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LvL Enhancements

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6/16/2012 17:25:41   

The idea here i have is Very Simple, or atleast the reason for having it is.
its making lvl enhancements, what would this do? well it will allow me to make a low lvl weapon into a weapon of my lvl (like lvl 34)
it would increase the stat and enhancements slots. meaning i could make an old lvl 30 weapon such as frostbane to make it lvl 34, and be able to use it at a competitive lvl that u would use any lvl 34 weapon. while still keeping its 10 enhancement slots for stat customization.

here is a scale of how much stats each item should have at each enhancement lvl.

Varium LvL enhancements

lvl 34 Varium enhancement for primary: weapon has 34 stats and 34 damage. (+2 stats if the weapon is a sword)

lvl 34 varium enhancement for side arm and aux:
2/3 of lvl 34 which would be rounded up to 23 stats on both gun and aux, along with 34 damage for the gun.
and the damage of the aux is +20% from ur lvl. on a lvl 34 aux the damage would be 34 X 1.20 = rounded to 41
reason for damage increase in the aux is, its long cooldown. since it has a long cooldown, it reasonable that it do more damage.

lvl 34 varium enhancement for armor:
2/3 of lvl 34 which would be rounded to 23 stats
armor def/res be decided on a formula. like 34 / 4 = 8.5 round up to 9 def/res from the enhancement.

Non Varium Lvl Enhancements

lvl 34 non var enhancement for primary: 30 stats 34 damage (+2 stats if its a sword)
lvl 34 non var enhancement for gun and aux: 19 stats and 33 damage.
lvl 34 non var enhancement for armor: 19 stats and def/res be decided by a formula of 34 / 5 = 6.8 round up to 7.

The Formulas: Varium
Lvl 34 Primary: 1 stat per lvl, 1 damage per lvl (+2 stats if the primary is a sword)
Lvl 34 Gun, Aux, Armor: 2/3 of lvl 34 is the amount of stats these items will have at lvl 34. which is 23 stats.
Lvl 34 Armor Def/Res: Lvl 34 / 4 = 9 (rounded up) def/res so a lvl 34 armor would have 9 def/res when that armor is enhanced to lvl 34.

The Formulas: non varium
Lvl 34 Primary: 1 damage per lvl. 1 stat per lvl - 4. meaning it would have 30 stats at lvl 34. (+2 stats if the primary is a sword)
Lvl 34 Gun, Aux, Armor: 2/3 of 34 rounded to 23 - 4 = 19 stats for these non var items.
Lvl 34 Armor Def/Res: 34 / 5 = 7 (rounded up) def/res for non var armors.

I understand another issue for this would be balancing. while i know the staff have no say in this, here's my suggestion on it anyway.
a formula will be used for this aswell. L will stand for the lvl of enhancements. Y will equal the price of the enhancement of said lvl.
Varium Lvl Enhancements Price Formula
Primary: L x 15 = Y
Gun/Aux: L x 12 = Y
Armor: L x 15 = Y

Non Varium Lvl Enhancements Price Formula: Via Credits
Primary: L x 600 = Y
Gun/Aux: L x 500 = Y
Armor L x 600 = Y

i would just like to tell you that the current enhancements will stay with this system, but this is just another way of making a low lvl weapon into a high lvl weapon, so that we may be able to use it.

this type of enhancement is to enhance your weapon to a different lvl.
now, i have made some changes in the formulas to ensure that primary always stays at the same pace as lvls.
and for gun and aux, and armor stats to always be 2/3 of the current lvl, so while lvl rises, the stats progress adequately.
the same goes for armor def/res the formula ensures that the def/res progress along with lvls, while maintaining a percentage difference from varium to non varium def/res.

Reason for doing this:
- doesn't let all the art from old and low lvl weapons go to waste.
- founders will be able to use their armor at lvl 34.
- you can choose an item based on its art style or simply color and be able to use it at lvl 34.
- allows much more customization than we have now
- would bring more revenue to the game to help maintain servers, from a feature that is good.
- would very well please the old players from beta, and gamma, and allowing them to use their old weapons (for a price of course)
- allow more diversity in the game, everywhere i go i see everyone with the same weapons. its boring to see clones of myself everywhere i go, this would solve that and allow unique art builds.

