I found a few little mistakes, but the way your story is told is great! I will bold the mistakes, and then correct them:


Heavy rain.

Several years after this story begins, in empty city, at empty, kind of narrow street, surrounded by tall, practically identical buildings that rise towards the sky, two men are walking towards each other. It is kind of dark, and it rains heavily. It might be dawn or morning, or perhaps dark clouds just block almost all the sunlight. It is not relevant.

They are approximately 300 feet away, both walking towards each other.
Other one is clearly a young man (should be 'One is clearly a man) , probably about 25 years old. He has dark, kind of short hair, just short enough to not cover his eyes, even in heavy rain like this. He's not wearing a hat.
He has long, white leather jacket, and pants of same color (and pants of the same colour). Not white as snow. More with the shade of gray (More a shade of grey). In the back of his jacket, there is odd symbol of star that has six points. (there is an odd symbol of a star that has six points)
He's not wearing gloves.
In his both hands, he is carrying two unsheathed katanas. Srangely (Strangely) enough, he doesn't seem to have sheaths to either of them, yet they still seem to be in perfect condition.

250 feet.

Based on the other person's body structure, he seems to be man, but it's impossible to say for sure. It's too dark and rainy to see more details about this person, one exluded:
He's carrying huge, perhaps 4-5-feet sword in his left shoulder. With one glance, it's obvious that it's two-hand sword (it's a two-handed sword). Even still, it seems bit too heavy (it seems a bit too heavy), big, and unconvenient (inconvenient) to use. Whoever has forged it must have had good reason to make it like that (Whoever forged it must have had a good reason to make it like that).
...Were there... spikes? on the back of it's blade?

200 feet.

"Things tend to work out in the end."

175 feet.

"Good friend of mine used to say that. A lot."

140 feet.

"It's kind of ironic, really..."

120 feet.

"It's been years since I last saw him, and heard him say that..."

95 feet.

"...And ever since, my things have mostly gone towards hell."

70 feet.

Both men stopped. One with two katanas said something (The one with two katanas said something). Other person (The other person) responded with words not to be heard nor known by us just yet. Katana man tightened his grip and took battle stance.

"But now..."

Other person (The other person) still just stood there quietly.

"For the first time in years, I've been driven to situation (driven to a situation) that I cannot win."

Other person (The other person) raised his huge sword from his shoulder, then took his own battle stance.

"If I lose this fight, I die, no doubt..."

Neither one of them moved. Whatever their reason to fight, it was obvious that neither one wanted to solve it by talking.

Heavy rain.

"...But if I win, I lose my last reason to live."

"For the first time in years..."

"I'm truly afraid."

Mainly grammatical errors. Apart from that, it is great!
DF  Post #: 5
12/20/2011 15:21:57   
3 Vandoren

Wow, I really like this, Chain.
I can't wait for the next post.
Post #: 6
12/20/2011 15:30:58   

*Sees familiar faces*
*Doesn't mind glomping that much anymore these days*

Thanks for immediate feedback, guys. I'll probably write chapter 2 today, but I'd really want those 30 PvP trophies in DragonFable, too.

Also, that "Behind the scenes?"-part of this thread's name basically means that I'll occasionally be explaining things that are written between the lines, if it seems to be too obscure for readers.
Starting now, actually:

-First part will eventually start taking place in world of Lore, mixed with other common fantasy-world elements. For now, think of the story's scenario as kind of big city in real world, or more science-centered area of Lore that "doesn't yet exist." Part 2 will be fully placed on AE universe.

I like the switching back and forth between memory and action; it adds a lot depth.
Actually, it is inner monologue of one of those characters. Not telling yet of which one. Both, maybe?

< Message edited by ChainSword -- 12/20/2011 15:38:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
12/20/2011 15:39:45   
Friendly!, Constructive!


...Were there... spikes? on the back of it's blade?

One word. Chainsword.
DF  Post #: 8
12/20/2011 15:48:08   

@Varen 6398:

Chainsword Trilogy - Part 1 - Chainsword
Coincidence, no?
Still not saying which one has that inner monologue.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
12/20/2011 15:51:56   
Friendly!, Constructive!

I bet £5 it won't be what I post!

Yeah, like I would bet...

The person who has the chainsword is the one who has the inner monologue (that is my guess).

It does seem pretty interesting with the story constantly shifting from 1st person to 3rd person...

