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Never Should Have Been

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2/5/2012 22:46:25   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

Night of Darkness, River of Blood.

comments and criticism here

There are things that are never suppose to have been, some events that never should have happened. A girl shouldn't see her only family murdered in front of her. She shouldn't have to fight the killer. And most certainty, she shouldn't have to do the same again and again. But yet, all this did occur and much, much more.

It started as a normal day. I was just surfing the web, same as any other day. I wish to Heaven above it ENDED as a normal day, that the chain of events that ruined my life had never occurred. No, ruin is the wrong word. Change is more appropriate. Though I have yet to see any good in this change, some may come, some day. But as war rages around me, I have a hard time believing that... but let us start at the beginning.

I had just finished my rounds, when I thought I heard someone wandering the halls. It was late, and at this hour my mother and sister were usually asleep. The dogs were still quiet though... nevertheless, I decided to investigate. I crept out if my room, and thought I spotted someone at the end of the hall, heading towards my mom and sisters room. Walking as quickly as stealth allowed, I also headed that way. What I ended up seeing wasn't pretty...

I was correct when I thought someone was in the house, though something might have been more accurate. It didn't look human... too tall, too pale, too cruel. My mother and sister... they were lucky, they died in their sleep. I doubt they felt anything... maybe a quick pain to their necks where the sword hit, but nothing more. I was too shocked to even move... until the... creature... started to cut their still warm bodies. It looked like he was skinning them, as though they were animals. I stifled a cry and quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs at the end if the hall. I think the creature heard me, because I could hear slow footsteps behind me. I headed for the kitchen, where the phone was, where a knife was, where I could run outside. Since the creature was so close behind, I grabbed a knife first, ignoring the phone. A wise move, as a moment later the creature entered the room, its sword glinted in the moonlight. It looked at the phone curiously for a moment, then slashed the wires to it. Since I could get no help that way, I ran outside, heading for the woods behind my house.

The backyard was large and hilly, and as I stumbled across it, the full moon giving some light, I could hear the creature behind me. There was no way I could reach the path and get down it in time, so I had to hide. I ran to a willow tree near the gate to the woods, and hid behind it, trying not to breathe loudly. The creature walked past tree, and headed towards the woods. I relaxed for a second, then peered out between the branches. A heavy blow to my back sent me sprawling. I rolled forward a bit, then jerked to the side to avoid a sword swing. I was surprised it didn't kill me immediately, but perhaps that wasn't as much fun. I swung my knife at its legs, managing to draw blood and giving me time to stand up. The creature, angered, swung out again, but I jumped to the side, the slice cutting my shirt. I continued to jump around, trying to make myself harder to hit. This worked, as I got very few cuts, but I was tiring quickly. The creature, enraged now, was leaving himself more open then sensible, and I planned on taking advantage of that. On one really sloppily lunge, I leaped forward, tripping the creature and sending it sprawling. I kept my balance, and quickly picked up the creatures fallen sword. Before it could recover, I put all my strength into a slash down its back, hitting its spine, and then a strike where a humans heart would be. This seemed to work, as the creature screamed in agony.

That scream... at once full of blood, hatred, and... sorrow. It cut me to the core, and I doubt I ever will forget it. Something changed in me that day, a part of my very being was gone. It was though that scream had torn from me the last innocent part of me, leaving something older, more hardened. That moment, the girl forever disappear, replaced with a hardened warrior. A Shadow Warrior.

"Creature, what is your name?" I asked once it stopped screaming.

At first I thought it was dead, but then faintly it gasped, "Murder..."

The name was surprising, but I had no doubt it was accurate. "Murder then. I will remember it. Whatever you are, I wish your soul well. You cannot survive your wounds, repent
now while you still can."

I was not surprised at its reaction, it started laughing between labored breaths. "Repentance is futile for one such as myself."

I shrugged. "That is your decision. Oh, and thanks for the sword." At that, I turned and went inside.

The rest of the night and following day passed as though in a dream. I was still in shock, and once the fact that my parents were dead hit me, I started to cry uncontrollably. Day was long begun when my thoughts collected themselves, and I finally thought to call someone. I went to get my cell phone, and called 911, the only number I could think of. When they answered a half-hour later, I explained what had happened, and found my case anything but unique. Apparently monsters had been appearing at random all over the world, and what authorities that were still alive were busy. The receptionist said she couldn't help as my case was too low a priority, and suggested I contact a family friend. For the rest of the day, I tried just that, but every number didn't pick up. I kept trying though, with one eye on the news. It was not encouraging, as it seemed these monsters kept appearing and evading capture. It seemed I was one of the blessed ones that survived. As day waned, I decided to give up on calling anyone for the time being, and walked outside to see what became of Murder.

To my shock, it was gone! There was blood and what looked like ash where it had died, but no body. Maybe an animal dragged it away, maybe it just disintegrated faster than a human, maybe it survived... but no, it lost too much blood. Right? I couldn't be sure. It if was still alive, I would hunt it down. But I was not strong... I gazed at my sword, studying it. It was heavy, I had trouble lifting it, and seemed to be made of gold and a darker metal fused together. It was a simple broadsword, with a blood channel from point to the cross guard, which was simply a metal crosspiece. The hilt had a leather wrapping for friction, which was white. On the ends of the cross guard and on the end of the hilt were three golden gems, smoothed and glittering in the setting sun. One seemed cracked, but the others were intact. The sword seemed to be well made, with a razor thin edge and the whole sword was well balanced. I swung it a few times, then tried lunging. It was sloppy, but I could learn. I continued practicing, doing whatever seemed sensible for combat, until my strength was spent, and I retired for the night.

The next day, I once again tried calling anyone who could be of use, to no avail. After an hour or so, I gave up. Either they were dead, or could be of no help. I was on my own. That meant doing something I was trying to avoid... digging my families grave. I went outside, and wandered around the yard, looking for a good place. I decided next to a garden, under the rose bush. Grabbing a shovel, I got started. Fortunately, it was early summer, and the ground was soft. It had rained a few days ago as well... which was helped by my tears.

The day was turing to night when I finally finished. The graves were as deep as I was tall, about a foot wide with a foot between them. Sticking my shovel in my dirt pile, I went inside to get the bodies. I nearly puked when I entered the room, from the sight as well as the sound. Since I had interrupted Murder, they're bodies were mostly intact. I wrapped them in the bed linens, and with difficulty, carried them outside and placed them in their graves. When both were resting comfortably, I shoveled the dirt back on top of them. Night had fallen when I finished, but I wasn't done quiet yet. I got two cement garden plates- the ones with pictures carved in them- and flipping them over, converted them to gravestones.

They read: Mary Middleton, year 1952-2012. A beloved mother, a friend to all. May she rest in peace, and never be forgotten.
Mary Miller, year 1996-2012. Wonderful sister, helper of all. She will be remembered by all.

Joining the two, a line read, "For you I live, so your memory never be forgotten, and your lives avenged." Maybe not the most appropriate thing to say, but I wanted a physical reminder of my vow.

The next few weeks passed slowly. I trained, ate what food we had, and tried to think what to do next. When the power went out, as did the water, I decided to leave and see where my feet took me. The news was not hopeful, but I had already survived one monster, I could survive another. Taking a few books, food and water, and my sword, I headed out.

The neighborhood was completely destroyed, as was the streets. I headed for the local shopping center, hoping to run into someone, anyone. There, I found no one. As I wandered southward, I didn't see anyone. I tried to think of anyone else who may have survived, and the memory of an old warmonger I knew surfaced. He lived in the South, and could have beaten back some monsters. Maybe. In any case, it was something to do. Shouldering my sword, I headed south.

And here is where I now am. The warmonger had indeed survived, and him and some others had a group of fighters organized. I knew a few, and soon got to know the rest. We focused on fighting, training, and seeking out survivors. There were few after the first few months, all the weak had been picked off. The governments were gone, as were many modern conveniences. But we couldn't be the only survivors... and now, as I walk through the blood soaked streets, I had hope we could win this fight, in time. It would be hard, if would cost many lives, but if we could reclaim our world, it would be worth it. This never should have happened, but now that it has, we had best make the most of it. We had to, or we would join the mountain of corpses, the river of blood...

< Message edited by Shadow Ravena -- 3/20/2012 18:43:41 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
2/11/2012 20:01:02   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

Not Quite Human

I pull my sword out of his- its maybe- head. A quick kill, a painless kill. Good. It was better that way... for both of us. A quick death, a silent death... yes, the best kind. Anything to avoid... that. That... scream. A scream of pain, of hate, of fear, of betrayal. A scream that torn through your soul... a scream that reminded you, yet again, that you have done the unthinkable. You can see it on their faces, as well. The hurt, the betrayal, the stare that says, "You just committed the most horrendous act." And they're right, you have. To avoid stare, that scream... may mean the difference between life and death, sanity and insanity, humanity and monster.

I took of my notebook and marked down a number. 725. "Heh, one of my favorite numbers. I wanted this spot for my quarry... but it matters not. He will be next... at least, very soon. He can't run forever... but I can chase him for the rest of my life." I then marked the dead creature's name and score. He was a ten- having managed to evade fighters for years. Wiping my sword off, I strode towards the nearest community center.

I walked through the grimy streets of the destroyed town, searching as usual for any creatures hiding in the shadows. The crumbling buildings and littered streets gave many hiding places, so it was advised that whenever walking through towns to keep one eye behind you at all times. Those that didn't payed the price- if they were lucky, they died quickly. Humans didn't come here at all, voting to stay in the settlements. But for us, the fighters, we made a few of these towns our bases, simply because they were usually were in the center of several settlement districts. As I drew closer to the center, I thought I spotted a figure walking on the roof behind me. Not turning, I flung one one of my throwing knives at the shadow, then drawing my sword, turned towards it. I heard the clink of my knife being deflected, then relaxed when I saw it one was one of us.

"Jones, when will you stop trying to get yourself killed?"

"When all these creatures are gone. I had to make sure it was you and not a doppleganger." There were a few still running about, but were getting steadily fewer, fortunately.

"Meh. What are you doing up there anyways? It isn't your shift."