Another Suggestion regarding the stats.
is that NO weapon of the same category thats lvl 34 , should have more stats or less stats than another lvl 34 weapon. unless its varium vs non varium. (this is when fully enhanced)
this will ensure equality between all the items when they are fully enhanced.
if weapon A has 34 stats, and a new weapon B is coming out thats the same kind of weapon and lvl 34, then weapon B should be 34 stats, not increase to 35 or 36 stats. like i said, this is to ensure equality.

a Weapon's stat scaling:
Lets say a lvl 30 weapon has 30 stats. (10 from enhancements)

let say, its 7 str, 7 dex, 6 tech. 10 stat enhancements
what if i enhance it to lvl 34. what stats will it have then? well thats a good question. and heres my answer.

since from lvl 30 to lvl 34, u gain 4 stats.
for each lvl, 4 more base stats need to be distributed on the weapon.

so after the enhancement to lvl 34, that weapon would look something like this.

8 str, 8 dex, 8 tech, 10 enhancements = 34 stats at lvl 34. (2 more stats split between dex and tech if its a sword)

so when the staff release a new item, they need to scale it from lvl 1 to 34. so that you may get the proper stat placement on the weapon at every lvl.

i probably forgot to mention, this would allow lower lvls to use higher lvl weapons. but with stats of their lvl. say for example a lvl 20 wants to use a lvl 34 primary. the weapon goes down to 20 damage, and 20 stats. allowing him to use it at low lvls. remember it comes with a price tho.

this also allows players to increase the lvl of their old weapons to the next lvl when there is a lvl cap increase so they can keep their gear in combat ready shape.

with that said, i hope you like the suggestion.
and if you have time, give me some feedback, or answer a couple of questions. (or ask some)

do you feel this system is good?
Would you like for it to be implemented?
if its implemented would you use it?
if you could rate the suggestions what would rate it? (1 through 10)

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 6/19/2012 4:32:12 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
6/16/2012 17:34:34   

I have questions then:

- If I use default weapon or low leveled one, let's say Lvl 10 weapon at Lvl 34 with Lvl 34 enhancements, will I be able to use it with full efficiency as if I was using Lvl 30 weapon and Lvl 34 enhancements or will there be a penality? If no, doesn't that make weapons useless when giving them Levels + make items less unique since you can get them at any Level really?
- Would enhancing weapon from Lvl 10 to 34 (above example) at Level 34 cost more than enhancing Lvl 30 weapon to 34? Should so since you're looking at bigger gap.
- Should enhancing with above case cost more, the bigger gap the bigger price, since you should accumulate fair share of Credits to do it and Exp Curve allows you to gain more Credits? Varium could be trickier to do it but possible since we know what we're risking.

Since this is PvP game, level requirements on weapons should stay as they are and using 1st question of mine, they'd have bigger power than if you were to use much lower Level weapon at high Level. So you could still use low Level item for appearance but expect it to be slightly weaker than high Level weapon with same enhancements.
AQ Epic  Post #: 2
6/16/2012 17:55:41   


- If I use default weapon or low leveled one, let's say Lvl 10 weapon at Lvl 34 with Lvl 34 enhancements, will I be able to use it with full efficiency as if I was using Lvl 30 weapon and Lvl 34 enhancements or will there be a penality? If no, doesn't that make weapons useless when giving them Levels + make items less unique since you can get them at any Level really?

not really, the point of this is, to allow u to use ANY weapon, with a set amount of stats in it.
and weapons would still be unique because of their separate stat placement (which this system doesn't decide)
so a weapon like caden's wrath would still be unique in its own way because of its stat placement.

and like i said, it doesn't make ALL that old art from old and low lvl weapons go to waste. as people would still be able to use them effectively. either way, at the end of the day its much better than having no customization at all.

weapons would still have their own art, stat placement, Element (as in physical or energy damage), and color, aswell as their own enhancement slots.


- Would enhancing weapon from Lvl 10 to 34 (above example) at Level 34 cost more than enhancing Lvl 30 weapon to 34? Should so since you're looking at bigger gap.

it would cost the same because the enhancement ur putting on that weapon is lvl 34.
so u can buy a lvl 33 weapon and pay Y amount of varium to enhance it to lvl 34.
then u can buy a lvl 1 weapon and pay Y amount of varium to enhance to lvl 34.
the lvl enhancement price there would be the same because the enhancement ur using is lvl 34.

so what i mean?


