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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/7/2012 15:10:27   

Vector: I honestly can't blame you. This whole thing reeks of idiocy and godmodding. I think I'll actually type up a semi-guide on "How not be a moron (character-wise)" and PM it to several of the people here.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 251
3/7/2012 15:26:39   
delta blitz

Meh I'm not in this war so I don't expect a pm, as I haven't done any god modding at all (none of my feats are that incredible other than increasing the gravity around the city and moving in between HS and AQw, I have only been corrupting random people and smashers and collecting stuff pretty much so... no pm for me )

*goes into character*
PAHAHAHA now I have the last piece...the future will be saved...one way or another *crosses back in between dimensions*

~Chaos of Loneliness
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 252
3/7/2012 15:49:32   

well, i'll admit my character's pretty tough, but i at least TRY to balance it out with his moral conflicts and heavy reclusiveness, though i keep thinking it's not enough :/
Post #: 253
3/7/2012 15:54:49   

Vector: Your character is fine.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 254
3/7/2012 16:05:29   
delta blitz

^Don't doubt yourself vector, you character is awesome just like everyone elses. As long as you stay within your character's ability range and don't just "pull something out of your behind" then your not god modding. For example my character was an zero energy being (which was suppose to be godly thanks to the ability range of his powers) but I gave him lack of control with his powers and a superman like fear that kept him holding back along side the fact that his loneliness and sadness was eating him up inside. Now my character completely lost his sanity becoming X prime(a white chaos energy being) thus taking away all of his zero energy based powers (meaning no more godly things like creating pocket dimensions and erasing stuff from reality or stopping time......playing with the laws of reality). But my character now accepts his insanity, no longer holds back anything and has close to full control of his white chaos. He now has to rip a hole between dimensions to move through them (plus he is limited to the AE unverses). Therefore as you can see that isn't god modding while at the same time making him a force to be reckon with.

AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 255
3/7/2012 16:19:52   

Shadow, please do.

I'm rather bothered by it. Fairgates is human... Throwing him into this situation is silly without some sort of mediation.
And Drakkoniss having the ability to supposedly take on every villian and hero at once kind of ruins the fun of it for humans, aye?

Contrast isn't even introduced.

I'm sure most of the characters have some sort of unknown defense against the Eventide as well...

Despite the fact it is completely unknown to this planet by them e.e

I trust you'll all work this out. *returns to class*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 256
3/7/2012 16:25:04   
delta blitz

My character is an energy being of white chaos as stated and in his orgin story it shows he is not from this planet therefore the reason why the pandoran malachite isnt compatible with him(in fact he isnt even from this galaxy). If anyone was to read his orgin story then you would understand what I mean.


Tales of the two heroes
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 257
3/7/2012 16:25:36   
star screamer

Looks like I missed a bit.
Heh heh...
AQW  Post #: 258
3/7/2012 16:32:54   

you haven't even seen all of his abilities yet. 'experimental' may be a tough cookie as he is now, but his full potential remains untapped mostly because i haven't found a valid reason to dig that deep. no, they're not secret powers or anything like that, just making newton's first law a real pain in the neck for his enemies... like, say plowing through a brick wall (or something tougher even) like stabbing paper with a pencil
Post #: 259
3/7/2012 16:55:31   


*sends a mental message about the urgency of him finding Syrena soon*

...It's like he's trying to tell me something, I know it!

Hee hee hee...Isn't the madness fun, Drakkoniss? Doesn't it bring you happiness? No?
*His tone abruptly changes to a mixture of a roar and a snarl*
Ah, sorry. My friends got a little excited there...Where were we? Ah, yes...Batteries...Hmm...

Lady Zafara <.<
AQW  Post #: 260
3/7/2012 17:08:43   

Don't you all have a bigger problem to deal with now?

*Steps out from the large crater in the Moon that was made when I crashed into it*

I'm not at full power yet, but let's see what I can do. I'll start small.

*An orb of light appears in my hand. At my will, the light breaks into colors and bends to become an image of Earth.*

Now what shall I do first...Ah, maybe this.

*Points finger at the globe near where Super City is and twirls it. A gravitational tornado simultaneously forms at that location and moves towards the City.*

This is too fun. Haha. It's invisible too, well, I suppose you could see the debris flying around it.

Ah, I almost forgot.

*freezes the revolution of all celestial bodies in the solar system*

Good luck beating me now.

< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 3/7/2012 17:09:35 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 261
3/7/2012 17:12:40   

Annoying godmodding is annoying...

Honestly, guys, too much at once.
We have lunarox, clown, jack, this is ridiculous.
Stop. Seriously. Too much at once. Makes it hard to focus.

Tornadoes are already invisible... They're just air. It's the dirt that makes you able to see them. And the massive swirling cloud.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 262
3/7/2012 17:21:01   

personally, the only ones that should be able to godmod AT ALL are the AK's. they know how to use it properly at least :/
likewise, all this godmodding is really discouraging for honest roleplayers
Post #: 263
3/7/2012 17:21:50   

Hmm... Didn't you used to not have a male avatar, Berzerker? I think so. That might've been why... Meh.

