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(DF) Frostvale With Nix / A New Breed of Heroes Rise!

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1/1/2012 13:41:26   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Twas the night before Frostvale, while all through the house, not a creature was stirring...........well except for a half penguin. But this penguin had plans, BIG ONES! To finally rid himself of a set of heroes! He knew that the only way to defeat the heroes, was to team up with someone they would never expect, so he called on a knight that would defeat them all! And this.....is how he did it....

Stephen Nix: What makes you qualified for the job?
???: They have ruined Frostval in the past...ITS TIME THEY PAY!
Stephen Nix: We can definitely agree on this!
???: I don't like working with someone such as yourself--
Stephen Nix: *grins* Aww, I'm touched!
???: But no one else will help me...and you and I both want the same thing.
Stephen Nix: Indeed, the heroes demise! WHAT IF I WAS TO TEL YOU A SECRET?
???: What may that secret be?
Stephen Nix: A specific group of heroes are the problem! AND I KNOW HOW WE CAN LURE THEM HERE!
???: I'm all ears....

The Beacons of Hope were the targets of this operation, and the two worked together to take out each of the 4 captains and their respected leader, Lady Greydawn. While outside the Beacon Tower, hiding in plain sight...

???: Well how do we do it?
Stephen Nix: Just watch!

Stephen Nix pulls out his undead skull cane and taps it on the ground twice, waits and watches the door of the tower open up as a cat runs towards the edge of town with Lady following behind it...

Lady Greydawn: THAT DARN CAT! He just bit his way through the phone cord! Get back here you blasted cat! *runs towards the cat with her weapon drawn slowly fading away towards Frostval town* I JUST WANNA TALK!

???: Now how did you do that?
Stephen Nix: The cat, you see is undead......but they didn't know that when they took it in their tower! And I have been it's master the whole time! HEHE!

They make it back to Frostval town to see Lady Greydawn chasing the cat, which is controlled by Nix, to run into a prison cell that Lady unexpectedly walks into...

Door Slams


???: Unbelievable!
Stephen Nix: Yup, that's how easy it is to capture a Greydawn, simply use whatever you can against them, eventually they will fall. HAHHAAHHA! What a loser hero!
Lady Greydawn: *trying to push the cell door open* GET ME OUTTA HERE! NIX! WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!
Stephen Nix: *jumps down* 2 things wrong with that statement Mrs. Greydawn, number one I don't think you will get out any time soon for your penniless thoughts! Secondly I already am dead meat...well half!
Lady Greydawn: Grr! My beacons will save me!
Stephen Nix: PAAAALLLLLEASE! You know I eat punks like them for breakfast, you think I'm a little worried about those fools? I think not!
Lady Greydawn: Funny how you say that but you haven't won once, penguin! And you....I can't believe your working with him! How could you?
???: It's you people that ruin Frostvale! I see this as a no brainer!
Stephen Nix: HA! You'll see, the next one up for bids is one Melissa Bella. This one will be simple!
Lady Greydawn: Really from where I stand, she'll pwn you both!

Stephen Nix: Just watch from your TV screen Lady! It's built in to watch how we do everything! You'll enjoy our performance! I PROMISE!

One by one, each captain was taken to their prison cell...

Melissa was easy distracted as when she was on a mission near Dragesvard she saw a piece of purple candy on the ground, this was enough to make her follow the trail and eat the candy placed perfectly on the ground without any dirt on the candy what so ever! The whole way there all you could hear was...

Melissa: OOHHH! Piece of candy!


Melissa: OOHHH! Piece of candy!

and again...

Melissa: OOHHH! Piece of candy!

Her candy lead right to her cell...as the door shuts behind her


Melissa: Awww man, Lady's going to kill me!
Lady Greydawn: *While in her cell* /facepalm
Melissa: ...my back is killing me.....and I have a tummy ache!
Melissa: Wait a second, I know what to do! I can summon my BQ! *in her mind* BQ......BQ....I NEED YOU I AM TRAPPED! Please help *ends*

True Mortal: *reads the telepathic thought from Melissa* My Purple Fairy IS IN TROUBLE *gets off chair* I'll resQ you Belissima!

Two minutes later TM was ambushed by spirit wolves just outside of the tower, he ran inside the tower and hid under his bed!

True Mortal: It's not safe out there! *talks to Melissa through his mind* Your on your own! It's swary outside! *ends*

Scene changes back to Melissa in her cell...

Melissa: Well...that sucks! I'm stuck here for a while!

Next to be captured was Eric, this one was much easier than it appeared for Nix...

Stephen Nix: Good luck with this one!
???: Oh thanks your so supportive!

