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RE: Blood Mages need...

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2/29/2012 15:12:44   

No, they have a very good str build and they dont need to be def... only agro style.
Epic  Post #: 26
2/29/2012 15:19:17   

Thing is, they only have Str build. Others fail because of CHs which crush them. There are Focus 5 builds possible and Support/Tank which can work but are crushed by CHs and Str abusers.
AQ Epic  Post #: 27
2/29/2012 16:00:17   

Not to mention that STR BM's have to get a perfect item set to get a.. working STR build. A non-var CH can easily win over STR BM's without the right equipment. I only survive a few battles now and then because of my current items.

Earlier today as an exampel a non-var CH kinda beated the crap out of me. Even though I was lucky enough to block the dex abuser 2 times, and crit him twice (once in rage even) did he kill me. To me is 1v1 impossible as a BM. I can only hope I get a good partner in 2v2, or getting against 2 lower levels.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 28
2/29/2012 20:15:27   

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
2/29/2012 20:38:27   

BM is EXTREMELY powerful. Fact is they lose because most BMs choose to not have more than 60 dexterity. As the majority of 34 varium builds have at LEAST 80, it's kind of obvious they get blocked. BM needs no skill changes. What it needs is new strategies.

BM is the least UP class in this game. If players just can't use it properly, or at least find a way to fit the needs to beat the competition, well that's not a balance problem.
Also, BH is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, their time has...gone. The builds nowadays are simply too high in defense for them to beat.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 2/29/2012 20:40:55 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
2/29/2012 20:41:26   

I think that Blood Mage was made to be predominately offensive, so this is why I think that Blood mages need either an energy drain attack(EMP or Assimilation) or Hybrid Armor to make their only current builds a bit more defensive.
Also Hybrid Armor is half defense and half resistance, which will make us have probably a balanced set of defenses.

< Message edited by JohnMenzies -- 2/29/2012 22:46:42 >


- John
Epic  Post #: 31
3/1/2012 1:01:29   

^ They dont need anything to the class become more deffensive.

What needs to happen is the WHOLE of the battle feild needs offensive staregy nerfed aswell as Tanks by removing some enhancemnents.

Battles need to reverse back to the time when if you spammed a stat with extreme power it meant you had the same attack strength as an average build today.
And builds that are average are even weaker in power but it means they can focus on using Strategy timing and increased vairety of builds to win, without being forced to play EXTREMELY deffesisive or EXTREMELY offensive.

There is NOTHING wrong with this class skill layout what is wrong are Battles conataining constant STR/power builds or Tanks.

Mercs should be the only class with a passive armour.

No other clas should have it!

Im glad at least one person sees things the way I do!
Thank you trans!

< Message edited by Remorse -- 3/1/2012 1:03:20 >
Epic  Post #: 32
3/1/2012 1:17:59   

They need deflection chance back to support :P
Epic  Post #: 33
3/1/2012 1:33:19   

@Remorse: CHs, TLMs, are the classes that are dominating. CH's can regenerate massive amounts of EP compared to other classes. TLMs can gain HP, EP and have free defense, making them less worried. We get nothing but HP gaining. Why can't we just get something more powerful? We are lacking EP draining skills. We might as well merge Fireball with Assimilation, and keep Reflex.
AQ MQ  Post #: 34
3/1/2012 3:07:47   


BM is EXTREMELY powerful. Fact is they lose because most BMs choose to not have more than 60 dexterity. As the majority of 34 varium builds have at LEAST 80, it's kind of obvious they get blocked. BM needs no skill changes. What it needs is new strategies.

BM is the least UP class in this game. If players just can't use it properly, or at least find a way to fit the needs to beat the competition, well that's not a balance problem.
Also, BH is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, their time has...gone. The builds nowadays are simply too high in defense for them to beat.

I agree, as a BM, almost 100% with what you are saying. BMs are powerful, we got some very great skills to be able to counter most of the other classes, (ene Shield, Reflect boost, even a intimidate vs other STR BMs) All which relies on some support to really shine. And yes, semi support builds do actually work. How can i be so sure? When the
Majority will say it wont? Well, I'm using it. And succeding even with 8 enhancementpoints missing.

@BMs who struggle
The way to succeed requires an open mind, the ability to be creative and open to changes. Adapt to the way the game is behaving, not to the ideas/statements which you made up. If your build do not work Great, or your tactic or skilluse is failing, rethink based on how the pvp looks today. I'll gladly assist other BMs either over pm or in the strategic builds forum.

Best regards, Krawling
Post #: 35
3/1/2012 7:43:36   

Someone who is a blood mage please try 125 health, 50% strength, 50% support, max bloodlust and deadly aim, and fireball, and maybe reflex boost and technician?
AQ Epic  Post #: 36
3/1/2012 16:25:08   

@nico0las, I suggest you to change to BM before saying its "EXTREMELY powerful". I have 30-36 (i think its 30 - 36? I know its 30 - something atleast) yet the blocks and deflections is ridiculous, since it relays on tech now. It is quite impossible for a BM to have a decent amount of dex (to be able to even hit..) + a decent tech (to be able to use gun and DA) + a high amount of STR.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
3/1/2012 16:32:36   

^ *thank you for bumping this thread*

I would also request a Blood Mage to try out 5 foucus, 94 or 95 health, lowest energy as possible, the rest of the stats 50% Strength and Support, max Bloodlust and Deadly Aim. I believe that is all.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 3/1/2012 16:33:01 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 38
3/1/2012 16:40:01   

I have tried a... some kind of 5focus/str BM with 48 energy (cant remember how much HP). With deadly, max berserk and intimidate. Due the lack of possibility to regain energy + the really energy expensive skills its not working good. Once I get more credits... *I have used ALOT of my credits on retrains* I will start doing a few more builds. Might test another 5 focus build with only defence playing. (Reflex boost, and energy sheild + a decent heal.)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
3/1/2012 23:09:18   
Mr. Black OP


Still think BM is UP? I swear, the BloodMage complaining their UP make me rofl so hard T_T don't they see Merc and BH T_T

Eh, I've defeated many full varium CH and TLM a level higher than me before without luck, and most BMs (only have been beaten by one so far a full varium lv 34, and he barely won), mercenaries, and other BH are a walk in the park for me. But you know I wouldn't a mind a buff.
Epic  Post #: 40
3/7/2012 5:26:20   

If u guys think BM is UP or not strong enough to compete with other classes(CH, TLM) well then your wrong. Blood mage is a class that of a tech mage except a new playing style. Tech mage was based on it's abilities, not str or dex or supp etc. The same goes for BM, except BM is less defensive, more offensive. Clearly the BM skills tell you that already. Plasma cannon+fireball+berzerker+deadly aim. 4 deadly attacks that will break through your defense, regardless of how much DEF or RES you have. BM also has bloodlust, you guessed it:STR builds. They need not to even bother about their RES and DEF, nor their SUPP, their main concentration is STR, HP, and EP. Try a spam str, 125hp, 76ep, max fireball, max berzerker, max bloodlust+ lv6 deadly aim build=OP. Regardless of how much damage your enemy does you will kill them first.

Even if they do 35 damage, you do fireball/gun+bloodlust then BMs receive almost 15hp back. Plus due to bloodlust, field medic isn't even required, so i think BM is quite powerful. But yes it can be defeated, but then again being a BM is experiencing a whole new class, and that means to have a build that works with its skills and stats.

I hope this has helped the BMs out there, although I'm not saying it's OP c(: , it's still possible to be beaten but it's just a change from your original playing type.

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 41
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