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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/6/2012 23:40:47   

If we're not careful, a lot of godmodding is going to start flying around...

I claim this page in the name of no godmodding.

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/6/2012 23:41:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 226
3/7/2012 2:19:12   

This city is devolving into anarchy and the so called heroes appear to be nowhere. My new force seems to be doing nothing. I have no choice. Send in the Colour Corps. I'm putting this city under the martial law of Ommicorp untill this Chaos is finished.

(Suddenly, a army appears to march from Ommicorp buildings around the city. They surround places of importance and send special squads to take down the insanity being spread across the city) Remember, pripority targets are whatever Bloodmoon has become, Scarecrow, Lord Thurday, and Clown, Put an end to this.

If any heroes have issues with me taking the city, keep in mind that I will return it when this threat is over. If heroes will not act, it relies on villans to finish this chaos.
DF  Post #: 227
3/7/2012 4:17:22   

"heck weakling let's just see what you can do.... as well....."
(also yeah This is gonna ba godmodding heaven)
*sees all the thousands of land machines stuck on the ground due to the past gravity change also the flying mechs have loweed flight*
*flies at the exact alignment of the planets and moon raises arm and yellow light comes from his hand hitting all the mechs*
"there more power though with that their now officially GOOD."
*disappears into light."
Post #: 228
3/7/2012 4:22:00   

*appears behind the Dealer*
"having a hard time dealer."
"after all you've basically brought war among us against chaos itself."
"oh and believe me I know it's origin and how it spread into the world."
"Your in a losing battle frankly all you got are gods and they have limits."
"SAD FACT........"
*walks towards the door ready to leave*
Post #: 229
3/7/2012 6:03:36   

Am I in the games yet? I sent my number...

Drakkoniss, snap out of it! If you want to win the games, you have to be normal and patient. You can't win as a... freak. <_<
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 230
3/7/2012 9:14:52   

Velmur, it may help if you post in the story thread for The Death games.
DF  Post #: 231
3/7/2012 10:13:06   

I'm gonna have to be introducing Fairgates in a bit. I have to go to school, please don't blow up the universe by accidentally blinking.

And I'm serious about that. Looking at the situation I can only assume the worst.

Basic rundown;

1. Continue story with Fairgates
2. You all read it :3
3. I come into the character discussion thread
4. We get moar heroes
5. ?????

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/7/2012 10:16:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 232
3/7/2012 11:10:01   
delta blitz


a lot of godmodding is going to start flying around...

Hmm...well I can only speak for my character but I haven't really done anything god mod worthy (I've only increased the gravity over the city by 200%*twice regular gravity* corrupted about 50 citizens and 50 smashers, 20 of which is still in skulldeep pestering the villians there). So personally I'm not god modding seeing as my character no longer has his zero energy he must rely on his insanity and loneliness for power.
*goes back into character*
this is.....TASTY!! *Absorbs the surplus of white chaos coming from the planet* ALL THE HATE, ALL THE LONELINESS IT TASTES SO GOOD, BY ALL MEANS KEEP THIS WAR GOING AS LONG AS POSSIBLE...PAHAHAHAHA....ILL JUST KEEP FEEDING OFF OF ITS DESTRUCTION *Watches the omnicorp soldiers charge into battle* PAHAHAHAHA military intervention brings resentment which turns into hate....this is hiliarious I don't even need to fight in this war to spread my teachings of loneliness, they are doing it for me. *Third eye begins to open from the surplus of white chaos, causing a wave of hate to spread across the city and causing the weak will citizens to turn against eachother* Hmmm....well thats a new one I didn't think I could passively do that.....I wonder what will happen if I absorb....MORE.

~Chaos of Loneliness


Tales of the two heroes
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 233
3/7/2012 11:14:24   
3 Vandoren

Will the little-known chaos entity known as David Blitz rise up and destroy us all? Find out next time on... The Herosmash Character Discussion Thread!
I think everyone should just... just calm down. We don't want to destroy everything there ever was and will be, do we? Wait, well, you all probably do, but I enjoy living! (A little bit)
Post #: 234
3/7/2012 11:22:13   
delta blitz


Will the little-known chaos entity known as David Blitz rise up and destroy us all?

Ummm....no I have no intentions on destroying anything unlike Clown or Drakkoniss....all I care about is spreading my teachings and feeding. I have no real interesting in this worlds sake but I do enjoy the *human condition*, any race willing to kill themselves off is like a buffet to me. I could be sneaky and attack everyone when the war is over but no thats not chaotic...thats obvious which isnt my style. So in conclusion you guys have nothing to fear from me....though with all the rest of those chaos beings running around, I'm sure I'm not the one to worry about anyway. oh and by the way.....THE NAME IS X PRIME!!!

