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Legend of Arceus

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1/11/2013 21:19:25   

This is a fan fiction story about my Aqw character. Hope you like it
Any comments goes here.

It was a dark and eerie night. The air blew coldly as the sound of dragon wings, flapping heavily, filled the air. Burning houses can be seen through the horizon as the people ran for their lives. One house differs the other houses, as it has not yet burned, but, a dragon of strange species stood in front of the house. The dragon was battling a man in his 30's wearing a tattered shirt and pants. His hair was short and has a brown-ish color to it and eyes which had a golden color. He was holding a sword on his right arm and a metal shield on his left. The man struggled on fighting the dragon while getting his family to safety.

"Go! I'll hold him off!" the man said, while blocking the dragon's claws with his shield. A woman, about the same age as the man, ran through the forest along with a child, who's about 10 years old. They ran as quickly as they could, but the dragon caught up with them.

"Drakath, run. Whatever you do, don't look back." the woman said.

"But, what about you?" Drakath said.

"There's not much time, GO!" the woman said. Drakath ran as fast as he can through the forest while tears formed in his eyes. He stopped on a nearby tree, and took a glimpse at what is happening back at their village. The fires from the village roared fiercely from the distance. He saw an explosion of flames at where his mother was and saw the dragon fly away. Drakath immediately ran back to where his mother is and saw her lying on the ground, half of her body suffered serious burn. Drakath held his mother on his hands and started crying. After several minutes of crying, he wiped up his tears and carried his mother back to their village. Drakath dug a grave for her mother beside their house.

"Don't worry, mother. I shall avenge your death." Drakath said. He packed some food and water remaining from their house and ran off, not knowing where to go next. Weeks have passed since the attack. Drakath ran out of food and water several days ago and has started getting weak from exhaustion. He stopped at a house near greenguard forest. He struggled to walk towards the house, but collapsed on it's doorstep. The next day, he woke up on a bed feeling extreme hunger and thirst.

"Glad to see you finally woke up." a man said, while coming up the stairs.

"Wh-who are you?" Drakath said. The man sat beside Drakath's bed.

"I am Galanoth, head of the dragon-slayers. I saw you at my doorstep about two days ago and brought you here to rest." he said. He handed Drakath an apple and a bottle of water.

"Here. You've been sleeping for two days and from the looks of you, I guess you haven't eaten for a week." Galanoth said.

"Th-thanks." Drakath said, then took a bite at the apple and drank some water. After eating the apple and drinking all of the water, Drakath took a look at the house. It was a wooden house, not too big but not too small either. A few plaques and weapons hung from the walls. There was only one bed on the room and has a carpet lay down on the floor.

"S-so, you're a dragon-slayer?" Drakath said.

"That's right. So, what happened to you? How did you end up here?" Galanoth said. Drakath took a deep breath and explained to Galanoth about the incident at their village and how a dragon killed his family.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your parents. Can you describe to me the appearance of the dragon?" Galanoth said.

"Well, I guess it looked like a void dragon, but has wings and has purple tentacles wrapping it's tail, arms, and legs. It also has these creepy eyes in some parts of it's body." Drakath said.

"Ah, it was a chaos dragon that attacked your village. But I thought chaos dragons were friendly." Galanoth said.

"Please, train me to become a dragon-slayer!" Drakath pleaded.

"Are you sure? What do you intend to do after I train you?" Galanoth said.

"Yes, I'm perfectly sure! I shall avenge my mother's death and make those chaos dragons pay!" Drakath said.

"Vengeance will get you nowhere. But I will train you. Maybe I can put some sense in to you. We shall start right away, but first, you must eat. Join me for lunch when you're ready." Galanoth said, then went back downstairs. 15 years later, Drakath became a fully trained dragon-slayer. He quickly rose up the ranks of the dragon-slayers and became his own army's general, though he still carries his plans for revenge. One day, Drakath walked up to Galanoth,

"Galanoth, I am ready to face the chaos dragons. Tell me where they're hiding." Drakath said. Galanoth sighed.

"Do you still want to avenge your mother's death? I told you, vengeance will get you nowhere." he said.

"I don't care! Tell me where they're hiding! I shall make those chaos dragons pay if it's the last thing I'll do!" Drakath said. Galanoth put his hand on Drakath's shoulder.

"Stop whatever you're planning. Do you think your mother will be happy if she knew what you've been doing?" Galanoth said. Drakath shrugged off Galanoth's hand.

"If you don't want to help, then I'll find them myself!" Drakath said, then ran off. Drakath ran through every forest and caves he saw and he still haven't found the chaos dragons' lair. While he was running through greenguard forest, he heard a voice out of nowhere,

"Is it vengeance you seek?" the voice said. The voice made a deep, echoing sound, that Drakath suspected that only he can hear. He looked around to see if anyone was there, but found no-one.

"I shall ask you again. Is it vengeance you seek?" the voice said.

"Y-yes. Yes it is!" Drakath said.

"Then come, if you dare....." the voice said, then faded away. A rift opened out of nowhere. Drakath peeked inside and saw a path leading somewhere. Drakath stepped inside and immediately, the rift closes. Drakath walked through the path until he saw a dragon, a chaos dragon. Before Drakath drew his sword the dragon spoke to him.

"Do not attack. I know of your purpose. You want to avenge your mother's death, right?" the dragon said, in it's human voice.

"Yes. How did you know?" Drakath said, then withdrew his sword.

"That is of no importance now. We seek the same path, the same enemy." the dragon said.

"Who are you? What do you mean by 'same enemy'?" Drakath said.

"My name is Dagon. Our enemy is Chaorr, leader of the chaos dragons. He is whom you seek." Dagon said.

"You mean, he was the one who burned our village and killed my family?!" Drakath said.

"That is right. But you are no match for him in your state. Here, I shall give you some of my powers, as a gift." Dagon said, then extended his hand. Drakath clasped Dagon's hand and immediately, Dagon's powers started coursing through his veins. Drakath's armor suddenly changed, His armor was now bulky with a pair of spikes on each shoulder guards and has a chaotic eye on the chest area. His armor was now dark purple in color. His sword changed too. It now has a chaotic eye on the middle of the hand guard and the hilt was wrapped in chaotic tentacles.

"I.....I feel....powerful." Drakath said.

"Hahaha. Now we shall train your chaos powers until it is time to take your revenge." Dagon said. Drakath smiled evilly. 5 years has passed since Drakath started training his chaos powers.

"I am ready." Drakath said.

"Excellent. I shall make a portal to our home. You're on your own after that." Dagon said, then made a portal to their home. Drakath glared at him then stepped inside the portal.

"Hahaha! When Drakath finally get's rid of Chaorr and the others, I shall take on my role as the most powerful dragon on lore! Hahaha!" Dagon said. Meanwhile, at the castle of the chaos dragons,

"Master Chaorr, we are being attacked! This intruder, who identified himself as Drakath, suddenly appeared out of nowhere and has the same powers as we have, is coming this way!" a chaos dragon said, in it's draconic voice.

"Then let him come." Chaorr said, in his draconic voice. Chaorr was in his human form. His eyes has a golden color and his hair was combed neatly. He wore a leather tunic and black pants with a pair of leather boots. He looked about 30 to 40 years old. On his side stood a woman, about 30 to 38 years old, holding a child in her hands. The woman has blue eyes with a long brown hair flowing behind her back and was wearing a beautiful red dress. Chaorr stood up from his throne and transformed in to his dragon form.

"Rally up all the chaos dragons, defend the place until I get back." he said. The chaos dragon nodded and flew out the window. The woman looked up to Chaorr,

"We must get our child to some place safe." she said while looking at her child.

"What about you Claire? You can't stay here, it's dangerous." Chaorr said in his human voice.

"I won't leave you here alone. I'll fight too." Claire said. Chaorr looked at her eyes and saw that she was very determined to stay.

"Alright. But where will we take our child?" Chaorr said.

"I know some place safe." Claire said. She climbed on to Chaorr's back and flew away. Several minutes later, they arrived at a tower near greenguard. Claire put a basket at the tower's doorstep and left a note in it and put a sword beside it. She took one last look at the basket then climbed on to Chaorr.

"Let's go." she said as tears formed in her eyes then flew back. Meanwhile, back at Chaorr's castle, Drakath was killing every chaos dragon he saw. Drakath grabbed a chaos dragon by it's neck and looked it in the eyes.

"Where is Chaorr?" Drakath said.

"I won't tell you anything!" the dragon said, in it's human voice. Drakath narrowed his eyes.

