Creative! Constructive!
I think I will read what has been said in arguement, now, though I loath to see such squabbles, sometimes. In this matter, it is necessary, I think, especially with what it could mean for the future. quote:
I mean, the recent nanobot thing is a little bit...Up there. Oh... he had to do something. I was effectively keeping him in what should've been a literaly permanent prison, untill someone came along to have an extremely coordinated effort, and save him. I found it odd that so many people thought they could get into my facility so easily, but regardless, I understand how keeping him like that could be irritating. That probably contributed quite a bit to his feelings in that regard, as godmodding (so to speak) would've been effectively the only way he could get out. With that in mind, I probably went to far to keep him that way, even while I was under the assumption someone else would do something. I really thought Jack, or some other character of Question Mark?'s would've done it, which is part of the reason I had Jack collide with another Eldrich abomination when I sent him to his realm. I was leaving him room to allow that to happen. :/ Oooh... but I suppose that is behind us, for now... quote:
I guess what I'm trying to say is people shouldn't use someone else's character. Don't say what happened to them, it's not your character. That will make things alot slower... but I understand why that would be wanted. It could be annoying at times, but will most likely be a possitive. Hopefully, the shift will be a somewhat easy one, should that be rattified, which I think it most likely will. I agree with you on the matter of dodging, and things, but I also acknowledge there are ways to impede characters without killing them, and that many characters will be able to be hit, but survive the damage, in such an environment. In order to prevent a character's arbitrary killing, I can understand why damage avoiding/reduction techniques are necessary in many cases, especially if the character wouldn't be able to survive the hit. Think Batman vs. Darkseid. Yes, they both effectively lost, but it is a good example of how a character beign able to do such things is a good thing, and isn't OP. quote:
Because I hate it when other people are gods. I tried to hide my character's god-like properties as much as possible. :/ quote:
Really, the only people that RP'd in the beginning that are still here (and that don't come on and off...I'm not forgetting you guys) is me and drakkoniss (I think). I don't think I'll be leaving, now, my love. I hate that I was even driven to such grief that I considered it. ;) quote:
Then (somehow), my part of the story got more popular. And I started to talk to people. Probably the combination of the funniness at the falacies of logic in the first attempts, combined with me reading yours before C&T. lol quote:
I don't know what happened. Too many characters, I guess. Everyone except VERY few people started making more and more characters. That made it a little chaotic, with so many people to coordinate with. I think that's what started this whole thing. I only did that as a combination of artistic inspiration and to make it to where I could do multiple things at once, with my character preoccupied. I also didn't use my side characters very often... Though I thought (and still think) I might use Destrous more... I am glad that we have been able to do so much for you, Zafara. I think I will post this now, and edit it...