< Message edited by Varen6398 -- 12/20/2011 15:52:26 >
DF  Post #: 10
12/20/2011 16:05:43   
3 Vandoren

I bet 100 gold that the inner monologue guy's the guy with the katanas!
Post #: 11
12/20/2011 16:41:28   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

*A shadow stirs, slowly a figure rises. Tearing itself from the reluctant shadows, it unsheaths a longsword.*


Several years after this story begins, in empty city, at empty, kind of narrow street, surrounded by tall, practically identical buildings that rise towards the sky, two men are walking towards each other. It is kind of dark, and it rains heavily. It might be dawn or morning, or perhaps dark clouds just block almost all the sunlight. It is not relevant.

in an empty city, at an empty


"For the first time in years, I've been driven to a situation that I cannot win."

With the right music, this story will thrive like no other. Till we meet again.

*The figure returns whence it came from.*
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
12/20/2011 18:16:22   

Part 2 up for reading.
Part 3 is pretty much ready in my head, but I'll probably write it sometime on January.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
12/23/2011 16:02:26   

Well, most of chapter 3 is up for reading, and it certainly isn't January yet...
I'll write rest of chapter 3 either tomorrow or after holidays. Currently I write the story directly into the storythread, so I can't just save what I write to some other program, then edit it until it's perfect, then copy it into forums. I may need to change my style to just that sooner or later...

Nevertheless, besides reading the story and giving feedback of it, don't hesitate to notify about spelling errors and parts that sound odd (as in, could/should be rewritten). I know I'm doing pretty well woth writing, but english still isn't my primary language.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 14
12/23/2011 18:00:10   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Prepare yourself.


In this buzzling metropoly, few miles from the docks, in the ghetto, there was a teenage boy, probably 17-20 years old, walking on a narrow street, listening music from his headphones.

metropolis, <addition>, <addition>


Walking slowly.

I am not sure what you want to do with this myself.


Coming from middle-class family, one would think a ghetto to be dangerous a place, but he had lived at the edge of this area and "better part" of the city his whole life, and he had made most of his friends from this part, so he was known enough in these streets to walk safely around.


Even though he had been a young boy at those days


While this part of (the) city had been kind of poor his whole life


Granted, after docks were built and the city started concentrating to shipping cargo to


and the area quickly got a lot more quieter and impoverished.


"How can an area only a few miles from the biggest trade center in 1000 freaking miles be this poor!?"


With business -and money- leavng the area


With that, it's obviouss that anger is born, especially with younger generation.
Gangs. Endless fighting over the rulership of these streets. Streets that had no real value to them. With few practically identical gangs, fighting over somethin wth no real value, what is the point in that?

obvious, the younger generation/younger generations, something with

Exitement and glory, perhaps?


But still, adrenaline and gloory play in both. Fighting for your life, even witout good cause, gives you feeling of being alive, and a story you will never forget.

glory, without, <addition>

the boy still thought it to be a sad life. Of course, he had grown up in a different family, in a different life


Everyday in danger of being beated or shot to death?

beaten up

Leave to the next place on the same day you decided to leave.


Travel with wnd and rain.


And the fact that those dreams weren't ot of reach


That is what kept his hopes high and head up in the grey world that is called everyday.


While others started openiing their umbrellas, he smiled, and keept walking. Rain and wind on his skin gave him the feeling of bing alive.

opening, kept, being

Okay, I may have missed some stuff but this is as far as I got.

Does your story play in Lore? (Seeing you have posted it in AE fanfiction rather than Other Creative Prose.)
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 15
12/27/2011 9:04:14   

Fixed pointed spelling errors and did minor editing to chapter 2. My keyboard's been playing tricks with me past week or two. It tends to do that every now and then...

After re-reading chapter 2, I feel like pointing out few things in order to avoid possible confusion:

The protagonist's little sister, Miranda, is obviously still a child, several years younger than "the boy". I purposely didn't describe her -or her age- more accurately, but since she was born years before the divorce and the accident, there is at least 6-year difference between her and the boy. Rest is for me to know and you to not know yet, if ever.

As for boy's father, obviously he isn't as evil and twisted as described in story, but that is how the boy sees him. It's easy to see he was hurt most of everyone involved when his father left his family.