"I heard sounds of a fight, and decided to see if you needed help."

I tilted my head. "Mine wasn't a 'fight.' I snuck up on it and decapitated it before it saw me."

"Then what was- shh. I think I hear it again." We both listened closely, and sure enough, a faint shriek pierced the air.

"Sounds like someone is in trouble... lets go." Nodding, he jumped off the roof he was on to the ground below. We silently raced to where the sound was, one of us always facing backwards in case anything tried to ambush us. After a few minutes, we reached the sound of the struggle.

One of the younger fighters, Lilthe, was fighting a ten foot creature, who looked like a kind of stone ogre. Well, fighting is the wrong word. She was barely standing, and the brute kept hitting her, knocking her back while she tried to defend herself. Nodding at Jones, I motioned for him to get on the creatures right side, myself on the right, and like that we would attack. He crept off, and I quickly walked in the shadows towards the position. Whistling softly, I lunged at the creature, knocking Lilthe back into safety. The creature blocked my sword swipe, but this allowed John to jump on him from above and plunge his daggers into the creature. He roared, then tried to shake John off. While he was distracted, I slashed him across the chest with my sword. It barely broke skin, but thats all I needed. Alternating attacks, John and I kept hitting the same area, driving out weapons deeper and deeper. Finally, we both backed off, then nodding, charged at the same time, with blows that killed the creature. With a bit of struggle, I pulled my sword out of his chest, while John checked to make sure it was dead. Usually we decapitated them to be sure, but this creature's hide was too tough for that.

"It isn't breathing, and I can't see any signs of a pulse."

"Good. We know did both, otherwise it won't have been panting or bleeding like it did. I doubt its a reviver, so we just need the incineration team to finish him off."

"Right. Since you already need them, you go and get them, I'll take care of Lilthe."

I nodded, then ran off. Back at the center, I was greeted by Flamer himself.

"Sounded like there was a fight. Need my team?"

"Yep, we got two creatures- one armored and one with stone skin."

He thought for a minute, then called two individuals from inside. He gave them instructions, then they ran off. Turning to me, he said, "Any luck with your hunt yet?"

I sighed with frustration. "No, not yet. I thought this one was it, but no, it was the Deathstriker."

"Well, you'll catch him eventually. I've never seen you NOT get your quarry."

Heh, I was somewhat famous for that. I never gave up on a quarry- chasing them for months at a time. This, the fact that I picked ten point monsters more then men twice my age, and the fact that I was one of the youngest elite fighters gave me a reputation. Though the last was mostly due to being thrown in a situation where you had to kill or be killed... and as I grew in strength, I did all I could to keep others safe. I had the ability to take down the strongest, so I did, to prevent another from being killed in the process. This didn't happen overnight... it took me over two years. But the fact that a teenager had survived being killed by a ten point monster in the first place was for many impressive enough. Though lately, I had earned their respect with a high point count as well... there were some with higher kill counts, but not many in this area with higher point counts.

"Well, I better find him soon, this is getting annoying. Much longer and I can't call dibs on him anymore."

"Not officially, but you know no one dare try and slay him." He was right on that. He was a ten pointer that would be eleven if the scale went that high- many fighters avoided him. The only ones that could kill him knew he was mine to kill, and left him alone. Mostly. They would fight him, but chased him off instead of killing him.

The two assistants returned, carrying different tools for incineration. We always burned the monsters to make sure they were dead, and to keep revivers from returning. It was usually safer this way. I led the group to where the ogre was, and as the assistants got to work, I walked over to where Jones and Lilthe were.

"Hasn't woken up yet?"

"No. I'm starting to get worried. Her blood loss wasn't that bad, and while she has a few broken bones, it shouldn't cause this unconsciousness."

"Let me look." Killer though I may be, I have trained myself in some medicine. On the battlefield, the more you know of healing, the better. I had a bit of a gift for it, being able to tell more easily what was wrong with someone. Examining Lilthe, I found what seemed like a small wound, with the skin blackened around it. Looking up, I asked the assistants, "Wait. Did you find a small knife or dagger?"

They looked around, then one brought what looked like a tooth over. "Could this work?"

"Maybe..." I looked at the tooth, which was shaped like a dagger, and dripping some substance. I touched the substance, then quickly wiped it off. It was some sort or acid- it burned my skin on touch. If Lilthe had been stabbed by this... who knows what damage it would do.

"This is bad. This stuff degrades on contact, if she has any large amount in her, it could cause quiet a bit of damage. I suspect it already has." I said while looking at her barely breathing form.

"Then we need to get her treated, now."

"Yes, but the nearest place is miles from here."

"Then what do you propose we do?" he said, his voicing rising in concern.

"We'll take her... but first, lets move to somewhere were we won't be disturbed." I said, shooting a glance at the incineration team.

Jones looked confused, but moved to help me. Carefully, we cared Lilthe to an alley that provided some privacy.

"Ill go stand guard," John said, as he climbed up onto the roof. Meanwhile, I sighed, and began to get to work. Taking out some chalk, I drew a circle, then a sun around it, with the North, East, South and West points being longer. Inside these I drew some runes, as I did in the center of the circle. Praying this would work, I placed one hand on the circle and one on Lilthe, and muttered, "Leib geben magnus!" I glowed for a second, then Lilthe did in a golden hue, as did the drawing. Once it ended, I semi-collapsed, and Lilthe stirred, coughed, then blinked her eyes open.

"Where- where am I?"

Struggling to move, I dragged myself over to her. "Your near where you were fighting that creature. You got knocked out, so we brought you over here."

Lilthe sensed there was more I wasn't saying, but kept quiet. Meanwhile, Jones had come down to us.

"Well, good to see you conscious. How are you feeling?"

"Like I got steamrolled."

He chuckled, then said, "Well, lets get you back to the center for treatment. Or rather, travel to treatment."

"Argh... all the others will laugh at me."

"Nonsense," I said, "That thing was twice your height, there's no shame in getting beaten, especially at your age."

"Says the girl barely two years older than me.

I laughed silently, then replied, "Who has three years experience on you."

"Ain't my fault if they didn't let me fight at the start of the war."

"Ladies, lets cut the chatter and get moving, okay?"

We both nodded, and John helped both of us into a standing position. Supporting Lilthe between us, we walked back to the center. There, Lilthe got in one of our few cars to go to the hospital. Meanwhile, Jones pulled me aside.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

He glared for a moment, then replied, "Healed Lilthe. She already looked quite a bit healthier, and like she never got poisoned."

I looked away. "I just did, okay? I don't want to explain how."
Jones tried to get me to tell him, but I simply walked away. I registered the creatures we had killed in the computer, then set off after my quarry again.

In truth, I did not know how I had healed Lilthe. It was a spell of some sorts... I had seen it in a dream. All I knew was that it drained me immensely to work, so I rarely used it, unless it was life and death. How I knew it was a mystery. Then again, most of our powers were a mystery....

Ever since the creatures showed up, most of the fighters noticed we had... changed. We gained abilities, powers. For some, it was major, like Flamers fire powers. But for most, it was subtle changes. We were faster, stronger, smarter. Whatever skills our foes had, we seemed to gain... especially those whose weapons we kept. I speculated that the weapons were imbedded with a sort of magic from whatever universe they came from, and the longer we used them, the more of that magic became imbedded in us. Kinda like the old superhero stories with radiation in them, though this change was much slower. I was one who seemed to gain more power than usual, and I assumed it was due to the magical nature of my sword. It never got dented, never rusted, never needed care. I assumed it had to due with the gems on it, but I couldn't be sure. In any case, I wasn't quite human anymore. I was stronger, and had higher endurance then most of the other fighters. But the oddest was my speed. I could, if I saw it coming, actually dodge bullets. Well, deflect with my sword, but still. And I could use a healing spell.... The others feared me for this. We all had changed, but I seemed to have changed the most. More than once people have mistaken me for Murder, because I was nearly a strong, swift, and good at hiding he was. Plus, we both wore similar outfits- red long sleeved shirt and pants, black vest and black half cape. Mine was brighter in hue, but still, people kept mistaking me for him. It was unnerving to be honest. Had I really become so similar to the one I hated? What differentiated us?

Sure, he was evil and I was good, but we both killed. The fact that I killed to protect others didn't change the fact that I did murder people. And in the end, what difference did it make what my motive was? My soul was just as stained for the death of those that meant harm as theirs were for the death of innocents. At the end of the day I try and tell myself that what I did was for the best, that I was justified, but the screams... they invaded my dreams, hunting me day and night. There was never any relief. If we seemed like we joked too much or were too used to death, it simply was that we were, and we were trying to forget it. There is only so much a person can take... and not being able to was not a sign of weakness, but rather of humanity. What that made me, I did not know...

I walked along, my thoughts keeping me company. As I exited the town, decrepit roads and abandoned land greeted my eyes. Nearly everything in this world was long destroyed in the long, long war. Four years may not seem like much to those who weren't involved, but trust me, four years of constant bloodshed, of never knowing if you are safe, is an eternity. The few that made it this far were trying to rebuild what they could of society, but it was a slow process. Besides the fact that all able-bodied man and many woman were fighting, in between the creatures and the humans, everything was stripped of anything remotely useful. Thus, everywhere except the settlements was in utter ruin. Even there, it was little better... but it was better than nothing. We had crops, water, shelter from the elements, and enough manpower to guard them. Many of the fighters now were local militia, protecting their homes from any invaders. But some of the strongest, such as myself, decided to try and hunt down all the remanning creatures, to make things safe once and for all. We had no real base, instead just areas where we hung out. Nearly every settlement helped us if we needed it, since we kept the strongest of the creatures away from them, and made the world safer. The ones that didn't were usually too poor. Understandable enough. The settlements were grouped up usually, with the militia lines overlapped each other. They traded with each other, and helped out if the other fell on hard times. In general, any settlement would help another, its just that it wasn't feasible unless they were close. Cars were rare now, with horse and wagon being the most common transportation nowadays. Because of this, and because it wasn't safe, people rarely went outside settlement lines. As such, any form of government was impossible- the settlements each had their own ways of doing things, and trade laws were usually agreed on by the mass, as was property lines. Fortunately, we still needed each other, so fighting was minimal. Though it did hearten me when there was some actual arguments about laws and such, it meant that society was starting to form itself back again. I assumed most countries would go back to the way they used to be in a few years, and for now each settlement was a mini-country that mimicked the larger one it was in. This was mainly why we all got along- there were also few settlements near the borders, thank God. The time for fighting that out was when we were strong again. The only good thing I can say came of the war was unity between people. I doubted anyone now living would forget this unity, and I hoped it would continue. In the meantime, I did all could to help, and for me, that was hunting creatures.

