So it still give the hunter class a higher chance to block then other classes even if it is luck based. I know that you don't like a lot of luck based things however that doesn't make it anyless of a passive then bloodlust, Reroute or Mineral armor. It passively increase block chance as well as up the chance of stun/plamsa grenade stunning the opponent just like Mineral armor ups Defense, Reroute give back energy, and Bloodlust giving back health. The thing is , most likely it won't help me , and everyone else . Not that i'm saying "it won't help/won't be equal" because of my luck , but because of ..... um , lemme just explain it . I have an interesting illustration here : - <------O------> + See that drawing ? I'll explain what it composes of : Left - Negative : where Passives become UP at certain sitches . Right - Positive : where Passives become too useful / greater at some sitches . Big circle : a.k.a equilibrium . Now what am i saying here ? Look at the other passives : they give you great help in battles ( Right ) but there are times it's easily countered ( Left ) , and you know where they're gonna result ? They go in-between ( balanced ) . But luck , however , won't really help anyone because it's either your on the left ( when it doesn't go haywire ) or on the right ( when the RNG had a bad mood on ya )but never in-between .