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RE: Rewards

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2/25/2012 9:09:49   

^ Ty depressed :D

Here I thought everyone forgot it :P

Nice to know some people actuly reconise some of my ideas.
So thank you :)
Epic  Post #: 101
2/25/2012 9:11:28   

No problem.
AQ Epic  Post #: 102
2/25/2012 9:33:59   

So far all I see are sore winners and sore losers. Few are here for the actual game. Don't forget, this is still a PvP game, go kill stuff and things, bike or no bike.

The best reward this release was my new friend moonman, he helped me get through the boring Mirv mission and seems to be a very nice young man. Thats a much better reward then any bike. Thanks DEVs for making a place for me to meet nice young polite players.

V Fay Beee wants to grab me! V @-@

< Message edited by Sparticus -- 2/25/2012 13:14:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 103
2/25/2012 9:51:12   
Fay Beeee

OK so you guys want rewards.
Lets try it like this then.

After you ave played 3 months (must have some wins) a small reward.
This could go up in 3 monthly stages

3 months
9 months
1 year

So how does that grab you?


Epic  Post #: 104
2/25/2012 10:04:20   

This is what we have so far-

Alpha Founders/Elite (3ish years): +10 Appreciation.

Beta (2ish years): +5 Appreciation.

Gamma (1ish year): +3 Appreciation.

Delta (today): +2 Appreciation.

Varium: +1 Appreciation x # of Large Varium Packs purchased.

Free: 1 Appreciation.


Everyone has at least 1 point of Appreciation. The scale for gifts looks like this:

10+ Appreciation: 1 annual ultra-rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

5+ Appreciation: 1 annual rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

2+ Appreciation: 1 annual seasonal-rare gift, valued at 0 credits, 0 varium.

1 Appreciation: 1 annual inventory/buddy list upgrade gift for everyone. Priceless.


The Gift of Remorse-

Remove ALL enhancements. Allow players to pay varium to unlock your weapon or armour. With unlocked equipment, you can reallocate the item's stat points to however you wish.

Example: Frostbane = 8 DEX, 8 TEC, 8 SUP... Unlocked Frostbane= 24 SUP...

You may then customize your gear any way you prefer.

Due to the godly number of stat points.


Wishlists for the win!

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 2/25/2012 10:07:28 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 105
2/25/2012 10:06:45   

I havent said it before, even though you have said it 3 times now @Depressed. But that Appreciation idea is a pretty good one :) Yet I think alpha tester should have a higher "Appreciation score". Since they we're the ones to test this game out in the very first beginning. And before people start to whine about that aswell, no, I am not a alpha tester myself..

< Message edited by playarn -- 2/25/2012 10:14:53 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 106
2/25/2012 10:15:03   

@ Deprssed Love the apreciation layout, It means non founders have th abailty to get the same reward as them provididng the support the game above normal level.
ABove: the alpha testers never supported the game the just tested it, if they did support it they would be an elite, so actuly I think alphas should be bellow elites/founders.

Awsome idea.

One thing to change about my Unlocked idea. (P.S thanks for adding it :D)

It doesnt entierly let you change ALL the stats, You cant for example make frostbane 24 support.
It has 10 enahcments so you can unlock 10 stats, therefore the maximum support you can have is 18 but it means you would have to take away 10 stats from dex and tech.

Also this method uses the same cost as enahcments, So if you wanto change your wepon to a high degree by for exmaple using all the enahcmnets to unlock the stats it will cost a fair bit,
But unlike now this totaly justifies the HIGH apreciation cost because the more you change it the les the wepons will be like it was orignally so the more its gonna cost, it may lead to abusive stats (obviolsy to a much less degree then now) and this also would be prevented with the high apreciating price.

The reason it is like this rather then totally unlocked is because it could lead to piling balance issues if they could totaly relocate all stats to one.

But please remeber this change will not make Spamming worse AT ALL if you consider that the bonus stats are tacken away it will actuly fix this issue.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/25/2012 10:31:44 >
Epic  Post #: 107
2/25/2012 10:53:08   

This is what we have so far-

Alpha Founders/Elite (3ish years): +10 Appreciation.

Beta (2ish years): +5 Appreciation.

Gamma (1ish year): +3 Appreciation.

Delta (today): +2 Appreciation.

Varium: +1 Appreciation x # of Large Varium Packs purchased.

Free: 1 Appreciation.


Everyone has at least 1 point of Appreciation. The scale for gifts looks like this:

15+ appreciations 1 annual ultra rare gift + annual seasonal rare gift + 1.5k var

10+ Appreciation: 1 annual ultra-rare gift + 1.25k var

5+ Appreciation: 1 annual rare gift + 1k var

2+ Appreciation: 1 annual seasonal-rare gift + 500 var

1 Appreciation: 1 annual inventory/buddy list upgrade gift for everyone. Priceless.

I added a few tiny changes that seemed appropriate. I hope you don't mind. And you don't have to accept them, but I hope you do. :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 108
2/25/2012 11:00:41   

I have another idea which we can add to the wishlist 'o'.

