So gold when it comes to exiles loosing the war u dont pay attention to numbers but judge by the story line and when exiles have more WD then u do? and might i remind u that varium wfaction weaponry has alot to do with WDs. no, om just saying theres alot more factors to determine the ruler of delta V. or the more dominant alignment. claiming urselfs ruler of delta V just because u won a battle, doesn't mean ur actually the ruler. because like i said theres alot more to determine the dominant force. also if i recall correctly it was frysteland battle. not delta V battle, so no. u guys only rule frysteland. (which is a measly map area with no more than 10 screens) (but we'll see after the story if legion still rules frysteland. quote:
Gold, do you actually know what an advantage is? It's having over someone else that makes them better. Say a gun vs a knife. There is NO advantage to either side with the story as of now. So what is this advantage you claim legion constantly has over exile????? more players, more money, and more factions involved for legion. (thats how i see it) and using the "they had the option to pay, if they didn't thats their problem" isn't really a reason to say u didn't have advantages. because aside from what i listed, every time u guys blew exile's up a core (which happened at a rate much faster than legion's core) u would get 25k to the war as a bonus. ontop of that, u guys get the easier NPCs from the start. the ones with lower health so they are easy and fast for u guys to fight. quote:
Remember that your actions determined the outcome of the War for Frysteland, and influenced the storyline as a whole. and no where does that say legion was promised an advantage for winning the war. nor that the upcoming story would be legion based. perhaps the story might have gone way different. maybe if exile won, alydriah would have been exposed right from the start instead of legion and exile having to unite against common foe.
< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 2/27/2012 18:31:53 >