Creative! Constructive!
*Felarian's hand where he grabbed his hair suddenly starts to bleed profusely, and the mace cracks open, falling apart from the damage that had been done to it, slamming into the telekenetic barrier that protects Garghath at all times, providing a very powerful defence* *a deluge of force sudenly pushes the necromancer's sternum and ribs inward, puting pressure on his heart, and piercing both his lungs in multiple places* "I am right behind you," he says, puting his hand on the man's shoulder, and and slamming it down with a force not coming from his own body's movement, cracking his colarbone and shatering the shoulderbone. *the broken bones in his now useless hand are suddenly pushed upwards, through the flesh and skin of his arm, making dreadful tearing noises, but carefully dodging major veins and arteries, while they jump in and out like piranha* I think I'll let you recover a little bit, vermin, while I go on to other things, just to see how you respond. *flings him away across the alley, and then slips through the air in zigzagged bursts, almost faster than the eye can follow, remaining level with the ground, but floating above it like some sort of apparition* For future reference, Gargath's powers are effectively only based on telekenesis, other than some telepathic abilities of a moderate lelel. He has extreme ammounts of telekenetic potential. He has a passive telekenetic field, which can stop things at various ranges, and prevent damage, but still allow him to be knocked arround, at close range, regardless of the ammount of damage he takes from it, which tends to be little to none, though it can be done, as proven by Clown, in a battle they had in-game, in which he hit him with a meat cleaver both in the arm and head, chopping off the limb and piercing into his brain with the other attack, making him resort to a secret special ability which I won't reveal for a while, I think. His cons would be this: He is mentally unstable, as a result of the uncontroled telepathy, and easily accessed telekenetic powers, in combination with insomnia. His telekenetic powers are like extentions of his limbs, and he may use them without his intention, harming people he doesn't want to, or causing unnecessary damage to non-living objects. He is extremely sadistic and bloodthirsty, to the point where he believes that his mental pain can only be sated by bloodshed. In the middle of combat, he may stop and cringe, because of his mental instability and its cause. He believes there is another being living within his body that is similarly bloodthirsty, and gives him his powers. He can be enraged and baited into using more power than he normally would, in combat, if things don't go as he wishes them to.
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/14/2012 15:23:22 >