Does your story play in Lore? (Seeing you have posted it in AE fanfiction rather than Other Creative Prose.)
Obviously the city where the story is currently centered isn't any AE town, and it will take some chapters before story starts moving from there, but I will eventually include elements from Lore, such as locations, persons, perhaps monsters, and such.
I've already told that this story will only be first part of trilogy. What I haven't told before is that I'm planning to make even the first part HUGE. Possibly close to 100 chapters, each somewhat as long as ones already written. And while this is my own story, I'm going to include lots of story-relevant fanfiction-elements (Much like Kingdom Hearts - only even better), so one could think of this as mixed world, where Lore is only one of them.
Still, while the "world" the story takes place isn't as relevant as story itself, I mostly think of it as Lore, with few "nonexistant" places in it. You L&L guys seem like smart bunch, so I'm confident you understand what I'm talking about.

And THAT is why I'm writing this story in AE Fanfiction-board instead of Other Creative Prose.
Plus, during wars and other events, it'll be more natural to write side-stories (in anime, known as "filler episodes". Nobody likes those.) with the protagonist as the protagonist.

Edit: And thus, rest of chapter 3 is up.

< Message edited by ChainSword -- 12/28/2011 18:53:18 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 16
1/7/2012 19:05:28   

Okay, posted beginning of chapter 5. It won't be quite as long as previous chapter, but at the end of it, one of the most important (if not most important) parts of the whole story's plot will be revealed for those who are smarrt enough to figure it out.
In the meantime, enjoy beginning of fifth chapter, which hopefully leaves you enough questions about Sam's situation in order for me to finish rest of the chapter (hopefully tomorrow, but at least at next week).

Also, while I would appreciate bit more feedback (it took me by surprise how fast I got first comments of chapter 1, but after that this thread just... kind of died), try to figure out the most obvious answer concerning new chapter on your own, okay?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
1/7/2012 20:37:38   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

Chain, did you skip a chapter? I see chapter three and five, but no four. Unless thats a plot point, might want to fix that...
Besides that, an interesting chapter. Sam either is extremely well trained- not just in martial arts, unless he is very high leveled- and controlled of a kid, if he is one. The almost robotic way of checking himself is odd- as is him not worrying about being in a strange situation when he noticed it. Altogether, he doesn't seem entirally human.
At the end, who said that? That the kid was bright? If it was the kid, why the sudden third person, (for that matter, who was the third person earlier) if not... Hmm. Maybe just a narrator, but it sounded different than your usual narrator voice... or maybe I just need more sleep.
Anyways chain, this isn't a dead thread, this is a normal thread, trust me. (Not sure where Varen or Necro went, but Mirtha, DD and myself are usually quieter/busy)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 18
1/8/2012 9:01:07   

*rechecks chapter 5*

Yeah, there is no chapter 4, and that was the obvious question/answer I hoped for people to figure out. Obviously story can't be in chronological order if it suddenly changes from school's roof into unknown hospital. I felt like writing chapter 5 before chapter 4, and I'm still thinking whether I should write 4th chapter after this one, or continue for now, letting readers wonder what happened in chapter 4.

About "robotic" way of checking himself, no, Sam most definitely isn't robot. Not only someone would have figured that out during his life, but it would also cause some reason for panic to know that you're in hospital and doctors will investigate you.
Besides his special ability that was revealed at the end of chapter 3, he's just extremely well-trained mentally, mostly by himself.
Also, whole checking thing takes about 20 seconds (try it yourself) so things just happen pretty slowly in the text. Still, I'll do some editing to make the story float bit more smoothly.
And about "He doesn't seem entirely human"-part, same could be said about your character in your story, wouldn't you say?

And change of narrator voice? I didn't realize anything like that, but then again, I had to narrate first 3 chapters without revealing Sam's name, so maybe there will be some change...
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
1/8/2012 11:06:30   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

@Chain Ah, I thought the missing chapter four was for a reason. As for Sam... I will take your word on it and say my sleep deprived brain was over-analizing and hungry for speculation. Sorry!
As for the narrator voice, again with me hyper-analizing. And I am sorry to admit I didn't realize sam was the same character as before, so... ya. I need to stop commenting during the middle of the night.
As for Shadow, she ISN'T fully human- so ya.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 20
1/23/2012 15:33:53   

Seems like there has been some re-organizing in L&L, since not only everything seems to be in new order, but this thread is at Creative Works Discussion whereas my story is at AE Fanfictions, in DF section.
Be that as it may, rest of chapter 5's first part has been posted. Next I'll post chapter 4 between first and second parts of chapter 5 in order to enlighten just what happened to Sam.

Do you guys like this kind of storytelling, jumping in time, and between chapters? Is it too confusing to follow? As always, feedback about both story and it's structure are welcome.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
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