- Should enhancing with above case cost more, the bigger gap the bigger price, since you should accumulate fair share of Credits to do it and Exp Curve allows you to gain more Credits? Varium could be trickier to do it but possible since we know what we're risking.

not sure what ur question is here. but the cost shouldn't be too much.

for varium enhancement to lvl 34 primary AND armor its 510 varium.
for gun and aux, its 408.

the formula is
Lvl x 15 for primary and armors = the enhancement price
and lvl X 12 for gun and aux = enhancement price

so for lvl 34 its
34 X 15 = 510
34 x 12 = 408

and as for credits, the credit enhancements
34 X 600 = 20400 (for primary and armor)
34 X 500 = 17000 (for gun and aux)

this however is simply to enhance ur weapon to a difference lvl. the current enhancements slots will stay, just that the items will be remeasured and scaled accordingly so that all items are equal in stat total according to their category of item.

and this makes sure that theres better balance between varium to non varium. so that non variums are always 20 stats behind full var. and a minues 1 damage on gun, and have the aux damage increase from lvl, be lower than that of the varium version.


Since this is PvP game, level requirements on weapons should stay as they are and using 1st question of mine, they'd have bigger power than if you were to use much lower Level weapon at high Level. So you could still use low Level item for appearance but expect it to be slightly weaker than high Level weapon with same enhancements.

i dont exactly get this part, do u mean that a lower lvl cant enhance a high lvl weapon into his own low lvl? if he did, the stats would be changed to a weapon according to his lvl. meaning it would be balanced.

i should probably mention that this lowers the total amount of stats.

meaning a full varium with this system, will barely have 103 stats. while the system we have now there are players with 120+
and non vars would be at 83 stats total, trailing variums by only 20 stats.

and im not sure yet, but with this, it may make encumberance null. so maybe encumberance wouldn't be needed since we can enhance to whatever lvl we want. basically, lvl 30s, wont have the same stats from weapons as lvl 34s.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 6/16/2012 18:02:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
6/16/2012 18:04:20   

Making it too AQW'ish on enhancements would destroy the PvP in ED, not literally buy point of it since you don't have to Level up to get new items that "deserve" working for. Also this could cause issues for Devs as of profit - LTS weapon would cost pitifuly low if it was Level 1 since you can enhance it to Lvl 34 so less profit really which would be bad idea. That's my point about keeping Level requirements for items BUT allowing enhancements to any item.
And with penalities, they'd be like less stats or damage if level gap is pretty big between items (more than 5 Levels?). So you wouldn't just end up having Level 1 Weapon with power of Lvl 34 weapon for free whilst you bought Lvl 30 weapon just to find out you wasted money since Lvl 1 weapon does same thing.

To summarise above: Keep Level requirements as they are but allow enhancing any weapon to maximum Level. So Level 10 weapon can be enhanced to Level 34 whilst keeping its art but it will not be as strong as Lvl 30 weapon enhanced to Level 34 as well. It'd have minor penality in form of few less stats and maybe less damage (or mix of both). It'd still make art useful and suggestion viable since you could save on Credits whilst you save for other weapons.

Idea has many positive sides but like any other idea, it does have flaws which obviously cannot be fixed (everything has flaws) but it's well thought as it is so far. Pricing would be adjusted by Staff but brief idea is given which is good enough, and I believe it'd also tackle some balance issues in few ways which is always a positive for everyone. Definitely good start!
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
6/16/2012 18:16:53   


Making it too AQW'ish on enhancements would destroy the PvP in ED, not literally buy point of it since you don't have to Level up to get new items that "deserve" working for.

it doesn't make it too AQWish
the weapons still have their own set of stats. (unlike AQW which is fixed for every lvl)

i think its blasphemy u would go as far as to say it destroy pvp in ED.
u still have to lvl up to unlock said lvl enhancements. if im lvl 33. i can only enhance my weapon to lvl 33. not 34.
and since when is working for an item something serious in ED when all the items are in shops?
in fact it promotes more, as it gives non variums the chance at working harder to get credits and increase their weapon's lvl.