"Is that so...." Drakath said. He conjured a chaotic fireball in his free hand and threw it at the chaos dragon. The dragon disintegrated. Chaorr smashed through the wall behind Drakath, sending him crashing on to Chaorr's throne. Drakath stood up and wiped off some of the dust from his armor. Claire jumped down from Chaorr's back in full battle armor.

"Leave the other chaos dragons in peace. It's me you want, isn't it?" Chaorr said, in his human voice.

"A very noble choice. Now, you will pay for what happened to my parents." Drakath said.

"I had nothing to do with what happened to your parents." Chaorr said. Drakath lunged at Chaorr and swung his sword, making a deep cut on Chaorr's right arm. Claire tried to stab Drakath with her sword, but Drakath simply raised his arm at her and created a shock wave, sending Claire flying back to a wall. The wall shattered, leaving a pile of rubble.

"NO!" Chaorr said. He swatted Drakath aside and flew to Claire's direction. Chaorr moved aside the rocks that was covering Claire and picked up her unconscious body. Chaorr lay her body gently beside the wall and looked back at Drakath.

"Touching. Now you know how I felt when you killed my mother. You know, it's ironic seeing you get beaten up by the same powers you use." Drakath said. Chaorr roared in anger and lunged at Drakath. He swatted him like a fly and sent him flying to a wall (again). Chaorr charged up a massive chaotic fireball and sent it to Drakath's direction. Drakath smashed to the wall, at the same time, the chaotic fireball exploded. Drakath stood up, like nothing happened. His armor was now full of dents and scratches.

"Impressive. You're a lot stronger than the other ones." Drakath said, then lunged at Chaorr. He grabbed Chaorr on the neck and threw him to the roof with great force. Chaorr smashed right through the roof as Drakath followed behind. Soon, it became an aerial battle. Drakath swung his sword at Chaorr, but he dodged and clawed Drakath's armor, leaving a huge claw mark on it. Chaorr sent a barrage of chaotic fireballs at Drakath, but he dodged it easily and threw his sword at Chaorr. The sword hit Chaorr on the chest and sent him falling down. Drakath followed behind as Chaorr crashed on the ground. Drakath removed his sword from Chaorr's chest. Chaorr struggled to get up, but was in too much pain. Suddenly, a chaotic fireball hit Drakath behind his back and sent him flying to the cave's wall. Chaorr looked at the attacker and saw Dagon flying to him.

"Dagon......It is good to see you......Help---"

"You look so pitiful in your state, Chaorr." Dagon said, then stepped on Chaorr's arm. Chaorr wailed in pain.

"What.....are you doing?!" Chaorr said. Dagon laughed and stepped on Chaorr's arm harder.

"Isn't it obvious? It was me who tricked Drakath in to attacking you and killing every one of our kin." Dagon said.


"Yes. It was also me who attacked Drakath's village and killed his parents. This is all part of my plan. Now I shall become the strongest dragon on lore!" Dagon said, then laughed evilly.

"So, it was you who killed my mother." Drakath said, as he stood up from the piles of rubble.

"It was you who attacked our village." he said, then conjured a massive chaotic fireball from his hand.

"You tricked me. Now you shall pay the price." Drakath said, then threw the fireball at Dagon and exploded. The explosion was so powerful, the whole cave fell apart. Drakath emerged from the pile of rubble, wounded and exhausted.

"Note to self. Never do that kind of thing again." Drakath thought to himself. He looked around and saw nothing but rocks and dead bodies of chaos dragons.

"Impressive......" a voice said, out of nowhere. This time, the voice made a cold and hollow sound. It startled Drakath a bit, then looked around and saw no-one. Suddenly, a chaos rift opened in front of him. A cloaked figure emerged from the rift.

"You're Drakath, I presume?" the stranger said, in a cold tone.

"Yes, I am. Who are you? How did you know my name?" Drakath said.

"Who I am is of no importance. I have come to give you a proposal. Come, let us talk on the way there." the stranger said, then stepped inside the rift. Drakath raised an eye-brow, but followed the mysterious stranger in to the rift. The next day the door of the tower would open, and a man wearing paladin armor would see the basket and the note in it.
"Dear Artix,
Please take care of our child from now on, teach him to become a great paladin like you and train his chaos powers for good. We may not be coming back so when he is in the right age tell him that we were attacked by a person named Drakath.(P.S. His name is Arceus.)"
Your friends,
Claire and Chaorr

Artix looked at the child and smiled. He picked up the sword and basket and went back inside the tower.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/11/2013 5:23:57 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
1/12/2013 7:55:45   

Chapter 1:
Swordhaven War

Years later, Arceus grew up and became a strong paladin with the help of Artix's training. On the outskirts of Greenguard forest, near Darkovia's graveyard, Arceus was fighting a skeletal warrior. The skeletal warrior attacked Arceus, trying to cut through his armor. Arceus side-stepped out of the way and slashed the skeletal warrior in it's arm, cutting it off. The skeletal warrior swung it's sword but Arceus parried with his blade and knocked the sword out of the skeletal warrior's hand, sending it flying off and stabbing the ground. The skeletal warrior ran to it's sword but Arceus pierced his sword through the skeletal warrior's chest then blasted it with a light spell. The skeletal warrior disintegrated and turned to dust. A spirit orb formed in front of Arceus,

"You're free now." Arceus whispered.

"Thank you....." the spirit orb said as it vanished to thin air. A man was standing beside a tree and witnessed the whole scene,

"Well done Arceus. That's it for today's training." he said.

"Thanks Artix." Arceus said. Arceus wore a white t-shirt under his leather armor and black pants with leather boots. He had golden eyes and short brown hair. He looked about 18 years old. On his left arm, he held his sword. The sword is about five feet long slightly wrapped with chaotic tentacles, on the middle of the hand guard, a chaotic eye is fitted in place. The sword is decorated by red runes going to the tip of the blade and the hand guard was decorated by several blue colored gems. Artix walked up to Arceus,

"Well then, let's go back to the tower. I bet you're tired from that fighting." Artix said.

"Tired? Ha! I can kill an army of undead and not even get tired." Arceus gloated.

"Hahaha. Well let's see about that----" Artix paused for a moment then looked at Arceus,

"We need to get to Swordhaven, fast." he said.

"Whoa, why so serious all of a sudden?" Arceus said.

"I'll explain on the road. Let's go." Artix said, then both of them ran off to Swordhaven. When they arrived at the gates of Swordhaven, some of the guards were fighting the undead while the others were wounded. Artix ran up to a pactagonal knight,

"What happened? I saw a dracolich flying through here." Artix said.

"Sepulchure's army started invading Swordhaven." the knight said.

"Where is he now?" Artix said. "He went to the castle. There's not much time left until he reaches the throne room, hurry, I'll be fine here." the knight said. Artix nodded then went into Swordhaven along with Arceus. Inside, the place was crawling with Sepulchure's undead army. Artix and Arceus battled their way to the castle, slicing up skeletal warriors and magi. They made it half way through when a undead giant, along with an army of skeletal warriors, blocked their way.

"Go on to the castle without me. I'll distract them while you run through." Artix said.


"There's not much time, go!" Artix said. Arceus nodded then ran through the undead army, making his way into the castle. Arceus arrived at the castle and saw a woman with bow and arrows fighting several skeleton warriors. Arceus ran up to help the woman, but she already finished all of them in a few minutes. The woman looked at Arceus,

"My name is Robina. Who are you and what business do you have here?" she said. Robina wore a green skirt and leather boots. She wore a green cape with a quiver of arrows at her back and has a golden shoulder plates with a leather arm-guard and was holding a bow at her left hand. She has a long brown hair flowing through her back and has blue colored eyes. She looked like she was around 18 to 20 years old.

"I am Arceus. Artix sent me here while he holds off the undead outside." Arceus said.

"Okay, I believe you. I will hold the rest of the undead here off while you get to the throne room....please protect my.....erm.....protect the King!" Robina said. Arceus quickly ran to the throne room. Inside, he saw a man wearing golden armor with a blue cape and a crown on top of his head fighting with a man wearing doomknight armor. He realized that the man with the crown was the King and the doomknight was Sepulchure. He watched as the two of them fought each other until an explosion behind the King's throne stopped the two of them. The three of them looked at the explosion,

"DRAKATH!?" the King and Sepulchure said. Somehow, the name was familiar to Arceus but shook the thought off. Drakath swung his blade to the King's direction, sending him flying towards the wall. Same goes for Sepulchure and Arceus.

"What.....!?" the King said.

"FOOL. YOU CANNOT KILL WHAT IS ALREADY UNDEAD." Sepulchure said then stood up.