*picks up phone call and dials in BOH's number*

San Robin: BOH Secretary San Robin speaking, how can I help you?
???: Is Eric Greydawn there?
San Robin: Would you like cheese with that?
???: ...I'm sorry what?
San Robin: *puts a hand on the phone* Eric you there?

Eric Greydawn: Yeah, I'll grab it in the other room!

Eric Greydawn: *picks up phone* Hello there Eric Greydawn speaking!
???: Hello Eric, how are you today? Having any sleep problems?
Eric Greydawn: Man I have been dying to get some real sleep and I just haven't found the right bed!
???: You're in luck Greydawn, the Frost Moglins just made a new bed called "Memory Loss Foam Mattress!" You should definitely try it. Picture yourself in this bed Eric, as cozy as you are dreaming away, your body will literally just sink into the foam. Have neck problems? Forget about it! This is once in a life time deal! Would you be interested in trying this new bed out? If you go to Frostval, I will personally show you to this new mattress!
???: Umm...Eric...
???: *turns to Nix* I think he hung --


??? opens the door in a slight disguise (the same person with a fake mustache), and sees Eric on the other side in his PJ's! With a soft pillow and a night cap!

???: Yes?
Eric Greydawn: I'm here about the bed! Hey you look familiar do I know you?
Eric Greydawn: Wait don't answer that, I don't remember him sporting a mustache!
???: Right this way Mr. Greydawn!

??? leads Eric to his comfy new bed, but instead of trying out the bed, Eric pulls a sheet over himself and falls into a deep sudden sleep...

Eric Greydawn: *mudders* One Kensai......*snores* *mudders again* Two Kensai.....Three Kensai...

This continues for several hours

Eric Greydawn: One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Seven Kensai........*snores*......
???: Will he ever stop? I can't take it anymore!
Stephen Nix: I sincerely doubt it! Ok *checks over Eric from the list* Next up....Chisagen!
Stephen Nix: Hmm........

Chisagen was the next to be taken to Frostval, all that happened to him was that he was offered the chance to host the TV show program, AQWachelor in Frostval...

All of this happened while inside his cell in Frostvale...

Chisagen: So Mr. Troll how was your date this evening?
Troll: I just didn't feel the connection with her as much as we once had when I first met her.....and I don't think she knows who Justin Beiber is, so I'm seeing a connection flaw here, Chissy! Now if I knew the double rainbow---
Chisagen: Booooorrrring!!!
Chisagen: Ok Mr. What time is the release going live Troll, it's time for your decision, which dead rose will you hand out to our Trolletes?
Troll: Miss LQS Hater, will you accept my dead rose?

Chisagen was clearly going to be occupied for a while!

Stephen Nix: Ok and that leaves Wolfmansbro, and I already got the video for this one!

??? walks up to the Beacons Tower and asks for Wolfmansbro to help a city from being destroyed, being the hero that Wolfy is, he runs outside but instead is confronted by Stephen Nix...

Stephen Nix: Greetings Balance Captain! How are you today?
Wolfmansbro: Nix, why are you here?
Stephen Nix: This. *shows Wolfy getting pwned by a sneevil with one arm tied behind his back*
Wolfmansbro: O.O
Wolfmansbro: I thought no one saw that!!!!!!!!!!! This is sooooo embarrassing, what do you want Nix?
Stephen Nix: Well I have hacked into the Daily Dragon, and am now one click away from posting this, and letting all of the town see this for themselves, but if you come willingly to Frostval and become a prisoner, perhaps I delete the post and we simply move on!
Wolfmansbro: WHAT!??? YOUR BLUFFING!
Stephen Nix: Ah man, *shakes fin* my arm is getting tired, maybe I should rest my fin on the SEND button?
Wolfmansbro: *puts head down* Ok..you win!
Stephen Nix: I thought so!
Stephen Nix: NOW WALK! *points towards Frostval town*
Wolfmansbro: *whimpers*

They eventually make their way back to Frostval and Wolfy gets locked up in the last cell, completing Nix's plan!

Stephen Nix: Just like that my friend, Frostval is now in your hands!
???: Now what do I do? What if others try and break in?
Stephen Nix: They won't you boarded up this place very well! No one gets in or out, and with your reptiles around this location on constant guard, you cannot lose now!
???: THANK YOU NIX! Now I can prevent any villains into entering this village and ruining Frostvale!
Stephen Nix: *smirks and walks away* Indeed!


Stephen Nix: HAHAHHHHAHA!!!!! Soon the world will tremble at my feet!
Stephen Nix: What Rolith doesn't know is that I used him to help me on my plan for freezing the world and claiming back my Black Pedia Book back from Falconreach Guardian Tower!
Stephen Nix: THIS WAS TOO EASY! General! I summon thee!

