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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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3/15/2012 18:21:13   
Clown the Jester


I have changed, lately. In the begining, I was an archon of righteousness, and a rallying point to those who wished to fight for the world's sake. Mine has been a long, winding, treacherous path, but to the begining I return.

Ah...I remember when you were so nieve. SO LITTLE AND CLUELESS!

Took a while for you to get real...heh heh...maybe if you got with it sooner Gray Silhouette wouldn't have needed to die.

Oh well...you seemed to no longer feel bad about Grape's situation being because of you.
AQW Epic  Post #: 476
3/15/2012 18:26:20   


: It's David we're talking about. He's only doing this because he can't post comments telling us to read his story.

xD Not that I am endorsing any rudeness.

Hm, kinda seems like Drakkoniss always wins. No-one has any problems with that? Well, I suppose if the "plot" furthers, then it doesn't really matter. So long as everyone's having fun I suppose.

Now, to begin finding a way to stop ReverseCorona....
DF MQ  Post #: 477
3/15/2012 18:29:08   
delta blitz

*X prime snap his fingers, releasing the corrupted from their horrible state and destroying the dark fog*
*The 4th eye opens flashing in a blinding white light releasing another cloud of white chaos but this one is light blue in color, suddenly the people in the city become extremely cheerful and happy as the cloud makes its way around, helping eachother out of the destruction they themselves created*
*The Cloud makes it's way to skulldeep, draining the negative emotion from 1 out every 3 villians there, causing a few of them to covert to heroship and making a few other give themselves up to the APB*
*X prime opens his mouth yawning as if waking up from a dream*
I am X prime bringer of white chaos, Chaos is niether light nor dark, good or evil, ying or yang. It is both I bring both destruction and peace in my conquest, this is a path I walk alone therefore I walk it with pride, I feed off destruction and anarchy for this is the way of my chaos for with every action of the dark there is an equal reaction of the light.
*X prime rips a hole in reality and crosses over into the AQ universe*
........................................................... (<([O])>) .........................

~Chaos of Loneliness

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 3/15/2012 18:31:19 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 478
3/15/2012 18:33:23   

Just what kind of reputation do you plan to have David? And did everyone forget my own fog?

How dare you ignore me!


< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 3/15/2012 18:34:26 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 479
3/15/2012 18:34:54   

I won't ignore such....FOOOOOG.
But what I will do, is Time Travel away. Corona's mostly average, there's not a whole lot he can do otherwise.

Oh wait, maybe I should try to stop it! Of course, why didn't I think of that...
DF MQ  Post #: 480
3/15/2012 18:37:58   
delta blitz

*goes out of character*
I believe X prime kinda mellowed out your fog as it does say he destroyed a dark fog while at the same time uncorrupting the corrupted. My character is contradictory to himself, some will see him as another Clown that needs to be killed off while others will see him as a beacon of peace. Pahahahaha its for you guys to decide, I'm just making him as chaotic as I can x3.
*goes back into character*
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 481
3/15/2012 18:41:12   

(Assuming the writer is fine with it) After several failed attempts to stop the Fog, Corona finally submitted to the ONLY LOGICAL THING.


Failed attempts are as follows.
Sharks, and lots of them
An army of artificially intelligent fans. They rebelled and had to be put down before they caused Terminator.
Tank Catapults (they are real)

Finally, he had no choice but to utilize Dinosaurs, who were so used to hallucinations that it really didn't bother them.
DF MQ  Post #: 482
3/15/2012 18:45:00   


Hrrrm...I can't let Darkness King go to Stargate...Contacts the person holding him. WIll you be willing to let your charge go? I would like my employee returned to me, as working for Ommicorp gives him rights to be here and he is thus accountable for Earth laws, which have been dealt with for his transgression.

Oh so you filled out the intergalactic imagrint work forums? Does Darkness have a intergalactic work visa? Do you have a intergalactic employer license?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 483
3/15/2012 18:46:08   

I have only won so many fights because I have years of experience, and I cannot afford to lose... Not anymore.

I have had the unique experience of seeing the light and darkness in this world, and the powers behind it. I have had dealings with both gods and mortal men, things and peoples great and small, stange and familiar, known and unknown; long has been my struggle to protect this world, and staunch the evil within it.

