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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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4/5/2012 16:40:31   

@Velmur: :/

I'm wondering how Star's thing will go. Hopefully, I'll have enough time to read it... ._.
DF  Post #: 51
4/5/2012 16:47:32   
star screamer

Wait... what was Velmurs post?
The way I'm writing my story is an
unorganized bundle at the moment, kind of like
my bedroom!

Sadly I cannot start writing my chapter until I get all
of the Jesters names.

So far all I got is Vithis (Voldo)
Jurgen (Yergen)
and that's it.
If anyone else wants to be a jester
just ask, unless you are already in
the story :P

I've never really role played with a certain person...
I've kind of been off to the side...
AQW  Post #: 52
4/5/2012 17:31:02   
Jessa K

(Sorry for the delay Drak, had to do some babysitting.)

She listens, not quite following his explanation, but getting the gist of it. He's very theoretical, she thinks.

When the android turns and walks away, she hesitates. After a moment, she calls after him. "Wait! Don't go!" She hesitates again, and then runs after him. "I'm sure there's some sort of proof that you're telling the truth, isn't there?"


AQW  Post #: 53
4/5/2012 18:08:57   

(It's fine; Life comes first)

"Oh, perhaps," he says, smiling as he turns around, and a small chamber opens up in his wrist, and a bit of paper shoots into his hand, "A letter of introduction."

He hands it to Jessa, and she reads a letter, saying this, writen in an eirily red script:

I appologise for any... theatrics, that he has put your way. Fredrick is a bit eccentric, at times, though he means well.

I have indeed asked him to protect you, as he most likely told you, some way or another, though he probably has expressed this in a way that makes it look like he could only possibly do so by being with you at all times, throwing the very thought of covert opperations out the window, which he would revert to, anyway, if some sort of agreement between the two of could not be reached... I know him far too well, though I suppose that would make sense, I having made him. He has a bit of a flair for the dramatic, and has a skewed sense of humor.

-Insert Drakkoniss spelled in Greek letters here, since the forums won't accept Greek letters outside of the edit/posting system/engine-

Fredrick smiles mischieviously with his eye raised cockily.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 4/5/2012 18:10:40 >
DF  Post #: 54
4/5/2012 18:14:42   
Doom Desirer

At Star Screamer: I see those Skyrim references. Vithis is Sithis, and Jurgen is Jurgen windcaller, founder of the greybeards.
Post #: 55
4/5/2012 18:30:33   

@above that's pretty clever now that i think about it
DF AQW  Post #: 56
4/6/2012 2:30:20   

New Chapter is out in my story XD



AQW Epic  Post #: 57
4/6/2012 10:18:59   

I enjoyed it
DF AQW  Post #: 58
4/6/2012 14:48:51   
delta blitz

Read my stories too x3 please. My blitz orgins thread is just one singluar story about my backup hero, while my persona of David blitz thread holds many different storys...including my current one Tales of the two heroes.

Both threads are in my signiture.

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 4/6/2012 14:49:12 >


Tales of the two heroes
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
4/6/2012 15:28:35   
3 Vandoren

You know what, Delta, because you are great, I'm going to read BOTH your stories. I bet they are awesome, too!

~Once Was Necro Berserk
Post #: 60
4/6/2012 19:09:24   

*A small objects bursts through the atmosphere and lands in Herospire. As curious heroes gather, the object unfolds and a holographic image of Lunarox appears*

Greetings inferior sentients, I hope my absence did not go unnoticed.

I am inclined to inform you all of some good news and bad news. The good news is that my Cosmic Cannon is finally complete after much effort.

*An image of the cannon appears as a hologram.* Impressive, isn't it? The barrel of the cannon is 5 kilometers long. That took a lot of metal.

The bad news...it's a bit embarrassing...but I seem to lack the power necessary to cause the Sun to reach critical mass. So, I have decided to temporarily suspend this project and move on to a more interesting project.

*A holographic of a what appears to be a mechanical archway appears*

My latest project. This archway, when charged with dark matter energy, opens a portal to another dimension which I have appropriately named Dimension Zero. Why? Because there is NOTHING there. Not an ounce of matter, oxygen (which I don't need to survive), or anything.

And don't ask how I got hold of dark matter, it wasn't easy.

Anyways, I soon discovered that Dimension Zero was already linked to Dimension Prime (our dimension) and that the archway that I constructed is merely a doorway between the dimensions. Now if things go as planned...

*Charges Cosmic Cannon*

Hmmm, needs a bit more dark matter energy. THAT I can do.

*Flies through the cannon's barrel to the core*

Wow, it's really hollow in here. Echooooo! Haha

*Cannon's core is charged with the dark matter energy from within Lunarox's body. The cannon fires at Earth and upon impact, the dark matter spreads over the entire planet. After a while, the dark matter vanishes*

What a rush! Now...let me see...YES! I knew it! An exact duplicate of Earth has appeared in Dimension Zero. It appears that any object coated in dark matter will create a duplicate in Dimension Zero.

*Flies to Earth Zero*

Odd, plant life was duplicated successfully, but no animal life exists here.
*Blows a crater in the ground in Liberty Square Zero. In Liberty Square Prime, a large crater inexplicably appears, sending people screaming*

WHOA! This is gonna be my new playground.

