Epic Duel Wiki Rage: [Formula] Filled Rage Bar = 40 + (2.5 * Level) As an attacker, rage is gained at a rate of 110% of damage blocked + 1% per 4 support you have over the defender, up to a maximum rate of 125%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 95%. As a defender, rage is gained at a rate of 25% of the damage taken, +0.25% per 4 support you have over the attacker, up to a maximum rate of 29%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 21%. So, rage gain, from damage not done, is up 10% from 100%. The support modifier has changed from 3 to 4. The cap at maximum is increased to 125% from 115% and the minimum has been increased from 85% to 95% The defender rage rate has been lowered from 35% to 25% and instead of it being modified by 1% per 3 support it has been decreased to 0.25% per 4 support... Some additional balance changes not listed in design notes, so basically they nerfed Adrenaline before Mercanaries could even use it... That's got to be a new record for nerf! Little wonder I couldn't notice the difference! Can anyone explain the rationale behind these changes, as they are basically the exact opposite to a balance suggestion I made a while ago and really makes support even weaker and at the same time making builds like the BM str spamming build even stronger! I was going to make a report in bugs that rage wasn't working properley and went to wiki to get the figures so that I could explain the bug and discovered that it had been changed without notification to the community! My bet is this post will be ignored and they figured that the community would be dumb enough to not notice!
< Message edited by Goony -- 3/24/2012 6:03:31 >