With NPCs, anyone can have literally perfect record. This is a fact if you know how to NPC effectively (strategy, class, etc.) so ratio is a joke if you NPC. If NPCs and PvP wins were divided, we'd see who's an actual player and which one is the 'fake' one. Not just wins or mere ratio make a player a pro, there are many definitions for a pro but if I was to describe it myself, I'd use people instead like Fay Beee and JZaanu for example - they have impressive characters, done a lot for the community as well as in-game, both are really nice and I doubt anyone can find bad points about them and now since they are Mods, they can be example for other players. That's definition of a pro for me, even if they were to have low wins, what they've done for the community and the game is too big to be neglected. If we're entitled to our opinions, no matter how stupid it may be, then why are we arguing? We may disagree but we troll instead here. You say Angels is a pro right? Now compare Angels to Fay Beee or JZaanu - wins, ratio, character, Forum posts, etc. Everything! And let me know which one of them is better example for others: Angels or Fay/JZaanu.