There weren't many left, and what ones were left were all cataloged and pointed. Many were being tracked, with at least a rough idea of where they were. The points system was for how strong/evasive they were, but we also used to for fun to see who was the best hunter. Ya, ya, we need a hobby. In war, that was the closest thing to a hobby we had. Maybe once the war ended I could become a historian, documenting what happened, and collecting whatever history books I could. I don't think many books were destroyed, but many were scattered. But, it was odd. It was almost like I didn't want the war to end... for I had no idea what I would do then. I was sixteen when it started, now I'm twenty. In terms of maturity, in many ways I never really grew up, and in other ways, I was many years older than my physical age. It was odd. To be honest, I'm not sure if I could even function in regular society again, not after what I've seen and what I've done. I was a fighter through and through, and I doubt I will ever feel comfortable anywhere besides a battlefield, or in some business of war. Maybe I could be in charge of defense of the settlements, if they let me. "But, that is for tomorrow. Right now my job is to fight, to protect. And to avenge."

With this, I quickened my pace. There was only one place I haven't looked or someone else hasn't. If Deathstriker wasn't in this area, that means months of leads were useless. That means the last good clue I have was an old one, saying my quarry was in or near the capital... my old stomping ground. Well, if he was there, I would find him.

It took me a good week to travel south to my old state. I didn't encounter much trouble, but still, there were many miles between myself and my old home. As I went, I also stopped by some settlements, seeing if there was any new information I could find useful. Once I was in the old state of Maryland, I heard heartening news: a creature with the ability to blend into his surroundings was spotted farther south a few weeks ago. Good, I was on the right track. It did always amaze me he was the only creature with this ability, but it was useful for tracking. A day later, as the sun set, I reached my old home. I was surprised to see it was still in good repair- the raiders must have avoided this area after the initial plundering, during which I drove them off. But, it did look like someone had been here recently. Narrowing my eyes, I went back behind the house.

Before searching the area, I stopped by my family's graves again, to pay my respects. They were still in good repair- I stopped by here at least once a year, on the day of their death, to pay my respects and make sure they weren't destroyed. When I had finished it was dark out, and the moon gave light to the land, throwing eerie shadows. Drawing my sword, I walked up to the house and went inside.

I searched through the rooms, searching for any signs of life. Almost immediately, I saw some footprints in the dust covered floor. I followed them through the house, looking for the maker and if anything was taken. Surprisingly, the walker seemed to have been in a hurry, and the house was mostly untouched. When I was near my room, I thought I heard the sound of someone downstairs, and went to investigate. Sure enough, there were new tracks, leading from my Mom's room. I peered in there quickly, nothing had been disturbed. Maybe I interrupted him? In any case, I quickly crept down the stairs, and once in the kitchen, decided to take a different door out. I quickly ran down to the basement, then exited through that door, and entered the backyard again. I found the intruder where I thought I would- in front of my family's graves. Creeping up through the plants, I suddenly lunged out at him, using the flat of my sword to knock him backwards.

He grunted, stood up, then said, "Well well well, what do we have here?"
"What are you doing here, Murder?" I snarled.
"I was simply visiting these two," he said, motioning to the graves. "They aren't much for conversation though."
Resisting an urge to lunge at him again- thats what he wanted- I instead said, "Hogwash. Why are you really here?"
"Why do you care?"
I took a step towards him, but he held his ground. "Because this is MY house and you are NOT welcome here!"
His eyes glinted as he said, "If you must know, I was trying to get back to my own world. This one has been fun, but I have run out of good prey here."
"Over my dead body. You aren't leaving while I still live!"

"I can arrange that." He said as he leapt at me, drawing two short swords as he did. I parried the blow with my own sword, then tried to slash him. He evaded me, then tried to jump to the side and attack, but I merely faced him again and blocked. We continued in this fashion, moving back and forth across the lawn. After what must have been an hour of fighting, I was starting to grow tired. Murder was eleven points for a reason, and I had a hard time evading his attacks, much less striking back. The fact that he was stronger, faster, and practically immortal didn't help in the slightest. Though, having his sword did seem to help- as I had suspected, it did more damage to him than most weapons. I did not know why, nor did I really care. I just had to kill him.

But it seemed Fate had another idea. Murder managed to him me in the head with the blunt edges of his swords, knocking me over and nearly knocking me out. It might as well have knocked me out, since I could hardly move. That was it, I was finished. Murder sheathed his swords and started laughing.
"Is this the great Shadow Warrior I've heard so much about? And here I was thinking you would be an actual challenge. I guess I was wrong. And now, you're dead," he said, as he walked closer to me.
My laughter stopped him. "I'll admit, I didn't fight as well as I would have liked, but I still did better than anyone else. And finally, I managed to wear you down enough to give you a fatal injury. The next fighter that meets you will finish you off, and I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I did what I have been meaning too."
Murder stopped, and tried to figure out what I meant. As I thought he would, he checked the back of his neck, and on seeing the blood there, gave a shriek. Long ago I had figured that his one weakness was his one strength: he couldn't be killed as long as his spell was in place. On his neck was a small spell circle, which I had finally managed to break. Now, he could be killed- I had succeeded. It was doing this that I left myself open for the attack that felled me, but I cared not. In the end, I had won.
"You rotten girl, I'll kill you!" He said, near jumping forward. Once again, I stopped.
"So? I don't care. I made it my mission to kill you, and I've succeeded. You will die of your wounds this time, and even if I can't see it, I will know that I have finally avenged my family. Besides," I said with a smile, "now I get to see them again."
He paused at that, then drew a small penknife from him pocket. Cutting himself in the arm, he started to draw in blood a circle, among other things. When he had finished, he started to laugh again.
"Maybe in your universe, but I doubt that would work in mine! In the end, I get the last laugh. You lose, I win."

He placed his hands on the circle, and started to chant. The circle glowed a scarlet color, the light getting more and more intense. I felt like I was being shredded, but I fought through the pain. Right before I passed out, I said, "I doubt... that would make any difference. But... you're not escaping... me!" I said as I lunged and grabbed him by his shirt, dragging him into the portal that opened in the center of the circle. We entered a weird dark tunnel, where I lost my grip on Murder, and he went hurtling off somewhere else. The tunnel seemed endless, but finally, I felt myself falling, and then hitting the ground, the force knocking me out.

< Message edited by Shadow Ravena -- 3/20/2012 18:46:54 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/11/2012 20:45:11   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

The Other Side...

When I regained consciousness, I looked around. Or at least, I tried to. The area was pitch black, but I had a feeling that it was immense, if it even had boundaries. The only thing I could see was a small square of light in the distance. Having no better ideas, I sheathed my sword and walked towards it. After what felt like half and hour, I reached the source. It was a portal, several humans high and wide, with a rounded top, and runes around its edges. I was going to walk through it, but paused for a second. Something... seemed wrong. I wasn't suppose to go in there. "Now what? I can't go into the portal..."

"You are quite right, you cannot. Or rather, it would not be advisable."

I turned around quickly, looking for the source of the voice. I could not see anyone. I wasn't surprised, the voice seemed to be coming from all around me. "What are you?"

"I am the Guardian of this place."

"And where is here? It doesn't seem like any place I've ever seen."

"Should you not know that if you came here?" It queried.

"I was forced here by a creature called Murder. I know not where I am."

There was silence for a few minutes, then Guardian said, " This is the realm that guards the secrets of the universe."

I was shocked. How did Murder get me here? More importunely, why go here anyways? "Well, I'm glad he isn't here, nobody should have that knowledge!"

"You believe so?"

"Very much. That is reserved for God alone, us puny mortals could never use it correctly."

"Interesting, and unusual for one of your kind. Often you are seeking knowledge you would be better off without."

"I will admit, many of my kind are like that, but I have no desire for forbidden knowledge. I quest after only two thing."

"And they would be?"

Wondering why it would care, I answered, "To see Murder dead and thus avenge my family, and to bring peace and justice to the world."

Again, a pause. The the Guardian asked, "And what boundaries would you break to accomplish these goals? What would you sacrifice?"

"I would break no boundaries my morals forbid- no death, no violence, no harm to those that do not deserve justice, and no more cruelty than needed to punish those who need
it. As for sacrifice, I would only give myself or my possessions."

"And do you believe you have upholder these morals?"

I stared at the ground and answered, "No, I know I have not. As has everyone, I have failed, though that is no excuse. But I try and do as good as I can, and try to outweigh the harm I've done to others with good, and trust God for the rest."

This time I thought Guardian had left. After an eternity for me, it finally spoke, slowly, "You tell the truth, I see no great deception. You are a corrupted human, but seem to desire to do good."

"I never said I wasn't a corrupted human. In any fair test of goodness, I would fail miserably and I know it. But I can still strive to do as much good as I humanly can."

"And you are satisfied with this?"

I smiled. This sounded like a trick question, but I would still answer honestly. "Yes, I am. I will never be good enough, but I do not have to be. I have cleared myself before God
and man, and now I do what I can with a clear soul."

I thought I heard a smile in its voice in its answer, "I rarely hear this of those that come through here. Very well, then, you have passed, or as well as your kind can. Now, you
said you wanted to go after this Murder?"

"If possible, yes."

"That can be arranged. I have my own reasons for seeing his downfall... but that does not concern a human. But the trip will cost you."

"I wouldn't expect otherwise. Everything has a cost, you cannot get something without something being given in return."

"Odd, given your belief."

"Hardly, it proves it."

"Very well then. You may go after your quarry, and the toll shall be great, for it means going through the portal."

