@Riffus: (Strange calling you that, haha) The people I hang out with are nothing like me. I've always considered myself a person in the wrong lifestyle. They like to hunt, fish, etc. You know the type... 'rednecks' as most would call them. Big trucks, guns, deers and hogs, catfish and bass, that kind of thing. I don't associate with 'hunting' and 'fishing', although I wish I did. I've always wanted to be an outdoorsman, and I should have been... it's like it was destined for me (I live in South Carolina, that should say a lot). But my dad just didn't raise me like that... but I wish he had... you know, give me my first gun, take me hunting, show me how to fish when I was little, etc. Me and my friends typically play games and have bonfires and just hang out from time to time, nothing big, mostly cause they've move onto things I prefer not to get involved in. But I would like to D&D RP online. I might try to find an official site or something; need to read up on the lore and all I reckon. Really, all I need is some armor, a shield, a sword, and a reason to fight for justice.