Legendary AdventureGuide!
I'd like to thank you very much for your suggestion, and for everybody's feedback, but sadly, this suggestion isn't really a feasible one, as quite a few people have pointed out. Firstly, the reason why currently mutating weapons are here is so that someone can buy a single weapon, and despite class changing, can still use it. The restrictions of this is that the stats can't change, because in the Database, the weapon is classed as one single weapon, with one stat entry. Therefore, it would be the same with Guns and Aux's, meaning the changing stats would not be an option, because it is impossible. Furthermore, the other idea would be to make a gun/aux that changes looks depending on class. This would be a rather time taking process for NightWraith and Charfade, because they'd have to draw up 3 guns/aux's to release a single gun/aux, to me, that seems like a bit of a waste of time when they already have very tight schedules, and limited time to release what they do. Players would also complain that there class's gun/aux isn't as good looking as another's, people would claim we're being biased to a certain class, because we're making their gun/aux look better. People would also complain less is being released, because more time is being used to produce 3 guns/aux's for no beneficial reason for the players or the Dev's. For this reason, I am going to lock this topic up, and say that this suggestion isn't really a consideration, but thank you very much for the idea! If you have any more suggestions, please place them in the suggestions area of the board!