Creative! Constructive!
I don't like being blown to dust. -.- (oh, and I did that as a gag, not thinking it would actually work) *having reformed, slices the him in half from shoulder to hip with a swift strike from his own axe, kicks him up into the air, blows a hole in his remainder of his chest with a quick energy beam, graps him by the head, and crushes it in his hand while swinging him around in the other direction, kicking him to push him in the correct direction, opens and closes dozens of portals while the knight flies, ripping away tiny chunks of his body to far removed dimensions, appears in front of his trajectory with his hand held out, causign him to impale himself on his arm, and then swings it around, flinging the body away, and ripping it apart, as the individual portions of his body tear, with the parts removed, and then launches a volley of blood-red flames out of his now opened fist, immolating the chunks* *hears the lower half hit the ground*
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/13/2012 20:01:36 >