~Chaos of Loneliness

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 3/7/2012 11:24:10 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 235
3/7/2012 11:39:15   

Necro Berserk: Nor do I. I wish to stop this Chaos. WHich is why I put forwards the idea of a group of Anti Heroes to end this. Two joined. Much as I hate to say it due to it being bad for business, but Super City needs more protectors. The old heroes are gone, and it's left to those remaining to do something.

(Meanwhile, The Colour Corps are spreading across the city looking for the main perpertrators. The Dealer is busy messing around with a console, putting all sorts of odd calibrations into it...)
DF  Post #: 236
3/7/2012 12:16:12   

*in a raspy voice* Huuuugh.... haaah... aaaaaahh... *straightens up*

Back. *cracks neck*

Now, let's see what's gone on, while I was in that mental battle, shall we?

David's gone too far... yadda, yadda, yadda... Need to deal with him, soon. His actions are more likely to help cause what he's been wanting to avoid than not, with his currently deluded mind...

I can understand why you might be, Jessa; As for you, Anti, I think I'll read the rest, before I finish commenting.

Who says i was even trying to do that, btw, Anti? Who says that was angled at anyone or anything other than the obvious intentions? Hehe...

I think you underestimate my power, Saturn, or are elsewise not looking at things in a way you could see it, but regardless, it would not be quite so easy as you might think. Also, if I were blinked out of my very existance, there would be no soul left, and if not, and I were to just die... well, that could make me quite angry, considering, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Things could get far worse than they have... But that would take far more than what has come, and if that happens, you could serve yourself to be a deal more concerned.

Sharp eyes, Immortales. Sharp eyes.

Hmmm... Pure Chaos... *grabs head and arcs back* BAKENAAA!!!!!!! *shivers* No. I AM IN CONTROL!!! *cracks down on the other forces in his mind, assuring his leadership of them all*

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No... my distaste towards Chaos has not grown so much that I would ignore the wonts and scheduals of other artists. You are safe for now, AFK-Voldo.

Hehe... Oh, Star, how silly you truly are. You're wrong about how strong that makes your possition. For the moment, however, I will hold off, for Voldo's sake, though I may decide to still assail you and Clown. We shall see.

New Zeuzt font color and arangement, hmm? Interesting.

Ugh... such antiquated machines will cause more harm than good, especially fighting Chaos... There are reasons Smashers don't tend to use vehicles in normal combat.

Oh, and David *WAS* more oriented to good, but he's sortof gone mad from the revelation, as of late.

*eye twitches at Clown's speach* You're wrong... Clown. You haven't counted your dead. 20... or so... 20 members of the Chaos Carnival alive. Grrragh... *veins in his forehead pop out, as Blood craves for more*

You're *tone of voice shifts in mid-sentence* wrong, Clown. As you lose your men, and the streets flow red *hand twitches as surges of energy ebb and flow from it* you... become weaker. Your movement shall decay, and itt shall be thought suicide to join the Carnival. Soon, it shall come. We shall see just how significant you are to me, and how much of a fight you can put up before I *in a low hiss* destroy you. Prepare yourself for it. Prepaaare. I want a good fight. I WILL CRUSH YOUR SOUL, AND BRING YOU INTO THE DEPTHS OF OBLIVION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe... Beautiful, darling. Let us see how much blood we shall spill together.

(you used the word madness too much in the first few lines, Thursday; It should've been chaos for the second or third one; I dislike the effect of using one adjective twice in quick succession)

Know omething I found out recently? Because of the fact that the Mayan calendar doesn't have a leap year day, it would seem that today would be in July of 2013, in their count... though I could be wrong, of course, but meh.

Hehe... Didn't think of it, that way, Zafara. Wonderful point. *sends a mental message about the urgency of him finding Syrena soon*

If that gravitational increase had lasted longer, all advanced life on the planet would've died, save perhaps a couple Giraffes. -.-

LUNAROX!!!!!!!!! This could be interesting... Seems like he's a bit cocky, but he'll see. At least he'll make for an interesting fight... Haven't had to use that much power in a long time. Hehe...

I don't care, Dealer. Doesn't matter, so long as the job gets done. I think I might handle the bigger players, while your flunkies mess around with the riotous hordes and villains that are currently running rampant.