I have had my moments of weakness, just as all we humans have, and I have faced death, both literal, metaphorical, and embodied- more than most ever will, and I have lost much in my struggles.

It is my goal and purpose in life to do just this, and to endure. I am the hand that guides humanity, and protects it in this era of great peril. This I shall do, and while I have had many fears in the past, but I have overcome them.

A new era has come to my mind, I think. An era of hope, and peace.

I may still experience anger, and sorrow, but I am but a man. No longer shall the fear of losing control and falling grace rule over me. This world, though in mortal danger from my weakness in the past, shall not be thus.

Thank you, David. While you are wrong in your doing, it pleases me that you would humor my askance.


@Lunarox: I believe David canceled it out, right there.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/15/2012 18:47:07 >
DF  Post #: 484
3/15/2012 18:48:10   

I meant from an RP sense. Eeryone you fight either dies or loses so...?

Hey... my character's an Alien! D:

In fact, when I first created him, I'm pretty sure he was the only alien on the forums, other
than David... I mean... X Prime. >.>

But that's kind of just a human alien which defeats the purpose....eh no matter, ALIEN POINTS!

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 3/15/2012 18:59:36 >
DF MQ  Post #: 485
3/15/2012 18:59:47   

Only in recent times, and only because I have continued untill the job was done. I don't give up easily.

If either I, or someone else, didn't deal with such threats, the city would fall, if not the world.

I have lost in the past. I've actually not had Drakkoniss deal with major villains often, and the lesser ones would obviously fall to me. Things have just been accelerating, lately, so it would appear I win too much. Very few fights, but in quick enough succession that it would give that impression.

Drakkoniss has specialized in versitile fighting against extremely powerful opponents, over his career. Much of the time, he gets pummeled, or only fights on equal ground, fighting momentum shifting between opponents during the event, untill he realizes how to defeat them, and/or removes certain limits on his power he has placed.

Note the ammount of weakness I exhibited after the Red Knight's fight. If someone else had come along, I would not have won, should they have been of moderate to high levels of strength, or at the very least, would have taken a horrible beating before managing to finish the battle in my favor, in the case of moderate-strength enemies.

Also note that I had Destrous' fight with the Shadow Destrous from Voldo end in a draw, and the copy left. He is still at large.
DF  Post #: 486
3/15/2012 19:02:28   

Ah. Well then you could at least understand how someone new such as I would only be seeing the victories.

and the lesser ones would obviously fall to me.

Just wondering, why? I don't know anything about your character except he's supposed to be strong. That only describes...EVERYONE xD
DF MQ  Post #: 487
3/15/2012 19:06:28   
delta blitz

*goes out fo character*
X prime didn't do it because you asked lol, he was going to do that anyway, didnt you notice the cycle his eye was going in PAHAHAHAHA
*goes back into character*

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 3/15/2012 19:08:28 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 488
3/15/2012 19:06:38   

I meant lesser as in common mobs, such as APBs, Destroyers, Chudlings, ect. Many of the Smashers would be of high enough power to be considered moderate in strength, though not all of them.

Oh, and Celestin is from another planet, while DB is from another region of space that has odd, not necessary planetary, but definitely civilized, qualities. He has traveled many light years to get to this planet.

Also, I did not mean that he necessarily did it due to my asking, but that I was glad he did it at all.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/15/2012 19:07:35 >
DF  Post #: 489
3/15/2012 19:07:53   

Still wondering about your powers but whatever.

Hm, I suppose.
DF MQ  Post #: 490
3/15/2012 19:11:27   

Oh, and Clown, was it really the aniversary of our rivalry?

@Glaisaurus: Unfortunately for my appearance with regards to morality and fairness in my character's level of skill, they are many and diverse, along with the reality bending powers that come up every once in a while.

For the benefit of others, I keep him out of most fights, and have had him limit the ammount of power he puts forth in combat by being a combat sadomasochist, but I feel it unfortunately encourages there to be more god-modding-esque levels of power in our community than many might like.

I initially only made my character as powerful as he is to counter the fact that there were 3 or 4 other people with comparable levels of power at the time, and none of them were alligned to good, so I decided to attempt to balance the equation.