I cocked my head to the side. "But I thought no one was to enter there?"

"No one is to enter it, usually. I will allow it this once. But, the same toll must be taken if you were not allowed through."

"Tis only fair. Thank You." I said, as I stepped into the prism white of the portal. I thought I heard "Your Welcome" before I was sucked away, but I cannot be certain. Once again, I was plunging down a long tunnel, but this one was different. The walls... seemed to be made up of different images, passing too fast for me to see, blurring into a solid white. My brain took some in as I tumbled down. I tried to close my eyes but could not, and the images burned into my brain. Past, present, future, knowledge of all kinds was on these walls. If I could study them all... I would surely know everything. Eventually, I could see a white glow growing bigger rapidly, but knowing what would happen if I went there, I jerked my body into a hole I saw in the bottom/side of the tunnel, plunging down again, feeling myself unravel and reform as I went. Eventually, I reached the ground, and was once again knocked out.

< Message edited by Shadow Ravena -- 3/20/2012 18:48:21 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
2/13/2012 2:47:22   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

A Tragic End... Or A New Beginning?

The first thing I realized when I woke up was that I was in a completely different environment then I have ever been before- the very air seemed to radiate power, though in a much more natural way then the Portal. The second thing I realized was that someone was a few feet away from me. And lastly, a distinct feeling that my arms and legs were missing. That must have been the cost... I panicked for a minute- in a strange environment, not being able to defend myself was the worst thing that could happen. But forcing myself to calm down, I thought things through. If someone was going to kill me, they would have done so by now. And I could feel bandages where my wounds were, so someone must have cared for me. The best thing to do is not panic, and figure out how friendly these people are. But, I thought with a pang of sadness, no matter how nice they are I am still crippled. Not that I didn't expect this, but still... I softly shook my head, and forced myself to concentrate on the present.

Opening my eyes, I confirmed my prior thoughts. My arms and legs were missing, except for few inch stumps where they should be, with bandages over the wounds. I was in a house of early nineteen hundreds, but everything seemed different. The colors were more intense, things seem to move faster, and what sounds I heard were deeper. It was though there was more life in this place then anywhere I have ever been. As for people... I managed to scare a girl a few years younger than I was away when I opened my eyes.

"Oh, you're awake! I thought you would never wake up. What's your name anyways?" she bulleted this out so quickly I had a hard time following. She was about five six, with brown-gold hair and greenish eyes. She looked like a mechanic- her shorts and shirt had some oil stains on them. Though, with how much she bounced around, I doubted how well she could do that work.

"There you go again Alice, pestering guests." A young man about six foot tall walked into the room. He was rugged looking, with messy brown hair, dark brown eye, and muscles earned from hard work.

"Sorry brother, I was just curious." she replied bashfully, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

He chuckled for a few moments, then responded, "You always are. Now, go tell Alex that she's awake."

"Okay." she said as she dashed off.

"Sorry about my sister, but she can be impossible if she is curious. But her question was valid, what is your name?" he said, as he studied me with some suspicion. Can't say I blame him.

I squirmed a bit, I was not used to being in a situation where I was without defense. "My name is Shadow Warrior. Where am I?"

"You do not know?" he asked with surprise.

"Not a clue. I can tell this is somewhere in the country around the nineteen hundreds, but that is all." I said, studying the area around me.

"You're an observant one. This is Oakmill, a small town away from the towns. Now, if you do not know where you are, how did you get here?"

I tried to stall to think, but eventually gave up and said, "Its a long story thats impossible to believe."

"You would be surprised what can be believed. Why don't you try to explain?" said a young man who was missing an arm that just walked in the room. He seemed to be a few years younger than the guy who was talking to me. Besides the arm, he was an albino, though with blue eyes instead of red. He seemed to have been ill recently, since he staggered about a bit.

"Hey Alex. Where's Em?" said the older boy, before his eyes widened in horror.

"Em... is that the girl who was with you earlier?" I asked.

They both turned and stared at me, shocked. Alex recovered first. "How do you know about Em?"

"I don't... not really. I just have a foggy memory of seeing you and a small girl standing on a chalk circle, with a coffin in the center."

His voice showing fear and anger, Alex asked, "What, were you spying on us?!"

"No! I just saw a tiny glimpse of that, before being knocked out."

Alex studied me warily. "You have no reason to lie, with how injured you are... but, you are not telling everything you know. Explain how you got here and saw that."

"As they're connected, that shouldn't be hard. But don't interrupt me- its a long story."

"As long as you explain, then I care not." Alex said, before settling down on a chair.

I started by telling the story of my family's murder, and my first fight with Murder. I quickly skimmed over my hunt of Murder, ending with finding him at my house, and the following fight. I explained in detail the conversation between myself and Murder, the spell he drew, but then I skipped over meeting Guardian, and just said the next thing I remember clearly was waking up here. Once I finished, Alex and the older boy pondered what I said, then Alex said, "George, leave. I want to question her in private."

George looked confused, but agreed. "Don't take too long," he said as he walked out.

"You're not telling something," Alex said when I finished.

"Neither are you." Alex looked shocked, so I furthered, "My memory is starting to clear. I remember seeing you, fighting an older boy dressed in uniform, and you missing an
arm. And the circle on the floor was a blood spell, it was too similar to Murder's. Now, YOUR turn to explain."

"Hmm... about a deal- I tell you what happened, you explain what else you are not mentioning."

"Agreed. You first."

He grinned, "You're at my mercy- you first."

Glaring, I told him about meeting Guardian, our conversation, and the ultimate result. Once I finished, Alex sat thinking for so long I finally interrupted him. "Well, what about your end of the deal."

He shakes himself, then answers, "I was thinking about what Guardian said. It was not nearly as kind to me as it was to you."

"Explain," I said, but softer this time. There was a look of pain in his eyes, and I had a feeling whatever happened had pained him deeply.

"I will, but its a long, long story."

"I ain't going anywhere." I said, looking at where my arms and legs would be.

Alex grinned briefly, then started to speak. "It started, I suppose, with the death of my mother to a vicious virus. I was just eleven, Em was barely two, Jordan was sixteen. I could do nothing for her... it was a miracle neither of us caught it. After that, our older brother took care of us." Here his face grew softer. "He was like a father to both of us, Em especially. Our own father was never around..." his eyes showed his hate, "he didn't even come to Mom's funeral. But that doesn't matter," he said, shaking his head. "Jordan was always there for us... until a year ago, when he enlisted for the army. He didn't have much choice- work was scarce, with the war drawing so many men to fighting instead of crafting- and he didn't have any other way of paying the bills. He always was fascinated by the military, we all were. We though that he would be back in a few moths at best- the war was nearly done, and surely they would let him come back after it ended. Well, he came back... but not in the way we expected."

He paused for a minute, trying to collect himself. Already figuring out what had happened, I asked, "What was his last mission?"
Alex looked a bit surprised, then replied, "A mission that was to end the war. I was told he was specially picked for his skill and valor... it worked, the war is said to end within the month. But... it killed him. He came back-" but here I cut him off.
"I can image what happened next. What did you do after that?"
Alex hiccuped, then continued, "We were determined to bring him back. I had been studying how to revive a human for quite a while now... I planned on bring our mom back. But when Jordan came back... Em and I were decided to try and revive him instead. It would be easier- his body was intact mostly, and I froze it to prevent further decay. I simply had to change the runes to fit him. A week ago, we decided to try it. We-we knew what the cost would be. We knew parts of ourselves would have to be given in return- but I didn't think..." here he broke off, and I waited for him to continue.

"I know it would cost us, so I planned in secret to take the brunt of the cost, and hope Em wouldn't be injured greatly. The day we decided to bring him back, we started by moving the casket and drawing the blood spell around it. While I de-frosted the body, Em finished drawing the circle on the floor. We both had miniatures of them on our hands, but Em's was incomplete- to prevent any harm from coming to her. My own was slightly incomplete, so that it wouldn't kill me, but less so then Em's. But... Em must have noticed that the one of her hand was incomplete... and drew the rest in. I, I did not notice it... I was too busy with what I was doing... maybe if I had..." he broke off again, caught his breath, and continued. "We began the ritual. Em and I chanted the spell, and at first, I assume all was well. But then... I could here a whimper of pain from Em's direction.... I opened my eyes, and I could see a circle of light underneath her, and one over where my brother's coffin was. I realized to late what had happened... Em's body collapsed, then disappeared... and I could here my brother's moving. Frozen in shock, I watched my brother's body push the sheet off of it, look around... and then attack me. It was then I realized I had not escaped unscathed- my arm was gone. I fought my brother, trying to reason to him... but, he was like a wild animal. I tried not to hurt him, but I had to keep him from killing me... as time passed, I noticed something strange. I could hear grunts and whimpers of pain... that were much more high pitched than my brother's voice, and seemed not to be coming from him, but from inside him, if that makes any sense. I finally realized... my brother hadn't come back, I had just manage to place Em's soul in his body. But... she was in pain. I don't think she knew what she was doing... and when I realized what happened, I was horrified. I HAD to fix things... while I still could. I managed to knock the body out for a few minutes, then got started on a new spell. Using a penknife and my teeth, I carved a blood spell on the back of my right hand... I planned on exchanging my life for Emerence's. I managed to active the spell... and the next thing I knew, I was in complete darkness.

"I met Guardian... it was angry at me. It said no one was to come here... I said I wasn't trying to, I was just trying to bring my sister back to life. The Guardian asked how she died... and I told it the story of my brother and the spell we attempted. The Guardian said that was where we did wrong, people could not be brought back to life. In desperation I asked if nothing could be done for my sister... the Guardian said that as she was not dead, she could be helped, but she needed a body to occupy. I said I would give my own... but the Guardian said that a soul couldn't enter a living body, the spell would not work. I asked if instead I could bind her to myself, that we both share my own body. Guardian said it was a possibility, but warned that if I died she would as well, and if the seal was broken she would be trapped in that world. I said that I would never let that happen. The Guardian said it would cost me, and I replied that I did not care, I would give anything for Em. Guardian left me with a warning to never return, and I said I would not unless Em was in danger. I went through the portal... and then everything went black."

