Oh, this is... well... rather unique. 1. You're speaking only for yourself, and I'm sure no one else really cares if people sees their inventory over things like begging. However, you feeling the way you do, there are ways to stop them from begging, or ways you can handle it better. 2. Saying "No" is not that hard. if they say keep begging, leave or just don't answer. 3. I'm sure half of those people who ask are quite aware that you can't "Give" varium to a player without access to their account. With this being said, if you do not like beggars, or do not wish to respond, don't. No matter what you do, you can always un-equip items so they will not know what you have, because you are not showing it. 4. People most likely don't go on a character page just for the inventory. If they see what you have, then they obviously know you have rares. It's a simple toll. The thought of limiting your character page to what you have equipped basically shows nothing. The inventory is to show what you have collected and what exotic items you have. I'd say showing items is a benefit, because most people enjoy looking at what others have.