I was eventually able to turn David Blitz to the side of good (in concert with his fictional princess, though there could have been someone she was based off of that influenced his decision, as I know he had a girlfriend at the time), as well, or rather, what is right, as he put it, but you can tell that he has likewise turned away from that path, leaving the community with yet another power void, especially with Eclipse having revealed the form of Lunarox. This is why I dealt so powerfully/harshly with Thursday and Clown. There needed to be action. For months, destruction after destruction has occured to and within the city.
This disgusts me, and I would hope to stop it.

I wish the Drakkonian Alliance had continued to be active, as many of them are not, from what I can tell, at the moment. Hopefully, I will be able to gain more members in times to come.

I have a question for you, by the way. If he exists outside of time, and is not supposed to be able to be detected by most, why has he been? O.o

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/15/2012 19:21:28 >
DF  Post #: 491
3/15/2012 19:17:27   
delta blitz

*Goes out of character* Did anyone read X prime's speech, its the first time in quite some time that he talked x3. On a side note though he still isnt going to talk ingame (Glares at Clown). I gave you guys some hints with the different color changing eye thing too x/ aww well X prime will be X prime :3
*goes back into character*
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 492
3/15/2012 19:22:11   

well geez, glaisaurus, if you want i can make a totally weak character if it bothers you that much :P
Post #: 493
3/15/2012 19:22:58   

I don't think anyone else is around besides me and Darkkoniss. Just sayin.

But yes, I did. Course, since I know absolutely nothing about him, I have no real reaction whatsoever. Guess that's what being new does to you...?


well geez, glaisaurus, if you want i can make a totally weak character if it bothers you that much :P

xD How would that help? Besides, changing other people's characters would ruin the fun. I am simply asking questions, that's all. I do not intend to come off as condescending or rude, apologies if I am.

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 3/15/2012 19:24:03 >
DF MQ  Post #: 494
3/15/2012 19:27:04   

I did in fact read his speach, and it disappoints me, as I have known David in the past. Still, his problems with understanding and reconciling with the past would seem to be in play, but I acknowledge that he is of a different ideology than I am, and that he has different views of what must be done, though what is right, as the Princess once put it so well, does not appear to be in his mind, anymore. Balance through Chaos in such a way does not work. He is causing more damage than the good could ever make up for, which is the nature of good and evil. It takes more to redeem than to make the impression of wrong. People react negatively to actions of the past longer than they do good deeds, unless they are truly significant, and I know this, which is why his actions of the past few bits have both disappointed and seemed wrong to me. Now that he has his mind back, his sense of morality should be influencing his actions, but instead he seems like a wild animal, acting on instinct for chaos, more than anything.

Oh, and I edited my earlier post.

Read it, Glaisaurus. You do not insult me, and I understand your curiousity quite well. It is good that you wish to know, and view things in such a way. You could act as an abstract judge of things better than most.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/15/2012 19:28:56 >
DF  Post #: 495
3/15/2012 19:30:16   

Ohhh, so that explains why Drakkoniss is so strong. Makes sense now.

I have a question for you, by the way. If he exists outside of time, and is not supposed to be able to be detected by most, why has he been? O.o

Wait...being seen isn't the same as being detected. Who's detected him so far? D: Corona still involves himself with people (mainly to try and find allies for his goals).

This is the first I've heard of anyone being able to detect him. Unless I said it earlier and totally forgot <_>
DF MQ  Post #: 496
3/15/2012 19:40:30   

that's why i said make, not change, glaisaurus. lol
i never wanted to change either of my characters honestly, that's why i would make something brand new if you think having everyone powerful is rather boring
Post #: 497
3/15/2012 19:41:11   

But then they'd be vastly...out of standard so-to-speak. I mean whatwith this apparent shared universe and whatnot.
Which is why I favor seemingly useless powers that are awesome with a creative mind. Obviously Corona himself does not reflect this...
DF MQ  Post #: 498
3/15/2012 19:55:02   

not everyone is truly required to have some sort of super ability as far as i know. it's just that everyone thinks it's like that because the opposing faction just might notice that and wipe them off the city in an instant
Post #: 499
3/15/2012 19:57:22   

True...though I suppose the problem isn't that they can do that, but that so many of the high tier characters are insane, there's a high chance they would just do it.

Hm, I also wonder what happened with Shadow's Tiering. Sure took him a lot longer than he expected, unless he just forgot of course...
DF MQ  Post #: 500
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