Alex looked both relieved and exhausted for telling his tale. I did not know what to say- what words could I say to comfort him? Instead, I asked, "Did it work? Is Em alright?"

He stirred, and responded, "Alright isn't the word for it... but maybe it would be best if you saw her. Em, will you show yourself?"

"I will- she seems nice enough." The voice came from nowhere, but slowly, I saw the girl who had articulated. She was a young girl of about seven, with dark hair and blue eyes, a stark contrast to Alex's snow white skin and pale blue eyes. She looked like a sweet girl, if not a little sad. "I am here," she said, "but I'm like a ghost- I have no physical form unless I use a great amount of energy, and most people can't see me."

"That is your choice Em," Alex said.

"I suppose so, but it is hard for me to appear. Anyways, the story doesn't end there. After Alex returned from the Portal, I woke up. At first, I thought the spell had just failed, but slowly I remembered something going wrong with the spell... and then realized I was transparent, and Alex was on the floor, arm missing and albino. Seeing the carving on his hand... and the new one on my own... I figured out what happened. I did not know why it had happened, but at that time I didn't care. Alex was out cold, and his arm stump was bleeding... I had to get him out of there. I tried to pick him up... but instead dissolved into his body, and took him over. It was odd for me, but I knew I had to get him out of there. I had trouble controlling his body... and as I stumbled to the door of the basement, I noticed you lying on the floor. I did not know who you were... but you needed help, especially with all the blood you were loosing. I dragged you out by your cape... and managed to get over to George's place, where we are now. I barely managed to knock on the door before collapsing..." and here, Alex continued the tale.

"When I woke up, I saw Em standing over me... and when she noticed I was awake, she jumped back a bit. The second her hand came off mine, I was blinded. I realized what the cost for Em was... my sight. But, somehow, when we are holding hands, I can see."

"Well, I say don't look a gift horse in the mouth." I said.

Alex grinned. "I suppose so. At least I still have my sister... where they're life, they're hope, and maybe I can bring Em back into the physical world."

"Don't do anything rash Alex," Em said softly.

"I wouldn't dream of doing so- I could never put you in danger Em."

"Well, I'll help you out if I can, Alex," I said.

"And I'll help you catch this Murder. Maybe he has useful information about the Portal..."

"Maybe, but I would advise not going back there!"

He laughed. "I know, I know. But since magic seems to come from there, any knowledge on the Portal could be knowledge on a way of making Em whole."

"And on the Elixir of Life," Em reminded him.

"Ah yes... maybe. We can only hope."

I though for a bit. "I assume this is the potion that can being people immortality?"

Ed nodded. "Correct. But it can also heal immensely, or so its said. I want to use it to give it to Em- maybe it can bring her body back."

I nodded. I doubt this Elixir existed, but even if it didn't, there may be some other way of helping Em. But first things first, "How do you plan on starting on this quest?"

He looked sheepish. "I don't know."

"Well, you can figure it out after some chow, dinner's ready." George walked into the room announcing this. I looked out the window, to my surprise the sun was starting to set.

We had been talking for well over an hour. "Great, chow! My night tonight," Em said with a big smile.

I asked, "Your night?"

Alex explained, "We alternated who is in control to eat so Em can still get to taste food. This is the night she gets to be in control."

"Ahh, that makes sense," I replied.

"Well, lets go. Shadow, don't mind of I move you to the dinning room?" George said, walking over to me.

"Don't have much of a choice do I?"

George picked me up like I was a gunny sack- then again, I was about the size of one without my limbs. He carried me to the kitchen/dining room, where he place me in an armed chair. Alice was finishing setting the table, before sitting down to eat. It was stew- I guess maybe so I could eat it, as my head was a few inches above the table edge, I could have slurped it- but I didn't want to do that. In frustration, I tried to move the spoon, and to my surprised, it did move! The others were to busy eating to notice, so I tried again. This time, I managed to levitate above my bowl, get some stew, and eat it without spilling. May not sound like much, but for me, it was mammoth. I manage to keep it up, and after a minute, Alice noticed.

"How, how did cha do that?"

"I'm not sure actually... I've never done so before."

"George looked up at to see what Alice was talking about. "Hmm, this might be useful. Will make things easier until you get your metal limbs, thats for sure."

"Metal limbs?" I asked.

"Ya, metal replacement limbs. Haven't you heard of them in your world?"

I though for a minute, then replied, "I think you mean prosthetic, but they aren't metal, they're plastic."

"Well, ours are different obviously. How does yours work?" Alice asked.

This started a conversation that flowed from one topic to another the rest of the evening. They seemed to be a good lot, and I enjoyed the evening greatly. For the first time in a long time, I could not worry and just enjoy myself, even if it was only for one night. My old life was over... but as I looked at all the happy faces around me... it seemed a new one was beginning.

< Message edited by Shadow Ravena -- 3/20/2012 18:54:34 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/18/2012 2:10:28   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

Dear Diary...

July 27, 2012; July 27, 1922

Dear Diary,
Well, I know thats cheesy, but I have no better idea for an opening. I've decided to start this to record my thoughts, and all that has happened to me... now that I can levitate a pencil long enough to write. It has been about a week since I came to this world. I must say, it has taken me some time to adjust to everything! Especially losing my limbs... but honestly, I got lucky there, so I will not complain. This levitation ability more than makes up for it! Having to depend on others is odd... and frightening. I keep jolting awake in the night when people are moving about- I guess some things never do change. But honestly, these people are kind. Alexander and Emerence Brennan and George and Alice Watch were very kind to me- odd, given I was a stranger to them. We just seemed to click, I guess. We all shared something in common- we were all orphans. Odd, isn't it? But I am not ungrateful, this means I have at least one thing I can relate to in the strange world and land. And in this strange body... it isn't just the new power even. Something... odd... happened. I'm not sure what to make of it. But it may be better to just relate it as it happened.

It started actually quite amusedly. I had recently been given a little wheelchair I could move around in with my powers, so I wasn't reliant on the help of the others. In fact, I managed to go the whole day without pestering the others- about time in my opinion. I was wheeling over to ask Alice about something, when she turned and spotted me.

"If your asking about your limbs, will you just wait?"

"Sorry, I don't like being confined like this." I said apologetically.

"Humph. And bugging me will help? Ask George, he's in charge of that, I'm just his helper."

Just then, George strolled up. "Did someone say my name? Ah, I see your bugging my sister again," he said, turning towards me. "Well, they're done!"

My eyes widened, and I said excitedly, "Let me see them please."

He chuckled, then said, "I will... after you get a bath."

"Huh?" I hadn't had a bath in weeks- in war it wasn't uncommon, water had to be saved- but I didn't think the others noticed. "Since when did you care?"

"Since my cat refuses to be in the same room as you. Bath, then you get your limbs."

Grumbling half-heartedly, I rolled over to the bathroom next to the little room I was staying in. The curious thing about this world was that they were more advanced in some
ways- such as it being common to have indoor plumbing. And yet the telephone was still bad unless you wanted to pay a fortune.... whatever, I didn't much care.

After I finished my bath and replaced the bandages on my limbs, I noticed they had started to bleed again. This for most wasn't an issue, but since I had so many open wounds, it was concerning. Wondering how to stop the bleeding, I thought back to my old healing spell. It was from this universe, so it should work even better here, right? Anyways, worth a shot. I did not have anything to draw the spell with... oh well. I had managed without before, and I could still try this first, and figure out a way to draw it later. Focusing on the words of the spell and what it would look like, I quickly chanted the words of the spell under my breath. There was a quick flash, and then I could feel the bleeding stop under the bandages. Smiling at my success, I exited the bathroom.

Wheeling up behind the other four, and said, "Well, bath done! Your turn now."

George started to turn when he said, "Alright, let's- good heaven, what happened to you?!"

The others were staring at me, so I turned around and wheeled to a mirror. Reflected back was a face I didn't quite recognize. My dark blue grey eyes were the same, as was my dark hair, but my skin looked so different...! It was... well, I won't say black, since that indicates color. Instead, it was a sort of midnight darkness that didn't reflect light, and made my features rather impossible to make out, besides my eyes, which seemed to shine. I was shocked- mostly because I had seen this before. Murder, when he wanted to, was able to make himself blend in the shadows and seemingly vanish... and indeed, I seemed more like a shadow then a real person, barely noticeable. I just shook my head in shock, not knowing what to say.

Alex was the first one to compose. "Shadow, did you do anything to cause this to happen?"

"No, just used a healing spell."

"What did it look like? Show me."

He brought me a pencil and pad, and I sketched the spell. Alex examined it for awhile, then said, "Its a bit unusual, but certainly not dangerous, nothing that could cause this. Tell me, where did you learn this?"

"I don't know. I just know it," I replied.

"Hmm," he said, stroking his chin, "Odd, very odd. Is this your first time using magic since you came here?"

"Yes... do you think thats it?"

"Its the only thing that makes sense. Tell me, have you ever seen this shadow effect in your world?"

"Yes... I have, from something in this world. Murder could look like this..." my eyes rested on my sword, and I wheeled over to it and levitated it. It seemed to course with power, now that it was back in its own plane.

"May I see?" Alex asked, and I passed him the blade. He took it, and from shock dropped it. "That is a powerfully magic sword. Anyone who uses it would have the power leech into them... and you have been using it for four years... I can assume that you absorbed some of its originals owners power, and activating the spell triggered it."

"That would make sense..." I said, pondering. It wasn't just my appearance that had changed, I seemed even more powerful then ever before, more on level with everyone else here. Or maybe even above the norm... but now, this place didn't seem as overwhelming as it had at first. It seemed I was a true Apophisean now... good. I needed any edge I could get. I was broken from my musing's by Alex yet again. "Why is one part of your face reflective?" He walked up to touch it, then recoiled in shock.

"Did I forget to mention? I had part of my face burned so badly I had to have a metal plate put over it. In war, skin transplants were quite impossible you know. I'm surprised you didn't see it earlier- its dark metal on tan skin."

