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2vs2 link

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4/5/2012 12:53:33   

An idea went through my head as I was in a 2vs2 match. That idea was what if you and a partner could link up, such as you do when your 2vs1 boss npcing. But instead of a npc, it was other players you choose to go against. You and a friend vs. Another two players of your choice. To sum it all up if you do not understand what I mean is pretty much a 2vs2 match up of your choice.


AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/5/2012 13:15:52   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

I asked Titan awhile back when the feature was first implemented for Boss Battles and he said there weren't any plans on doing it. The reason is most likely to promote better balance for everyone rather than the players who link up with another Strength build and kill lower levels who didn't link with an OPd player. Basically, it would allow players to abuse OPd classes in 2vs2 much more reliably than they do now because there is always the chance they'll be stuck with a lvl 29 non varium against two lvl 34s full varium.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/5/2012 13:22:45   

Well it can be the same as 1vs1. Not counting towards your wins.
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/5/2012 13:48:51   
Angels Holocaust

This idea is perfect, it would fix this abomination that we call 2 vs 2 in an instant. People have been asking for this feature for years now, ever since the beginning of this flawed game. Isn't it time that we try something new instead of ignoring what the people want?
Post #: 4
4/5/2012 14:04:57   

Linked players may not battle loners.

That is my request.
AQ Epic  Post #: 5
4/5/2012 14:14:22   

This has been suggested several times, and it will receive the same replies.

Not counting towards your wins.
Then what is the point of making it? They're several features that are way better than this one, so why waste the
Devs' time making features that won't help in the progress of game.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/5/2012 14:26:25   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Isn't it also time to listen to what the staff say each time it's raised as well?

The reason why it hasn't and probably will not be introduced has already explained by ND Mallet - It would completely destroy balance. Everyone would just be joining up with people who compliment their build etc. to create truly a truly OP combination. What you have to look at, is the long run, and in the long run, it would create more complaints from people than happy people. It would make 2v2 something nobody dares to do unless they have an OP partner, and for any level 27-31 or so, it would make PvP an absolute no no.
It's all well and good saying 'make it not count towards records like challenges', but that wouldn't make any sense at all. It would lead to a coding nightmare, and people get annoyed now with having to do challenges for missions, because they're 'pointless' unless for a friendly battle or testing a build. This would be named a 'pointless feature' very fast. Even if it wouldn't though, then even if the win doesn't count for the team using the link, the loss would still count for the other team. If it didn't then the others upon pressing '2v2' ends up being in a pointless battle they don't want to be in.
All-in-all, the feature would just lead to a huge mess, and this has been explained time and time again. If people listened to what staff said, then they would understand why it can't be implemented, and would stop complaining that we 'won't listen and ignore', because we actually have reasons as to why we don't. I'm not aiming that at you LunaWarlord or anyone who hasn't previously brought this up or been involved in a suggestion of this, or heard a staff members point of view on this - but those who keep bringing it up over and over, despite us explaining need to realise we're not going to just change our thoughts because you keep asking. We have valid reasons as to why it can't happen, if you're to ignorant to listen to them, then please don't show yourself up by keep posting it over and over.
It's a valid idea, I appreciate that, but it's not a possible one.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/5/2012 14:49:06   

15 2v2 Link battles per Hour?
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
4/5/2012 14:54:02   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

^15 battles unfair on the opposition, this then spread across every single person in the game still makes 2v2 hard for anyone who isn't linked/is level 32 or less, since they'll just get linked level 34s throughout the hour with few others.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/5/2012 16:11:28   

just the challenge option for linked up players would be great and it wouldn't effect 2v2. would just mean 2v2 tournaments could be held.
of course it wouldn't count towards your win/loss record. it would just be a harmless fun feature with no real downside.
Post #: 10
4/5/2012 18:49:47   
Sipping Cider


just the challenge option for linked up players would be great and it wouldn't effect 2v2. would just mean 2v2 tournaments could be held.
of course it wouldn't count towards your win/loss record. it would just be a harmless fun feature with no real downside

excellent idea! Especially that tournament part, if tournaments ever do come along.
Epic  Post #: 11
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