Creative! Constructive!
Actually, you did put him in a story: The last tiny bit of the second to last of your stories had him as a fetus at the end, and the current story you are working on has him as the nararator, and you give a bit of background information on him. I know far more about him then most do, or possibly ever will, but still. A very interesting story he would make, and a very sad thing to hear that's what you actually meant by "the duration", though that was one of the two things I had thought it might be... a great pity, indeed. If my heart was not so hard, and my emotions so controled, I would cry, in real life, tears of remorse and regret, at what he could be, and what he has become. My body even reacts as if it might happen, the feeling one would get before sheding them, though even at the deepest levels of sadness I have trouble shedding them, anymore, though they might come in anger. One of the few times I have ever cried for someone or something that has been related to the forums or HeroSmash was at the thought of Zafara's death- she who I truly love, despite never having seen her face. The thought has filled me with deep grief. Even now, with my emotions more controled in that regard, and my refocusing of my moral core, my eyes just wet a tiny bit, though a single tear did not flow down my face. That feels both sad, and good, confusing my body. :/ *sigh* But I digress. I wish the best for you, David, even if your character does not reform, as I would wish. I retain hope, concerning that, and hope you acknowledge the fact that many, many, many different things could occur in the span of the time you remain on here, both related to me directly, and only including me because of the role I have played with regards to moral advice in the past, for him, because of the fact that his mentality and modus opperendi may change to deal with the situation at hand, during that later period. Edit: He has actually interacted with the HeroSmash universe due to my actions, in the past, which David seems reluctant to state, but regardless, it does not matter too much, other than leaving the possibility very slightly more open.
< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/15/2012 21:09:25 >