"Your face was so dirty I couldn't tell..." Alex seemed a bit at a lost of what to say. I wasn't surprised, I got this reaction often. The metal plate went over most of the left side of my face, starting under my hairline, going over my eye, and ending a little under where my nose was. I was lucky my eye survived that one... and I could still see out of it. But wanting to change the subject, I said cheerfully, "Well, I've had worse. Now George, are you going to stand around like a statue all day?"

He jumped slightly, then snapped out of it. "Right, your limbs. Wait a moment, I'll bring them down. Yours too Alex," and with that he lumbered upstairs to his workroom. I turned to Alex. "Any idea on why they took so long with you arm?"

"No clue. I assume it was because they wanted to make sure it worked properly... apparently George had issues with the metal Alice brought."

I chuckled. "I'm not surprised, she can be so flighty. Nice girl though."

Alex nodded, and then turned to George and Alice, who were walking in the room with the limbs. They out them on the coffee table, then turned to us.

"Well, who wants to go first?"

"I vote Alex," I said, "He's had to wait longer."

Alex stepped up, and fitted on the limb to where the stump of his arm was. It was just a temporary one, so it wasn't suppose to connect to his tissues, and thus could be taken on and off easily. That, and this was a test to see if it worked properly. The limb itself was interesting. The interior were the mechanics that moved the limbs, of which I have no clue how they worked. Over the mechanics is a layer of metal, to prevent rust and other decay of the metal. Over that I'm told is usually a layer of tough fabric, which artificial nerves are woven through, to give the user a sense of touch. Over this can be a layer of paint or cloth for effect, but usually around the nerve lines. These connect to your actual nerve ending, and other connectors in the interior of the arm lets the user's mind to control it as though it was a real arm. This part was tricky, and permanent, requiring surgery. It all ran a bit on magic to work properly, and thus there were very few non-magician prosthetic holders. It was possible, but much more difficult. Anyways, magic (specifically, a control/levitation spell) is what allowed Alex to move his arm around, as well as control his fingers and other fine motor skills. It wasn't as good as the original, but certainly better than having no arm!

Alex turned to the others. "Thanks guys, this is great! It will certainly hold me over for now."

"Yes, we know, we're working on your permanent limbs, just cool it," said Alice.

"Now Shadow, your turn. What do you want to try first, arms or legs?"

"Arms would be easiest I think."

The other two had to help me get the two arms strapped in place, as well as instruct me on how to move it. Fortunately my power made this easier then it would have been. The arms weren't very complex- they were about the length of my former forearms, with no arms, and hands that were a bit clamp like in motion. With their help, we got my legs on as was. These too were simple- a little longer than half my leg, with a hinge in the center I could activate to bend them. Gingerly, I got up and walked around a bit. I nearly fell twice, but was able to catch myself in time. Turning to the others, I grinned broadly. "Thanks guys, this is amazing!"

"Yes, it is, isn't it?" said Alice, then we all started to laugh. It certainty was good to get my limbs back, even if they weren't the best, it was better than nothing! And I was very grateful to my new friends. "Well, now that I can move again, what can I do to help out around here?"

Alice and George looked thoughtful, then George said, "Actually, if you don't mind, we need someone to go into town every day or so to pick up something, and it takes Alice to much time."

"Perfect! Its about time I started to help out around here."

September 17

And that's what I've been doing. I go into town, get supplies, and do whatever else the others need. Alex also helps out- I don't think he intends on ever going back to his old house, not that I blame him. George and Alice fixed up an old guest room for him, but it is a bit crowded, he and Em don't care. Em has started to show up more often nowadays- I think she's finally started to gain some strength. Its been nice getting to know her- she's a sweet girl, very spunky, but also a bit shy. She and Alex have been training in magic and combat when Em feels up to it, and Ed practices on his own when she is tired out. I can't stand up to him in fighting, but in magic, I am starting to be something of a challenge. Alex has been training me when he can in magic- specifically, healing magic and general spells. Until I can combat train- until I get my permanent limbs that is, and that may take a few months- I'm trying to learn all I can about magic. I seem to have a knack for it...

"Alright Shadow, try and hit this one."

Alex was giving me something of an assessment- to see how far I've come. Right now, he was shooting ice pillars in random directions, and I was to hit them with my knives. At first he had just taught me average spells of different elements to see what my specialty was, and soon I figured it was metal. This was somewhat unusual- many magicians here were earth, instead of metal, but with metal I could make use of my knife throwing skills. The spells basically were drawing metals out of the earth and then using this metal as different weapons- knives mostly of varying sizes, as well as changing and enhancing the metal knives I already had on hand. One trick I also liked to do was change the knife mid-flight, for various affects. Many magicians had trouble with changing or casting spells on things at a distance, but I found it somewhat easy. Then again, my actual magic ability was limited, so I guess it evened out for now. I had just started in any case- many people trained for months to years. Alex had only been trained for a few summers, but he studied so much it didn't show in the slightest. His specialty was ice and water magic- mainly in using it as beams or spouts to hit as opposed to freezing people. He said he tried to avoid lethal force if possible, a trait I admired, even if it was a little impractical. My own style could be used to kill easily, but also to pin someone against the wall, if that would ever be useful. In hand-to-hand combat I would still use a sword I suppose. I had tried to get Alex to try and train in that way, but he preferred either his long daggers, or more usually, his fists. Given his size, it wasn't a bad plan- he had the weight for a heavy punch. Alex was a little taller than I was, standing at 5'10, but he was heavier from muscle and build. Then again, it would be better to measure once I was at my final height and weight!

Alex made an ice pillar shoot out of the ground about twenty feet back and to the right, and I propelled my knife towards it, having it split apart right before hitting the center and thus destroying most of the pillar. Not giving me a second to catch my breath, Alex formed a thin pillar a bit closer and behind where he stood. Using some metal bits that were scattered on the ground for this, I formed them into a small knife and forced it towards the pillar, destroying it.

"Good, your aim is improving! But you need to do something besides knives," Alex said as he walked over.

"Why? They're effective and I'm good with them," I replied, annoyed.

"Because its best to have more than one technique in case the one you prefer doesn't work" he said patiently.

"I do! Big blunt knives, small long one's, small dart like ones, exploding knives, guided knives, puncher knives, multi-attack, pin-up knives... need I go on?"

"But they're all knives is what I'm saying."

"They're all bits of metal. I do use more than one design."

"Well, why never a cannonball or chunk of metal? That is fairly useful."

"Fine, I'll try that."

For the rest of the day Alex had me practice that. It actually wasn't bad- I just had trouble controlling that amount of metal, hence why I rarely used that technique. As the sun set, Alex had a new idea.

"You seem to be improving, but experience is the best teacher. Why don't we have a mock battle to hone your skills?"

"Fine by me- just try not to kill me."

"Same goes for you," he said, chuckling.

We started about thirty feet apart. The goal was either to pin the other to the floor for ten seconds, or make it so they could not move, but no lethal moves would be used. For motivation, the prize was that the loser had to do winners chores for the day- childish maybe, but we didn't have a better idea. The fight started with Alex's move- he shot a ball of ice at me, which I countered with a dagger. That was a distraction of a pillar a bit to the side, which I manage to destroy in time. Running forward, I took the offensive, and fired several small knives at him, planning on them getting his coat edges. He made a thin ice wall as a counter, but this still allowed me to get close with a large knife I was using in place of my sword (sword was almost as big as I was, so I practiced with a large knife so I stayed in shape.) I dodged past the ice wall, and landed a blow on his back with the flat of my knife. He staggered forward, then turned to return the blow. I jumped aside, his fist clipping my arm. Running back a bit, I started to concentrate on a making a metal rope to bind Alex and thus immobilize him, sending out some knives as a distraction. He fell for it, making some ice balls to counter the knives. Too late he saw the metal rope, which I quickly looped around him, then running up, knocked him on his stomach. Not able to move his arms or say anything, he could not perform any spells, and after trying to for a few seconds, gave up. I waited till ten seconds had passed, then untied him.

"That was a low trick," Alex said.

"Hey, it was a battle, who said I couldn't do something like that?"

"Well... it was still a dirty trick."

I rolled my eyes. "In a real battle, you use any any advantage you have to win. I'll agree, for a sport it would be cheap, but this was combat practice, not a silly game."
"I'll remember that in the future. But what do you mean by silly?"
I opened my mouth to explain, then stopped. 'Its a waste of time' would not be a fruitful answer for him, not at his age. He still had the aura of a kid, and I would not try and ruin that for him. He would learn soon enough that with time as precious as it is, that trivial games are not important. But, as I cocked my head to the side, maybe they aren't? I wonder... having grown up in a war, of course time was precious, but maybe for a normal society things are not so concrete. I know many businessmen think so, but they all seem so dead inside, as though life has no meaning for them but work. The rat race they call it. I don't know....

"Nevermind, force of habit. It was a good fight."

"It was. But next time you won't beat me!"

"Oh really?" We cleaned up and walked back still taunting the other, and when Alice asked what the heck we were going on about, we both started to laugh. For the hundredth time I thought, "Its nice to just laugh with my friends, and have no bigger worries than whether or not the shopkeeper is going to be grouchy. I wish it could stay this way forever...." But I knew I could not escape my past and reality forever. This was simply a breather point for the terrors to come. And they would come, they always did... just as night follows day, misfortune follows fortune. But, I though reflectively, day always follows night again.

