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RE: =AQW= Zazul House Discussion X

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7/6/2012 0:31:22   

I have to be honest with you guys, this topic has been stripped down to it's bones, I think we should stop
Post #: 176
7/6/2012 4:31:39   

ok a bout my post of sherlock holmes
the reason i said there is there are clue but you just pass through it just like you use your staircase at home you dint count.
But this post is a smart thinking
A frog and
A new letter
A new lucky number!
Good work!

Should we stop?
WE had found everything with numbers and letters
Other post are about places but not the codes!
There has to be a code!
I dont know why but there are.
It s obvious

< Message edited by dinieland -- 7/6/2012 4:36:24 >
AQW  Post #: 177
7/6/2012 8:09:58   

i don't get why you guys have to be so negative about the whole topic.
sure zazul has confirmed there isn't anything new till next year,
but that doesn't mean we can't have our fun by speculating about his area and other possible secrets
besides, there's not much else to do in AQW, so all we really have is this

< Message edited by coolboypai -- 7/6/2012 8:10:57 >


AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 178
7/6/2012 10:48:15   

Anyways purgatorio is mod only so if it ever is released then and only then we will have answers.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 179
7/6/2012 13:23:30   


Minion of evil, trained in the dark arts of chaos by Safiria and Nythera.

Taken straight from Zazul's Twitter, maybe it can help

< Message edited by Zxccv -- 7/6/2012 13:24:10 >


I bet you're reading this
Post #: 180
7/7/2012 1:12:45   

minion of evil?
Whos that?
AQW  Post #: 181
7/7/2012 3:43:39   

.... Zazul.
AQW  Post #: 182
7/7/2012 7:42:54   

no i mean it whos hes talking about.
the evil one?
AQW  Post #: 183
7/8/2012 4:11:25   

@ dinieland:

He's talking about himself. Zazul. He's a minion of evil, trained by Safiria and Nythera.


Has no one else but me thought about the fact that there's a Friday the 13th... in about six days?
That could be the event we've been waiting for, since Voltaire and Zazul are obviously connected, and Voltaire only shows up on Friday the 13th.

(Not to mention that the staff has said not ONE word about this upcoming Friday the 13th. The only other option is that it'll be a part of the Dage/Nulgath war, since Friday the 13th is when the undead are at their strongest.)

Scratch that... I just remembered that Voltaire said he'd be around for ALL the Fri. 13th events this year, so.... I dunno. Still, no word from AE about an event is.... weird.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 184
7/8/2012 4:25:33   

^Probably because they have their hands full on the DvN war and they are focused on its bugs/glitches...

Zazul's Mystery = Confusion
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 185
7/9/2012 23:04:36   

Alina just confurm that friday the 13th will include the beastmaster. And they are ading a mem only area for rare 13th events. I wonder what its name will be... (hint hint)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 186
7/9/2012 23:13:14   

^no, i doubt it.
they wouldnt just ignore all this hype from non-mems and make it a mem-only area.
DF  Post #: 187
7/10/2012 0:40:49   

^^the zone for replay will be member only, though nonmems will be able to get at it for 2 weeks I believe
AQW  Post #: 188
7/10/2012 0:42:42   

^im talking about purgatorio, not the replay area.
non-mems will be able to acces it for the 2 weeks any Ft13th comes out IIRC.
DF  Post #: 189
7/10/2012 3:23:09   
How We Roll Winner

Not much of a discussion here. Zazul must be embarresed about being talked about O.O


AQW  Post #: 190
7/10/2012 8:34:28   
jayk the pikachu

Was just thinking The Seppy and Artix action figures might be connected
as they always advertised the Helms as Legendary Items and well Zazul's
items are listed as Legendary Items and im sure someone said the chains in zazuls house are the same in the figure house dungeons
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 191
7/10/2012 15:50:11   

well yeah and not to forget j6 house
AQW  Post #: 192
7/10/2012 16:22:22   

Zazul And Voltaire are friends you might not know it but in Friday the 13th Voltaire is actually giving clues to us.
AQW  Post #: 193
7/10/2012 16:46:03   

DF  Post #: 194
7/10/2012 16:48:01   

Lol of course, I saw Zazul at blackstone, he was observing the event.
AQW  Post #: 195
7/10/2012 16:49:56   

Well....*puts on sleuth cap*...
"It's time to get elementary!"
quote FTW! +5 points!

< Message edited by sir DESTROYER -- 7/11/2012 0:03:47 >
DF  Post #: 196
7/11/2012 11:10:23   
Albo g

this is fake because aq worlds always update for new relases and every thing gets a refresh but zazual house stays the same there is nothing there aq takes a while for change they say there goin to do things but it happens like months from now!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AQW  Post #: 197
7/11/2012 16:24:14   
Tanis T.

Just some food for thought, Zazul seems to be a Carnival type guy wouldn't it be much simpler if we looked into Literature? For example that chest in his house takes some winding through to get to and the reward at the end is not much of a reward either. This is much like in the Cask of Amontillado. Fortunado is tricked into believing that such a treasure such as a cask of sweet wine was in his reach. Much like the players or sleuths on this thread see the Razor and Hat as the treasures of Zazul himself. I am not saying that this is a trick, but however, there are stark similarities between the two pieces of Fiction. Another note is that the backdrop of the Cask is during a Carnival, however I cannot pinpoint exactly which one. Also, if you want to be really into details with this, perhaps the Zazul's motto is the key just as it was the key to understanding the Cask of Amontillado. Another piece of fiction that seems to coincide with Zazul's Shave Point is the story of Sweeney Todd. Both the shave point and Sweeny Todd's razor from the newest movie adaptions seem to be similar. Possibly there is a clue that is outside of the game itself? As I stated earlier this is just food for though.
Post #: 198
7/12/2012 8:30:37   

hmm so everyone quit? lets wait for new release
AQW  Post #: 199
7/12/2012 10:06:25   

^no, we're just waiting for a new lead
since we don't want to roam in circles
DF  Post #: 200
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