A penguin appears in front of Nix...

Penguin General: Second attempt at taking over Frostval sir?
Stephen Nix: What?
Penguin General: Last time we shot bazookas at the heroes, and they hurt us BADLY! Are you sure about your plan sir?
Stephen Nix: Take a look around General! All the heroes leaders in that stupid clan are gone! LOCKED UP! Key thrown away, we win this time!
Penguin General: Then what do you need me for sir?
Stephen Nix: Send your men over here at once to support this building of ours! We are in control of Frostval now! HAAHAHHAHH! I CANNOT LOSE!
Penguin General: Right away sir. *penguin vanishes*

Stephen Nix: Those fools are going to pay for ever messing with me! No other heroes on LORE have ever been able to defeat me other than Artix, but he is busy battling the undead flu for the time being, so I will win this time, I JUST KNOW IT!

The Frost Moglins are in need of help, as now they realize that Nix is one bad undead penguin, and Rolith is clearly over protective and has not realized that he was used to help Nix gain ground on the ever going battle between good and evil. The moglins made their call to the Beacon Tower begging for some help, but no available beacon was around, a message was left by one of the secretaries that all Beacons are out currently battling with undead at a nearby Forest, which was sent by Nix to distract the heroes once again!

That is when Chilly remembered 3 young heroes that once saved the town of Frostvale by themselves a few years back, perhaps if Chilly can dig deep enough, he can think of and locate the 3 heroes to help save the day!

But not everyone wanted the day to be saved...

Stephen Nix: HAHAHA Hey Rolith?
Rolith: Yeah?
Stephen Nix: Your doing a fine job!


< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 1/4/2012 15:49:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
1/4/2012 14:57:55   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

In the Falconreach Inn, three heroes are finishing up on an intense game of cards...

Sainsbo: Does anyone have any 7's?
Zumosmorph: *shakes head* Nope.
Kito Domi: Go Fish!

Sainsbo: *throws cards down* This game is terrible!
Zumosmorph: Aww, quit being such a baby, Sanis!
Kito Domi: Yeah, it does help past the time, and it's not like we got anything better to do!

Everybody gets off their chairs and makes their way towards the door of Falconreach Inn. They see Ash running around in circles and know that something is up...

Sainsbo: ASH! What's going on?
Ash: *stops* Its......a...........big....problem.........guys!
Zumosmorph: Slow down Ash, what's happened?
Ash: *takes a deep breathe* FrostMoglinsaretrappedbyStephenNixandsomeotherguyandtheyhavecapturedtheBeaconsofHope'sLeaderandtheirrespectedCaptains.
Ash: *takes another deep breathe* TheirarenootherheroesaroundeveryoneisfightingundeadnearSurewouldForestthereisnoonelefttohelpus.

(Frost Moglins are trapped by Stephen Nix and some other guy and they have captured the Beacons of Hope's Leader and their respected Captains their are no other heroes around everyone is fighting undead near Surewould Forest there is no one left to help us.)

Sainsbo: *thinks* How...does he do that?
Zumosmorph: *tries to write down everything he said but fails after 3 words* Ahh, crud I can't do this!
Kito Domi: We can help Ash!
Ash: Really?
Zumosmorph: Really you got all of that?
Kito Domi: Of course I did, didn't you?
Zumosmorph: Yes....yes I did. *eats the paper*
All: o.o

Ash: If Stephen Nix gets away with this were going to be in serious trouble! Any help is highly appreciated!
Sainsbo: Ok, then join us Ash! You can help us fight the bad guys and defeat their monsters.
Ash: Well....ummm.....I would..but umm.......lets see I have a....ahhh...DENTIST appointment, yeah sorry guys can't miss that appointment.
Zumosmorph: Really, you would rather go to a Dentist appointment, than fight monsters?
Ash: Ahhh...umm... *runs away*

Kito Domi: What's up with that guy?
Sainsbo: Yeah, don't ask! Anyways let's head towards Frostval!

The team of three make their way to Frostval and notice Togs running around the town with frost monsters following them...

Sainsbo: So...what's the plan?
Sainsbo: But....we haven't discussed a plan...yet....

Sains runs with Zumo and Kito towards the gate of Frostvale but as a large group of ice monsters start forming near the gate wall and towards them...the three run away from Frostval...as fast as they can!

While running away from the monsters...

Kito Domi: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!

Zumosmorph: THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!


Kito Domi: *points at Zumo* HE STARTED THIS!
Kito Domi: YOU THINK?

Eventually the heroes made it back to Falconreach when they received a telegram from Serenity at the Inn...

