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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/11/2012 5:38:51   

Tax Evasion, awesome. Reminds me of that SpongeBob gag where littering seems to be OH SO HEINOUS.

And true, but that's more of him withholding by choice. Theoretically, it's super broken. Only hindered by his personality.
DF MQ  Post #: 26
3/11/2012 5:41:57   

A fair point.

And I said that because one of the people in LOCKDOWN was like "Okay, people like you don't get sent to LOCKDOWN at all, least of all for Tax Evasion. Why are you here?"

Also, I edited my earlier post slightly.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 3/11/2012 5:42:21 >
DF  Post #: 27
3/11/2012 5:55:55   

Ah right, he wants to be there.

Well I suppose that explains that then. He seems somewhat like he'd be the main antagonist actually, given what he can do. Or...rather the protagonist, since the Thief is hardly aiming for good things. Funny how that works.
DF MQ  Post #: 28
3/11/2012 5:56:57   

WHo knows? The Dealer may do some good here....
DF  Post #: 29
3/11/2012 5:59:52   

With the situation at hand, only good can come out of it really...
DF MQ  Post #: 30
3/11/2012 6:48:28   

The fact that a possible all out prison riot being a GOOD think scares me a little.

Alos, how far are you from finishing Act 1 anyway?
DF  Post #: 31
3/11/2012 6:52:18   

Probably pretty far away :/
On chapter 7 so far, not counting the prologue, and they protagonists are only just now finishing the first 8th of their training. And then it'll probably take another two or three chapters for the finale and to set up Act 2.

I usually update it weekly, so it hopefully won't take THAT long. Especially depending on how long each aspect of their training takes, as it varies.
DF MQ  Post #: 32
3/11/2012 7:01:39   

That kinda sucks. I wonder if this thread will still be there by that point. but I get that you want to make as much good work as possible on your other tale. Till then htere's LOCKDOWN. If Clown updates it and the Good the Bad and The Chaos soon.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 3/11/2012 7:02:22 >
DF  Post #: 33
3/11/2012 7:04:00   


That kinda sucks. I wonder if this thread will still be there by that point. but I get that you want to make as much good work as possible on your other tale.

Well, it probably won't take that long. And this will probably be there, given the interest HS's community has in stories. The threads will keep going and such.

As for the last bit, well yeah. I am into DF more than HS, so at the moment the DF story takes precedence before I start another one.
DF MQ  Post #: 34
3/11/2012 8:43:13   
star screamer

What's all this about having the best clothing?
You guys all have pretty shoes, suits, and hats.
Except you 1fire1fire1f, you traitor! I'm kidding, you got your pretty
pink outfit.

But we all know... I have a pretty bat.

I wish they would make a release soon... Daily shop is getting boring.
Was it even exciting to begin with? WE don't know. He he he... (It's real hard to type with a terrible keyboard)

Now if you excuse me, my brother Beelzebub, "lord of the flies" took
the last cup of dragon's blood.
AQW  Post #: 35
3/11/2012 10:09:43   

It's boring me above here
hmm let's
*wears headphones a polo shirt pants and get's two swords*
Ok let's go down let other people solve my problems
*goes to the land*
and star screamer i have the best music equipment

ALSO so Like everyone should put in cons: can be talked to suicide by the Dealer
just saying
i'm not doing that

< Message edited by Zeuzt -- 3/11/2012 10:16:20 >
Post #: 36
3/11/2012 10:47:30   

I would never talk anyone into Suicide.

...Unless they REALLY angered me.
DF  Post #: 37
3/11/2012 11:01:19   
Clown the Jester

Although Dealer isn't Mysterious Stranger, I got that same feel about his character glaisaurus_x.

That same mysterious, manipulative, guy who knows how to play people and use their weaknesses and natures to benefit him.

That kinda guy who is prepared for everything. Who uses brain over brawns. Who manipulates the entire chess board so even the king is his pawn.

I gotta say Dealer...your character is genius and perfect...and unique. While we all boast about powers...you have access to a corporation that makes toys that put us to shame.

Oh Wow...glaisaurus_x I just remembered why your name seemed so familiar. I remember now discuss with you the Ultimate Villain in AE discussion. Heh heh...flashback.

Good times.
AQW Epic  Post #: 38
3/11/2012 11:15:04   

Yeah, The Dealer is pretty cool.

Just out of interest, when will you be updating your tales Clown? And will you be taking a tour of this Theifs new prison? And if you are, just how offended are you that he considers me a threat that needs more guarding?
DF  Post #: 39
3/11/2012 12:03:58   
Question Mark?

No one remembered how it got there.
One day it was just there.
-Pythagoras Laboratories-
-Ushering In A New Age Of Scientific Prosperity-

Sure, the city was filled with lots of Pythagoras stuff.
The guy had funded theaters, homeless shelters, schools, and you were pretty sure that there was a prison outside of town named after him too.
This was different though.
The laboratory was a twisting spire, more like an ornament than a building, and the place was heavily guarded.
How on Earth did this guy have the manpower to guard that new thingamahoosit, err... the U.N. Science Center, in the middle of town, and keep this place under heavy lockdown?
And for that matter, who were these guys?
Who the heck would spend their time in that silly outfit guarding a freaking door 24/7?
The shifts never changed, as far as you knew.
The guards never spoke, but that was to be expected.
They didn't seem to move though.
At all.
They never even flinched.
It was actually a bit unnerving.
This Professor Pythagoras guy presented himself as the city's new benefactor.
Trying to build up its potential and make it great.
That it would rise above all others.
In the background though, it looked more like he was trying to buy it out.
It became a running gag.
Joking about competition for Omnicorp.
"At last, we can CHOOSE where to spend our money! Sure, it's only two choices, but we've got to start somewhere!"

