Creative! Constructive!
Oh, and Clown, was it really the aniversary of our rivalry? @Glaisaurus: Unfortunately for my appearance with regards to morality and fairness in my character's level of skill, they are many and diverse, along with the reality bending powers that come up every once in a while. For the benefit of others, I keep him out of most fights, and have had him limit the ammount of power he puts forth in combat by being a combat sadomasochist, but I feel it unfortunately encourages there to be more god-modding-esque levels of power in our community than many might like. I initially only made my character as powerful as he is to counter the fact that there were 3 or 4 other people with comparable levels of power at the time, and none of them were alligned to good, so I decided to attempt to balance the equation. I was eventually able to turn David Blitz to the side of good (in concert with his fictional princess, though there could have been someone she was based off of that influenced his decision, as I know he had a girlfriend at the time), as well, or rather, what is right, as he put it, but you can tell that he has likewise turned away from that path, leaving the community with yet another power void, especially with Eclipse having revealed the form of Lunarox. This is why I dealt so powerfully/harshly with Thursday and Clown. There needed to be action. For months, destruction after destruction has occured to and within the city. This disgusts me, and I would hope to stop it. I wish the Drakkonian Alliance had continued to be active, as many of them are not, from what I can tell, at the moment. Hopefully, I will be able to gain more members in times to come. I have a question for you, by the way. If he exists outside of time, and is not supposed to be able to be detected by most, why has he been? O.o
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/15/2012 19:21:28 >