Also this could cause issues for Devs as of profit - LTS weapon would cost pitifuly low if it was Level 1 since you can enhance it to Lvl 34 so less profit really which would be bad idea. That's my point about keeping Level requirements for items BUT allowing enhancements to any item.

i dont get what ur trying to say.
if an LTS comes out, u cant buy the weapon as if its lvl 1.

if the weapon is lvl 34, u pay for it as if its lvl 34.
then if u want to lower its lvl, then u can pay another sum of varium or credits to bring the weapon to ur standards.
and if u want, u can enhance it after wards for more stats. this doesn't affect their LTS shops at all because u have to buy the weapon at the lvl they release it in. not at a lower lvl.


And with penalities, they'd be like less stats or damage if level gap is pretty big between items (more than 5 Levels?). So you wouldn't just end up having Level 1 Weapon with power of Lvl 34 weapon for free whilst you bought Lvl 30 weapon just to find out you wasted money since Lvl 1 weapon does same thing.
geez man i dont think u read the topic.

ill explain it again.
i have frostbane
its lvl 30.
i use lvl 34 enhancement on it.
frostbane now is a lvl 34 weapon. no longer is it lvl 30. now it has stats of a lvl 34 weapon, and not a lvl 30 weapon.

now ill use another example. i buy delta weps
i enhance the claws to lvl 10. now my delta claws are lvl 10. not lvl 34. and they have the stats of a lvl 10 weapon. so they wouldn't have the stats of a lvl 34 weapon. none of this would break pvp.


To summarise above: Keep Level requirements as they are but allow enhancing any weapon to maximum Level. So Level 10 weapon can be enhanced to Level 34 whilst keeping its art but it will not be as strong as Lvl 30 weapon enhanced to Level 34 as well. It'd have minor penality in form of few less stats and maybe less damage (or mix of both). It'd still make art useful and suggestion viable since you could save on Credits whilst you save for other weapons.

then what would be the point of me buying a lower lvl weapon with varium, to enhance it to lvl 34, and enhance its enhancement slots. if it wont be the same as a lvl 34 weapon? if thats the case then i would rather just buy a lvl 34 weapon and enhance its stats instead and i save myself the varium from enhancing its lvl.


Idea has many positive sides but like any other idea, it does have flaws which obviously cannot be fixed (everything has flaws) but it's well thought as it is so far. Pricing would be adjusted by Staff but brief idea is given which is good enough, and I believe it'd also tackle some balance issues in few ways which is always a positive for everyone. Definitely good start!

i suggest u re read. im not sure if u understand what im trying to say. (then again i dont know what ur saying)

the idea here is based on lvl scale. meaning theres no flaw in it. (according to what i explained to u above)

the only good i could see coming from keeping the lvl requirements, is that when they release a new weapon, they dont have to scale the stats for lower lvls.
so if u have a lvl 34 weapon, u need to be lvl 34. and u cant enhance it to lvl 33 if ur lvl 33. this way the staff dont need to make the scaling for the weapon if its going to be a lower lvl. but only the scaling that will come in the future, when the lvl rises. making this somewhat easier to implement.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 6/16/2012 18:20:10 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
6/16/2012 18:58:12   

Lol. Cool.

Also don't ask players for feedback if you find my wrong. I'm giving it on yours and half is suggestion how you may improve it. If you don't understand, I try to speak in basic English to avoid complex words + try to word it clearly to understand, whilst keeping it detailed. Sorry for wasting your precious time, hope you forgive me.

Lol. Bye.
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
6/16/2012 19:06:29   


Also don't ask players for feedback if you find my wrong. I'm giving it on yours and half is suggestion how you may improve it. If you don't understand, I try to speak in basic English to avoid complex words + try to word it clearly to understand, whilst keeping it detailed. Sorry for wasting your precious time, hope you forgive me.

im sorry trans, u were giving me feedback and telling me flaws to a system that isn't in the suggestion.

for example, u thought if the devs released a weapon in the LTS, that a player could buy it for a cheap price as if its lvl 1. but the lvl enhancements can only take place AFTER u have the weapon. meaning if the staff sell it for lvl 34, u have to sell it for lvl 34, then its ur choice if u want to enhance it to a difference lvl.

im sorry if it seemed confusing.

however ur idea about keeping the lvl requirement isn't bad, as it makes players be above that lvl to get that item.
AND the staff dont need to set a stat scale for a lvl X weapon, because it cant be enhanced to a lower lvl.
in that sense, its a good suggestion.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 6/16/2012 19:07:02 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
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