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RE: Storyline Progression...What happened?

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2/27/2012 19:27:15   
Smackie El Frog


and for those using real life war examples, let me tell u this. who wins in a nuke war? NO ONE.

You clearly forgot about Little Boy and Fat Man.

Anyways, Cindy don't you think if you make Descarl the big bad. Wouldn't it be better to see the dominate force, Legion, try and if you want it to go that way...(gasps) have Legion fail before even remotely thinking about joining forces with the rebels of Delta V, Exiles. I think that would be a bit more convincing than right off the bat working with the people we are trying to enslave...

< Message edited by Smackie El Frog -- 2/27/2012 19:31:18 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 101
2/27/2012 19:29:52   

Before Baelius and Oz form a temporary truce (like the truce occuring in Skyrim), I would like to see Alydriah assault the heart of the Legion and Exile at LEAST once.
AQ Epic  Post #: 102
2/27/2012 19:34:44   



You clearly forgot about Little Boy and Fat Man.

u clearly didn't understand what i meant.
who wins in a nuke war, if BOTH sides have nukes?
if only 1 side with nukes. then it isn't really a full nuke war.

and thats what i meant, that no one wins in a nuke war.

Speaking of nukes and EpicDuel, I can't believe that I believed for an instant that cockroaches could survive a nuclear bomb...
AQ Epic  Post #: 103
2/27/2012 19:37:34   

Kidlies....it's a GAME! CALM DOWN!

There...my thoughts are done.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 104
2/27/2012 20:03:58   
Spectating from the Sidelines

I for one am really enjoying the story, can't wait to see more Cindy!


< Message edited by Holiday Practel -- 2/27/2012 20:59:46 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 105
2/27/2012 20:15:14   

Well, since Exile is going to win anyway (the good guys win in 99% of all stories) we might as well just start now and let the Exiles walk all over the little Legioners.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 106
2/27/2012 20:32:27   


If someone launches a rocket at you, how about blowing up the rocket in the sky....better than explosion over land xD

And anyways we can just walk into your HQ and assassinate your leader duh and since exile is better than that ^^

After all you were the ones with a fatty general with a oversized sword. LOL.

We at least have some exile soldiers, also known as bounty hunters and we have Nightwraith.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 107
2/27/2012 20:56:44   
Always a Princess

Deleted pretty much a page of off-topic argument. Please stay on topic.
Post #: 108
2/27/2012 20:58:34   
One Winged Angel1357

@Cindy thanks for that normally I just get called crazy.

Anyway Another way to look at it if the first way doesn't work for you is this. Descarl killed the Legion commander of Frysteland to farther her goal of a "perfect" world so Admin 12 is avenging a fallen comrade.

I prefer my original explanation but I guess you can put both together and still have the same end and similar means
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 109
2/27/2012 21:55:19   

@OWA: Like Fay said, "Words from the Owl"

@On topic: Like OWA is stating, Alydriah may betray Legion side and destroy Exile, but as in every story, there is a hidden traitor, I bet there is some hidden character in Exile army that will sell us to Alydriah and we will be at the border of death( maybe another saga or in this saga it may happen) and the exile leader will have some plan to counter attack it. I will take my time to read storyline deeply.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 110
2/28/2012 4:07:39   

Doesn't Alydriah want to overthrow Baelius and dominate DV?

DF MQ Epic  Post #: 111
2/28/2012 14:55:03   
One Winged Angel1357

@Drinde you left out that she is thinking of having Caden help her but given his track record that could just backfire in her face.


The world she seeks to create is one of order by fear, and it would appear she has an eye to include Caden in her plans.

So it seems we have built up to the point of betraying the Legion and killing the Exiles in Descarl's story written by BigTuna so if Cindy is following the path laid out by him, which is soon coming up on his cliff hanger ending, we should see something about Descarl trying to enlist Caden and then an end game between the collective forces of the Legion and Exiles and the forces of Descarl(which may or may not include some of the collective forces of the Legion and Exiles)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 112
2/28/2012 14:58:33   


So it seems we have built up to the point of betraying the Legion and killing the Exiles in Descarl's story written by BigTuna so if Cindy is following the path laid out by him, which is soon coming up on his cliff hanger ending, we should see something about Descarl trying to enlist Caden and then an end game between the collective forces of the Legion and Exiles and the forces of Descarl(which may or may not include some of the collective forces of the Legion and Exiles)

if there is an end war to this story, and its legion and exiles vs descarl forces, they should have like an aqw style war where u have to beat a certain amount of millions in NPCs. (1 million NPCs?)

