formerly In Media Res
This is probably really bad timing (what with the Omnioath Seals just released), but I fixed a minor bug with the Pickled Punk, and I decided to sweep it while I was there. Oh, and release some new versions. Pickled Punk Energy pet. Has two attacks: #Attack#1 (yellow laser) is one hit, Ranged Energy. It deals 100% damage. #Attack#2 (blue laser): There's no attack. Instead, it's a chance at making the monster afraid. There is a (monster's Energy resistance)/130 *1/1.4* chance of trying to inflict the status. The monster makes a save, with a +10 bonus: Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK If it fails, then the monster becomes afraid for 1 rounds, with a 100% chance of not acting. *Note that with this formula, the infliction chance can go above 100%. If it does, then there's a (formula-100%) chance that the Fear will last two turns instead of one. For example, if the monster has 200% Energy resistance, then the formula says that there's a 109.9% chance of inflicting Fear. So, it's a 9.9% chance of the Fear lasting two rounds, and a (whatever's left) chance of the fear lasting one round. Level 62 88 114 140
Type Z Z Z Z
PLvl 75 98 124 150
Base 18 26 35 46
Rand 19 25 36 47
Stat 446 560 689 818
BtH 18 24 31 37
Price 3050 7250 9400 12250
Working on. Thank you! ~B
< Message edited by Balu -- 8/31/2012 10:57:06 >