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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/4/2012 20:21:54   

(as k) Proffesr I wish to let you know that me and my partner will at you`r factually , to inspect it to make there's no horseplay, and to test out some of the research facilitates. Which if every is found in order I hope you shall allow Neutrality use of. Also do not be offend by the inspection this is just protocol .


< Message edited by kinzvlle -- 3/4/2012 20:31:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 176
3/4/2012 20:27:07   

can't be just any ol' rig. it has to beat the heat of the lava! (meaning it needs to not melt or burn up over the lava)
Post #: 177
3/4/2012 20:36:05   

Hmm so indestructible in a sense eh? I know just where to get it! I will be back in a flash. If he starts to wake up hit him on the head again! *runs off*

*Begins to squirm on the floor*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 178
3/4/2012 21:10:31   

well, speak of the devil... *hits chemical on the head again to knock him out* there, that'll take care of you, ya li'l rascal!
Post #: 179
3/5/2012 5:15:08   

I have come to a conclusion. This threat of Chaos... it has gone too far. The heroes are not willing to do what is needed to combat this. So, I am forming a Group of individuals consisting of Anti heroes, and indeed, villains, solely to fight Chaos threats and do the things that no hero would ever dare. They will receive proper funding from me yet have nothing to do with Ommicorp goals. They will be free to fight Chaos in the way they choose. All you need to sign up is to want to fight Chaos and be willing to do whatever is needed to fight this threat. Name of group to be chosen by you.

(note: This will not be a clan unless someone else wants to run it)
DF  Post #: 180
3/5/2012 6:15:35   

Antiheroes, you say?

Go on...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 181
3/5/2012 6:26:01   

Hmm interesting Dealer interesting. I may join but what affect would that have on my current postin in Omnicorp? Since

hey will receive proper funding from me yet have nothing to do with Ommicorp goals.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 182
3/5/2012 6:26:39   

Basicly, I'm puitting forwards the notion of a group whose sole purpose is to fight the forces of Chaos by any means nessicary. Because heroes have things like moral codes and whatnot, this team will consist of antiheroes and possibly even villains if any wish to fight Chaos and are willing to be team players. All I'm doing is providing the funding, so you have no worry as being used to direct my goals and can fight Chaos how you people will see fit.

Kinz: Your Ommicorp duties and the duties of the team will not overlap.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 3/5/2012 6:27:12 >
DF  Post #: 183
3/5/2012 6:28:29   

well I AM IN! Lets bring a end to this little carnival of chaos!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 184
3/5/2012 9:57:50   
delta blitz

Did someone say Chaos......I would help but then I took an arrow to the knee...PAHAHAHAHAHA(jk). I have my own chaotic business to attend to..you know....getting story comments......leveling cities....saving planets....the usual

~Chaos of Loneliness


Tales of the two heroes
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 185
3/5/2012 11:10:56   

Meh. I'm somewhat bored, and I feel where you're coming from, so I'll do this. *sets an undetectable explosive device inside the confines of the Chaos Carnival's home tent, set to destroy it when 1/4 of its members or more are within the vacinity*
DF  Post #: 186
3/5/2012 15:25:00   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh....OH NO! Blew up my tent? Oh dear...how could I not know about that bomb you...oh...wait...I DID KNOW!


And 1/4th my goons? Well lets examine the bodies..lets pull this fella's clown mask off and...oh...my my...wait...this isn't a Carny...this is a mother of two dressed in a clown guise...wonder why?

HOW SHOCKING! Are all these bodies not Carnies and actually civilians that were bound and gaged and left next to your bomb?

SHOCKING! I would be...absoultly shocked...if the bomb didn't blow up the tent where I store my hostages...heh heh.

Good thing me boys alerted me to your surprise Drakkoniss...heh heh...all we had to do was kidnap a few dozen people....dress em up as clowns...and leave em bound with your bomb.

All those lives...those innocent civilians....killed by you Drakkoniss.


SILLY OLD BOY! Do you really think you can sneak your presents in my carnival without me knowing? HOO HOO HOO! COME ON MAN! You can't pull a fast one over me...IN MY OWN TERF! Nothing goes on in my Circus without my eye seeing it. Heh heh. I MEAN...SERIOUSLY...HOO HOO HOO!


