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RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread

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4/8/2012 0:25:35   

New Chapter of my story is out :3



AQW Epic  Post #: 101
4/9/2012 10:22:42   

Hnnmm you know what might be interesting as HS fanfic based in Plesenttown.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 102
4/9/2012 10:27:48   

You know, I always had an idea for a story where a few heores travel to a paraleel universe, only to find out that due to The Dealer losing what matters to him the most, he took over the world. They fight and defeat him by killing him, but he asks them to deliver a message to The Dealer of our world, warning him about how lcose the Allience of Shadows really are...
DF  Post #: 103
4/9/2012 10:58:16   

Why would they want to kill your wife? (or some sort of thing such as that that would have a similar effect; you know what I mean)
DF  Post #: 104
4/9/2012 10:58:32   

Speaking of stories didn`t Clown say there would be a plot advancing chap in The Brotherhood of Order, soon? Know that`s something to look forward to.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 105
4/9/2012 11:01:47   

Drakkoniss: They don't. But such power can be used, and if needed must be stopped.
DF  Post #: 106
4/9/2012 17:18:37   


You know, I always had an idea for a story where a few heores travel to a paraleel universe, only to find out that due to The Dealer losing what matters to him the most, he took over the world. They fight and defeat him by killing him, but he asks them to deliver a message to The Dealer of our world, warning him about how lcose the Allience of Shadows really are...

I was actually planning on an alternate universe story as well, only it's due to a man born with those powers in another universe accidentally making his way to ours.
DF MQ  Post #: 107
4/10/2012 8:07:26   

Greetings, people. I have come here to say hello.
Post #: 108
4/10/2012 10:30:34   

Welcome, enjoy your stay.
DF MQ  Post #: 109
4/10/2012 11:05:48   

Glaisarus, hello, greetings. May I have more details about you?


Post #: 110
4/10/2012 18:33:52   

I haven't been here too long, but here's my character so far.

Corona is basically from the distant future where, through strange occurences with the Sun, the world has been ruined. Luckily, he was born with Time Travel powers, and was sent back to try and find a way to stop it beforehand.
DF MQ  Post #: 111
4/10/2012 21:58:49   
Jessa K

That reminds me of something I was wondering, Glai. Where did Corona get his powers?

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 4/10/2012 22:27:35 >


AQW  Post #: 112
4/10/2012 22:24:51   


How did you get your powers, by the way?

Post #: 113
4/11/2012 1:17:33   

I was going to go with he was born with them. Basically an anomaly.

Keep in mind, I only ever played HS once, with my cousin, I don't know if this fits the lore at all. If it contradicts things, please let me know.
DF MQ  Post #: 114
4/11/2012 1:43:58   

Gla: The best part of the game being in beta (besides the fact that I'll be able to rub it in certain peoples faces later) is that there isn't much lore to it.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 115
4/11/2012 1:45:29   
Jessa K

Well, in HS, *most* of the characters are born with their powers, due to the sacrifice of Pandora, which made it so random people are born with/develope powers. It's not always the case, though.

Edit: Yeah, as Shadow said, there isn't much lore. We don't known anything about Pandora and get sacrifice other than that it happened and as a result some people got powers.

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 4/11/2012 1:48:34 >
AQW  Post #: 116
4/11/2012 3:26:49   

Oh I see, so being born with it can pretty much just happen. I'm not sure if it was due to Pandora, but it sounds like it was. Doesn't affect my story anyhow either way.

Course, he didn't really know he had it, once his village discovered it, they basically helped him learn how to use it until he was smart enough that they deemed him ready to venture into the past to put an end to the crisis.
DF MQ  Post #: 117
4/11/2012 3:56:35   

Interesting story. I might stalk you... just kidding.
Post #: 118
4/11/2012 4:04:40   

Well it's not written yet, and probably won't be for several months, busy with a DF story. Then after that, I dreamed up an idea for another HS story I want to write first. Corona's will be second, then that prison idea I had possibly.
DF MQ  Post #: 119
4/11/2012 4:10:53   

Gla: I could probably help you with any of your stories if you want me to.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 120
4/11/2012 4:25:58   

I'm open to help so sure. The Prison Arc's somewhat of a collab as far as I can tell, though I hope it will be a bit more focused than the current one, no offense. Though I'm not sure yet if I'm writing it with people submitting ideas or if it's a multiple people thing.

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 4/11/2012 4:27:14 >
DF MQ  Post #: 121
4/11/2012 4:30:11   

Just give me a shout if you need me. ; )
Post #: 122
4/11/2012 4:38:18   

Well the Prison thing is pretty much open to everyone since I basically just made a hax plot device to deal with prisoners stronger than my, relatively weak characters (Corona cannot kill people when they were young for example, as it stops any good they did when they were old, etc. Plus, he's just not exactly very strong.).
DF MQ  Post #: 123
4/11/2012 4:43:46   

I like how you balance your character's power, not too much over-powered.
Post #: 124
4/11/2012 4:50:38   

Eh, I have a story with blatantly OP stuff, but it's a challenge coming up with fun situations all the time (one of which, humorously, ended up as the weakest character in said story).

Course, that's all null since the point of that story isn't the fights or OP people, but exploration.

By having these guys at a more normal standard, it is far easier to come up with challenges. Corona's strength for example, is barely above the average man. "The Thief" is weaker than just about everyone.


This shall also be fun to play with since Corona's final enemy is well, far beyond his capabilities, to say the least.
DF MQ  Post #: 125
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