"My mistake..." Drakath said. Drakath lunged at Sepulchure and ripped his essence of darkness out of his body.

"I AM DARKNESS! I AM DOOM... NO FORCE ON THIS WORLD CAN DESTROY WHAT I AM! LONG UNLIVE THE SHADOWSCYTHE!!!!!" Sepulchure said. Then Drakath crushed Sepulchure's essence in his hand and Sepulchure fell apart. Sepulchure's remains then erupts into the sky. A girl, standing at the terrace of Sepulchure's flying fortress, saw the dark energy erupting from the castle.

"Father...NOOO!!!!!!!" the girl shouted. She looked at Drakath and clenched her teeth angrily.

"Sepulchure has a daughter? Amusing..." Drakath said then he created a chaotic fireball and blasts down the flying dracolich castle and sends it crashing into a mountain range.

"The battle between Good and Evil is over. Now begins, the AGE OF CHAOS!" he said.

"What is happening to me!? Drakath... What have you done?" the King said as he tried to stand up.

"Heh. Not feeling like yourself, King? You and this pathetic hero can't stop what I'm about to do to your world. Watch as my 13 Lords of Chaos destroy everything that you love. I will save you two for last." Drakath said.

"Who are you calling pathetic!?" Arceus said. He stood up and drew his sword then ran to Drakath. He swung his sword at him but Drakath simply raised his hand and sent Arceus flying back. Drakath looked at Arceus and examined him and his blade.

"Until we meet again, 'hero'." Drakath said, then flew off.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/11/2013 6:23:45 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/12/2013 22:31:36   

Chapter 2:
The Great Truce

The remaining knights on the castle, along with Artix, immediately ran up to the throne room after Sepulchure's army retreated. To their surprise, they saw the King lying on the ground and Arceus unconscious. The guards immediately ran up to take the King to his chambers while Artix carried Arceus back in his tower. The next day, Arceus woke up with a terrible head ache.

"Uh.....where am I? What happened?" Arceus said.

"Don't move so much. You're not fully recovered yet." Artix said. "As of what happened, I just found you lying on the ground unconscious." he said. Arceus slowly sat up on his bed.

"I remember now. I was watching the King and Sepulchure fighting each other then Drakath appeared." he said. The mention of the name 'Drakath' made his head hurt more, as if his brain is remembering something else.

"So.....how'd you get unconscious?" Artix said.

"I fought Drakath, but he was too strong." Arceus said. Artix wrapped some bandage on Arceus' right arm.

"It's okay, Artix. I got this." Arceus said, then he closed his eyes as if he was concentrating. A few seconds later, his right arm began to glow purple, then flexed his right arm as if nothing happened.

"Since when did you learn how to do that?!" Artix said, amazed.

"Oh, I've been practicing." Arceus said.

"You know how to use your chaos powers?!" Artix said.

"Huh?? I have no idea that I was using chaos powers. I thought it was light magic or stuff." Arceus said.

"Well......I guess it's time I told you the truth." Artix said.

"What?" Arceus said.

"Did you ever know your parents?" Artix said.

"Well.....no, but....." Arceus said, while looking at his sword.

"I'll tell you what really happened." Artix said.

After hours of explaining later......

"So let me get this straight: my mother's name was Claire, my father's name was Chaorr and he's a chaos dragon, I'm half chaos dragon, my parents gave me to you, and they died fighting Drakath." Arceus said.

"Well.....yeah, that's pretty much it." Artix said.

"I......don't know what to say......." Arceus said, as tears started forming in his eyes.

"Look, don't hate you're parents for what they did to you. They did that so you can be safe." Artix said.

"I.....I don't hate them....." Arceus said, while wiping tears from his eyes.

"You said Drakath killed them, right?" he said.

"Well.....yeah I did say that." Artix said.

"Then Drakath's going to pay!" Arceus said.

"Whoa, slow down there Arceus. You need a lot more training to do if you want to defeat Drakath." Artix said.

"Then let's start training now." Arceus said, then a knock on the door was heard. Artix ran down and opened the door. A pactagonal knight was at the door.

"I am sent by the good King Alteon to deliver a message for the hero." the knight said. Artix ran back up and yelled at Arceus to come down.

"Alright, alright. Sheesh, what's the rush for?" Arceus said.

"Hero, King Alteon requests that you come to the castle and speak with him on private matters." the knight said.

"You may go there when you are ready. That is all, farewell." the knight said, then went back to Swordhaven.

"I wonder what King Alteon wants to speak with that's so important." Arceus said.

"Well, whatever it is, better go up there now and find out." Artix said.

"Wait, you're not coming?" Arceus said.

"They need me back at LightGuard Keep. Just tell me what the two of you spoke of when you get back." Artix said.

"Okay then." Arceus said. He ran back up to his room and put on his leather armor. He fixed his hair and grabbed his sword before running back down. He now wore a clean white t-shirt and blue jeans underneath his leather armor. His sword lay in a sheath on his waist.

"I'm off now, see you later!" he said, then sprouted his wings and flew to Swordhaven. A few minutes later, he arrived at the castle. He ran inside the throne room and knelt before the King.

"Rise, hero, and might I know your name first?" the King said.

"My name is Arceus, your highness." Arceus said, then stood up.

"Arceus, a fine name that is, I have a task for you. But first, I want to know to whom does your loyalty belong to?" the King said. Arceus took a few minutes to think then came up with his answer.

"With all due respect, your highness, I side with no one. But I am willing to do whatever you request of me." Arceus said. King Alteon examined him carefully.

"Well then, about your task. I want you to find out where Sepulchure's fortress landed. My best lead is that it landed at the mountain range to the west. Tell Gravelyn I propose a truce to unite the forces of good and evil to stop Drakath's plans." the King said.

"As you wish, your highness." Arceus said, then ran off to the mountain range to search for Sepulchure's fortress. After a few hours of running, fighting off monsters, and stopping to take a break, Arceus arrived, and saw Sepulchure's fortress in ruins. Arceus walked inside and went to the throne room where he found a girl sitting at Sepulchure's throne. The girl has blood red hair with blue eyes and was wearing doomknight armor. She looked about the same age as Arceus.

"I am Gravelyn, daughter of Sepulchure and leader of the Shadowscythe. Who are you? Why is it that you've come to Shadowfall?"

"I have come here to bring a message from King Alteon. He proposes a truce between the two sides to stop Drakath." Arceus said. Gravelyn examined him carefully. After a few minutes of silence,

"Very well. But first, I have a task for you. You must travel to the Crypt in Swordhaven where the Knights are guarding my Father's cursed DoomKnight armor. Bring it back to me to earn my trust…. now go. Recover the cursed armor of Sepulchure!" Gravelyn said. Arceus nodded, then flew off. At the Crypt, Arceus saw the knights, chaorrupted, guarding the Crypt. He fought the chaorrupted knights as he went deeper into the Crypt. On the deepest part of the Crypt, he saw Sepulchure's corrupted armor lying on the ground. Arceus tried to pick it up but the armor started to move. It rose through the air, joining each other piece by piece. The armor was being controlled by chaos. The armor lunged at Arceus, then swung it's sword. Arceus parried with his blade and side-stepped out of the way, then swung his sword at the armor. It made a huge gash on the armor. The armor swung it's sword at Arceus, sending a powerful shock wave at him. The armor lunged at Arceus and held it's sword at Arceus' neck.

"Get away!" Arceus said, then conjured a chaotic fireball in his free hand and threw it at the armor, sending it crashing through a wall.

"Whoa." Arceus said, while looking at his hand. Arceus ran to the armor and picked it up, then flew back to Shadowfall. On the throne room, Arceus presented Sepulchure's corrupted armor to Gravelyn.

"This is troubling. My Father's armor has been corrupted by Chaos. But his armor is not the only thing he left me. I found that my father had taken out an Unlife Insurance policy but it does not say for what amount. If I can get this paid out, I may be able to fix Shadowfall to it's former glory, and hire an army to help take down Drakath!! You have proven your worth by returning my father's armor, now go to the King's Tax Collector to get the gold!" Gravelyn said. Arceus sighed, then flew off to Swordhaven. When he arrived, he saw King Alteon, sitting on his throne. Beside him, stood a pig-man (I think). Arceus approached the pig.

"Two for the treasury, one for me.. one for the treasury, two for me......What? What is it? Can't you see I'm busy here?" the pig said.

"Uh, I've been sent by Gravelyn to redeem her fathers Unlife insurance." Arceus said.

"An insurance policy? An UNLIFE insurance policy?! Give me that! I've only ever done one of those and it was for Sepulchure and he'll....." the pig said.