Sorry if the gift is balance related, but I am trying to tie it in with Remorse's suggestion.

Because some or many players will continue to abuse stats for unjust gameplay, we could develop limits to stat values.


If STR value is above 100 stat points, Primary accuracy (chance to hit) drops by 10%. - blocking

If DEX value is above 100 stat points, opponents rage rate increases by 20%. - enemy rage

If TEC value is above 100 stat points, opponents chance to critical hit increases by 10%. - enemy critical

If SUP value is above 100 stat points, Ranged weapon accuracy (chance to hit) drops by 10%. -deflecting

Lower the base damage range for focus robots.


Adding the 15+ Appreciation is fine, the varium is as well.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 2/25/2012 11:04:19 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 109
2/25/2012 11:15:26   


If STR value is above 100 stat points, Primary accuracy (chance to hit) drops by 10%. - blocking

If DEX value is above 100 stat points, opponents rage rate increases by 20%. - enemy rage

If TEC value is above 100 stat points, opponents chance to critical hit increases by 10%. - enemy critical

If SUP value is above 100 stat points, Ranged weapon accuracy (chance to hit) drops by 10%. -deflecting

Interesting idea, but it further encourages balance builds (bad thing) and greatly shrinks the var-non var gap (bad thing).
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 110
2/25/2012 11:25:04   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@rej Yes, because losing to an intelligent F2P build is the worst thing in the world. [/sarcasm]

@void Yes, let's add more restrictions to the game and screw people over with either Agility or your new ideas.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 111
2/25/2012 11:31:58   

@rej, ND,


Lower the base damage range for focus robots.

And I don't like agility either.

EDIT: And hey, I was thinking of making those percentages 20 to 33% .

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 2/25/2012 11:33:37 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 112
2/25/2012 11:56:10   

@ ND,

You need to realise that restrictions are needed thanks to enahcements.

What is really stupid is enahmcnets causes all these problems thus requires restrictions to fix them when they could of just removed the terriable feature to start with.

Il prove it.

When enhacments was first introduced not long after agilaity was also introduced, WHY? because people could spam stats like STR and Suport for extreme damage skills and use hp to take care of defences.

Then when enahcments was introduced on auxilaries and guns,

Not long after diminsighing returns was added, which seems really pointless because they make as pay for enahments by adding them on to guns and auxes then take the effects off agian with diminishing returns..... why not just not add them in the first place!

AND as a follow up of all the enahcments MANY requirments were added to skills, its hard to prove enhamcnets are the fault to blame for requiments but skills wouldnt be able to be abused to the point were they can get extreme power with minumum sacrifise without enahcmnets.

SO if the balance team is not willing to fix enahments problems to the core of this problem then Im afraid from now on constant restrictions are gonna have to be added to try and clean up this mess.

An example of a mess:

Enters a 1v1 battle to find 3/10 players are STR spammers 1/10 is an balanced non tank plyer 2/10 are tanks and 4/10 are non variums with a sad attempt at STR spamming.

Now lets play out the battles. from the baalnced non tank veiw.

STR SPammer starts POW! 30 dmagae SMOKE/MALF, balance players tries to shield, POW 3 dmagae the sheild in now reduced, the balances player tries to out dmagae the STR abuser 20! huh thats weird STR abusers have such high power and reasonable defences that you cant even out dmagae them despite them disregarding investing into dex and tech, or the fact they can invest into tech and dex and still get extreme dmagae from piling STR.

Them RAGE POW, yep they rage already when you barely have an attack in weird right because you hit less then them yet the rage system allows them to get it alot quicker.
NOthing left for the balanced player to do but heal, POW agian they continue to reduce you HP at an alarming rate, at this time you could proberly get perhaps one attack in before you cannot do anything left to play defensive and no way near the damage to match them offensively so you hope for a BLOCK....
Then the STR abuser RAGES Kills you, yep thats right they rage agian even before you get 1 in.....

And you think its bad people need restricitons....

< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/25/2012 12:00:18 >
Epic  Post #: 113
2/25/2012 12:06:40   

Guys one question, wouldn't this be better off in Balance Discussion Thread? As this will get locked (it went from rewards onto balance. xD

But I'll agree with Remorse. Restrictions must be put in place, or decaying stats, to stop the abuse. If decaying isn't doing enough work, follow above idea - put a penality.
Of course penality wouldn't start at about 100, as that's what I have right now on Support using base 65ish Support + bonuses from weapons + lastly enhancements. Perhaps putting big decay on Str would really work, isn't it too strong right now? Comparing STR to other stats, which gives you more? If you can crush through defences by spamming STR, doesn't that mean we have a superior stat that requires efortless spamming and few skills of certain classes make it even worse?
Enhancements are a problem now because Varium-players can afford them 99% of the time. We have to wait until Credits and Exp is scaled by Lvl, then we should see how many players can afford Credit enhancements. As a Varium player, I'd like Credit enhancements to be more affordable because they do drain Varium too quickly and I don't wish to spend $50 every 2 months. Twice a year does the job at most *free offers make it cheap to afford*.
Str builds when going first give you guaranteed lose, and Balance Team thought of overall, decreasing 1st turn advantage by putting 1 turn warm-up on debuff skills (or Smoke/Malf only) which would lower the advantage and put you at big disadvantage (see Remorse's post). But of course Support should get changed because I should have much higher chances to go first if I have like 60 more Support and few Lvls above. Isn't that right?

Gap is closing so your point is invalid. :P Varium is simply 2 Lvls advantage in power, not guaranteed win. Wiseman confirmed it, example is Rusty and Assault Bot (2dmg difference = 2 Lvls advantage).
AQ Epic  Post #: 114
2/25/2012 12:10:44   

Agai it is highlt improbable that gamma gets a reward cus you could just buy the cheevo (free).
Also delta shouldent get rewards (YET) because they havent waited.

Again i bet what they refer to as "other supporters" as people who buy varium.
Quote : Yes im pure... purely evil to the core -Vegeta
AQW Epic  Post #: 115
2/25/2012 12:12:39   

If this Balancing is off-topic, I request an AK to take posts #105 to #114 and paste them into balance discussion so we can get back on track. IF that is possible.

I think that would repair this thread.


Gifts would only occur every anniversary or new year, so Delta players and the rest of us would have to wait at least 10 months before the next gift.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 2/25/2012 12:15:37 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 116
2/25/2012 12:14:19   

Cool? Rewards will be for all supporters, not phase-based - Cindy said it 2 days ago, supporters not phases. Founder/Elites had it different, now all I want is other supporters. My alts will get advantage of it *CH bought 5K Varium yesterday just to get Credits + I done free offers (paid $8 only)* and it'll be fair.
AQ Epic  Post #: 117
2/25/2012 12:17:26   

so beta and alpha should get nothing?
AQW Epic  Post #: 118
2/25/2012 12:20:50   


so beta and alpha should get nothing?

If beta players get a "reward", as you guys call it, can I assure you that gamma players will complain. Just as you late-betas complain about Founders getting a "reward"..
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 119
2/25/2012 12:21:15   

I want supporters to get awarded, not phases. Founder+Elite rewarding took it too far with arguments and we got enough rewards for little, and going by phases is further separating the players and will cause more problems. If they paid during Beta, sure they will be awarded as supporters. More they paid = better the rewards. *hope it works in that way*
Alpha should've gotten bikes as well yesterday if they paid, unless I'm wrong. No reason they shouldn't if they were around that early.

Oh right, well that explains it then. ^^ So streetnaruto, that leaves the Betas which was after merge with AE. I want above to follow, supporter idea, not phase. And hopefully, for those who paid a lot for the game, to get better rewards that could perhaps those of Founders. Like exclusive Armor, Bike, free Varium, etc. Before anyone comments on it; it makes sense, Founders paid a lot less (some) and they got it so for big support, why shouldn't they? If it's not available easily, then it makes even more sense.

< Message edited by Trans -- 2/25/2012 12:28:13 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 120
2/25/2012 12:25:37   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@trans The Alpha players that supported did get a bike. They're called Elites. The only upgrade they had in Alpha was Elite.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 121
2/25/2012 12:27:08   

I say you need both, as I have mentioned, seniorship + membership.

If you are old, you get a point. If you pay, you get a point. If you are old and you pay, you get 2 points.

I would say that you need to be rewarded equally for seniority and patriotism.
AQ Epic  Post #: 122
2/25/2012 12:30:27   

Yes Depressed, that's true but I'd say to mostly focus on the membership rather than seniorship. Seniorship focuses on different groups and the bigger the group, the worse reward is - everyone have the same thing so yeah.. Although if from now on it'll be just Membership AND perhaps seniorship once in a while (not every year + not just Founders) then I'm fine. Small gifts are nice but not over the top.
AQ Epic  Post #: 123
2/25/2012 12:30:43   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@void Do the points stack? For example, I've bought 10 50$ packs and I am a Founder. So does that mean I get points from Founder and the packages or do I just get one of the two?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 124
2/25/2012 12:40:35   

Since we split seniority rankings from membership ranking, you get individual points for your age in ED, and individual points for your payments to ED, you then sum them together for your total appreciation count.
AQ Epic  Post #: 125
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