Sainsbo: I'll read it!


To Sainsbo, Reki, and Stelios:

Please we need your help, I know that your clan was great to work with in the past, but now we need your help! The Beacons of Hope have lost their leaders, and we, the moglins, are not happy being controlled by Stephen Nix and Rolith!

If you can, gather your forces once again, and save us!

We don't know who else to turn to!

Thanks again, APR! - Chilly

Zumosmorph: What's APR, and who are those people that are with your name?
Kito Domi: Yeah, never heard of it, you know Sains?
Sainsbo: Yeah...I do!

Sainsbo: See we were this guild, it started with BustichiaReki, Doomstalker and I. *breaks out into story mode*

See we were just friends who wanted to give hope to those that had lost theirs.
We formed a group, and we worked together through many obstacles.
We assigned each other jobs to help the flow of the group, and we made embodiments out of our groups...though for the life of me, I cannot remember what they were.
As a group, we talked, we laughed and we joked. We discussed and we puzzled over many things. And that's when it dawned upon us. We weren't a clan. We weren't a guild. We were family!
We told each other everything.... Our secrets, our days and our problems And someone always had a solution.
During this time, our main leader, BustichiaReki, had to move out of his house. He was gone for almost a week. Members began to worry. But sure enough he came back.
Soon enough after he did, he told us that he could not lead the family anymore. He had hit a busy time in his life. With potions class, work and personal things he stepped down from his position of Captain and appointed Nightsoul (his lieutenant and 'love') as the new Captain.
This quickly turned into a darker time for us.
However the clan was going well again, members were active, leaders all doing their jobs, and everyone was friendly, but this doesn't last forever.
Some members started arguing with one another about monsters that they took down, members fell out, but these problems were very quickly dealt with. Once again, help was needed!
We kept on making decisions on what was best for the clan, everything started to run a bit more smoothly again, but more leaders were needed...
Finally after appointing more people to the clan and higher positions, more embodiments were formed....yet I still can remember them. Finally everyone was happy! Well until the end...

Zumosmorph: That was a great story Sains *puts away small handheld TV*
Kito Domi: What were you watching Z?
Zumosmorph: *eyes staring back and forth* NOTHING!!!! *starts humming the theme song to My Little Pony*

Kito Domi: So.......what does APR stand for?
Sainsbo: That's the funny part....I don't remember!
Zumosmorph: What happened to you guys in the end?
Sainsbo: There was this....battle that I recall, it happened a long time ago... *back to story time*

An undead necromancer had raised an army at our base, and we were not prepared!
We were all arguing about small things about our leadership. People were ready to just throw in the towel. And that's when they hit us!
The monsters broke through our defenses and were in our base destroying everything...it was a wreck. We also lost many members that day. It was a battle I wish I could forget!
The undead not only killed off many of our people, but also took over our base, and we were forced out of the area!
To this day, we still don't know whom that necromancer was, but all we know is that we weren't the first!
The next day a Fairy Kingdom to the North East of us, was attacked by the darkness. The undead lost that fight due to powerful magic on the fairies side, and they were pushed back to our base, where today they still reside!
After we had lost, our leaders argued with one another even still, so the group finally split all together, and everyone went their separate ways...it's sad, but it's true...

Zumosmorph: How old does that make you Sains? I THOUGHT I KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!
Sainsbo: HAHAHAHA! I guess it didn't happen that "long ago"...it was about a couple years back now!
Zumosmorph: I mean seriously, you told us this whole story and you expect us to believe that you aren't like 80?
Zumosmorph: I mean come on!
Kito Domi: Hey Zumo your TV is in that closet over there! *points at the closet*
Zumosmorph: Oh crud, I'll be right back guys!

Z runs over to the closet, picks up the TV but before he can get out, he locks the door behind him...

Zumosmorph: Ahh, come on Kito, it was just a joke!
Kito Domi: Not until you say your sorry to Sanis for wasting his time!
Zumosmorph: That's ridiculous!
Kito Domi: SAY IT!!!!!!!
Zumosmorph: I soowwy!
Kito Domi: *unlocks door* That'll do!

Sainsbo: Anyways, from this letter we got, I think we need to form the APR group again!
Sainsbo: Just wish I could think of what it stood for! Oh well, let's start asking heroes to see if they want to join us to help defeat Stephen Nix, and Rolith! You guys with me? *puts hand out*
Zumosmorph: *puts his hand on top of Sains* I'm with ya buddy!
Kito Domi: *puts hand on top* Lets form APR again, and start off this clan with a bang!

Back at Frostval, Nix is walking around and checking on his prisoners...