"He DID die - Drakath destroyed him. Ask King Alteon if you don't believe me!" Arceus said.

"No, no way. This was such a sure thing that he was insured for ONE TREEELION GOLD *cough* ONE TRILLION GOLD!" the pig said.

"ONE TRILLION GOLD?!!" Arceus said, shocked.

"If you think I'm paying this out, you've got another thing coming… and it won't be fun. This is treason. GUARDS! To the dungeon!" the pig said, then, two knights came out of the door and dragged Arceus to prison. At Arceus' cell, only the sound of rats, running about, was heard.

"Great. I can't believe King Alteon didn't see that." Arceus said, then looked at the wall.

"Hmmm, I wonder." he said, then conjured a chaotic fireball in his hand and threw it at the wall, making a huge, gaping hole.

"Sweet." Arceus said, then ran out. He saw a couple of knights guarding the place. Arceus knocked the knights unconscious and went forward. He saw the stairs leading up. He arrived at the castle's treasury.

"You again?! No worries, my Piggy Drake will take care of you." the pig said. The Piggy Drake crashed through the window and lunged at Arceus. Arceus simply side-stepped out of the way and stabbed the Piggy Drake in the stomach. The Piggy Drake fell down, dead.

"Fine! You've beaten my last defense. I guess I HAVE to pay out that fiendish Unlife Insurance...... take it. Take what you need and leave." the pig said. Arceus went inside the treasury and collected the gold before flying off back to Shadowfall. At Shadowfall's throne room, Arceus gave the gold to Gravelyn.

"You've actually collected the policy? I've heard that getting money out of the Tax Collector is like getting bacon from a cow!" Gravelyn said.

"You don't know how true that is......at least the Bacon part." Arceus said.

"Well? How much was it for?! Give me that paper!… one TREELI *cough* TRILLION GOLD?!! I'll be able to repair Shadowfall and hire all the mercenaries in the land! No-one will be more powerful than me! NO-ONE!" Gravelyn said, then laughed evilly.

"Okaaaay. I'm gonna.......leave now." Arceus said, then ran off. After an hour, he arrived at Swordhaven and went straight to the throne room.

"Your highness, Empress Gravelyn has agreed to the truce........I think." Arceus said.

"Excellent. I shall call you again if I ever need your assistance." the King said. Arceus nodded, then flew off. Back at Artix's place, he saw Artix at the door.

"Been waiting for me?" Arceus said.

"Nah, I just got back. So, what did you and the King talk about?" Artix said.

"I'll explain inside." Arceus said, then both of them went inside the tower.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/11/2013 23:26:15 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/15/2013 7:05:47   

Chapter 3:

The next day, Arceus woke up and saw Artix walking up the stairs.

"Rise and shine sleepy head. Today begins your training, remember? Come outside when you're finished eating." he said, then walked back down. Arceus got up and fixed his bed, then walked down the stairs. He ate some breakfast then fixed himself up before going outside. Outside, he saw Artix talking to a man about the same age as Artix's. The man has long gray-ish hair covering his right eye. His eyes were also has a gray-ish color and was wearing a blue robe with golden colored shoulder guards and was holding a sceptre. The man looked at Arceus and examined him thoroughly, then he walked up to Arceus,

"Hello, Arceus. My name is Warlic, the blue mage, and I am here to teach you how to use your chaos magic as well as your draconic powers." he said.

"Well, better leave you two alone. I have some place else to go. Meet you back here at sundown." Artix said, then ran off.

"Before we start, do you know how to use magic?" Warlic said.

"Yeah. Artix taught me some light based magic then made me study different kinds of magic." Arceus said.

"Good....That will make things easier. Well then, let's begin." Warlic said.

"I'll teach you how to combine your chaos magic with your draconic abilities. Try blasting that tree using a chaotic fireball." he said, while pointing to a nearby tree. Arceus focused his chaotic energy then conjured a chaotic fireball from his hands and blew the tree from its roots.

"Very good. Your a natural at this. At this rate, you'll master your powers pretty quickly." Warlic said.

"Now then, try it again. But this time, make it come out of your mouth." he said.

"I'll try." Arceus said. He focused his chaotic powers again and inhaled deeply. He blew out a stream of chaotic flames through the forest. Warlic jumped out of the way. It was so powerful, it cleared a path through the forest and burned anything close to it.

"Let's focus on mastering your draconic abilities." Warlic said, while swatting off the flames off of his robe.

"Oops, sorry." Arceus said.

"It's alright. Now, try doing it again, but easier this time." Warlic said. Arceus kept on practicing until sundown, then he saw Artix through the distance. He walked up to Arceus and Warlic,

"How's it going? And.......what happened to the forest?" he said, while looking at the still burning path through the forest. Arceus told him how he made a path through the forest and how his training is doing.

"I see. Well, thanks for the training Warlic. We'll see you again tomorrow." Artix said.

"Wait, I'll train again tomorrow?!" Arceus said, surprised.

"Why not? We'll keep practicing your powers until you master it." Warlic said.

"Oh, yeah. This is going to be fun." Arceus said.

"Good-bye Warlic. We'll see you again tomorrow." Artix said. Warlic waved at them then vanished. Artix and Arceus returned to the tower and ate some dinner before going to bed. The next day, Arceus met up with Warlic and started training. He worked harder and harder each day mastering his draconic abilities and chaotic magic. After a year, Arceus successfully mastered both his chaotic powers and draconic abilities with the help of Warlic. Arceus walked up to Warlic,

"Thanks for everything Warlic." he said.

"No problem Arceus. Just call me when you need some more training." Warlic said, then vanished. Suddenly, a pactagonal knight walked up to Arceus and Artix.

"The King requests for the presence of Arceus and Artix at the castle immediately." the knight said.

"I wonder what could it be." Artix said. "We'll be right back." Arceus said, then both of them went back to the tower. Artix grabbed his battle-axe while Arceus put on his usual clothes, leather armor, and boots and grabbed his sword then both of them went back outside.

"Okay, we're ready." Artix said. The knight nodded then all of them ran off to Swordhaven.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/11/2013 6:29:16 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
1/23/2013 6:50:18   

Chapter 4:
1st Chaos Lord

When the two of them arrived at Swordhaven, they saw the King speaking with a knight, looking worried. Artix and Arceus knelt before him. The King signaled the knight to leave, then looked at the them.

"Rise, both of you. I have called you here for a very troubling news." he said. Artix and Arceus stood up and looked at each other.

"I have received information that the first chaos lord has invaded Mobius. I need you, Arceus, to go there and stop the chaos lord's plan. Artix, I need you to stay back here at Swordhaven for private matters." the King said. Both Arceus and Artix nodded. Artix looked at Arceus,

"Good luck." Artix said.

"Thanks." Arceus said, then ran off to Mobius. After a few hours of running (and flying half-way through), he arrived at the gates of Mobius where he found a man and a woman standing on opposite sides of the gate. Arceus walked to the gate but the man stopped him.

"Halt, stranger. To what purpose have you come to Mobius?" the man said. He had long blue hair covering both of his ears and has green colored eyes. He wore a gray plated armor with light blue trim that was decorated with runes. He was holding a sword (or is it a claymore?) on his left hand. The claymore (I decided it was a claymore) was also decorated with runes on it's blade. He looked about the same age as Artix.

"My name is Arceus. I was sent here by King Alteon to stop the chaos lord's plan." Arceus said.

"Ahh....it is great to see another follower of good. My name is Renn. A chaos lord has indeed attacked this valley. The forces of GOOD and EVIL have united to face this new threat. I'm here representing the good side----"

"While I represent the evil side." the woman finished. She has a long dark blue hair braided behind her back and had yellow colored eyes with matching yellow lip-stick put on. She wore a red robe with black trim and wore a pair of black boots. She also wore a necklace with a green gem on the middle and has a glass orb hovering on her right arm. She was about the same age as Renn.

"Well, actually.......I'm not a follower of good nor evil, but I am willing to aid both sides." Arceus said. Renn and Zio looked at each other then examined Arceus. Zio raised an eye-brow,

"Okaaaay......Since you're here to help, might as well get things done around here 'cause I've been stuck here for days listening to Renn and his "follow the good" conversations, and I'm sick of hearing that stuff." she said.

"Hey. I'm just saying that if you----"

"Oh shut up will you Renn?! Just go help Arceus so I don't have to listen to your preaches." Zio said, annoyed.

"Well, where do I start?" Arceus said.

"You can start by cleaning up the monsters here while I gather some information." Renn said.

