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Static Charge as a Passive *(REQUEST TO BE LOCKED)*

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10/26/2012 1:51:26   

Static Charge:
Remade into a passive. Passively converts a percentage of raw damage to energy on each hit given.
Levels are:

To stop abuse of this skill, it is only applicable on strikes with the primary, aka: strike, cheap shot, malfunction strike, venom strike and massacre. If you are blocked, the energy is not gained. Massacre,.cheap shot, and rage strikes will NOT affect the amount of energy gained.


21-25+35 damage
Max SC gives...

5.6 (6) -6 would,


6ep regen


Forgot to mention that it would only be implemented if PA is gone

< Message edited by rayniedays56 -- 11/4/2012 1:30:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/26/2012 3:26:11   


I think this would make CH more strategic and unique among other classes.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
10/26/2012 3:42:15   

@ Raynie

Doing this would leave a hole in the CH build. If static is turned into a passive, and the original static is removed along with PA, it leaves en empty spot. CH would be at a disadvantage with only 11 moves. Also as it was said many times before before PA came CH were UP and were getting constant buffs because of this. While it would be nice to put this in I couldn't support it if it would make the class UP like it was before PA.

Epic  Post #: 3
10/26/2012 4:08:45   


Here is my revamped skill tree...

Field Medic-Cheap Shot-EMP
Technician-Static Charge-Defense Matrix
Multi Shot-Conduction*-Plasma Grenade
Shadow Arts-Massacre-Venom Strike

*look at Tran's Balance

Like I have said many times before, the only reason they seemed UP was because of the strength/support abusing TLM's of that era.

Mother, you say they are UP without PA. Ok, then how is a Mage/BH OP? they have no passive armors. TM has reroute for EP regain, and tech/malf combo for damage. This is what I was trying with CH. More of mage based themed then a merc based theme.

Think on it. A CH 5 focus with technician, EMP, and PA while also having a powerful bot is not UP. It is rather damaging to me.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/26/2012 4:14:06   

Unsupported. It's like suggesting to turn CH into the class that has a huge advantage over the rest. Having a constant energy supply that does not require any special move and has no cool down, and having chances to block and deflect increased - it will be above any other class, ruining all the balance.
Post #: 5
10/26/2012 4:17:23   

Ok then. I will remove the deflect increase.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
10/26/2012 4:23:22   

@ Raynie

I was pointing out what you had forgotten at first since you did leave a blank with the original post.

As for how TM and BH aren't UP without armors as you said they have bloodlust and reroute. Each of which give them consistant energy/health for every attack the give/take. However CH didn't have either of these originally from the old skill trees people showed me before PA.

Also I think you made another typo since you wanted to get rid of PA for the new passive and to give CH back technician so I think you meant the new passive.

However, there is one thing that exist now that didn't exist back then which is the azreal borg. While it is my favorite bot that they made so far, Str BH are abusing this bot to wreak shields and I can see them doing this to walk all over this combo. Especially if they smoke them first to weaken the effect of technician. Also str still towers over all stats and even though the TLM str smoke combo is no more other str builds (Espcially bounty hunters with the azreal borg) will hurt combo very much.

If they made it so the bot worked with focus (like in trans balance thread) along with giving a good nerf to str itself then I could support this since most str BH who use this bot barely have focus and it wouldn't hurt this combo, but as it is now I can still see these str spammers destroying the class with this put in.
Epic  Post #: 7
10/26/2012 9:10:13   

I don't think static charge was op before because it was block able so I suggest not make it a passive(totally don't support it being a passive) and bring it back to what it was only a 3 turn cooldown
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
10/26/2012 10:50:20   

@ doomturtle

Unless CH become truly UP I highly doubt they will buff the class and I extremely doubt they would reverse a nerf only to add a turn cooldown. If anything they would do something else instead.
Epic  Post #: 9
10/26/2012 11:09:48   

^ Not supported...
That way it makes Static Charge waaaaaaaaaaaaay useless for f2ps.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
10/26/2012 11:39:52   
laguna blade

Not supported. I will suport if increase percent of static charge.
Epic  Post #: 11
10/27/2012 8:20:29   

@laguna and holy

15-18+35 damage

50-53 damage

max SC would give 5-6 ep every hit with the primary

Versus regular SC, you can gain 6-13 every 2 turns if you are lucky.


This SC:

You malf: +5-6 EP
You strike: +5-6 EP
You Aux: NO EP
You massacre: 5-6 EP
Rage Cheap Shot: 5-6 EP

If not blocked...

You malf: no ep
Strike: no ep
Static Charge: 5-12 EP
massacre: no ep
rage gun: no ep
Static Again: 3-8 ep cause no malf

If not blocked

With my version, you can gain 20-24 ep in 5 turns.
With current version, you can gain 8-20 EP in 5 turns IF you hit hard.

So, which is better?

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
10/27/2012 8:30:46   
Crimson Eagle

Static charge as a passive? Hmmm...

Too OP having a constant source of energy no blocks or cool down would make it totally unfair.

Sorry... But not supported
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
10/27/2012 14:02:44   

Supported, would make static much more useful.
Epic  Post #: 14
10/27/2012 14:58:52   
Renegade Reaper

when i first changed to cyber, i only did so because i thought that SC WAS a passive. i tried cyber a few weeks after the new classes arrived. this was before i found out about epicduelwiki. needless to say, i was massively disappointed when i found out that SC was a skill, not a passive.

basically what im trying to say is that i support SC as a passive.