Huh... Might've thought you'd help out in crowd control, or something, Vector (presumably as Experimental). *shrugs*

I guess that didn't serve to draw you out, then. *tosses aside the lifeless husk he had been beating on, earlier* Notice that I said "the shadow of David Blitz", not specifically the real one.

Well, at least Drakkoniss got that layabout to actually do something, instead of sitting on his rear the entire time. I'll wait to see what happens... probably.

I agree that you are doing very well on your character, Vector. I actually thought you were making him hold back TOO much, sometimes, knowing what he could be capable of.

*reads David's statement about godmodding, and then proceeds to comment on Anti's post*

(I did not say he would be successful at fighting them all at once; That's just something people say, and if he did, who's to say how it will turn out? Crazy things could happen, and even I can't predict everything. Oh, and humans help themselves with technology; That tends to be what they do, anyway; They also train themselves to have exceptional skill in certain areas, such as markmanship. There are many things a human could do to try to defeat someone more powerful than them. Think of Ironman's Hulkbuster armors.

... Did Lunarox just kill everyone that needed oxygen [among other things] to survive? That would've ripped the oceans away from the earth, pull everything rooted to the ground up and out of the atmosphere other than tiny remenants that would remain, killed all the birds some way or the other, ripped all the topsoil off the planet's surface, almost certainly rip entire mountains off the planet, and discorge large ammounts of stone otherwise, along with probably massive ammounts of volcanic reactions, and numerous earthquakes...

To be fair, Drakkoniss can see the differences in the heat of the air, along with the molecules moving around in tornadoes, but that's neither here nor there... I do agree that that was massively godmodding... and this might not have been the best time... though I suppose if you're going to have the entirety of the city destroyed, and that is your goal, injecting your character at exactly that moment would've been the best point to do so...)

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 17:28:59 >
DF  Post #: 264
3/7/2012 17:32:44   

reason i hold back often is for fear of jumping on the GM bandwagon unwillingly. i just give character traits to... elaborate those concerns a little. do something to make him mad, though, and you'll both regret and deserve it.
Post #: 265
3/7/2012 17:33:15   

No worries, the tornado is quite small, so while it indeed leaves behind much damage and basically deprives living things that are too close to it of oxygen, it isn't large enough to make a significant impact.

It's just a test, after all. But you might want to do something about it.

In all seriousness though, if you don't want me having a bit of fun with godmodding, then I can just end it. I just thought the forums were getting dull with so many players quitting the game.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 266
3/7/2012 17:39:09   

No, not the little tornado. That's of hardly any consequence. You stopped the planets' orbits. -_-

Unfortunately, that makes me thirst for Artisa's blood, and I am not a vampire... Fortunately for you, I tend to only target evil forces in this world.

(I admit you have the right to it; I'm just saying that it makes it a DOOMsday scenario, effectively...)
DF  Post #: 267
3/7/2012 17:39:35   


the game.

You just lost it.

And I think stopping the celestial bodies would kinda kill everyone...
AQW  Post #: 268
3/7/2012 17:45:41   

Well, a few people would be able to survive, as I pointed out in my version of that statement, but I agree. I don't know where you're quoting that from, though, or who you are refering to, with regards to the game...
DF  Post #: 269
3/7/2012 17:47:50   

Ah, you're probably right. Don't want that.

*Resores planetary movement*

No matter, I don't need an alignment to maintain this form anymore.

Edit: Ah, the Game. We're all playing the Game without knowledge and consent, and always have been.

The point of the Game is not to think about the Game or you lose.

Thing is, when anybody tells you that you lost the Game, you think about the Game and hence lose the Game.

Loss is temporary, however.

< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 3/7/2012 17:54:28 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 270
3/7/2012 17:49:48   



the game.

You just lost it.


@Drakkoniss; Even with his technology, he's nowhere near to obliterating the universe by accidentally breathing too hard.

I'm just saying that the power difference is... significant.

The level of skill in Fairgates is intended to be ridiculously vast (think something like Big Boss and Solid Snake from the Metal Gear saga cloned a child with Eddie Morra from the movie Limitless) but still.

Point being I don't have much to work with in a situation such as this.

EDIT; Woah, repetition.

< Message edited by Antithesis -- 3/7/2012 17:50:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 271
3/7/2012 17:51:15   


I just thought the forums were getting dull with so many players quitting the game.

We all lost.

Anyways, we have to deal with Davy, who's become all chaotic, Clown, Lunarox, and this new Jack guy (who, by the way, sounds like a scarecrow figure <.<). Too mucha t one time.

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 272
3/7/2012 17:52:08   

i think it's a meme she was referring to, drakky.

just because you tend to do something doesn't mean it's the only thing you do. consider this your only warning
Post #: 273
3/7/2012 17:54:02   

This whole situation is confusing and Zafara has brought tears of deep sadness to my eyes.

It really should just stop or I'm hopping the ultra-arch-godmod-of-doom-and-termination wagon too.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 274
3/7/2012 17:59:24   

if i'm forced to do it, it will be the last time i rp in the forums. no exceptions, and since i normally just ignore godmodders, you'll have an idea how low they've brought this to.
Post #: 275
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