Creative! Constructive!
Oh, Frosty, the snowman, I don't remember the lyrics to your song, but you're made of snow, so I'll let you know that you can't live near my home! (doot doot) XD Ye olde warehouse looks wet. ._. Ah, rabbit... Such cute little skiny things that don't have too much meat on them, comparatively. :) 'T'would suck if Jessa was a vegetarian. lol /me would not think it would be a good thing for them to eat raccoons. Rabies potential, and whatnot. They like to inhabit cities, however... At least they have any silverware at all, considering. Mmm... Such sacrifices must be made in order to survive, sometimes. The law being broken can cause moral qualms, but it is necessary, at times, though it saddens me that such a thing must be possible. That's probably why they think of him as a leader, that he is so concerned with the affairs of everyone else. Being in such a possition causes one to grow up fast, or not survive. So many... It increases the ammount of things that can be garnered, but it also makes things more dangerous. If you keep adding more to the roster, the likelihood of the capture or demise of one of the members of your party increases significantly. I hope she's a quick learner, too. Wouldn't want someone to die on the first family outing they ever had, would you? XP