Exploding Penguin
I don't really think focus builds themselves are OP (mainly addressing all those people who complain about OP BM focus), it's just that skill conjugations on certain classes can either make them stronger or weaker. Take normal merc for an example: they have a pretty effective focus skill tree, but effective focus builds can't use bunker without totally draining energy. Focus mercs have to resort to heal, intimidate, blood commander, atom smasher, and adrenaline, which, all together, don't create a very good combination, especially with tech-abuse level 7 emp foes. On the other hand, BMs have 2 defensive buffs, blood lust, and intimidate. Energy shield is the best resistance-raising skill, reflex boost is also very strong, but not as good as matrix, blood lust is hands-down the best defensive passive in the game by far, and intimidate is a low-energy costing skill which allows you to deal damage at the same time, effectively countering many strength builds. Therefore, focus itself as a build doesn't really need buffing/nerfing, it's skill trees that need modding (notice I don't say nerfing), because the skills themselves increase the effectiveness of focus based on the class.