@Mr. Clean XD hmm constant source of energy, where have we heard this b4? o yea, it was tm and tlm! CH as a passive is the opposite of reroute. mages can abuse reroute by having a lot of energy and health, high heal and PB, etc. tlm can abuse reroute as well, but its harder because they dont have high damaging skills like TM do.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
10/27/2012 15:15:12   
laguna blade

I not support coz PA is removed and one class cant have 3passive. So better increase the percent.
Epic  Post #: 16
10/27/2012 15:43:07   

@ laguna blade

Raynie said that if this went in PA would be removed which means they would have the static passive and shadow arts which is two passives. Raynie made it this way because unlike the original static it would be active every turn meaning within 3 turns depending on your potential strength you can gain more with this then one static but at the same time so it wouldn't be abused. If the percents were higher CH would become OP and people would go back to what they used to do when Static gave back energy based off of raw damage. Then the passive itself would get nerfed.
Epic  Post #: 17
10/27/2012 16:00:57   
laguna blade

But I like PA coz someone like spam on dex. Maybe static increase only a little bit not like when it was OP.
Epic  Post #: 18
10/28/2012 1:54:43   

this wouldnt be fair to tech mages who have to wait to get hit to get energy while CH can get energy every hit they make so whats the point of this? why not just give CH unlimited energy?

< Message edited by Wonderweiss77 -- 10/28/2012 1:55:12 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
10/28/2012 2:44:55   

I doubt it'll work that great...it's more likely to hit 15 per strike. That's 2 energy regain per strike. On rage, perhaps 4 energy regain. What's more, no Plasma Armor...... and what???

Then the first version works better:
1st version:
No PA, Static at about 50% (raw damage) regain per 3 rounds.

Your version:
No PA, Static at about 30% (actual damage) regain per 3 rounds.

Therefore, still not supporting it...

< Message edited by theholyfighter -- 10/28/2012 2:51:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
10/28/2012 6:11:28   

supported, static charge would be much better
Epic  Post #: 21
10/28/2012 7:39:33   

It seems some people are still a bit confused, so I will quote concerns and give some answers.


Static charge as a passive? Hmmm...

Too OP having a constant source of energy no blocks or cool down would make it totally unfair.

Sorry... But not supported

As I stated, this is NOT a constant source of energy. If you hit someone, and they block, there is NO energy regain. As for the cooldown, I doubt that passives have cooldowns. Read this sentence carefully:
You can ONLY regain EP on strikes with the primary weapon. No regain if blocked. No regain on non primary hits. Also, the max is 10% of your RAW damage. Meaning, you can have 22-27+35 damage, which the regain will be 10% of 57-62, which is 5.7-6.2, or 6-7 EP regain on each primary hit.


this wouldnt be fair to tech mages who have to wait to get hit to get energy while CH can get energy every hit they make so whats the point of this? why not just give CH unlimited energy?

Tech Mages can regain energy on every hit taken to them, meaning ALL weapons and ALL attacks. CH's would be able to regain only on primary hits, and they can be blocked. Also, the TM's energy regain is at 30% max while CH's is at 10% max. Now how is that unfair?


But I like PA coz someone like spam on dex. Maybe static increase only a little bit not like when it was OP.

Exactly why PA needs removed. No one should be able to spam a stat while still having viable defenses of the opposite stat. And yes, I also speak of TLM who usually have 21-26 defense with 31-38 resistance.


I doubt it'll work that great...it's more likely to hit 15 per strike. That's 2 energy regain per strike. On rage, perhaps 4 energy regain. What's more, no Plasma Armor...... and what???

Then the first version works better:
1st version:
No PA, Static at about 50% (raw damage) regain per 3 rounds.

Your version:
No PA, Static at about 30% (actual damage) regain per 3 rounds.

Therefore, still not supporting it...

What? My calculations are RAW damage, not ACTUAL damage. You gain EP every round on my version. It cannot be abused with Malfunction/Rage SC combos. It is MUCH better than the current. I believe it will give f2p Cybers a fighting chance.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
10/28/2012 7:41:53   

PA is staying, it's NOT getting removed. It was said by the Devs many times, stop thinking it'll get removed because it will NOT.
AQ Epic  Post #: 23
10/28/2012 7:44:14   

It's MY suggestion Trans. Everyone can put up suggestions, so please, shush -__-

Don't make me get on Twitter... D:
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
10/28/2012 9:46:18   



I doubt it'll work that great...it's more likely to hit 15 per strike. That's 2 energy regain per strike. On rage, perhaps 4 energy regain. What's more, no Plasma Armor...... and what???

Then the first version works better:
1st version:
No PA, Static at about 50% (raw damage) regain per 3 rounds.

Your version:
No PA, Static at about 30% (actual damage) regain per 3 rounds.

Therefore, still not supporting it...

What? My calculations are RAW damage, not ACTUAL damage. You gain EP every round on my version. It cannot be abused with Malfunction/Rage SC combos. It is MUCH better than the current. I believe it will give f2p Cybers a fighting chance.

Oh ok I didn't notice the 'RAW Damage"

Since my confusions are solved, Support! But not the PA part, since the new system does improve static but the loss of PA is too masive.
AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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