Stephen Nix: Ok Mel? *looks at her jail house*
Melissa: ....I HATE THIS PLACE! SOOOOO MUCH CANDY!! I wont be able to eat for a year---- OHHHH piece of candy!
Stephen Nix: Check!

Stephen Nix: Lady G? *looks at her*
Lady Greydawn: Nix, you should know your magic, doesn't defeat my magic!
Stephen Nix: O really? Well then, show me!
Lady Greydawn: *closes her eyes* See Nix I escaped your cell! HAHHHAHAHHAH! *opens them back up again* Oh, crap!
Stephen Nix: *shakes head* Check!

Stephen Nix: Eric G? *looks at sleepy Eric*
Eric Greydawn: Zzzzz........Twenty Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Six Kensai.....Zzzzzz.
Stephen Nix: Check!

Stephen Nix: Chissy? *looks at Chisagen as he is in the corner of his cell rocking back and forth*
Chisagen: Soooooo......Mmmmmany......Ttttrolls...
Stephen Nix: O.O
Chisagen: Cccccan't.....Mmmmerry.......Ttttttrolls.......Tttto......Jjjjjjustin......Bbbieber....
Stephen Nix: *shakes head once again* Check!

Stephen Nix: Lastly, Wolfy... *looks at Wolf*
Wolfmansbro: *trips on his pillow* Hmmpt. That hurt! *looks around* Oh gosh, did anyone see that?
Stephen Nix: Check!

Stephen Nix: That should do it for rounds people, now get back to work Togs and Icy friends, get back to guarding this place!

Nix leaves and the ice creatures go back outside to continue guarding Frostval...a little Moglin appears without his hat on and looks over the fence and into the stars...


Chilly: Please Sains....you and APR are our only hope! *cries* PLEASE! NO ONE IS HAPPY HERE! I beg you stars for one wish... I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight...my wish is that everything would be back to normal again, and Rolith would go away and take Nix with him!

To Be Continued!

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 1/4/2012 17:31:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/8/2012 0:43:19   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

The 3 heroes gathered a reasonable size group and started on their journey towards Frostval. These heroes were no ordinary civilians, but they took the time to sign a piece of paper just so that they wouldn't be locked in a closet, watching endless re-runs of My Little Pony and having a cat scratch their face. Each bundle of heroes grouped with Kito, Sanis, or Z because of their form of leadership! The battle was about to begin, it's time for the phoenix to rise...

Zumosmorph: Hmm...what about Armadillos Peace Riot?
Sainsbo: No...I don't think that's it!
Zumosmorph: What about... All People Rot?
Sainsbo: O.O ...NO!

The team walks for several hours after taking a wrong turn they make their way back on track...

Zumosmorph: What about... Awesome Pancake Rangers?
Kito Domi: Yeah...NO!!!!!!!!!
Zumosmorph: Just trying to help! I am the best person here with words so it's no surprise that one of my APR's will be right!
Kito Domi: Yeah...in your dreams!
Zumosmorph: Pfft. I can lead my guys better than you can! I'm simply the best leader here!
Sainsbo: Rrrright.

Few more hours go by as they are getting closer...

Cursed Hero: Can I switch over to Sains? It's cold over here!
Raylas: It's not my fault I like making ice figures! *throws an icy snowball at Titan*
TitanDragonlord: HAHAHA Yeah it's soooooo cold, that.....that....YOU ALL TURNED UGLY!
All: *awkward silence*
TitanDragonlord: HAHHAH! Well I thought it was funny!

Oddball: Guys don't be fighting each other, or so help me I'll throw discs at you!
TheShadowknight: Yeah I hate the idea of violence! Can't we just get along?
Oddball: Aww, come on! *shakes head* I knew I should've stayed home and jamming it out on my electric guitar!
TitanDragonlord: Yeah.. last time you did any jamming Odd is when you jammed in front of old people, and they were like turn up the music I can't here the TV!
All: *awkward silence*
TitanDragonlord: Ahhhhhhhhh, maybe next time!
Shadows Fear: Hey Bro?
Oddball: Yeah what's up bro?
Shadows Fear: Nothing just thought you wanted to chill over here with me bro!
Oddball: Maybe next time bro!

One hyper hero, Muh has just realized he's out of energy drinks...

muhijsjaps: I need an energy drink! LIKE NOW!
Kito Domi: Those things will rot your teeth!

Muh walks up to every clan member

muhijsjaps: *spoken very fast* Do you have an energy drink? I need energy. Energy makes me happy. Energy helps me walk. Walking makes me happy. Energy makes me happy.
Kito Domi: Ssssslow Ddddown!
muhijsjaps: *starts jumping up and down at a fast phase and talking very fast again* I CAN'T WAIT TILL WE GET THERE! When are we getting there? Are we there yet?