Ah...heh heh heh. My boys are safe and sound...and you just murdered fifty or so helpless people.

Another noble deed by Drakkoniss the butcher...Heh heh.

I filmed their deaths....filmed you placing the bomb...showing the bomb blow up those poor poor people...maybe I'll mail the tapes to their loved ones. Heh heh. Bet they'd love to see Drakkoniss in action.

Nice little double feature.

And ya can't blame me for their deaths. I didn't kill em. I just left em with Drakkoniss's toy. He murdered them. HE KILLED EVERY LAST ONE OF THE VERY PEOPLE HE SWORE TO PROTECT!

And as for this little gang of riff raff anti heroes....heh heh...I deal with your kind all the time. You think just because you play a little rougher than the average joe you can compete with me?


You all are boy scouts and nuns compared to me. You do what you do cause you don't care...I do what I do cause I love it. Anti-heroes have been after me forever..and not a single one has ever come close...CLOSE!

So a guy acts tough....doesn't go by the books....might kill and rough up? Not afraid to invade the privacy of others...you think thats enough?

It takes more than just that. Only way you will ever have a chance of stopping my Chaos...is if you fall all the way down to my level...you all stand on the edge of the cliff...wanna come and get me?

Well...ya better be ready to jump.

And once you jump....get ready for a very very deep drop.

Heh heh heh.

AQW Epic  Post #: 187
3/5/2012 15:48:12   

You did a pretty horrid job thinking that one through, my boy...

That's just unacceptable.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 188
3/5/2012 16:46:23   
delta blitz

*whistles while he walks into Clown's tent, looks around to see all the dead bodies; laughs to himself as he takes off his gloves and begins to corrupt all the dead bodies* *Walks out of Clown's tent a few seconds later with a line of chaos infused undead following behind him* PAHAHAHAHAHA I believe Clown won't mind if I take his scraps, thanks for the bodies Drak *rips a hole in reality and walks through it as the chaotic undead follow him inside*

~Chaos of Loneliness
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 189
3/5/2012 18:06:18   

What a mess, I suppose Drak should have anticipated something like this. He should've checked for cameras.

Nothing can really be done about this now. Perhaps a more appropriate trap would yield optimal results...
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 190
3/5/2012 18:18:45   


Only way you will ever have a chance of stopping my Chaos...is if you fall all the way down to my level...you all stand on the edge of the cliff...wanna come and get me?

Well...ya better be ready to jump.

And once you jump....get ready for a very very deep drop.

I may make that drop. Corruption is certain, but if it stops you from harming the so called "innocent", so be it.

Oh, I don't like falling. I remember the falling. It was very far. But then I hit my head. Now they won't go away. But I like them. They're nice. They like me. But no one else does...Everyone else thinks I'm just a FREAK! But that's okay...hee hee hee...I have my friends...and my friends know everything.
As for you, Mr. Drakkoniss... You could be worse than Clowny here. You hold extreme evil and power, but you think you can contain it. My friends don't think you can do it.
My friends are usually right.
Hee hee hee...
As for Clowny here, madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast, or of one thing too exclusively. I believe this applies to you. I think you follow something along the lines of each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game. You believe life is your little game. And it is. Look at all of these so called heroes. They could have attempted to stop you long ago if they all worked together. I think that...
Sorry, my friends say I shouldn't talk too much.

AQW  Post #: 191
3/5/2012 18:52:14   


Anti-heroes have been after me forever..and not a single one has ever come close...CLOSE!

What about Grey?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 192
3/5/2012 19:01:23   



and I agree, didn't Gray make you all un-superpower-y?

~Lady Zafara
AQW  Post #: 193
3/5/2012 19:33:47   

Celesten I need to get a number guess from you for the Death Games, I also need a way to contact you about other stuff. So if you could please make it so you can revive pms.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 194
3/5/2012 19:37:19   
Question Mark?

Oh clown. you're not quite as far into the madness as you might think.
You see, at the base of the cliff is the shore. The sea is vast and black, going on eternally down into the darkest and most eldritch depths of the human psyche.
Within the abyss, my abyss, even the linearity of existence ceases to exist.
Snuffed out like a candle.
Candles, you see, don't last so long at the bottom of the ocean.
Everything is still here.
But so full of life.
They are calmer and more ponderous than us.
They know more, and are better, for they are calm.
And stillness.
And the abyss.
Plunge with me Clown.
Down into the abyss.
Don't be frightened.
I'll show you tHE wAY.

