If u guys think BM is UP or not strong enough to compete with other classes(CH, TLM) well then your wrong. Blood mage is a class that of a tech mage except a new playing style. Tech mage was based on it's abilities, not str or dex or supp etc. The same goes for BM, except BM is less defensive, more offensive. Clearly the BM skills tell you that already. Plasma cannon+fireball+berzerker+deadly aim. 4 deadly attacks that will break through your defense, regardless of how much DEF or RES you have. BM also has bloodlust, you guessed it:STR builds. They need not to even bother about their RES and DEF, nor their SUPP, their main concentration is STR, HP, and EP. Try a spam str, 125hp, 76ep, max fireball, max berzerker, max bloodlust+ lv6 deadly aim build=OP. Regardless of how much damage your enemy does you will kill them first. Even if they do 35 damage, you do fireball/gun+bloodlust then BMs receive almost 15hp back. Plus due to bloodlust, field medic isn't even required, so i think BM is quite powerful. But yes it can be defeated, but then again being a BM is experiencing a whole new class, and that means to have a build that works with its skills and stats. I hope this has helped the BMs out there, although I'm not saying it's OP c(: , it's still possible to be beaten but it's just a change from your original playing type. ~Arevero