Riprose has lost his favorite music.....what will he do...

Riprose: OMG!!!
Cursed Hero: What?
gavin: What?
gavin: You can listen to some Eminem!
Cursed Hero: ...
777 lugia: *dashes back home to grab Rip's MP3 and returns not seconds later and hands it to him*
777 lugia: Wanna race?
Cursed Hero: No.....I cannot defeat you ninjas!
Riprose: Thanks Lu--

Lugia fades away

Riprose: Where'd he go?
Cursed Hero: Probably half way around the world by now.

A wolf chases after a snowflake, then runs to Kito...

Lupus the Wolf: *howls at the moon*
Kito Domi: *gives Lupus a carrot*
Lupus the Wolf: *spits it out*
voldy27: *gives Lupus a steak*
Lupus the Wolf: *crawls away slowly from Kito*
Kito Domi: Geeeeeet BACK HERE LUPUS!

Scene changes to other side of the troops with TheDanishGuy, Zane, and epic pie...

TheDanishGuy: *reads comic book and looks up* The day I'd give to be just like Spiderman! I could use my web skills effectively to take down my villains one by one!
TheDanishGuy: *pretends to shoot Spiderman web at random things and makes noises* Zoom! Zoom! Take that Doctor Octopus! You cannot defeat me, for I am Spiderman!
Zane: *eats the comic book*
TheDanishGuy: HEY! I was reading that!
Zane: If you want it back, you're going to have to wait a while.
TheDanishGuy: EEEEWWWWW!!!!!
TheDanishGuy: That's not funny dude!
epic pie: I think it's hilarious! *high five's Zane*
Zane: *high five's epic*

They all stop as they discuss their strategy...

Kito Domi: First off did everyone get their lunches I prepared them?
All: *sigh* Yes Kito...
Sainsbo: Were almost ready to strike the Frostval Building from the South and the West, you guys ready?
Pineapple of Doom: We're going where????
Sainsbo: Dude! I told you were going into battle!
Pineapple of Doom: Aww man, I forgot my sword at home!
Deviance: Yeah I thought I signed up because I got a free weapon! Where's my weapon? *gets out a piece of paper writes down a small poem and says it out loud* If I had to step-in, I'd fight them all with my weapon; I would defeat all the monsters, while supplying them each with one of our sponsors.

Deviance runs towards a tree with a random sword and tries to cut it to pieces but instead breaks the sword in half...

Deviance: Oops! *Backs away slowly*
Majesticstar3800: You guys are all weak!

Majesticstar runs at that same tree but he too breaks his blade...

Majesticstar3800: Oh man....I'm not good with this!

All: /Facepalm
Pineapple of Doom: *Pulls out a Pineapple*
Zumosmorph: What are you doing with that thing?
Pineapple of Doom: That's my temporary weapon!
Zumosmorph: O RLY!??

Pineapple slices through three trees using the leafs of the pineapple.

The trees all fall...

Zumosmorph: WOW! *walks back in line* Still stupid though!

Sainsbo: Ok people final talk! If you need a weapon or knives ask Steel Blade and he'll make you one!
Steel Blade: *polishes his latest blade* Ah yes! A nice clean shine! :)
MegaMage: I will take 1 weapons please, Steel!
Steel Blade: *hands him a knife*
MegaMage: I'll takez 3's ploux!
Steel Blade: Umm.....OOOK?
MegaMage: *runs to the front of the line but trips and losses all of his knifes*

Sainsbo: OK SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! We are APR! And together we have to at least look like we qualify as something!
Divine Nexus: I agree with Sains! We need to start plotting this out!
Chaoto: It's time we raise our arms brothers! TO BATTLE!
Veranex: If anyone at any time needs healing, FIND ME!

As the meeting continues, Zumosmorph is already fighting some of the icy monsters...

Divine Nexus: I thought he was supposed to wait for us?
Kito Domi: He does that sometimes!
Sainsbo: Yeah he's kinda pig-headed!
Zumosmorph: *from the battlefield* WOOOOOOO PIGGG SOOOOOOOOOOIE!
TitanDragonlord: And he talks like one too apparently!
Sainsbo: HAHHA!

Sainsbo: Ok Everyone!
All: *stops talking and listens*
Sainsbo: If you're ready for battle *points at ice monsters and togs* CHAAAAAAAAAARGGGGE!!!

All heroes run into battle against the monsters

The battle is on as all members of APR are at war against the icy monsters and togs...

