Wolf Rider
Congrats, Serenity! Thanks!! I knew this would happen (okay, so I'm saying 'I told you so' again, I'm allowed). ;P How'd Imaru react when you told him? :D He was very happy for me! If you could have any one thing from any book, movie, TV show, or cartoon (anime counts as cartoon in this case and mana and comic books count under th 'books' category), what would it be? Dengeki Daisy <3 Now I have a gift for you. murp? *holds out a box* In this box lies an infinite supply of one thing, and one thing only. What's in it? HOMESTYLE MAC AND CHEESE!! That's all I've got. Congrats again, and good luck! Thank you! <3
< Message edited by Serenity Okami -- 11/13/2012 15:51:27 >