"Okay." Arceus said, then ran off killing every monster he saw. After a few hours, he came back to Renn and Zio and saw Renn talking to Zio while Zio paid no attention. Zio saw Arceus,

"Oh thank goodness you're back! I thought I was gonna die of boredom here with mister talks-a-lot." she said.

"Er....so, Renn, got any information? Arceus said.

"Well, I heard that there are two survivors from this town that we still haven't found and they hold the clue to where the Runix Cube relics are. Their names are Anna and Otto - please search all the houses in town for them. They are our only link to the Runix Cube!" Renn said.

"And.....what exactly is the Runix Cube?" Arceus said.

"It is the only thing that can stop the chaos lord Escherion." Zio said.

"Okay, I'm on it." Arceus said, then ran off searching every inverted house in town until finally, he found the house that Anna and Otto was hiding in. He went inside and saw a girl and a boy standing beside a tree. The boy looked at Arceus and looked like he was preparing to attack.

"Easy kid, I'm on your side." Arceus said. The boy calmed down,

"My name's Otto and this is my sister Anna." he said.

"Hi. So......can you tell me exactly what happened here?" Arceus said. Anna and Otto exchanged looks then Anna started crying.

"It was horrible! I've never seen such horrible power!" she said.

"I wanted to fight but Anna made me hide with her. I'm glad she did." Otto said.

"The attack came without warning. Our homes... our town... were twisted...turned backwards and inside-out with his awfull eyeball staff. It only lasted a few minutes, but the memories will last forever..." Anna said, then she told Arceus how Escherion invaded Mobius.

"Ever since, they have been swarming the town looking for the----"

"OTTO!" Anna said.

"We have to trust someone, sis." Otto said.

"You're right. We... we think he was after this." Anna said, then brought out a puzzle piece or something.

"This is part of an item of power called the Runix Cube." she said.

"We'd feel a lot safer if someone as strong as you were looking after it. Please take it." Otto said.

"Thanks." Arceus said.

"There are two other pieces... the next piece is held by the Faeries in the Faerie forest to the east. It can be hard to earn the trust of the faeries, but once you have earned it.....maybe they will trust you with the second piece." Anna said.

"If you find all three parts, it's supposed to make a sort of puzzle. Maybe you can use it to defeat of Escherion once and for all!" Otto said.

"Thank you for taking the piece, hero. We will stay here in town and help defend it if we can. Good luck with your quest." Anna said.

"Thanks. I won't let you down." Arceus said.

"Goodbye!" Otto said. Arceus nodded then ran off to the Faerie forest. When he arrived, he saw a couple of sneevils with chainsaws cutting a tree. Arceus tried to scare the sneevils away, but ended up fighting them. Arceus knocked off the chainsaw from a sneevil's hand, same went for the other sneevils.

"Get out of this forest now, or should I have to kill you?" Arceus said while drawing his blade slowly. The sneevils shook their heads and ran as fast as they can out of the forest. A faerie was watching the whole scene and approached Arceus,

"Thank you for scaring away those sneevils." the faerie said.

"No problem, er....."

"My name's Dew Drop." she said.

"No problem, Dew Drop." Arceus said.

"Might I ask what are you doing at these forests?" Dew Drop said.

"Well, Anna and Otto said that the faeries hold the second piece of the Runix Cube." Arceus said.

"I see that you already hold one piece fo the fabled Runix Cube. I do have the other. It has been passed down through the generations. All we have been told is that it is one part of three....and very powerful. If you can save the Tree of Life, I shall give you my piece of the Cube." Dew Drop said. Arceus nodded, then ran off to the tree. When he got there, he saw two sneevils with chainsaws preparing to cut down the tree. Arceus sneeked up on them and knocked the chainsaws off of their hands.

"Get out of this forest now, and never return." Arceus said. The sneevils nodded shakingly, then ran off. Arceus turned around and saw an axe headed straight at him. He ducked just in time and evaded the axe. He looked up and saw a cyclops chopping down the Tree of Life with his axe. Arceus crawled between the cyclops' feet then stabbed it behind the knee. The cyclops wailed in pain and swung the axe behind him. Arceus quickly jumped out of the way and stabbed the cyclops in its left foot. The cyclops knelt down as it cannot stand up. Arceus went behind the cyclops and stabbed it on it's spine. The cyclops wailed in pain so loudly, it can be heard all over the forest. Arceus ran back to Dew Drop and left the cyclops lying down. Arceus approached Dew Drop,

"You have earned our trust and I am willing to give you our piece of the Runix Cube. It is sealed within the Tree of Life, and to unlock the seal I need the an ancient relic guarded by Aracara, the ancient spider who lives high in the trees to the north. Return to me with the relic and the piece is yours." Dew Drop said.

"Okay." Arceus said, then ran off to the trees to the north. He stopped below the trees and began to think.

"What did Dew Drop said again? Something about up....." Arceus said, then looked up and saw a giant spider falling at him. The spider grabbed Arceus and pulled him up towards the trees. Soon he was face to face with the spider, Aracara. Aracara attacked Arceus but he avoided every attack Aracara makes. Arceus found an opening and sliced off one of Aracara's legs. Aracara backed down a bit and started making a web shield. Arceus tried to cut the web shield, but was too thick. He thought of a plan, he focused and inhaled deeply. He let out a stream of chaotic flames at the web shield, trying not to burn the trees. The web shield erputed in flames and started falling apart. Aracara was making another web shield but it, too, was caught on fire. Aracara burned to the ground and on it's remains revealed the relic Dew Drop was looing for. Arceus ran back to Dew Drop and handed the relic to her.

"As you have shown yourself to be brave and honorable in saving our Forest, we now trust you with the second piece of the Runix Cube. Return to Renn and Zio in Mobius with this piece of the Runix Cube. They will advise you further. Thank you again for saving our Forest, you will always be welcome here." Dew Drop said.

"Thanks." Arceus said, then returned to Mobius. When he got there, he saw Renn talking to Zio, and as usual, Zio paid no attention.

"Well, I got the second piece. Now where to next?" Arceus said.

"You have proven yourself more than worthy to be called a Hero. There is one more place that we need you to visit. The Ruins of Cornelis, where my friend Anise the moglin has been studying, have also been invaded by these agents of Chaos." Renn said. Arceus nodded and ran off to Cornelis. When he arrived, he saw a green moglin with blue eyes standing beside a stone column. Arceus walked up to the moglin,

"Hi there! My name's Anise. You've come to look for the third piece of the Runix Cube, hmmm? I've been exploring these ruins for quite some time now, and I've found some pretty interesting things. It seems that the people who inhabited this city fought with the Faeries and the town of Mobius over the Runix Cube. A scroll that I found talks about a truce that was reached between the three sides of the battle. Each side was charged with protecting one-third of this mysterious Runix Cube. There is just one problem.....no-one can remember waht the Runix Cube is for! All we know is that it is incredibly powerful! Shortly after I found mention of the Cube, these creatures appeared! I haven't been able to search since they showed up. Help me get rid of them and find that last piece of the Cube! All right! Since you think you can help.....let's get started! You go search the inside of the ruins while I gather some information." Anise said.

"Sure." Arceus said, then ran off inside the ruins. He fought some gargoyles on his way and continued searching until he found a teleporter. He flew back to Anise (for the reason that he got lost) and told her (I think Anise's a girl) about the teleporter.

"Hmmm. I think we can charge up the teleporter pad if we had enough power sources. The gargoyles are animated using a magic blue gem in the center of each gargoyle. If we had 10 Blue Gems we might be able to get it working." Anise said. Arceus nodded, then started gathering up 10 Blue Gems. After he was finished, he went back to Anise and gave her the Gems.

"Time to test out the teleporter! I'm not sure where it will take you but whatever you find, I need you to make a quick sketch of it. I should be able to give you more information once I see your drawing." Anise said.

"Uh....Okay." Arceus said, then ran off to the teleporter. After taking a few turns and going on the same place over and over, he found the teleporter and tested it to see if it works. Immediately, Arceus was transported to the other side of the ruins. He explored it until he saw a stone golem standing at the center of the room. Arceus flew back to Anise and reported his sightings.

"Ok, fine. That golem wants to play hardball… then I'm… I mean you're just the hero to do it. I bet the piece of the Runix Cube is INSIDE that golem. Defeat the golem and bring me his Arm and we'll crack it open and see what's inside." Anise said. Arceus flew off to the other side of the ruins to save time. He landed behind the golem quietly and sliced it's arm off before flying away. The golem just stood there wondering what happened. Arceus flew back to Anise and both of them cracked open the golem's arm and saw nothing.