AQW Epic  Post #: 113
2/28/2012 15:06:14   
One Winged Angel1357

@Goldslayer maybe end game wasn't the right term, possible exaggeration on my part, but a fight between Descarl and Admin 12 seems unavoidable at this point given the current way things are.

  • Negawraith is meant to keep Admin 11 scared
  • Admin 11 works for Descarl(so does 12 but that doesn't really matter at this point)
  • NegaWraith has you destroy Descarl's robot
  • Many NPC's help you get the chip to get the droid part from Alydroid
  • Said part ends up in the hands of the Exile Leader
  • Said chip comes from a member of Descarl's forces

    In an attempt to cement her station she collected the remainder of her loyal forces and put them in control of different precincts inside Fortune City, founding the offices of the Administrators and recruiting regular troops as Shadow Guard to refill her ranks as quickly as possible.

    See how things are adding up here to indirectly weaken Descarl's hold on Fortune City a conflict is coming no doubt in my mind.
  • AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 114
    2/28/2012 15:19:15   

    so...negawraith is there to distract 11
    admin 12 is working against descari
    and the exiles are helping him.

    is there ANYTHING left in the legion that serves descari? apart from the brainwashed yetis and admin 11.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 115
    2/28/2012 15:22:28   


    maybe end game wasn't the right term, possible exaggeration on my part, but a fight between Descarl and Admin 12 seems unavoidable at this point given the current way things are.

    no, by end game, i meant the end of the main story arc.
    like frysteland was a chapter of the whole story. what i meant by end game would be like the final thing on this story arc.
    and would be settled by a war of legion and exiles vs descarl's forces.

    its obviously nowhere near us atm. (maybe in a year, i do hope they hurry up with the storyline. cause in aqw they're still on 13 chaos lords, and its gotten really boring and so far that 13 chaos lord story isn't even over yet, and its been there since a few months after beta.)
    AQW Epic  Post #: 116
    2/28/2012 15:38:44   
    One Winged Angel1357

    @Vulkan you really should read the reasoning behind doing some missions Admin 12 explains that in the mission where you have to defeat NW

    @Gold you know what I thought of as I wrote up my list. Descarl is a smart women and even if Admin 11 and alydroid cannot leave fortune city to get word to her what about her Arctic guard right outside the city nothing is stopping him from reporting this to Descarl(other then the fact that she had his commander murdered). Another thing that I thought of is what if this is a wonderful plan set up by Descarl to make the Exiles think the Legion will help them defeat her then they use this wonderful trick to reclaim all of Fortune City even the underground.
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 117
    2/28/2012 15:47:02   

    My guess is that when Alydriah begins her work with Caden, something goes wrong (they are thwarted/ Caden turns on her) and Caden ends up releasing each and every one of the banished warriors from God knows where.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 118
    2/28/2012 16:03:35   

    heres what would be an epic custcene with the hulks in ED.
    something like that where u see hundreds of them running in to fight legions and exiles. (except its more than 1 guy lol)
    (maybe even have the boulders being thrown at fortune city like that)
    AQW Epic  Post #: 119
    2/28/2012 16:17:18   


    (maybe even have the boulders being thrown at fortune city like that)

    Conventional warfare LoL.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 120
    2/28/2012 16:19:41   

    yeti hulk": "asdfghj ertyu mbvc wertyujuhgfcd rtyuhjbgf" (im assuming they cant talk right)< translation "who needs a sword when i got two guns extending from my shoulders"
    AQW Epic  Post #: 121
    2/28/2012 16:33:17   



    (maybe even have the boulders being thrown at fortune city like that)
    Conventional warfare LoL.
    lol I only which that those Yetis don't carry some kind of axe and throw it through the air, anybody could get hurted (That's the point lol). Anyways that idea of hundreds of corrupted yetis coming to Fortune City and attacking it would be awesome.
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 122
    2/29/2012 0:57:41   

    If you're so smart why don't you write the storyline, less work for the ED staff too.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 123
    2/29/2012 17:16:32   
    One Winged Angel1357

    @Colarndo was that at me because if it was I would love to work with Cindy on the stories even though I hate that skill I was using to come up with these guesses of what might happen.
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 124
    2/29/2012 20:29:31   
    Question Mark?

    Wait, they're getting rid of Frystland and heartbreaker quests because they finished implementing them?
    What happened to cohesive lore, storyline progression, a chance to finish the darn things in the first place!
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 125
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