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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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2/28/2012 14:50:54   
Clown the Jester


The figure appeared at the gates of the Chaos Carnival. ''Hehe. Sure brings back them memories,'' it said, as it blasted the gates of their hinges. He walked in, and, as if on cue, it started to rain. ''Looks like they still have this thing,'' said the being as wings gathered around him, shielding him from the rain. It started hovering, and flew towards the main circus tent. It was just as the being remembered. Big, and purple.

''Time to see my old buddies.''

Heh heh...and people say I'm over dramatic. HEE HEE...bashing up my gates and stuff...heh heh...funny. I didn't why we have gates...

I mean...gates would imply that I was trying to keep people out...and for the life of me...I couldn't think of anyone that isn't welcome at my circus.

Heh heh...I do loveit when my foes come strolling in...bashing up my gates as if they couldn't fly over...or climb over...or hope over...or dig under it.

"Yeah Clown!" They say. "I bust up ur gate. What ya gonna do about it?"

You'd think I'd care a smile onto their faces for their busting up fences...but...heh heh. Why bother.

No dead fence is worth crying over. HEE HEE...not even dead infences.



I don't remember putting up gates...unless...oh...hee hee. I see.

The people who visit, first set up the gates and blow em up...pretending they are destroying my property...heh heh...funny.

The gates aren't representing an intention to keep others out...it represents keeping me in...HEE HEE. As if a scrap of iron could keep me and my friends inside.

Ah...but they will have their fun. Heh heh....blowing up someone elses fences. Heh heh....ACTUALLY It'S QUITE HILARIOUS!


Ah...Welcome back War Pro. Nice to see ya back from beyond the grave. Heh heh.

I forget War Pro...did you rejoin the Chaos Carnival? Theres been so much going on...Its hard for a reality bending harlequin to keep the numbers straight.


Yes..heh heh...come in come in. Sit down, take a load off your feet, I'm sure we have alot of catching up to do.
AQW Epic  Post #: 101
2/28/2012 14:58:07   

So yeah, there are two places in The Death Games for the interested. And Kinz, don't kill off the two old ones, just Ko them or something so they can keep using the characters.
DF  Post #: 102
2/28/2012 15:33:59   

I'll take one.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 103
2/28/2012 15:46:21   

Very well. Kinz pretty much said one was to go to you if ya wanted anyway. Go post in the Death Games thread.
DF  Post #: 104
2/28/2012 16:03:48   

I do remember mentioning before that I was interested in participating in these games. ;)

Anywho, if that spot in the games is still open, I'd be more than happy to take one off your hands.
AQ  Post #: 105
2/28/2012 16:06:28   

Alright, Celesten and Velmur are the two new contestents! Go post on the thread and start your stories there for the collab.
DF  Post #: 106
2/28/2012 18:35:08   

What course should I start them on, the current one or the next one? Also what should I do for the number thing, I mean I could ask them for there numbers but then I would have to remake the list, the easier option would be to give them the spot on the list, that the ones before them had like I did with K. Opinions?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 107
2/28/2012 19:30:35   
Question Mark?

Lord Thursday stands hesitantly, quaveringly, from his place upon the floor within his padded cell.
He wears a confining straightjacket, but his hair, dark and long, whips about as he lurches from side to side with a drunken swagger, attempting to regain his balance after the rapid ascent from the soft white floor. Eventually, he seems to regain his equilibrium, and opens his eyes.
But that is wrong.
The eyes are not his.
The belong to the SUN.
They speak, the man and the enigma, the walker and the dweller, the puppet and the puppeteer.

We have observed you for aeons.
You have always existed, it seems, in one form or another.
There has always been Comedy.
And as such, there has always been you.
Your allies, compatriots, they are beings of great renown.
We have observed you, and would like to beseech your assistance.
You see, it is not a specific endeavor that we wish to be abetted with.
We simply wish to make a proposition.
How would you like to turn the city on its head, turn it inside out, and tickle its feet until it falls to pieces, and then rebuild it again and try something new? We can continue forever you know.
Warping, changing, making things so much better. We can make ourselves a glorious paradise, reveling in madness and chaos. Together.
What do you say, Jester?
Your people, and our people.
We can talk.
Discuss things.
Have tea.
Or coffee.
If you prefer it.
I like blood.
And sweat.
And Tears.
I do believe that we'll get along just fine.

< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 2/28/2012 19:31:47 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 108
2/28/2012 21:00:51   
star screamer

What do you do when you are stuck in a room?

Easy, you open the door and walk out.
AQW  Post #: 109
2/29/2012 7:08:27   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh.....OOOH!

Well...a little team work goes a long way.

I'll consider your polite gesture...heh...I'll consider it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 110
2/29/2012 8:15:52   

OK more mayhem and "purple" coming your way as clown and ? unite!!!
in other news i got stung by bee!! it hurts!! twice by two bees in my MOUTH!!!
I tried buying a pencil but the conversation went like this-

ME: cun i viy a mencvil

Vendor: what? i'll give you a paper to write on but we don't have those

ME: OvHs goovdned whavs vine ovf stove viz thivs!!! nu fweivivng vapervs!!!

Vendor: spell it?

