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RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012

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12/1/2012 2:24:45   

Another great use of this update is the point that if you have say 1 point to many on one stat and 1 to little on another (not considering enhancements). This will allow you just to swap it over (in most cases). This would help a lot of F2P players as well as some Paying players.
Epic  Post #: 151
12/1/2012 3:47:31   


Are our items going to lose their value in omega? For example, if I have credit item that is worth 14k credits and can be sold for 7k credits, will it be worth less in omega?
Epic  Post #: 152
12/1/2012 4:13:04   

i sincerely hope this "upgrade" doesn't give founder like 35 stats and 14 resistance.
im curious to see how it will be balanced out, because founder armor makes every other lvl 25 armor eat dirt.

either way, ill definitely stick around to see how this turns out.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 12/1/2012 4:22:53 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 153
12/1/2012 6:17:37   
The Incredible Hulk


Are they doing the 'STAT FREEDOM' just for people to use the ed build suggestion.
This 'STAT FREDDOM' just sounds like aqw to me

< Message edited by Blaze Wing -- 12/1/2012 6:18:05 >


Epic  Post #: 154
12/1/2012 6:41:53   

Yes because not being able to abuse one stat is like AQW. And tell me how AQW has 6 classes with different skills (12 of them) as well as different effects? They have class with 5, including auto-attack and it's pretty much all recycled, no balance and showing off. <_< Yes, we're like AQW.
AQ Epic  Post #: 155
12/1/2012 8:35:29   


What will happen is, we will see stuff with prices like 15,000 credits OR 750 varium.

Varium will not be used for an advantage, but for convenience(and cosmetics).

So you can either grind hours to gather enough credits for ________ weapon/armor or you could take the easy way out with varium.

But now everybody will be able to get ANY weapon(if I am not wrong) with ANY stats.

Now if you say, "F2P will beat us! No pls I gotta win I paid!"

Then you should go and cry under a rock since that's not gonna happen, it's actually a strategic game now.

Sounds too good to be true.

< Message edited by blade98 -- 12/1/2012 8:36:47 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 156
12/1/2012 9:29:09   

I like most of what I've read about Omega this far, but I am a little worried about the new stat-system, and enhancements. I am worried we will get skrewed yet another time when it come to the enhancements and we who have bought enhancements at earlier points better get a good "compensation". Titan tweeted they keep us in mind, yet I do not trust it...

And as for the varium/non-varium prices. I think its good that there are 2 versions of each item, a varium and a non-varium version. But the varium prices of items better get decreased...

< Message edited by Oba -- 12/1/2012 9:30:59 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 157
12/1/2012 9:59:31   

Oba, I believe they will actually consider getting Varium:Credit ratio so it works out when pricing Credit stuff as well as Varium, and same with Class Changes and such. Or lets hope so..
AQ Epic  Post #: 158
12/1/2012 10:22:31   

Nice phase im looking forward to it, it seems so balanced. Just wondering what is the difference between 35k and 15k non-var weps? and how about some weps which exchange dam for stats and vice versa?
AQW Epic  Post #: 159
12/1/2012 11:41:56   


what is the difference between 35k and 15k non-var weps?

Actually that 35k credit weapon is the same as the varium weapon but it cost credits instead of varium, So that 35k creds wep is a varium wep with the cost of credits. (Big diference)
AQW Epic  Post #: 160
12/1/2012 12:25:52   

@xyzman the looks? maybe the initital level or even the rarity of the item? the type of item (Physical, Energy, Multiple, Mutating, Armour, Sidearm, Auxilary, Primary Weapon) and also the higher priced items are normally going to have or may have a special ability added?
AQW Epic  Post #: 161
12/1/2012 14:36:50   

Currently, weapons/armours that have rarity, also have a bit of extra stats. And the rarer, the stronger.

But since every item is going to have the same amount from now on, I think they should give atleast some minor effects for those weapons that have some sort of rarity in them.
Some seasonal weapons already have that extra effect, and the same idea could be expanded to all current rare weapons.

Not only passive things, but also usable skills.
Epic  Post #: 162
12/1/2012 16:32:51   

I regret selling my Desert Ronin :(((

Edit: If I upgrade an item to my lvl, not only will the stats will go up, but what about enhancement slots? Will enhancement slots be lvl scaled?

Will Agility be lvl scaled?


< Message edited by Midnightsoul -- 12/1/2012 16:38:04 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 163
12/1/2012 16:50:31   


Will enhancement slots be lvl scaled?

No and they are planning on doing something to enhancements, lets see what happends in the next DN's

< Message edited by Rayman -- 12/1/2012 16:51:38 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 164
12/1/2012 17:01:03   
Thylek Shran


How this sistem can be good for a F2P player with best weps full enchanced, wich worked ages to be mighty without var stuff?
Only special abilities will make the difference, well i prefer to have 12-15 points less then varium users then see them using builds tht only they can make(better to have weacker stats then to have a weacker builid).
If now F2P had a chice to close the gup with tons of time, in Omega we will be limited.
Special abilities will pass from unique/fun features to the main reason to buy a wepand to make a build.Will there be enought choice to be fun playng as a free player?I guess not...

The stats of F2P builds are very limited by the stat requirements of weapons.
This will now change but maybe at the price of extra credits. So the big
question is: How much will it cost ?

