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RE: =ED= May 23rd Design Notes - The Mines Open

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5/25/2012 17:21:30   

@Hun Kingq: Like I said, being overly anal. Blood Shield and Field Commander combined...Blood Commander.
no one is going to look at the skill and think "wow, its called Blood Commander, now I command all Blood Mages"
Post #: 126
5/25/2012 17:21:39   

@Hun King, the lifegain with blood commander is not as powerful as bloodlust and takes a turn to activate it. To get any noticable gain mercs will have to invest skill points into blood commander. It's not anywhere near as potent as you are making it out to be!

Check the new design notes for an update on what's in the update :)

Design Notes

< Message edited by Goony -- 5/25/2012 17:23:59 >
Epic  Post #: 127
5/25/2012 17:26:46   
Vampiric Prince

@Hun. Maybe you should lay off games for a while, mages are godlike beings that command others? Is that a brilliant piece of trolling that someone recommended you try out on the people here? I'd like to meet the author :) But seriously, if I had the credits and equipment I'd so become a techmage, they're in a good place atm. The super tech ones with supercharge, if anyone manages to beat those consistently, then you my friend have mastered epicduel...
AQW Epic  Post #: 128
5/25/2012 17:32:16   

Tank Cyber Hunters with EMP don't beat supercharge mages 100% ?
Post #: 129
5/25/2012 17:45:13   
Vampiric Prince

Ah I forgot about epicduel's latest brain dead build. I swear, this is worse than str mercs with their stun maul combined with str bounties and their height. I mean, tech mages with the 90-100+ tech range are pretty much unbeatable to me atm, imagine a build/ class that easily beats them. This is 1 thing that has always made me play epicduel for a ' season ' and then eventually I end up quitting for like a year. I mean, isn't this blatantly a money trick? They get everyone to eventually surrender to the cyber craze and as soon as they feel the lush fields have been grazed upon for too long they laugh and make a change that makes a new class overpowered and dam near impossible to effectively battle, regardless of whatever ' skill ' you might have or the luck on your side.
AQW Epic  Post #: 130
5/25/2012 18:01:56   

Well I cant get to the refinery because i get hit by the infinite load screen the sec I try to enter where you go down so tell me how it is..... i cant do it

refreshed the screen 8 times and went all the way back, cleared cache and everything it still hits me every time. the most annoying ed bug ever and it happens other places too.

< Message edited by xace246525 -- 5/25/2012 18:03:18 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 131
5/25/2012 18:02:19   


Opinions on the Infernal Slayer?


The sword appears to be quite the piece, but in my opinion it would be even better if a physical model was available.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 5/25/2012 18:04:29 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 132
5/25/2012 18:07:16   
Vampiric Prince

The sword has insane stat boosts and can do +36 dmg. Wth? 9 enhancement slots for a total of 30 I think. I don't have the credits to buy the thing... Oh well, patiently awaiting the next promo I guess.
AQW Epic  Post #: 133
5/25/2012 18:12:09   
King Helios

Official stats from "What's New!"

Level 35
9 Enhancement Slots
Damage 36
Strength: +6
Dexterity: +9
Technology: +9
Support: +6

Physical/Energy unknown.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 134
5/25/2012 18:15:50   



AQW Epic  Post #: 135
5/25/2012 18:20:36   

I couldn't resist, and bought the sword on my 30 BM, can't use yet but not too far off 31 :)
stats are sweet, basically +1 support, +6str, +4 enhancement slots and +2 dmg more than my current weapon
Post #: 136
5/25/2012 18:31:53   

My are 1 less enhancement, 5 less strength, 1 more dexterity, 6 more technology and 3 more support
AQW Epic  Post #: 137
5/25/2012 18:32:18   
My Name is Jake

Only thing I don't like about the sword is that it gives stats in str and sup
AQW Epic  Post #: 138
5/25/2012 18:45:56   

It would be very nice if one could use enhancements to customize the weapon's "set" stats, and possibly change the element freely or at a price.
AQ Epic  Post #: 139
5/25/2012 18:50:27   
Chosen 0ne

Refinary looks cool. Reminds me of hell XD
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 140
5/25/2012 18:56:19   

I notice that Blood Commander have the same points as Field Commander has (no extra strength). Someone please confirm that ?
Post #: 141
5/25/2012 19:05:19   

@Striker44: you misunderstood the comment, he was describing the skill, not describing the new skill compared to the old one.
Post #: 142
5/25/2012 19:34:33   

Those missions for exile were a surprise for the difficulty I'll have o.o oh well

< Message edited by Orian -- 5/25/2012 19:52:31 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 143
5/25/2012 19:38:12   
Always a Princess

Orian, the Legion quests are exactly the same. They're difficult for a reason.
Post #: 144
5/25/2012 19:58:19   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

@Xace246525: If you feel there is a bug, please post the details of it in the Bugs Section, so that we can investigate it further and fix it accordingly!
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 145
5/25/2012 20:13:57   

Wow, being level 33, these quests are still hard.

I mean really. Snork. Seriously, he's kinda hard. 7 kills total? That's gonna take a while, since I'm going to get killed so much as a nonvar. I'm not sure how it's even FAIR. These quests should be challenging but not insanely hard to do. I can't imagine any nonvar under level 33 finishing even the FIRST quest.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 146
5/25/2012 20:25:24   

@Joe Since you don't have physical blades, they are fairly easy for non-varium bh near or at the level cap
Still hard for every other class though
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 147
5/25/2012 20:28:57   

@^ IK. Personally, if it was like "Kill Titan" or "Kill Shadow Guards/Valery" it would be still challenging for level 31s (maybe), but doable.

Caden is just OP. He critted me 5 times in a row. I'm serious. I fought him again. 3 crits in a row. Then proceeded to go 1:4 against Snork due to not getting ANY BLOCKS even though I have 100 dex basically.

*sigh*. My win/loss record is going to suffer. Looking at the other quests, only the first quest seems to be hard. Others are much simpler (from what the wiki has so far).
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 148
5/25/2012 21:00:16   

I really don't want to face caden as a techmage. That's what he is for crying out loud. I will have so much trouble without decent physical damage ability. Snork won't be a problem for me I think.


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 149
5/25/2012 21:13:32   

No offence, but couldn't you come up with a better name than blood commander?
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 150
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