December 25

Dear Diary,

Well, todays the day- we finally are going to get our prosthetics attached to us. It took George and Alice some time to make them, but they are excellent quality so I don't care. Isn't it ironic the day? If I was home... all us fighters would be gathered at our centers or settlements where we have friends, and have the best eatings we got all year. It was a rare time of happiness... even the creatures stayed away on this day, as though they knew its significance. That, or partying themselves, I don't know. It was peaceful, happy. Those days were so rare... but we always made sure to have one day of the year be 'normal.' It wasn't normal, but it was... happy. For us, that was the closest to normal we ever saw. Especially for those like me who matured during the war... there were so many who grew up too fast. The ones already mature seemed to do much better... they knew about tragedy and could deal with it. They are the ones that the world will re-build around, and the young ones will be their motivation. To make sure that never happens to them.... I may not be able to help them but I can help the people here. This county is always at war somewhere or another, but the regular citizens never see the horrors of it. I pray they never will. I will do what I can to help... even if it is small. For now, I will try and keep Alex and Em from it. They have seen hell, Alex especially, but they are still young of heart. They still believe in the good of people and the world, they still think they can do anything. I will not force that from them, only time can properly. But those two are dead-set on becoming part of the military... the Magicians branch. They would be researchers, but even researchers may be called into battle... and what then? I myself will join the fighter branch... maybe I can take the missions those two might. I dunno. But it seems there I can do the most good... for everyone. I must find a way of protecting the pair though, and they are stubborn! But I have to. They are my family now- I can not bare to see any harm come to them. It's odd, I've only known them a few months, but we have grown close. I never thought I ever would be close to anyone again, not after my family's murder, but I crave a family as much as anyone else. Alex and Em also miss their family greatly... maybe that's why we drew together. We both needed the other. I know I would fight to the death for them... I swear it on my sword, I will protect them!

< Message edited by Shadow Ravena -- 3/20/2012 19:00:07 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/20/2012 2:12:32   
Shadow Ravena
Paladin of Shadows

Warrior Rises Again.

I opened and closed my hand, both amazed and grateful it worked. That arm had been malfunctioning lately, and as it was my sword arm, I needed it to work. I turned to Alice and said, "Its working again, thanks. What was wrong anyways?"

"You mean besides the fact that you shouldn't be fighting at all with it? A bolt came loose, so it couldn't work properly."

"Ah. And you know I don't have time for a more recuperation," I said for the millionth time.

She pursed her lips. "Just be grateful I don't charge for simple repairs with how often you break it."

I laughed. "This is the first time since I got it a year ago, lay off. That other time when the wiring was bad wasn't my fault."

"You didn't help anything by trying to fight that early."

I sighed, then thanked Alice and left the workroom. She could be impossible when like that.

When I passed the mirror I once more stopped to look at my reflection. I had a habit of doing that, as I was still not used to the thing staring back. As I watched my reflection, I thought back to the day of the surgery...

"How long do you think it will last?" I asked George.

"A few hours for you properly, since they have to attach four limbs. And after that it should take a few weeks before you can move around again."

"A few weeks? Not happening. I ain't staying here after Alex gets out," I said, shooting a glance at him.

He looked up from the book he was reading. "I agree. I'm getting out of here after a week, whatever the doctors say."

Alice said, chiding us, "You know it takes weeks for the body to accept the new limbs, and then you still have to recuperate afterwards. It will be a few years before you are back to full strength."

Alex and I looked at each other, and read in the others eyes, "Not if I have anything to say about that."

The surgery I don't remember, but I do remember waking up in extreme pain. Not surprisingly, the pain medication only made me sleepy, and didn't help at all with actually making the pain any less. I was used to this amount of pain, but had grown soft in the last few months. Once I was able to concentrate, I used a healing spell, which helped abate the pain and make me fall back asleep. Reportedly, for the next week I kept doing this, but for me, time was irrelevant. A week after the surgery, I was wakened by some doctors talking of in the distance.

"I've never seen anything like it..."
...fastest recovering patients we've had..."

"Isn't natural I say..."

I managed to pull myself up and faced the doctors. "If your going to talk about a patient, might want to do so when they aren't in earshot."

The doctors- three in total- jumped slightly, then one faced me. "Yes, quite right. We were just speculating as to why you and that other boy have recovered quicker than usual."

I assumed he normally wouldn't have asked, but his curiosity forced him. "Well, I've been using different healing spells, and I assume Alex has been doing the same. Its one of our specialties you see."

The doctor nodded. "Just don't overdue it."

"I won't," I said as the the doctors walked off to do doctorly stuff, at least thats what I assume. I waited till they were gone to try and actually get up. This was harder than I thought it would be...

For one, I was much weaker than I thought. Just trying to swing my legs over the edge of the bed was very difficult. Once I managed to get myself standing, I had another problem. I had gotten used to being only four or so feet high, and now I was at my proper height of five eight. As such, not only was my head confused, but my muscles were weak as well, since they were used to my shorter and lighter form. Determined to overcome it, in between my powers and determination, managed to walk out of my room in search of Alex. Fortunately, he was just a few rooms down. He was sitting on his bed reading the book he was before.

"Hey Alex, glad to see you up," I said.

He looked up from his book and said, "I've been up for awhile now. I was wondering if you would finally wake up."

"Well sorry, " I said sarcastically. "I only have about three times as much to recover from."

He chuckled, then said kinder, "How are you doing?"

"I'm really weak and in pain, but no worse then I've had before. What about you?"

"I'm doing fine, but I think," he scanned the room really quick, "that this has drained Em, she's been pretty quiet."

"Really? That ain't good... but then again, she seems to get tired whenever you do, so..."

"Ya, I have been tired lately... I guess I shouldn't worry."

"Heh, you can't help it. So, how's the new arm?"

He moved it around a bit before replying, "Its okay, but weaker than I expected."

I nodded. "Same for me. So, when will they let us out?"

He made a face. "Not for another few months. I'm not staying here that long! And Em will go insane if she has to be hidden that long."

"I'm already getting tired of this," said and invisible Em.

"Sorry Em, we'll get out of here as soon as possible," Alex said tenderly.

"Just be sure to not overdue it."

Alex smiled. "I won't."

A few moments later, a doctor walked into the room, I guess to check up on Alex. He was very surprised to see me. "Miss, you shouldn't be up yet, you still need to rest."

"I've slept enough for now," I said testily.

"I must insist. Now come with me..." Not really being able to resist, I let him lead me back to my room. I was getting tired out, but I hated being treated as an invalid! Back when I first came here was bad enough. I simply promised myself to get better and get out of here!

And I managed to do that. Both Alex and I took advantage of our knowledge of healing spells, and pushed ourselves to the brink to prove we were well enough to leave and not come back. After just a month, the doctors reluctantly let us leave, as long as we promised to rest and take it easy. The first thing we did when we got home after eating some real food was have a magic battle. So much for orders! We were still weak though, and it was a good few months before we had returned to full strength. Em recovered the quickest, and would often appear to talk to us, urging us on. It was sweet. She and Alex often practiced their fighting style while I did my sword training. Em and Alex had a system of casting spells, with Alex providing the raw power, and Em directing them to their goal. As time passed, she was able to go further and further, allowing those two a greater amount of skills they could use. Alex was always hesitant to practice, fearing he would hurt Em, but she insisted. She was a stubborn one! In my own training, it took me quite a bit to teach my metal limbs to do the techniques I found easy with my flesh arms, but my mind still remembered the fights I had fought. It took a few months, but I managed to gain back all my old power and more. In the meantime, I worked on my magic abilities as well. I was now a real threat to Alex in battle, and we were nearing out goal...

I broke out of my thoughts by the sounds of Em's chattering from the living room. I gazed once more at the mirror, and couldn't help thinking how appropriate the name Shadow Warrior was... "For I certainly look like a shadow."

The metal limbs I had were made from a dark metal, which gleamed softly in the light. I wore my old outfit of black and red, though the red was much darker now, more crimson. With my now-short sleeved shirt the only thing not black- and even that usually hidden by my cape and vest- I could easily hide in the shadows. I could now make myself appear more solid though, and actually have light reflect of my face, but it took actual effort. More than likely, when I was standing in the dark, people had no idea I was there. Even Alex was constantly startled by me. But, I though amusedly, I had no trouble spotting him. His albino skin stood out like a searchlight, and he didn't help it by wearing light blue short sleeve shirt and pants! Though it did fit his style, very icy. Em also fit her element, water, what with her dark blue dress and eyes. Then again, she didn't have a choice in that...

Speaking of Em, it seemed she was trying to get Alex to do something. I heard mention of the Capital, so I turned around and walked into the room.

"... yet? We're good enough!"

"You know that we have to wait until we can pass, and we are not strong enough yet," Alex said with some exasperation.

"She's bugging you about taking the test again?," I asked.

Alex signed. "She won't leave off it. It hasn't even been a full year since we got our limbs, I doubt we are strong enough to pass."

"You might be, Alex, your one arm won't hold you back."

"I thought we were going to do this together?"

"We are- I'm ready as I'll ever be, your the only one who still wants to wait!"

"I want to be sure we are able to pass."

This was my turn to sigh in exasperation. The fact was we were younger than the norm- very few twenty-one year olds passed, much less a sixteen year old! But even if we didn't pass, we could still apply again, there was no rule forbidding it. I wanted to try, since we were back at full strength, and as far as we know could pass. If not, we train another few years and try again, but just waiting around with no idea if we were skilled enough would not help anything. Alex didn't want to ruin his chance, but the way I saw it was that a few weeks here or there made little difference in the end. Better to try and fail and learn from that failure then to not try at all.

"Alex, at this rate you never will be ready to leave. What's the worst that could happen if we fail?"

"We never get a chance to become Magicians?"

"Many of them take the test more than once- there is no shame in it. We simply learn from our failure and try again."

He eyed me curiously. "I thought you were the one who always stressed preparing?"

"I do, your just procrastinating. You have no real idea of how to improve, and haven't for the past few weeks. We are as ready as we can be for now."

Em decided to butt in as well. "At this rate Alex you'll grow too old to take the test and pass it!"

This caused Alex to laugh a bit, then he said, "Well, if your both set for it, then I'll send in the forms."

"Yay!" cheered Em. I smiled.

A week later, two letters came to our house. Alice was the one who got the mail, and from her expression when she walked in, I thought something terrible had happened.

"Alice, what's wrong?" Alex looked up from his book to study Alice.

"You two got some letters from Capital," she said with disdain.

"Sweet!" said Em, "hand them over!"

