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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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1/12/2012 14:48:28   

Star's weak to water? Let the plotting begin!

Oh, and Shadow, no statues please. I'm afraid that statues make me look small.
And when I look small, bad things happen. Very bad things! Much junk food is devoured when I look small!

''My weakness is that I'm always holding back due to my fear that I might wipe out a innocent galaxy.''
What about them outlaw galaxies? Not every galaxy is innocent, ya know! Like, there's this galaxy near ours, that's full of criminals and crooks of all kinds, that are always plotting to take over some galaxy/planet/packet of chips. Oh, and there's this other galaxy, that's full of mutant nannies, who keep making innocent by-passers take -SHUDDER- baths! They also keep saying:

''Cleanliness is next to BeingTheRulerOfTheUniverse-liness.''

I once went to their galaxy. I still have the nightmares.

< Message edited by NecroticAuthor -- 1/12/2012 14:50:30 >
Post #: 376
1/12/2012 15:04:48   
3 Vandoren

My weakness is my temper...
I make rash decisions when I'm angry, not good stuff, not good.


Post #: 377
1/12/2012 15:17:59   

Temper? Try a few anger management classes.
Post #: 378
1/12/2012 15:20:06   
Clown the Jester

Weakness? Me? Mmm....nah...to darn clever to have a weakness. And hansome. HEE HEE HEE HA HA HA!

Ah...funny...love it when you guys tell me how to kill you. HA! Funny..oh well.

I think I'll make a commerical thingy televising the Death Games or whatever it's called. Heh heh heh. It will be a scream.

No pun inteaded. Heh heh heh heh.

AQW Epic  Post #: 379
1/12/2012 15:20:49   
3 Vandoren

...The last few times I tried anger management it didn't go to well. Brought the grave count in my backyard up to 67, and those are just the ones in my backyard...

< Message edited by Necro Berserk -- 1/12/2012 15:21:32 >
Post #: 380
1/12/2012 15:31:38   
Clown the Jester

Now theres a neat freak! Burries the dead all neat and proper and what not! HOO HOO!

Got an anger problem Mr. Berserk? Maybe I can help you...I may look like a happy Clown...but inside...I'm a hot temperted tea pot about to to boil LIKE NOBODY'S BUINSESS! HOO HOO HOO HA HA HA!

I like you sir. You kill alot and let your emotions take hold. Excelent. Heh heh heh Very fine. Ya see, I'm like that aswell...always killing when I just can't keep chill-en and what not!

That's when I realized....why should I keep chill? Its fun going crazy!


Its a riot, a scream, a giggle, a gaggle. Heh heh heh.

So why try and control your anger? If you ask me...you should let your anger control you!



Comedy and Tragedy

The Children of Clown the Jester
AQW Epic  Post #: 381
1/12/2012 15:35:54   
3 Vandoren

Oh, believe me, I'm crazy, I just don't show such insanity in front of the public. I like to give a good impression.
I will consider your words carefully, though, Sir Clown.
Post #: 382
1/12/2012 15:54:39   

Looks like I'll have time to finish my intro after all. Good thing too, it looks like like it won't have to be that long. Time management is hard on me nowadays.

It'll almost definitely be finished this weekend.

I made some modifications and I think the heroes will be in for a surprise. They'll find that just being powerful will not be enough to get through my trials.

Also Kinz, I liked the intro, but I don't really see myself as "Eclipse's bad side". I'm much more than that.

@Necro, anger problems can be effectively resolved quite easily. Metitation is always good, but won't always work.
I could place a specialized nanobot in your body that detects neural irritations and releases homeopathic agents to calm you. I'm not Blackshock, but this little procedure should be easy.

And my weakness is when the lunar eclipse ends, fortunately, I've made sure that it won't end this time. At least not until the Death Games are done. Eclipse's weakness? That's a secret. Without him, I won't exist after all
~Blood Moon

< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 1/12/2012 20:03:54 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 383
1/12/2012 16:03:49   
star screamer

Just about to post my intro, not to my course yet though.

AQW  Post #: 384
1/12/2012 16:35:12   
Sir Night


My weakness is that I'm always holding back due to my fear that I might wipe out a innocent galaxy

No offense, but that's not a weakness. Unless you need to hold back to the point of losing the fight, which would mean that your attacks aren't as efficient and useful as your opponent's attacks. But either way I can think of some weaknesses that you do have which you probably aren't even aware of.