"OF COURSE! This is a piece of the frame from that moglin painting in the main hall! Try completing the frame and see what happens. We're close now.......I can feel it!" Anise said.

"Okaaay. I don't know how you knew that, but, I'll go and find out." Arceus said, then ran off inside the ruins. Once inside, Arceus moved the frame slightly and saw a piece of the Runix Cube with a few scrolls. Arceus gave the papers to Anise and kept the final piece of the Cube.

"Great, you found what I was looking for, as well as what you needed! You should return to Renn and Zio in Mobius to let them know of your findings. Thank you so much, you are a true adventurer!" Anise said.

"Thanks." Arceus said, then went back to Mobius. Arceus found Renn talking to Zio but, again, was not paying any attention.

"I got all of the pieces of the Runix Cube. Now what?" Arceus said.

"Now we must re-create the Runix Cube." Renn said, then tried to fit the pieces on. After hours of head scratching by Renn, and Zio throwing some of the pieces out of frustration, neither of them solved it.

"Arghhh! We've been trying to put the Runix Cube together all day but we just can't do it. If we can't assemble it then I doubt we'll be able to stop Escherion. Why don't you try it? Maybe you'll have better luck." Zio said. She handed the Cube to Arceus and began thinking. After a few minutes, Arceus put together the Runix Cube. Renn's jaw dropped while Zio was surprised that Arceus finished it so quickly.

"So you figured it out! Of course I had done most of the work already.... Now that you have the Runix Cube.... we have to get you in to the Tower. I'M sure not going..." Zio said. Renn's jaw was still hanging until Zio slapped him on the face.

"Hey! You still alive?" Zio said.

"Wha-where-oh, yeah. Well, now that we have the Cube, let's figure out a way inside Escherion's castle." Renn said.

"The teleporter that leads to the tower is to the north. We've been watching Chaos Lord Escherion's army using it for a while. Go investigate and see if you can activate it from this side." Zio said. Arceus nodded and ran off. He saw the teleporter and was about to approach it when suddenly, a cyclops stood on it and vanished to thin air. Arceus ran back to Renn and Zio and reported what he saw.

"You need a disguise! You need to look like someone they would activate the teleporter for. Go get 8 Cloth Scraps from the Cyclops and we'll use our illusion and rune magic to craft a disguise for you." Zio said.

"Do I have to?" Arceus said.

"Yes you do. Now go!" Zio said. Arceus sighed then ran off to gather some cloth. After several minutes, Arceus went back holding 8 cloth scraps and handed it to Zio.

"What we need to do now, is to disguise your weapon. Go to the Faerie Forest and get 4 Cardboard Boxes from the Sneevils there. We should be able to use those as material components in the spell to hide your weapon." Zio said. Arceus flew off to the faerie forest and took some of the sneevils boxes before scaring them away. Arceus gave the cardboard boxes to Zio then she began to make Arceus' disguise. After a few minutes, Arceus wore the disguise,

"I'm going in there as a PIZZA MAN!?" Arceus said.

"What? It's fool proof, trust me." Zio said, while grinning evilly.

"That's what I'm afraid of...." Arceus said, in a low voice.

"What was that?" Zio said.

"Nothing. I'm going now." Arceus said.

"Good luck, Hero!" Renn said.

"Thanks! I'm gonna need it." Arceus said, then went off to the teleporter. Arceus stepped on the teleporter and heared the voices of two cyclopes.

"Who goes there?" one of the cyclopes said.

"Uhhh. Pizza delivery!" Arceus said. The cyclopes looked at each other.

"Me no order any pizza." the cyclops said.

"Maybe Escherion order it for us 'cause we am good guards!" the other cyclops said.

"Yeah, maybe. Come in." the cyclops said. The portal glowed then Arceus was transported inside Escherion's castle.

"Here you go! One large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. So who'll take the bill?" Arceus said.

"Me not pay for that." the cyclops said.

"Let Escherion pay. He ordered it." the other cyclops said. Arceus nodded, then ran off. The cyclopes looked at Arceus,

"We am good guards." the cyclops said. Arceus ran up Escherion's inverted tower/castle until he reached a big portal guarded by a giant gargoyle. Arceus tried to sneak past it but the gargoyle saw him. It lunged at Arceus, but he ran out of the way. The gargoyle smashed in to the wall, leaving only a pile of rocks. Arceus went inside the portal and saw Escherion.

"We meet at last Chaos Lord Escherion!" Arceus said.

"Should I know who you are?" Escherion said.

"The only thing you need to know about me... is THIS" Arceus said, then held up the Runix Cube.

"The Runix Cube? But how.." Escherion said.

"That's right... the only thing that can stop you! HA!" Arceus said, then threw the Cube at Escherion's face.

"Ow. What was that supposed to be?" Escherion said.

"Uh... me stopping you and your reign of terror over this valley, and ruining whatever plans you and Drakath had?" Arceus said.

"I've had my army scouring the lands of this valley searching for the Runix Cube...And you deliver it right into my hands. Thank you, hero." Escherion said.

"But... you said it was the only thing that could stop your plans?" Arceus said.

"Yes, I did. The only thing that could stop me was NOT FINDING IT." Escherion said.

"Ah. Can I have it back?" Arceus said.

"......No. With this device I can finally summon the first of the 13 Chaos Beasts...as Drakath has commanded me. I am grateful for all your help, hero. In fact, I won't even kill you. You may leave my tower now." Escherion said.

"We're not done, Escherion. I won't leave until Chaos Valley is safe!" Arceus said.

"It was not a choice. You will leave my tower...now." Escherion said, then threw Arceus out of the tower using his chaos staff. Arceus went plummeting down in to the water. Meanwhile, somewhere.....

"Good, Escherion......The Hydra has awoken. Your job is done." Drakath said. Back at Escherion's tower,

"Arise... Lake Hydra!" Escherion said.

"Great! I snuck into the villains stronghold and gave him the item of power. What else could go wrong?" Arceus said, then suddenly, A shadow rises from the lake....it was the Hydra.

"I HAD to say something." Arceus said, then swam out of the water. He went back to Renn and Zio,

"We saw what happened." Zio said.

"When you lost the cube to Escherion and the Hydra was awakened, 3 Runestones appeared around the tower. I think you can use Hydra Teeth to destroy these Stones. Take a shard from each stone, and drop them into the Magical bonfire that we have started for you." Renn said.

"Okay." Arceus said, then went back at the lake. Arceus flew up to one of the Hydra's three heads and started to attack. The Hydra head tried to bite Arceus but he was too fast. Arceus lunged at the Hydra and sliced off one of it's teeth. He did the same to the other heads then flew off to destroy the runes. Arceus buried the Hydra teeth in to one of the runes. The teeth created a small crack. Arceus pounded the Hydra teeth with the butt of his sword and buried it deeper until the rune exploded. Arceus grabbed a shard and went off to the other runes. He did the same to the others and threw the shards in to the bonfire. Escherion's tower lost it's balance then fell down........on the Hydra, crushing it. Arceus went back to face Escherion again.

"ESCHERION... we finally meet! Again." Arceus said.

"You again?! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY TOWER!" Escherion said.

"What? It was upside down to start. I got it halfway turned around. You should be thanking me." Arceus said.

"No matter. With the power of the Chaos Staff of Inversion I will have this mess cleaned up soon enough." Escherion said.

"You're not cleaning ANYTHING until I'm done with you! I'm taking you down, Chaos Lord." Arceus said. Escherion looks around.

"You ALREADY took me down. My tower is lying in a lake." he said.

"You..you know what I mean. I'm stopping you today!" Arceus said.

"You and what army?" Escherion said.

"THIS army!" a voice said behind the portal. Anna and Otto appeared from the portal, along with the other villagers. Escherion sighed.

"Did you have to bring the riff-raff with you?" he said.

"What are you guys doing here? This is dangerous!" Arceus said.

"Mobius is our HOME and now that we can enter the tower, we came to help you get rid of Escherion!" Otto said.

"Did you? How brave of you. But once I invert you I think you will see things differently!" Escherion said, then points his staff at the villagers and inverted them.

"As... AS We saID. We CamEd Hree tO heLpS EsCHEriOn GeTs rId Of yoU!!!" the inverted villagers said.

"HAHAHAHA! Face it hero, you are no match for my Chaos Staff of Inversion..." Escherion said.

"You sure think a lot of that staff..." Arceus said.

"...What?" Escherion said.

"Well, it seems that staff is the only thing you have going for you. Without it you'd just be another second rate mage." Arceus said.

