Creative! Constructive!
Hmm... Didn't you used to not have a male avatar, Berzerker? I think so. That might've been why... Meh. Huh... Might've thought you'd help out in crowd control, or something, Vector (presumably as Experimental). *shrugs* I guess that didn't serve to draw you out, then. *tosses aside the lifeless husk he had been beating on, earlier* Notice that I said "the shadow of David Blitz", not specifically the real one. Well, at least Drakkoniss got that layabout to actually do something, instead of sitting on his rear the entire time. I'll wait to see what happens... probably. I agree that you are doing very well on your character, Vector. I actually thought you were making him hold back TOO much, sometimes, knowing what he could be capable of. *reads David's statement about godmodding, and then proceeds to comment on Anti's post* (I did not say he would be successful at fighting them all at once; That's just something people say, and if he did, who's to say how it will turn out? Crazy things could happen, and even I can't predict everything. Oh, and humans help themselves with technology; That tends to be what they do, anyway; They also train themselves to have exceptional skill in certain areas, such as markmanship. There are many things a human could do to try to defeat someone more powerful than them. Think of Ironman's Hulkbuster armors. ... Did Lunarox just kill everyone that needed oxygen [among other things] to survive? That would've ripped the oceans away from the earth, pull everything rooted to the ground up and out of the atmosphere other than tiny remenants that would remain, killed all the birds some way or the other, ripped all the topsoil off the planet's surface, almost certainly rip entire mountains off the planet, and discorge large ammounts of stone otherwise, along with probably massive ammounts of volcanic reactions, and numerous earthquakes... To be fair, Drakkoniss can see the differences in the heat of the air, along with the molecules moving around in tornadoes, but that's neither here nor there... I do agree that that was massively godmodding... and this might not have been the best time... though I suppose if you're going to have the entirety of the city destroyed, and that is your goal, injecting your character at exactly that moment would've been the best point to do so...)
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/7/2012 17:28:59 >