Stephen Nix: Hmm...it appears we are actually under attack! This would be the 5th group of heroes who tried to defeat our guys! But there's a lot more of them!

The heroes break through all the monsters and bash their way through the front gate of Frostval...

Stephen Nix: WHAT!!?!??!? NO WAY!
Rolith: Who are you people?

The heroes stand now on the broken wall as Chilly runs out to hug Sainsbo...

Sainsbo: Hello, little friend! We meet again! *hugs the Moglin*
Chilly: *Hugs back* SAINS! How are you my fwiend?
Sainsbo: Not bad! Not bad at all!
Kito Domi: REALLY! Not bad? You beat up three cats in that fight, and they had nothing to do with Nix's army!
Sainsbo: *glares at the cats who somehow have casts on* I got a thing with cats!
Sainsbo: Hey Chilly, this entire road trip we've wondered one thing! What does APR stand for?
Chilly: Why, you guys are "A PHOENIX RISEN!"

Zumosmorph: HEY! I was pretty close!
Kito Domi: *smacks Z* No you weren't!

Chilly: You see "A Phoenix Risen" are a group of heroes that started off as normal people who fought for their freedom from nasty undead beings! They bring together 3 embodiments: Light with Justice *points at Kito Domi's group*, Might with Valor *points at Sanisbo's group*, and Guidance with Wisdom! *points at Zumosmorph's group!* Here let me whisper something to you three!

Chilly runs over to the 3 and whispers something to them

Kito Domi: *looks back at Nix and Rolith* It's time you guys be brought to justice!
Zumosmorph: You've taken the Beacons of Hope, and were here to bring them back home!
Sainsbo: We will not fall to you Stephen Nix or Rolith!

Stephen Nix: Ok...Umm It's really loud in here can we all keep it down? *laughs*
Stephen Nix: But in all seriousness, you people will remain here in Frostval and YOU WILL BECOME THE NEXT PRISONERS TO JOIN THE BEACONS! AHHAHHHAHAHAH SAY GOODNIGHT APR!

Scene closes


< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 1/8/2012 19:09:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/8/2012 2:02:20   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

The final battle is about to begin.....

Stephen Nix: HAHAHHHH! Soooo.....more loser heroes ah? *tilts hat* Gotta say when we take you guys down, I don't think any hero will stand up to me!
Stephen Nix: But I seriously need to ask what is APR?

Sainsbo: WE ARE...........

All heroes take one step forward with Kito, Sains, and Z leading the forces...

Sainsbo: ...A PHOENIX RISEN!
Kito Domi: We will not let you take over Frostvale Nix! BAHAHHAHAHHAAHHA
Stephen Nix: What?

Nix taps his skull cane on the ground as a dark blue aura surrounds him...

Stephen Nix: Indeed! I AM!
Stephen Nix: My name is Stephen Nix, and I am a half undead half penguin necromancer!
Stephen Nix: Challenge me if you will! I make all heroes lives MISERABLE! I CAN'T STAND YOU PEOPLE! In my opinion, you people are the true villains of the lands!
Rolith: But...you told me that this was the way to protect Frostval! *points at Nix* YOU TRICKED ME!
Stephen Nix: What a silly knight captain, trapped in his own demise!

Sainsbo: ENOUGH! *slams a mace onto the ground*


Lady Greydawn: *from her cell* *nods her head* These guys are good! I see great leadership between those three* GOOOO APR!!!!!!!!!
Lady Greydawn: *glares at Nix then turns to APR's captains and gives them a thumbs down and nods her head* KICK THOSE TWO OUT OF THIS TOWN!
Stephen Nix: *chuckles we'll see about that*

Nix taps his skull cane on the ground once more as Rolith is taken over by a black fog...


APR members hold their weapons in the air...

Sainsbo: We are A Phoenix Risen.
Zumosmorph: Like a phoenix, we rise from the ashes.
Kito Domi: We stand for truth, righteousness, and all that is good.
Sainsbo: On the sea, we flow with the waves.
Zumosmorph: On land, we soar with the wind.
Kito Domi: We go where Fate would take us, and never back down.
Sainsbo: We stand with our heads held high, and our necks proud.
The 3 Captains: We let no one and nothing stand in our way, and fight on until the bitter end.
All APR Members: We are A Phoenix Risen, and we will not lose faith.

Rolith: RRRRAWWWWRRR! *runs at the 3 captains controlled by Nix*

The battle between the 3 Captains and Rolith had begun, with hits on both sides the 3 Captains were too much for Rolith. The battle was over...

Kito Domi: *slashes Rolith with a Big Stick*
Sainsbo: *slashes Rolith with his Great Sword*
Zumosmorph: *finishes Rolith off with a Shield to the face*
Rolith: Hmmpt. *drops to the ground, gets up from the fight, and is clear of all darkness* O man, my head hurts!