"The Staff is a very powerful. Given to me by Drakath himself! But I don't need it to swat a fly like you." Escherion said.

"!?!?!" the staff said (if it can say '!?!?!'), puzzled.

"But be warned... The staff is loyal to me. It may decide to protect me of its own free will. HAHAHAHA! Come, hero. Let us see what you are made of!" Escherion said.

"Gladly." Arceus said, and with that, the two of them (or is it three?) lunged at each other. Arceus swung his sword at Escherion's left side but the staff blocked his sword. Escherion casted fireball and it exploded right at Arceus. Arceus let out a stream of chaotic flames at Escherion but the staff casted a shield and blocked the flames. Escherion threw another fireball at Arceus but he jumped out of the way.

"I can't attack Escherion without taking that staff down." Arceus thought to himself. He stood still and focused for a few minutes. His eyes glew purple, as wings sprouted out from his back. He flew up and held his sword at Escherion's direction. Then, Arceus' sword was slowly being covered in a chaotic aura. Arceus lunged at Escherion at high speed and swung his sword. The staff blocked Arceus' swing, but Arceus knocked the staff away. He casted fireball and threw it at Escherion, exploding right at him. Escherion stood up.

"Impressive. Perhaps you are not as much of a weakling as I thought." he said.

"What do you mean by 'perhaps'?! I just owned you! Now,I command you......leave this valley and its people in peace......and never return, or be prepared to face the forces of Good and Evil!" Arceus said.

"I... I suppose I have no choice. I underestimated you, hero. You didn't look that powerful to me......but you have shown me that it is really what's on the inside that counts...So I will turn you INSIDE OUT to avoid making that mistake again! HAHAHAHA!" Escherion said, then held up his staff and tried to invert Arceus, but he reflected the beam with his sword.

"You made me INVERT MYSELF!" Escherion said.

"Hmmmm. You don't look much different turned inside out." Arceus said.

"I'm not inside out, fool. The spell must have had no effect on me. Perhaps I should stick with some classic mage spells to destroy you....Like FIREBALL!" Escherion said, then casts a fireball, but it exploded on himself. He tried to cast ice shard, but froze himself.

"Fine.... POLYMORPH!" Escherion said, then he turned in to a frog.

"Huh... I guess you inverted your powers. Every spell that you try to cast on me, you actually cast on yourself." Arceus said.

"ribbit ribbit" Escherion-now-turned-to-a-frog said.

"I'm sure you just said something very rude in froggy." Arceus said. The inverted villagers started going back to normal.

"I feel like myself again!" Otto said.

"We've been saved! We're free! Yay!" Anna said.

"Mobius is free! HOORAY!" a villager said.

"This is great!" another villager said.

"Why is that frog standing on a huge block of ice?" Otto said.

"It looks like you're pretty harmless now, Chaos Lord Escherion......Even if you change yourself back, your spells will only harm you. Mobius, The Faerie Forest, The Ruins... all of Chaos Valley is no longer under your rule. Goodbye, Escherion." Arceus said. Meanwhile, somewhere........again.

"What an.... entertaining.... turn of events. Escherion has been defeated and Chiral Valley has been freed. But that is the nature of Chaos: unpredictable. Escherion served my purpose well. The Lake Hydra was freed, destroying one of the seals. It's only a matter of time. But Escherion couldn't have done it alone. That hero found him the cube. I hope you had fun Hero....The next LORD of CHAOS has ALREADY been chosen! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Drakath said, then laughed evilly. Back at Mobius, Arceus was warmly welcomed by Renn and Zio, along with Anna, Otto, Anise, and Dew Drop.

"Well done Hero! Success is yours! You defeated the Chaos Lord and saved the people of this valley!" Zio said.

"Yes. Congratulations, Hero!" Renn said.

"You saved us all from the Chaos Lord!" Dew Drop said, then moved closer at Arceus.

"If you would like me to use my time travel fairy powers to take you back to some of your most famous battles....just let me know!" she whispered.

"Uhhh....I'll think about it." Arceus said. With that, they all said their goodbyes and Arceus ran off to Swordhaven. Arceus went to the throne room and knelt before the King.

"Rise, Arceus." the King said.

"Your highness, I have defeated the first chaos lord, Escherion, and brought peace among the Chiral Valley." Arceus said.

"Excellent. You may leave now. I shall call you again if needed." the King said. Arceus nodded, then ran off to Artix's tower, where he saw him standing in front of the door.

"Hey, miss me?" Arceus said.

"Took you long enough." Artix said.

"Hey, fighting a chaos lord was hard work." Arceus said.

"Hahaha. Well, come inside. Tell me about it in the morning." Artix said, then both of them went inside to rest.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/12/2013 5:22:45 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/1/2013 9:26:56   

Chapter 5:
Battleon's Teleportation

The next day, Arceus woke up and went down-stairs and saw Artix at the table drinking coffee.

"Morning Artix!" Arceus said.

"Morning." Artix said, then yawned. Arceus sat beside Artix and grabbed some bread.

"Looks like somebody didn't sleep well." Arceus said, then took a bite at his bread.

"Yeah, they really needed my help back at the castle. Oh yeah, what happened at Mobius?" Artix said. Arceus told Artix about his meeting with Renn, Zio, Anna, Otto, and Dew Drop and about the Runix Cube. He also told him about Escherion and the Hydra.

"Wow, you actually defeated a chaos lord." Artix said, then took a sip at his coffee.

"I've gotten stronger you know. And actually, Escherion turned himself to a frog, so I didn't actually defeat him." Arceus said.

"Hahaha, you do have a point." Artix said.

"So.....do you think Drakath already picked a second chaos lord?" Arceus said, then ate the rest of his bread. Artix looked at Arceus,

"Have you ever heared of how Battleon was transported?" Artix said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Arceus said, puzzled.

"Well, it was when the Twins----"

"Wait, did you say Twins?" Arceus said.

"Yeah, why? Do you know them?" Artix said.

"I saw some Twins when I was going to Mobius." Arceus said.

"What happened?!" Artix said.

"It was like this.........I was walking through a forest when I stopped and sat on a tree stump to rest. I thought about what I said to King Alteon, about not joining either side." Arceus said.


"I can't decide. Should I join King Alteon and the forces of good? I could use my sword to protect the world. Or should I join the forces of evil? I could gain unspeakable power and riches." Arceus said, then suddenly, a girl appeared beside him. The girl looked demonic. She has black hair with a shade of blue and has yellow eyes. She has a pair of horns on her head and a pair of small demonic wings on her shoulders. Her skin (I think) is red colored with shades of black on some parts of her body.

"You are wasting time thinking about this. CHOOSE EVIL! By sitting here, you are wasting precious time in which you could be gaining power!" she said.

"Who are you?!" Arceus said, then drew his sword.

"Relax, Hero, I am Xing. I'm here to help you make up your mind." she said. Arceus withdrew his sword.

"Well......" Arceus said, then suddenly, another girl appeared beside him. This time, the girl looked like an angel. She has yellow hair and blue eyes. She has a halo above her head and has a pair of small angelic wings on her shoulders. Her skin (I think........again) is white colored with shades of pink on some parts of her body.

"NO! Join good! You could become a true real hero of the land. Be a champion of justice and a role model for the children!" she said.

"Uh......NOW who are you?" Arceus said. The girl giggled.

"I am Xang. I'm here to help you make up your mind." she said.

"Uh......" Arceus said. Xing sighed.

"Do not listen to her! Choose evil and a better fashion sense!" she said.

"I disagree! Good-guys look awesome! Choose good and feel great about everything you do!" Xang said.

"You're making me crazy than helping me make up my mind." Arceus said. Xing and Xang both giggled.

"Well, it's up to you to decide-" Xing said.

"-what path you would take." Xang said.

"We're just helping you-" Xing said.

"-decide MUCH faster." Xang said.

"Okaaaay. Well, I know exactly what to do!" Arceus said, then ran off.

End of Flashback

"And that's about it." he said. Artix took a sip at his coffee,

"I see. They were normal back when you saw them." Artix said.

"What do you mean 'normal'?" Arceus said.

"Well, it was like this..........two asteroids are hurdling towards Battleon. Warlic called every mage in town, including me, in his shop." Artix said.


"This is a dire situation. How can we stop the asteroids from impacting our town?" Warlic said.

"Why don't we put a giant force field around Battleon?" Nythera said.

"Impossible. The meteorites are too big. They would shatter right through our defense. All we can hope for is to hurl fireballs at 'em the old fashioned way!" Mercuria said.