She threw the letters at us, and I barely managed to catch them. Tossing Alex his, I opened the letter addressed to myself. It was short and to the point- ordering us to be in Capital city a week from now for the examination, which was in two parts. One was a written exam on different things related to magic, as well as a paper we had to write on a subject of our choice. The second part was a test of skills in front of a committee. What we did to demonstrate was our choice, and if we wanted helpers, we must request it ahead of time. Simple enough I suppose. It also warned that the field we went into- either fighter or researcher- meant that either of the tests were more stressed. Fine by me, this meant my lack of advanced knowledge of magic wouldn't hinder me. One other thing the letter said was that the Magicians were part of the military, and thus could be called into combat at any time, also thus would be required to go to a 'bootcamp' (my words) to train, fighter's especially. The whole thing seemed straightforward enough, and I wasn't highly worried about it. I was very much used to military procedures, even if in my world it wasn't as strict as usual. There was another letter in the envelope that was specifically if the person wanted to rise in ranks of the military. The Magicians were considered Majors in that regard, and from there they could be promoted to higher ranks. However, it would be required to go to a military academy, unless the circumstances were unusual, but this was rare. Since I wanted to stay part of the military if possible, this seemed a wise move for me, but I would stay by Alex. For now. But as a fighter, I may be required to go anyways... we would see I suppose.

I looked up at Alex and studied his face as he finished reading. He caught me staring at him when he finished a minute later. "So what do you think? Seems straightforward enough."

"I agree. Let's just hope there isn't any tricks here..."

"Why would there be?"

"I dunno, just have to consider all possibilities."

He chuckled. "You worry as always. It seems simple enough. I just hope we aren't called into combat..."

"I don't think that would happen- to you at least. The Oshyanaic war just ended, and I doubt the other country's will try and attack us just yet."

"I sure hope so. Well, I'm going to go study," he said as he walked off. I went outside to practice my sword fighting.

For the next few hours I focused on my fighting, and I didn't notice the time that was passing. Because my arms couldn't get tired, I often trained much longer than most people, at the cost of being exhausted later. Just as I was about to take a break, I saw out of the corner of my eye a arrow that was aimed a little above my head. Ducking, I sent a knife in return, and tried to spot my assailant. Instead of the attacker I was expecting, I saw a girl with an older man standing by her, both in military dress. I approached them warily.

"Who are you? And why did you try and shoot me?" I said, addressing the younger of the two. She looked no older than twelve, so I was very surprised at her outfit.

The older man said, "I am Brigadier General Royal Adelraaf, and this is my sister Raven Adelraaf of the same rank. We are here to see Shadow Warrior and Alex Eistern."

"I am named Shadow Warrior, sir. But that still does not explain why she tried to shoot me," I said, motioning to Raven.

The girl took out a notepad and quickly wrote, "I was simply testing your reflexes, the arrow would not have hit you."

"Hmm... well, Mr. Adelraaf, if you will come inside, I will introduce you to Alex."

He nodded, and we walked inside. Alice spotted the two strangers immediately, and said with more courtesy then I expected, "This is a pleasant surprise! Can I get you anything, some coffee perhaps?"

"Coffee for both of us would be fine." Alice nodded and rushed off. By now Alex had heard the commotion and walked up to us.

"Well, what brings two military personal to our humble home?"

Royal looked a little amused at the formality. "I have come to inspect the two who are to take the Magician exam. I assume you are Alex?"

Alex nodded, then asked, "We aren't in any trouble, right?"

Royal shook his head. "No, I was just curious. You two are very young to be taking this test."

"We know that," Alex said a bit testily.

"What makes you want to join the military so young?" Raven had written this.

I replied, "Well for my own part, I am used to being apart of battle."

"Really? You don't look older than I am, and I'm sure I did not see you in the war. What one did you participate in?"

Good, they took the bait. I was trying to draw attention away from Alex, and managed to succeed. We had already worked out that I was from a different country, across the sea, and had been stranded here a few years ago after being kidnapped. Solid enough I hoped! After explaining that, I described the war on my home county. While I was talking Alice brought out the coffee, and we all got situated in the living room. My story worked as an ice-breaker, and the two strangers seemed to warm up a bit.

"Well, I can see why you would desire to stay in the military. But what about you," Royal said, turning to Alex, "Why do you wish to join the military?"

"Well, my family has always been fascinated in the military, myself included. But I was hoping to become a researcher and advance my research on healing magic..." They started on a conversation about different things to do with magic of all kinds, while Raven and myself listened, fascinated. The clock chiming broke the mood.

Royal looked at the clock, then said, "We have stayed far to long already. I have other work to attend to," he said, as he and Raven got up. "Well, good luck with the exam you two."

"Thank you. Good fortune for you as well, sir," said Alex.

Royal waved his hand. "Call me Royal, all my men do. Well, outside of battle that is."

"Of course," I replied. "Must keep up appearance."

He chuckled as he and Raven walked out. Once they were gone, Alex and I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well, that was nerve-wracking," Alex said.

"Agreed. I wonder why they came..." I said, as George walked in the room.

"It seems I missed them. Oh, in reply to your question, they are in charge of all the Magicians in this state."

My eyes widened. "And they took the time to see us? Wow..."

George chuckled a bit. "They're like that. Royal is pretty lax most of the time, being much friendlier than is usual with his men. But on the field I hear he is a tyrant."

"I wouldn't be surprised..."

We drifted off into different conversation, while I mulled over something that was troubling me. That girl... she obviously was older than she looked, but besides that, how she had deflexed my knife. I saw it suddenly jerk to the side, as though by mental powers... but that was impossible. Or was it? And her hand... I swear she had some spell on it, under her glove. I could feel some magic resonating from it- whose identify I recognized. But of course I could be jumping to conclusions. But I bet my bottom dollar there was something strange about that girl...

But in any case, I would find out later I assume. What I needed to focus on was the exam!

I tried to breathe as I stood in front of the imposing building that was Capital Hall- a sort of Town Hall that was mainly used for military purposes. The town hall part was only the first of many floors, the others containing various officers and purposes. Of course, the main part of the government was in their building at the edge of town- Capital State it was called. This was just the offices for the actual Capital state business- and yes, they had a state named Capital. The massive building was imposing, making anyone feel very small. Gathering my courage, I stepped inside.

The lobby of the place was big in its own right, fitting the building. I went up to one of the receptionists and asked which floor the room was on, handing over a paper stating why I was here. Not looking up, she gave me directions before helping the next person. Looking at the clock, I saw I was about on time, if I hurried. Alex was currently doing the written exam- I had just finished. I had started sooner, and Alex had wanted to spend more time on his, so I went on ahead. He said he would catch up once he finished, and wished me luck. Walking up to the proper room, I hoped I wouldn't need it.

The room was actually not a room, rather, a little walled in arena. I wasn't surprised at this- it was a testing ground, so it made sense it was outdoors. The area was large, at least twenty feet from where I was to the far wall. There was some raw material piled out, mostly metal and stone. That was wise- it would keep the magicians from trying to tear up the building for resources. At the far end of the room was my testers- among them, Royal and Raven. The other three I didn't recognize. Royal was the one to start it off.

"Shadow Warrior, before the physical exam begins, do you have any questions?"

"No sir," I called back.

The man in the middle said, "I see you have requested a swordsman as an assistant. This request is granted, and Olmar here will help you when you request him to," he said, pointing at a man who just walked in. I nodded at him, then asked, "When do I begin?"

"Now," Royal said, and the men took their seats on a raised platform.

I breathed, then asked Olmar to follow me. He did, and I walked to the center of the arena. The rules simply were I could not take longer than ten minutes, so I planned to have the first five- or less- be sword fighting, then I would demonstrate my magical skills. I told the men my plan, and asked if they would say when five minutes had passed, which they agreed to. Taking a fighting stance, I drew my sword, and shouted, "Begin!"

Olmar charged at me, taking a swipe at my legs. I jumped aside and tried to land a blow on his back, barely missing. He turned, and swiped at me with a heavy blow. I blocked it, and returned with a blow of my own, also blocked. Dodging quickly to the side, I managed to jab him with the flat of my sword on his side, then jumped back to doge a return strike. Using my superior speed to my advantage, I tried to get behind him, at last managing to. I gave him a heavy blow with the flat of my sword, knocking him down. While he was still down, I kicked his sword away, and put my sword tip on the back of his neck. He grunted, "You win," and I let him up. I thanked him for his help, and he walked off. Looking at my watch, I saw that only took four minutes, so I was still good for time.

The next minute I spent making earth soldiers, about average height, as well as some throwing knives. Standing in the center of the circle, I moves each to different parts of the arena, drawing gasps from the examiners. They didn't know I could levitate items of course, and assumed it was just magic. How right they were I did not know. Drawing my knives, I quickly starting to spin, throwing my knives at the statues as I did. They all had different affects, whether they changed form, changed direction, exploded, etc, all of which went just as planned. The soldiers broke down, leaving just one, which I started to control. Using it as a mock magicians, I had it fire different attacks at me, which I countered, and in the end, bound up the soldier. Thinking it was over, I barely missed the bolt of lighting Royal sent my way. The second one I countered with a ball of metal, and then I went on the offensive, dodging another bolt and sending a blunt knife at Royal, hitting him in the chest. He staggered back a bit, then called out, "Enough!"

As the test was over, I walked up to where the examiners stood. "I hope I did not injure you sir," I said, addressing Royal.

"Next time do not aim at a commanding officer," he replied.

"I was merely defending myself sir," I replied meekly.

One of the other testers laughed. "Good luck with that one Royal!"

I looked at him. "Does that mean I pass?"

The middle one replied, "The physical test, yes. Your score in the written part still needs to be looked at."

That did not bother me, the physical was the one that was important to me. "Thank you sirs for your time," I said before walking out, running into Alex as I exited the door.

"So, did you pass?" he asked.

"Yep! Good luck."

"Thanks," he said, before walking inside. I waited outside till he was finished, and then we both walked back to the hotel we were staying at, discussing what had occurred. We were both excited and nervous, since we passed the physical but didn't know what our score for the written was yet. We stayed up late talking, then finally, Em ordered us to go to sleep. We obliged, since we were both quite worn out.

As I lay in the dark, I couldn't help thinking about everything that had happened the last year and a half, and how extraordinary it all was. So many thing had changed... but now, with the prospect of getting back to the work I knew so well, things didn't seem so odd anymore. The warrior was back- and here to stay.

< Message edited by Shadow Ravena -- 3/20/2012 19:08:46 >
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