< Message edited by Sir Night -- 1/12/2012 16:36:41 >
Post #: 385
1/12/2012 16:47:01   

Good,bit early to post intro`s to courses, I will pm the course makers when it is there turn,to introduce there course. The courses will happen in this order. My course, Mallet`s. Voldo`s, Bloodmoon`s, Trivial`s, Iriftus`s,and then Clowns secret course. The course makers will post a chapter talking about there course,then the competitors write a chapter about them going through the course. Then the next course maker talks it about and so on.When the people enter your course you introduce it. How I don`t care,as long you talk about the rules,and such. I mean,hey I introduce the first course through a video recording (in the story not a real video). Oh and if you want to add some music be my guess.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 386
1/12/2012 16:49:03   
star screamer

Do I post a chapter before we make the coarse, like getting hired?
AQW  Post #: 387
1/12/2012 16:50:12   

sure is you want to.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 388
1/12/2012 17:05:51   

@shadow: love experiments? I like the way you worded it. Gonna go try and see the implements of a bonesaw while perfecting my hollywood-ish german accent.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 389
1/12/2012 19:12:07   
delta blitz

@all: Actually those really are my weakness as Clown and Drakkoniss have seen first hand, my lack of control and the fact that I hold back considerably(Clown calls it being soft or trying to keep my destiny from coming afoot). Which is why I perfer having a empty dimension to fight in when I'm serious or at least empty but then again my lack of skill in the creation aspects of zero energy makes it impossible for me to create anything more than a pocket dimension thus making it so I have to instinctly hold back.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 390
1/12/2012 20:04:01   

Strebor's weakness is bullets. And falling from a really high height. Or fire. Or bullets. Or death.

And bullets.

He's actually kind of fragile, now that I think about it.

Segreto, well, he's Secret, so, no revelations on that front. ;D


"Allo comrade, why don't you give me a click on the ol' noggin and enjoy a nice little tale of action and sorrow and comedy? Cheerio!"
Post #: 391
1/12/2012 20:26:09   

Powers ehh,well these would be mine, http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Psychic_Sealing As for my weakness,well my tentacles are my source of power and life,so I guess if they get chopped off.

< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 1/12/2012 20:27:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 392
1/12/2012 20:37:28   
Sir Night


< Message edited by Sir Night -- 1/13/2012 1:40:59 >
Post #: 393
1/12/2012 21:08:29   

I might as well share my powers, though most of you probably know them by now:

total control of gravity
gravity grenades
utilization of solar energy
plasma-based powers
creating a black hole
astral projection
astral manipulation
solar/gravitational force fields
light speed travel (useless on Earth)
surviving in a vacuum
Turning evil during a lunar eclipse...
~Blood Moon
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 394
1/12/2012 21:19:13   
star screamer

Well... I guess I shouldn't have all of those...
chaos manipulation
demonic mimicry
claw retraction
death inducement
wish granting
Hell fire manipulation
Soul absorption
and teleportation.

I am weak against Holy water, barbed crosses and my life source getting destroyed.
AQW  Post #: 395
1/12/2012 21:33:55   

I'm back and I see everyone saying there powers and weaknesses?

I agree with Clown, your all telling each other how to kill one another.

I have quite a lot of powers but I do not feal the need to show them, it would take to long. But I will say that some of Star's powers are some of my own.

But I can understand people saying disadvantages,

I guess my disadvantage would be my Chaos side or my Evil side taking full control instead of the balance between the two. If I become fully Evil I lose my Chaos Allies and Vise versa when I become fully Chaos. And not just lose them but try to kill them. Thanks to Pandora's sacrifice the power of ChaotiVoid that past through generations became stronger and I have the capability to control my ChaotiVoid form and have a 30% chance of returning to my ChaotiVoid form when I become fully Chaos/Evil.

< Message edited by primalvoldo -- 1/12/2012 21:36:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 396
1/12/2012 21:36:28   
star screamer

I know I shouldn't share how to defeat me, but the slim chance that they get
actual holy water, get to my life force or even find it or getting a barbed cross (slightly more easy)
Wel actually it has to be THE barbed cross, found in some dead guys grave.
AQW  Post #: 397
1/12/2012 22:31:06   

Well, I'm human. It's not a big secret that a knife could kill me.
Post #: 398
1/12/2012 22:33:53   

Well cutting ALL of my tentacles,might be a bit hard.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 399
1/12/2012 23:10:07   

i'm... not wanting to get myself killed, so i wont say what weaknesses my future omnicorp competitor has.
by the way kinzville, did you get to read my part of the intro yet?
Post #: 400
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