Here is a story on how massacre is OP I clicked 2v2 as normal. Meet a BH. I looked at his stats. Ugh, I though, A strength build (His attack = 21-25+35). First i malfed (Im tank battle mage). He smoked. I pistol, 50dmg. He on 69 HP. he attack me, im on 72hp. I aux, he on 30 HP. He heal. I defence matrix thinking massacre gonna come (Note that Im on 72 hp with 17-23+5-1+18) defence because of smoke and defence matrix . He massacre, me on 4 HP (thats 68dmg!!! with a dmg reduced by at least 39 and max 43, equaling to a total dmg of 102 without any defence) . I heal, me on 43. HE RAGE PISTOL, 39 dmg. I pistol, 34 dmg. He on 36hp. He attack I dead. Conclusion. Even with defence matrix. A strength abuse build is too OP with massacre. Note: His rank was legend with 170k wins and 14k losses. EDIT: @Legion of Souls ----> Note that comical biker has 220k wins (unknown loses). Plus even if im lying, there will be many more people easily killed by massacre. BH and CH are already becoming way too common. It is making the game much more unbalanced. For players who play other classes, it is becoming harder and harder to kill BH & CH with massacre because the game is getting stronger and better gear. Nerfing strength will be unfair on other classes, so nerfing massacre is the best chioce. Most affected class i think is mage and blood mage (though blood mage has Blood lust and intimidate) since they do not have a passive that increases resistance or defence. @Nub Apocalyse: I am mage with full varium gear & full enhance as shown here. Defence was 7-23+5-1+18 because of the smoke. My normal defence would of been 26-32 sincei have 41+45 dex. No one is BSing. We are putting forth our legit argument to make the game abit more fair. Support mage might be powerful, but BH has energy shield which can combat against malf and most support mage has no defence what so ever. Our defence matrix has no chance of defending against a level 5 mass ( as most bountys run) which boost there already very powerful strike by 90%!!! You can not deny this is powerful. Most mages run 1-3 defence matrix which is 17-25 defence. Even if we manage to survive. We already wasted 2 turns by defence matrix and heal. Right after we heal, rage comes!!! Their strength has improved there pistol dmg (Which is usually energy), rage makes it ignore 45% defence!!!. That is raw dmg hitting us. We had no plasma armor to defend us. If we spam tech, we would easily die from BH. If we spam dex, we would easily die against CH. Either way, we will lose ALOT of HP to massacre. I can Also Note: The ERA of support TM is over. You would usually find focus 5 TMs. Also, if u think support mage is OP, why dont we see any TM NEEDS NERF posts? I also can guarantee that not all the people who posted are noobs. Use some common sense. Why would we post this just cause we can't beat BH with massacre? If we are, why would I go to all this trouble to write something that has no effect because we are raging? Look at this post Nub Apocalypse. Why would I write all this because i am raging? If i was lying, the creators would not change massacre.
< Message edited by robo90925 -- 10/31/2012 4:54:12 >