Stephen Nix: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FOOLS! You weren't supposed to do that! You'll pay APR! ONE DAY! I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!!!!!!!! YOU'LL ALL PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*vanishes in a puff of smoke*

Zumosmorph: That undead penguin has a lot of issues! I should've totally pwned him!

The prisoners were released and the moglins were finally free from their imprisonment the Beacons were all very happy about the victory the APR team had...

Chisagen: *pokes Eric with a stick* WAKE UP!
Eric Greydawn: *gets up abruptly* Hey.....thanks! Say who are you guyssssss-- NIX!!!! WHERE DID HE GO!
Kito Domi: That has got to be the fastest recovery I have ever seen from losing your memory because of a foam mattress!
Lady Greydawn: That's MY Eric!
All: *laugh*

As Rolith is cleaning up the town of Frostval, he gets an unexpected visitor...

Rolith: *whistles*

Rolith: Awwwww crud! *hides under a box*
Alina: *takes the box on his head and slams it over his head through to the chest*
Rolith: OWW! Hey come on!
Rolith: Oww.... oww! NOTHING!

Chilly and others walk up to them...

Chilly: He forced us to stay in here and wear stupid hats all the time!
Lady Greydawn: He teamed up with Stephen Nix to capture myself along with my beacon Captains!
Sainsbo: He challenged APR to a final battle and was beaten badly! *smirks*
Alina: *glares at Rolith* And what have you learned?
Rolith: *puts head down* Crime doesn't pay.... I just wanted to help prevent a bad person into taking over Frostval like they do every year, and the heroes always seem to be the root of all the bad things that happen this time of year, so I thought if me and Nix teamed up, nothing bad would happen to the moglins!
Alina: *sigh* As mad as I am with you right now I will deal with you later! I don't want to ruin the Frostvale spirit here! *points outwards of Frostval* WERE LEAVING NOW!

The two walk out of Frostval with Rolith's head low and Alina following behind him, she turns around and says one final "I'm sorry" then walks back to Falconreach...

The town is finally back to normal and there is only one thing left for these two clans to do...

Lady Greydawn: Two things APR! One, you fought with honor against Nix and Rolith and prevailed. You saved Frostval from sure defeat and beat the odds! I'm proud to call APR our friends!
All Beacons Captains: *nod*
Lady Greydawn: Therefore, secondly I would like to ask if you guys wanted to be an ally with us? You guys are very similar to us and I would be honored to fight by your side! What do you say?
Sainsbo: *Turns around and faces his clan, and turns back to Lady and smiles* We would love to!
Lady Greydawn: Consider it done! *extends hand*
Sainsbo: *accepts it and shakes her hand*
Lady Greydawn: *smiles*

The teams in the end become a team of their own...with heroes on both The Beacons of Hope and A Phoenix Risen, no one can stop this dynamic duo! Certainly Stephen Nix couldn't....

Stephen Nix: *while sitting on his throne* TWO....TWO GROUPS TO WORRY ABOUT! *sigh* It's been a bad day!


As the screen goes black it returns back to color as it takes you back to the Beacon Tower to San Robin as he answers a few phone calls...

San Robin: *picks up one phone* No he is not home at the moment! Please hold your call!
San Robin: *picks up another phone* Lady isn't around now, please hold!
San Robin: *picks up another phone* Sir would you like extra cheese with your order of a pepperoni pizza? *pauses* No sir...were out of everything but cheese!
San Robin: Yes, that means no Olives sir! *pauses* Ok thanks sir, it will be ready in 10 minutes or you get a free cheese stick on the house! *pauses* Yes sir, we do like cheese at san's Cheesy McCheese Pizza Shop! *hangs up*
San Robin: Gosh I love cheese! The smell of it, the taste of it, and the texture! *plays with a ball of cheese*
San Robin: I think one day I will become cheese........MUAHAHAHHH AND TAKE OVER THE TOWER AND TURN IT INTO CHEESE!
San Robin: *looks around the room to see if anyone's listening* NACHO CHEESE!
True Mortal: *points at the people who are reading the story* THEY GET IT YOU LIKE CHEESE! GET OVER YOURSELF!
San Robin: *summons the legendary holy grail of all Elemental Orbs, the Cheese Orb and glares at TM*
San Robin: It's GO TIME!
True Mortal: :O


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! How did you like this and of course the music? Leave me a post here in the commentary thread on your opinions...I'd love to hear them!

< Message edited by Stephen Nix -- 3/11/2012 20:12:03 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
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