Care to try my hand, people?! I'm not afraid to take on you all at once to bring order to this mess! That is, afterall the reason for my existance... So many fools, mad with power, of late. Even I would wish that there didn't have to be so much blood. Shows the world in a negative light. Let's see if you can make me as entertained as when I sparred with Mars, eh? He makes you pay attention to how you fight, that one!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... You know something, though, Davy, old boy? You are destroying things, even if you didn't intend it. I think I'll fight you first. You are becoming a royally annoying pain in the rear. You're ruining things, and Drakkoniss has been leniant for far too long.

*lifts an arm, and makes a translucent tendril of spiky red energy surge out and dart through the city, eventually finding the shadow of David Blitz, and launching him painfully into the sky, and then teleports under him, going into a swift rise, and striking him nigh-simultaneously thrice in the chest, and then once uppercutting into the jaw, knocking him yet further into the sky*

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 12:25:55 >
DF  Post #: 237
3/7/2012 12:36:04   


I don't care, Dealer. Doesn't matter, so long as the job gets done. I think I might handle the bigger players, while your flunkies mess around with the riotous hordes and villains that are currently running rampant.

Sounds like a plan to me. If ya need backup just call on some of the Corps. They have orders to aid heroes who request it. Also, I advise imprisonment of Clown untill this situation with Death revivving him can be dealt with.

But as someone who likes to keep an eye on things, you may want to get those...other personalities sorted out. I'd offer to help with that if you need anything, but you probably won't trust me with that.
DF  Post #: 238
3/7/2012 12:36:42   
3 Vandoren

*phew* I'm glad I'm not destroying everything, or else Drakky might kill me next! *chuckles and leans against a lamp post*
*winces as the lamp post falls over onto a car*
*cringes as the driver of the car accidentally drives into a store*
*runs away as people start running about screaming, causing chaos*
Post #: 239
3/7/2012 12:43:04   

Well, that's what he had intended to do, with regards to Clown, once he got the opportunity, but meh. No, he wouldn't trust you with that, and considering who I am, why should I?

Yeah... If you had any part in it, I'd probably do so, and I might anyway, if you cause too many problems.
DF  Post #: 240
3/7/2012 12:44:37   
3 Vandoren

Are you talking to me, on that last line, there?
If not... doesn't really matter... I'll just be over here... *crouches behind a car*
Post #: 241
3/7/2012 12:52:45   

Indeed, I was. *fires a single energy puls from his hand, that spins through the air at lightning speed and makes a chunk of the street beside him explode* You get my point.
DF  Post #: 242
3/7/2012 12:56:03   
3 Vandoren

*rolls under the car*
Causing no problems under this car, you can just go... carry on with killing the other baddies, consider me subdued.
Post #: 243
3/7/2012 13:07:38   

Wait a minute... I said beside him, but are you female? That avatar always confused me, and I've dealt with you so little that I am slightly confused on that subject...
DF  Post #: 244
3/7/2012 13:11:17   

Drakkoniss: His avatar has a beard. How does that confuse you?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 245
3/7/2012 13:25:51   

Because I have a memory of he/she being called a female/using or having been referenced with female pronouns. -.-

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 13:26:14 >
DF  Post #: 246
3/7/2012 14:47:17   
delta blitz

*Watches Drakkoniss attack one of his corrupted victims whose appearance he altered to look like himself from between dimensions* Hmmm...so you want to fight me Drak....well too bad PAHAHAHA I have no intentions of fighting you or Clown as of yet...I have some feeding to do first. Also I am stopping what would have happened during this war from happening while at the same time, spreading my teachings and preparing myself just in case. After all why would someone like me take the pandoran malachite when he is not compatible with it....hehehe...HAHAHAHA YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME DRAK.....I may be insane but insanity and genius is on the same wavelength.*Crosses from between dimensions into the Aqworlds timeline* Everything that is happening is going just how I planned it would...whats my plan you are wondering...

nope not going to tell ya PAHAHAHAHA

~Chaos of Loneliness

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 3/7/2012 14:56:51 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 247
3/7/2012 15:00:26   

let me get straight to the point:

i would want to actually be a part of this, but the hairs on the back of my neck keep pestering me about the rancid stench of godmodding that might show up later after i post, so i keep backing out every single time. long story short, i'm staying out of this. period. ._.
Post #: 248
3/7/2012 15:06:06   
delta blitz

^ a smart choice indeed only a fool would charge into a battle like this without enough power to back himself up.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 249
3/7/2012 15:07:49   
3 Vandoren

Me? Am I a female? Is this because I ran and hid like a little girl?! Fine then, kill me if you wish, but know I am no female. *runs off to cause chaos and problems*
Post #: 250
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