Oh, is my hologram projector still functional? *Flies to Herospire Zero and blows up the projector duplicate. The original projector blows up as well*
Sure, I could have just pressed a self-destruct button, but this is much more interesting.

Hm, did I leave my Zero Archway on? *shrugs*

< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 4/6/2012 19:13:13 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 61
4/6/2012 19:12:51   


The bad news...it's a bit embarrassing...but I seem to lack the power necessary to cause the Sun to reach critical mass. So, I have decided to temporarily suspend this project and move on to a more interesting project.

I WAS SOOOO CLOSE. I wouldn't even have had to DO anything to accomplish my goal! Curse your non-functioning cannon...eh, doubt it would've stopped what's IN the Sun anyways, hinthinthint.

Voodoo Doll Earth? That can't be good.
DF MQ  Post #: 62
4/6/2012 19:18:40   

I already know what's in the Sun. The spirit of my arch-enemy from millenia long past. But I'll deal with that later.

*Flies back to Dimension Prime and re-charges cannon. It then fires at the Moon. A duplicate appears in Dimension Zero*

Nice, a duplicate Moon Base appeared too. Now I can build another archway on the Zero side to stabilize the tranfer process.

< Message edited by Shadowlight1 -- 4/6/2012 19:19:14 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 63
4/6/2012 19:21:41   


I already know what's in the Sun. The spirit of my arch-enemy from millenia long past. But I'll deal with that later.

That explains why you want to kill it. Has naught to do with my cause of course.

Also, shouldn't a Dimension 0 should have no Space, thus destroying anything placed inside as there's nowhere for it to exist?

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 4/6/2012 19:22:20 >
DF MQ  Post #: 64
4/6/2012 19:40:48   

A good question. I have found that any abiotic matter disintegrates while crossing the dimensional bridge, but animals I have brought over have survived.

Further research has found that material in direct contact with an animal also survives the tranfer, but disintegrates upon loss of contact.

And there is indeed space in this dimension. I will need to conduct more research as to the reason.
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 65
4/7/2012 4:26:20   

So, this DImension Zero of your... it has NOTHING in it? Nothing at all? How did you make it? I am curious. I could potentialy use it for my purposes, scu as a prison of my own devising...
DF  Post #: 66
4/7/2012 5:36:53   

Well, it's not a total Dimension 0, it's still got Space. Plus, it has some weird voodoo doll effect...
DF MQ  Post #: 67
4/7/2012 5:41:58   

Which does...
DF  Post #: 68
4/7/2012 5:45:29   

Any object duplicated in this 0.5D that is damaged or affected, will have the same effect on the duplicated. I.E. He duplicated Earth, so if I were to blow up a building here, the building there explodes too, though seemingly for no reason. At least, that's how I understood it.
DF MQ  Post #: 69
4/7/2012 5:58:19   

Interesting. I could use this to build a prison where people can do what they wish, but stop any evil or attempt to escape from here. The possiblities are endless. Warehouse X lies in a dimension with no space itself.
DF  Post #: 70
4/7/2012 6:05:28   

With no space, wouldn't corporeal beings such as ourselves cease to exist there? Having nowhere to exist.

Unless the Warehouse is immaterial...
DF MQ  Post #: 71
4/7/2012 6:09:45   

The Warehouse is something entirely different. I rarely even open it, only doing so in times of great duress.

As for the prison, I thought you said it HAS space. But if not, well I'm sure I can come up with something.

...Hey why not have Red Shark Avenue Prison be built there? In that case if the Dealer Rap CD thing went wrong (Assuming you go with that) it would not spread.
DF  Post #: 72
4/7/2012 6:19:40   

The Prison does have space. I didn't even know we were talking about the Prison.

And well, that makes sense, but then it'd kinda ruin Necro Berserk/whatever his new name is's plans. His character apparently has an underlying scheme involving the prison.

The rap CD's pretty much a gag, I'd probably mention it once then never bring it up again.
DF MQ  Post #: 73
4/7/2012 10:14:19   
3 Vandoren

I always have a scheme...
And don't you remember? I took out most of the army I've built up in it and attacked you people with it.
Of course, we got stomped by chocolate.
A very unlikely save-the-day-er. But eh.
No matter, I've still got schemes with the "prison!"
*makes sure the small frame, which is about the size of a roll of paper towels, he has welded together is completely stable, then begins to build a small machine that wi-*
What? Are you watching me? *scurries into the sewers, metal frame and machine in tow, laughing like a madman*
Post #: 74
4/7/2012 10:17:13   

Well, I didn't make it, it was always there. Existing in a parallel dimension.

Also, further research has shown that any alterations done to Earth Prime will also affect Earth Zero.
Furthermore, constructing something in Earth Zero is an interesting suggestion.
You'd have to build it with materials found there, obviously, since materials brought from Prime can't exist there. The same building would also probably be constructed in Prime as well, though.

Hmmm? Interesting development, I have found that bringing an object from Zero to Prime results in successful transfer but results in the Prime version being sent to Zero.

Perhaps copying Earth has the effect of any object from Earth Prime being replaced by it's Zero equivalent during tranfer? Very interesting.

So it seems objects CAN be transfered but only 1 of the object can exist in each dimension.

Also, who said I'd let you use my Zero Arch?
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 75
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