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 195
3/5/2012 20:51:56   

Hehehe... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor little Clown, thinking he'd outmaneuvered me...
Now that you have my attention, *lowers his voice to a hiss* let there be blood. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehe... *lightning arcs up his arm, as he walks into the slaughterhouse, and shadows stretch out from him, his grinning face still clearly visible, a red glow covering it, coming from behind his shades*

*a wave of power washes over the area, and the ground, the facbric of the tent, and even the air in places writhes with fire the black-red flames*

*explosions rip through the air, as cracking portals spill out member after member of the Chaos Carnival to the slaughter*

*a black dome of energy seals off the area, allowing no exits, but those who are pulled still come*

Welcome to the Game, people! Now, you will notice there are those of you who are not here. I couldn't resist leaving a few I care to leave for later, or have other fates in mind for. In the meantime, LET US PLAY!!!

*laughs as he kills them all, crushed by shards of their own bones, used to pierce the body of the men next to them in an explosion of blood and gore... beheaded, exiscerated, and ripped in half, all in the same moment... slowly incinerated, held above the ground to watch the others die, as they themselves were engulfed in cold flames, their flesh to fall off and burn untill all that was left was ash, and their bones to crack and crumble... punched straight through, their torsos exploding outwards from the blow... necks, arms, legs broken, the blood staunched, left to die untill the final crushing blow... brains boiled instantaneously as red lightning surged through their heads and bodies... ripped apart by their own shadows, or devoured by their own flesh, as they pulled away and smote them... eaten by the acid of their comerades stomaches, intensified, but still slow, as they spasmed in death... blown apart by shock waves in the air... pierced, sliced, and consumed by the fallen dead, as their bodies grew new spikes of bone, disfiguring their bodies, and ripping through the flesh anew, and were animated by the power of his mind... hearts broken by their own power, as all the pain of their entire nervous system's firing at once brought them death... killed by their own healing factor, as it was made do reverse, following dark glares into the eyes of his opponents, those that could survive his torment... eaten by the earth; These, and more were their deaths, all painful; All malevolent. This was the retribution that was brought.*

And so, the ground runs with blood... and now, the Game continues. *fades away into the shadows, as he prepares to kill his enemy again, and again*
DF  Post #: 196
3/5/2012 21:04:54   

*See's an evil aura rising over the Carnival*

Oh, snap, it's Drakkonic Evil we're screwed.

*Flies to Moon and locks all doors and closes blinds. I then hide beneath my bed*
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 197
3/5/2012 21:25:55   

No... not evil. I am pain... sadism... blood.

I have complete control. Their deaths were my doing, and mine alone. I am Drakkoniss as he could be, gladiator of Hell. He toys with his prey, and has long refrained from the usage of his full... deadly... repertoir.

We used to be one, but so long has it been, that he had forgotten who he was. He had changed, once love softened him again. After the second one, he hardened his heart... and let's just say that a vampiric daughter of Death appealed to us... all the spilled blood; The smell of it on her. *licks his lips* Wonderful.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/5/2012 21:26:57 >
DF  Post #: 198
3/5/2012 21:50:24   
Question Mark?

What a wonderful place.
Oh yes that is just perfect.
What a wonderful wonderland we live in.

Lord Thursday mumbles to himself as he swaggers drunkenly toward the Chaos Carnival.
He has managed to strip off the straightjacket to which Professor Pythagoras had confined him, and has even managed to summon up his ancestral blade.
Stabbing, after all, is a highly effective solution to nearly any problem.
Unfortunately, unable to come up with a proper location to sheathe the blade, he has simply decided to ram it through his own chest.
It sort of wiggles about when he walks, but it's not much of a problem.
In fact, besides the fact that he had to spend a bit collecting himself and vomiting blood, it seemed to work out just fine.
He approaches the black dome that marks the entrance to the slaughterhouse Chaos Carnival, and trips, sliding right through.
He looks up at the figure of Drakkoniss and smiles.
It's always nice to see a friendly face.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 199
3/5/2012 22:30:19   

Hehehe... lovely sollution, you have there. Makes me crave a good fight. Alas, I shan't have one tonight.
DF  Post #: 200
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