Of course varium players can still make better builds because the stat requirements
of skills remain and the company policity has not changed. The problem is that alot
free players just dont have the credits to benefit from all those features because
enhancements are so expensive but required to be competitive.


v.35.3 (2016-01-23) ~ beam.to/shran
DF Epic  Post #: 165
12/1/2012 17:16:14   

right now f2p win by being more strategic and not copying the fast kill op build of the time. when every item is on par this will be completely diminished i do not think the new system will be balanced at all insane strength builds will run 1v1 just as before but worse. and there will be unbeatable tanks in juggernaut. and i still think varium should give a little advantage other wise epicduel sales will plumit. i do like that they are changing up the classes but i dont see the new way of things will last long
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 166
12/1/2012 20:06:34   

Must i keep repeating myself? Titan and RabbleFroth are working on a system so that only a maximum ammount of points can be placed onto each stat as far as we are aware, also varium will still give a time advantage as to farming the credits for items and enhancing them to max, The rarity on items will most likely be determined if its varium or credits and boosters (credit, token, exp) are still a advantage aswell as Special Abilites on the varium weapons.

Also Name change is varium only at the moment and the New Promo items to be released will have abilities that will still give a varium user the advantage, And what about Robots? The damage on a robot and its special depends on its cost and weather its varium, the varium only robots will still have better abilities and damage, a nice advantage as the update will deminish most 5 focus builds if a player switches to focus on one stat, making the infernal Bots special utterly useless on these builds even after so many turns to power it up.

If a player wishes to focus mainly on str or support (1v1-2v2) they will generally have lower defences and if you have moderate or high defences you will block/ delfect most of their attacks and the ones that do make contact are with less damage, Hit them where it hurts, keep a nice ammount of HP and moderate defences aswell as a heafty attack,

As far as tanks will be concerened they generally have lower damage unless using a ability or robot, if they focus on mainly defences this again could deminish their 5 focus and give you the upper hand, due to their defences being so high you will crit quiker and more often, same technueqe as above, rage with the heafty attacks and due to most there damage coming from robots and abilities there energy limmits their damage, no energy = no majour damage, and robots have a three turn cooldown aswell as their special. pleanty of time to take them out in my oppinion

< Message edited by deathshadowslayer -- 12/1/2012 20:16:05 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 167
12/1/2012 21:15:11   
He Who Lurks

It's been a year+ since I've avidly played this game. *cocks sidearm* Looks like I need to re-emerge again but likely not for a few months...I'll lurk around...
AQ Epic  Post #: 168
12/1/2012 21:16:55   

I would suggest rejoining asap and getting yourself leveled then, you should be what 30-32 in level? and with this new update its the level that will make majour changes in power,

< Message edited by deathshadowslayer -- 12/1/2012 21:22:16 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 169
12/1/2012 21:23:19   
He Who Lurks

I've been busy with a few things and this game took up a majority of time during 2010-early 2011. I'm attempting to alleviate all that's encumbering me right now before I can get back to EpicDuel. I'm level a 33 beta player BTW

I wonder if anyone still remembers me.
AQ Epic  Post #: 170
12/1/2012 21:30:59   

Probably would remember you myself, i left for a period myself to get my life in order but after returning a month ago i have gotten use to all this new stuff and rather like the way in which epicduel is heading :D Now level 35 after a hard weeks grafting from 32 :P
AQW Epic  Post #: 171
12/1/2012 21:36:33   

@doomturtle: seriously? F2P players getting more strategic? all i see these days is F2P players change to bloodmage either using a strength build or a strength spamming build(trust me it is no fun) or stay as BH and always use the smoke and massacre build, and if they are merc they use the max blood commander with max double strike or beserker(it is no fun to fight either). im sure some of us think that most F2P players are abusing strength more often than us varium users.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 172
12/1/2012 21:40:29   

@Above to be fair though we do find no need to abuse as we can have all our stats relatively high Trizz, Varium items have better stats relatively and Enhancements are easily gotten by us currently im a 5 focus build myself that still doesent have 1 stat under 20 minimum ( Def - Res - Damage wise) Unbuffed and i still have anough energy for my abilities and 110 HP
AQW Epic  Post #: 173
12/1/2012 22:33:52   

@above actually with all these varium items for credits released the non vars have more options with builds, gonna be disappointed if after the omega phase update there will still be alot of strength builds running around. i have seen many non vars with great 5 focus and tank builds but i don't like the fact that they just use these new items to abuse a overused build. you get what i mean, i play to vs more strategic builds and classes and having long battles and not to keep versing the same class and build every 1-2 battles, i can predict what those players are gonna do without looking at their build.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 12/1/2012 22:36:01 >


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 174
12/1/2012 22:47:48   

Update to questions/comments so far:


Will the amount of total item stats remain the same for a certain type of items? Let's say 2 different Lv35 swords,one is varium and the other is credits,will they have the same total stats to distribute?

The plan is that Varium and credit weapons will have the same total stats in the new system.


Is that system is applying on Armors defense/resistance?I understand that you guys said "ANY ITEM",but you focused on weapons.

Armors will have distributable stats, as well as choosing where to set the Def/Res.


The upgrade system : Will the damage become a constant per level or an additive to the current damage of an item..Let's say an item like Caterpillar Bugzooka..It has 39 damage while it is a level34 item,If upgraded will it get to 40 damage?while the damage cap of Lv35 Auxillaries is 39.

The current damage system goes away completely. The max damage a weapon can have is now tied to YOUR level, since gear will no longer have a specific "level" to it any more. Hard to wrap your mind around at first, but this just means that every Auxiliary will have the same maximum damage for a level X player. Doesn't matter what level it is right now on live.


Are our items going to lose their value in omega? For example, if I have credit item that is worth 14k credits and can be sold for 7k credits, will it be worth less in omega?

Assuming there aren't any technical limitations I'm overlooking they should be worth the same as what you would expect them to be right now.


Will Agility be lvl scaled?

We're playing with some ideas on Agility now. Can't say anything because we haven't decided anything, but if we end up making changes we'll let you all know.

< Message edited by RabbleFroth -- 12/1/2012 22:48:00 >
Post #: 175
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