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 40
3/11/2012 12:52:54   

Wait, I'm confused. WHat is this about Question Mark? Is this competition to Ommicorp?
DF  Post #: 41
3/11/2012 12:55:58   

@Clown:Yep, that was a while back heh.

Well, the real reason Dealer would need more guarding is due to how utterly infectious his voice is. He'd need a soundproof cell and every guard would have take special measures before coming in contact with him in any way.
DF MQ  Post #: 42
3/11/2012 13:15:14   


Joking about competition for Omnicorp.
"At last, we can CHOOSE where to spend our money! Sure, it's only two choices, but we've got to start somewhere!"

Three choices if you count Jno Labs though they are much smaller then Omnicorp and Pythagoras Laboratories. Plus they really only make hero gadgets and the like.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
3/11/2012 13:52:59   
3 Vandoren

Zeuzt, you are getting on my super-nerves.
You may not know this, but the prison is made out of steel, so lightning would kill people.
You are getting to be quite a nuance.

Bah, whatever, I don't have time for lightning. All preparations are complete!
Release the hounds! *mashes a button, opening a large hole in the side of the Red Shark Avenue "Prison"*
Jolly good fun, oh, yes, indeed, the hero's funding their own doom, I'm a genius!
And no one realized Favon Gelarian, the super Green-and-Bold hero, who made the "prison," is just Gavon Felarian, the evil criminal, who is very handsome, in a super hero mask?!
But, eh, too late now. An army of criminals the hero's and I collected have been released like hounds to feast upon your city.
Now, as planned, Mr. Thursday will lead the charge of the hacked Destroyers, from the east, Mr. Darkness King will lead the Chudlings, from the east, and I will lead the APB's, from the west, while the criminals attack from the north!
All you villain types try to destroy the world by themselves! Am I being smart by making an army, or being stupid by trusting villains?
I suppose we'll find out soon enough!
Everyone duck and cover your heads, the "prisoners" have Omnicorp bombs, grenades, and guns!
Let the fuuun begin!

< Message edited by Necro Berserk -- 3/11/2012 14:03:08 >
Post #: 44
3/11/2012 14:02:13   
Question Mark?

Oh, I assure you Mr. Dealer, I mean no harm.
I'm just trying to make an honest living and make this city just a little better.
Is that really so bad?
Of course, if I wish to utilize my business for alternative purposes, who is to stop me?
Certainly not the police.
I've done so much for them that they owe me more than a few favors.
In fact, you could say that about practically everyone in this little town.
Couldn't you?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 45
3/11/2012 14:08:41   

Of course, there'a always another option: Sell it to me. I will offer 50 million fame for your business and it's asssets.
DF  Post #: 46
3/11/2012 14:11:07   
3 Vandoren

Don't do it, Py, you'll make more in the long run! CRUSH OMNICORP! CRUSH THEM!
Oh, and thank you for the high grade Power Suppressors, Mr. Dealer, they'll do well in the hands of our generals. Mr. Thursday, Mr. Darkness King, Mr. Felarian, you get it.
Nothing against Omnicorp, just that Py should crush you. *shrugs*

(To everyone who was hoping for a time in the prison)
I don't understand you major villains fascination with being in a prison.
I apologize that my prison was not... exactly a prison, at all, but why would I start an actual prison?
Someone else should do that.

< Message edited by Necro Berserk -- 3/11/2012 14:29:14 >
Post #: 47
3/11/2012 14:28:12   

*Darkness King begins to lead a army of Chudlings and other freaks through the sewers*
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
3/11/2012 14:29:37   
Question Mark?

*Somewhere on Brick Street*

The Red Knight runs through the streets, cleaving objects and people in twain with brutal swipes of his blade.
Behind him march 50-75 Destroyer Drones devastating everything in their path.
Their march proceeds through the city streets, crushing everything and everyone, and leaving a vast trail of rubble in their wake.
The uprising has begun.

< Message edited by Question Mark? -- 3/11/2012 14:30:22 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 49
3/11/2012 14:35:52   
3 Vandoren

*Marches at the lead of the army of 70-75 APB's through Aurora Park, destroying any thing in sight, singing a marching song in a completely off pitch*
Left, LEFT, DAMN YOU, #43, I SAID LEFT, right, LEFT.
Last call for anyone to join in on the fun! Join in on our side!
I'll only accept villains and hero's who are not well known, all others are under siege! Right, left!
The Vector-cyborg-guy and Mr. Lunarox are mine. Tune in to see what happens!

< Message edited by Necro Berserk -- 3/11/2012 14:43:03 >
Post #: 50
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