ME: vuid vidye

ME: Av, BIV, Si, Div, VIf, Vef, Vwee, Wayshe, Di, Vay, Ray, Ev, VEn, Bo, Glee

ME: Av, BIV, Si, Div, VIf

ME: Av, BIV, Si, Div, VIf, Vef, Vwee, Wa Welvyshe, Di, Vay, Ray, Welv, Ev, VEn

Vendor: keep on going

ME: Av, BIV, Si

ME: Av, BIV, Si, Div, VIf, Vef, Vwee, Wayshe, Di

ME: Av, BIV, Si, Div, VIf, Vef, Vwee, Wayshe, Di, Vay, Ray, Ev

Vendor: PEnCIL!!! yes a pencil

ME: Ves Thuv YOUsv havs dos

Vendor: sorry we don't sell those heehe


< Message edited by Immortales -- 2/29/2012 8:24:24 >
Post #: 111
2/29/2012 13:34:08   

Clown, you can't trust Elderich Beings. I will give the advice I always give to any villain or indeed hero: trust in your own power. It may occasionaly let you down but it will never betray you.
DF  Post #: 112
2/29/2012 19:45:02   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh.

Thank you mother hen.YOu forget sir....I've been known to betray when the time arose. HOO HOO!

And its even better knowing he's untrustworthy!

Who can ya trust more than the guy you know will betray you?

WHen he does...ya only have yourself to blame...HEE HEE! I'm hoping Eldrich is a back stabber...its nice causing madness with a fellow stabber of the back.


And my powers...well...there;s nothing about me that I can trust.

Who knows whether or not the voices in me head are not leading me astray.
AQW Epic  Post #: 113
2/29/2012 20:53:41   


BTW Yall got sum spellin' errors in thar, mr. Clowny.

< Message edited by Carly9467 -- 2/29/2012 20:55:57 >
AQW  Post #: 114
3/1/2012 5:51:53   

You know, I kinda want to see whether the Elderich Being or CLown would betray the other first.
DF  Post #: 115
3/1/2012 6:15:03   

Megakyle! Have we met? I do not remember seeing you before.

And who is this Elderich Being?
AQW  Post #: 116
3/1/2012 8:02:55   

We have not met? But I've been around for a while. I'm surprised you hgave not hreard of me by now. Anyway, allow me to formaly introduce myself. My name is The Dealer, a purveyor of items of questionable legality to personalities of questionable morality. Currently, my company Ommicorp are running a set of Death Games for heroes ands villain alike to compete in for a prize. While all competitor slots are filled for the moment, it may be a possiblity that if the the course designers don't post a tale when their turn comes that we will need a new course. Feel free to drop in and take a look, tickets are always selling, we are not against people writing a chapter for an audience member long as they look threought the thread and obey the rules posted there, and considering Clown himself is designing a course (if we ever get that far ) it's sure to be a blast!

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 3/1/2012 8:03:59 >
DF  Post #: 117
3/1/2012 9:48:39   

Any of you guys going to be roleplaying characters and writing stories when AQ3D comes out?

And just read a couple of the death games. Awesome collaboration of stories! Makes me think of the movie Vantage Point...

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 118
3/1/2012 16:40:26   

OH! The Dealer! Yes, I have heard of you. I guess we have just not met.:)
AQW  Post #: 119
3/1/2012 17:52:28   
star screamer

Oh do not worry Anti my dear friend, I will.
When it comes out, look for Star_Screamer.

I am going to continue Dread's story soon btw
AQW  Post #: 120
3/1/2012 18:01:26   

I took the name Saturn so I'm all set.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 121
3/1/2012 18:29:06   
delta blitz

I got the name Nexus( from my Knight persona story) for my Aq3D character

ontopic: Read and comment on my current story Tales of the heroes please......it's the last story in my personas of David Blitz thread..........PAHAHAHAHA

~Chaos of Loneliness


Tales of the two heroes
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 122
3/1/2012 22:42:04   

Sorrry about being seemingly gone. I am preoccupied with a couple of projects, one of which I think you guys will find quite interesting. That would be my backstory. I have decided to expand it, while I am waiting for a time at which The Advent of Modo can be launched. I cannot promise releases at a pace you guys normally would, but I have not decided alot of it. I can, however, promise it will be good. Quite good.

The other is my personal business, and it will only be revealed once I decide, if things go well. Might be a few months, but meh. Could be sooner. I probably won't mention it other than now.
DF  Post #: 123
3/2/2012 0:14:21   
Jessa K

XD way to be mysterious, Drak. I was wondering why you were AFK for so long. I can't wait for it to come out so I can start reading! Which reminds me...

For anybody who actually reads my fanfic, so sorry for the lack of recent updates. I've been sick, and no matter how hard I try, I just can't write right now. I promise to have a new chapter out when I get better!


AQW  Post #: 124
3/2/2012 1:04:17   

For AQW3D I decided to do something different from "Voldo" so if you want to find me their once the game comes out you'll know me as


Also on Wednesday next week (Australian time) I'm travelling to Perth for 6 days, might see Charries while I'm there, so I'm not going to be on for 6 days because I have no laptop and I'm guessing our hotel won't have a computer. So yeah, pretty early for a goodbye since I have 5 days still here but still.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 125
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