"Sure, we could do that, if we want the meteorites to shatter into a million pieces and destroy all the towns." Cysero said.

"Well, what would you suggest? Building a giant pool of yogurt for them to land in?" Mercuria said, then conjured a fireball in her hand.

"This is no time for arguing! We need to fing some way to save our town." Nythera said.

"I have an idea. Why don't we just move Battleon?" Twilly said. Everyone looked at Twilly, puzzled.

"Indeed! That is a great solution! Who gave you this idea Twilly?" Warlic said.

"Well, I just thought of it. So what do you think? Could we move Battleon?" Twilly said.

"It could be possible if we......."

".......if we used two thousand titan donkeys and a lot of rope!" Cysero said.

"Or we could turn the ground into lava and just slide it downhill!" Mercuria said.

"NO NO NO! A better idea: place the town into a giant catapult! Then pull down the moon to one side and WHAMMO! The town is hurled off to safety!" Cysero said, then showed his illustration of his plan.........on a piece of paper. Everybody just stared at him.........and his drawing.

"I'll go set up a giant pillow at the landing site!" Cysero said, then ran off.

"I was thinking of something a little faster..........and a little safer." Artix said.

"Yes. It seems the obvious course of action is to........"

"Teleport Battleon!" everyone said in chorus.

"Hmpf. But we don't have enough magical energy to raise the town off the ground AND teleport it!" Nythera said.

"Don't worry about that! I'll help by gathering every magic user in the land!" Artix said.

"Excellent! If you gather up all the mages, I will prepare the levitate spell." Mercuria said.

"I'll prepare a spell to teleport the town. Nythera, my assistant, you must find a safe destination in Greenguard Forest where we will place the town." Warlic said.

"WOW! Every magic user in the land showing up to teleport the town to a new location? This will be the biggest spell ever cast! It is going to be EPIC!" Twilly said.

"Okay I'll go and gather up all the magic users now." Artix said. Everyone nodded, then went to do their jobs. The next day, Artix arrived at Warlic's shop with all of the magic users in the land. He saw everyone, complete, and ready to teleport the town.

"Okay, let's do this." Warlic said, then everyone focused their energy and started chanting the spell. Immediately, the town vanished just as the meteorite hit the ground.

"Wow....." Nythera said.

"Good work everyone! We did it!" Warlic said.

"Incredible!" Artix said.

"Yay!" Twilly said.

"Everyone, thank you so much for your help!" Artix said.

"I can't believe what I saw! We did it, we actually did it!" one of the mages said.

"Thousands of mages working together to uproot Battleon! And now we're safe at Greenguard Forest!" Twilly said, then the ground shook.

"Did you guys feel that?!" another mage said.

"Yes! It felt like an earthquake!" Twilly said, then Cysero appeared behind Artix.

"GUYS! GUYS! A meteorite just hit my pillow at Greenguard Forest!" he said. Everyone looked puzzled.

"WAIT! If the second one struck Greenguard Forest......."

".....then WHERE are WE at!?" everyone said in chorus. Artix looked outside the window and saw the town on top of a mountain.

"Um, guys.......we're on top of a mountain, below Shadowfall." he said.

"WHAT?!" everyone said in chorus. Warlic examined the mountain while the others walked around looking very worried. After a few minutes,

"Cysero, I've just completed my study of the mountain upon which we are balanced." Warlic said, then everyone stopped what they're doing and listened to them.

"What did ya find out?" Cysero said.

"A few things. First, can you talk a little more softly?" Warlic said.

"Probably, I've never tried. Why?" Cysero said.

"Because even a loud noise might make the mountain crumble beneath us." Warlic said.

"Be quiet. Got it. What else?" Cysero said.

"The fact that we are still balanced on this mountain top is a miracle. If someone drops a fork, it might be enough to throw our balance off and send Battleon tumbling down the mountainside." Warlic said.

"Careful with the silverware. Got it." Cysero said.

"Do you have anything interesting to report?" Warlic said.

"I sure do! Did you know that if you hug an ostrich hard enough, it sounds just like a bagpipe?" Cysero said.

"That was my fault. I should have asked 'Do you have anything interesting that applies to our current situation to report?'" Warlic said.

"Hmm? Oh! Yeah. We have just enough flux to move the town one more time, but this has to be the last time. If we keep farming those elementals, it will throw Battleon's energy permanently out of phase. A third attempt might.....kill us....." Cysero said. Everyone gasped.

".....or worse" Warlic said. Again, everyone gasped.

"Uhhhh, worse?" Cysero said.

"Nevermind. Alright then, this has to work the first time. We have to keep the town balanced while everyone casts the teleportation spell." Warlic said.

"If Battleon starts to tip over, everyone will have to run to the casting pads on the other side of town." Cysero said.

"What happens if they fall off?" Warlic said.

"Well, if you want to make an omelet, ya gotta break a few legs. But if they survive the fall, I've set up some transport pads around the base of the mountain. They might have to fight some of the monsters there to get to them, but they will be zapped back up here." Cysero said.

"Very well then, let's begin!" Warlic said, then everyone ran off to the casting pads while trying to balance the town. Everyone focused their energy and started chanting the spell........again. The town started to tip over, then it slid through the mountainside. Before it could hit Shadowfall, it vanished and re-appeared at Greenguard Forest and landed down, unharmed.

End of Flashback

"Wow. So that's what happened." Arceus said.

"Yeah. You were busy dealing with Escherion back then." Artix said, then drank all of his coffee.

"Who do you think hurled the meteorites?" Arceus said.

"I think it was Drakath. He's the only one who have the power to hurl two meteorites at us." Artix said.

"Okay. But what do you mean about the Twins being 'normal'?" Arceus said.

"Well, word spreads that the Twins became chaorrupted and were the ones behind the attack." Artix said.

"Oh. But why the Twins?" Arceus said.

"That, I don't know." Artix said. Arceus stood up.

"Well, I'm going for a walk through the forest. See you." he said.

"Okay then." Artix said. Arceus ran up to his room and put on his leather armor and picked up his sword, incase of monster encounters, then ran outside.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/11/2013 6:48:57 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
2/2/2013 9:15:08   

Chapter 6:
A New Friend

As Arceus walked through the forest, he heard a rustling by the bushes. He drew his sword and pointed it at the bushes when suddenly, a girl emerged from the bushes. The girl has a long, shiny brown hair flowing through her back and had beautiful blue colored eyes. She wore an elegant rangers outfit with a quiver of arrows strapped behind her back. On her right hand, she held a bow. She looked about the same age as Arceus. To her side, stands a skeletal warrior holding an axe.

"Watch out!" Arceus said, then lunged at the skeletal warrior. He was about to swing his sword when suddenly, the girl shot an arrow right past Arceus' hand, making a small wound.

"Don't hurt Sid. He's my.......friend." the girl said.

"Oh, so you're a necromancer." Arceus said.

"And a ranger." the girl said.

"Sorry about that. My name's Arceus, what's yours?" Arceus said. The girl lowered her bow,

"I'm Amy, nice to meet you. You've already met Sid." she said, then pointed at the skeletal warrior. Sid looked at Arceus,

"Areeeeeew!" he said. Arceus looked at Amy.

"Um.....He said hello." Amy said.

"Okaaaay......So, where do you live?" Arceus said.

"I live near here. I'm just taking Sid for a walk, and maybe for some training." Amy said.

"Really? Me too! Hey, wanna meet Artix? He's very friendly you know." Arceus said.

"Artix? The paladin? I don't think that's a good idea. I mean he'll immediately kill Sid over here, or me, and it will be hard for me to bring Sid back to life......uh, I mean un-life." Amy said.

"It's alright. I'll tell him you're a friend. And hope that he doesn't do anything stupid." Arceus said.

"Well......I guess....." Amy said. Suddenly, they heared a rustling by the bushes. A wolf pounced at Amy, causing her to fall back. Sid knocked the wolf aside while Arceus caught Amy before she hit the ground.

"Are you alright?" Arceus said.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." Amy said.

"Let's go." Arceus said, then all of them ran off to Artix's tower. When they arrived, they saw Artix coming out of the tower. Arceus ran up to Artix, while Amy and Sid followed behind.

"Hey, Artix. I want you to meet Amy, we met in the forest. And this is Sid, a----"

"You're a......necromancer?!" Artix said, then looked at Amy.

"Well.......yes, but----"

"Look out!" Arceus shouted. Artix was charging straight at Amy, axe drawn. Artix swung his axe, but Amy ducked and ran the other way. Artix ran to Amy's direction and started to swing his axe until Sid blocked his way.

"Get out of the way!" Artix yelled. He swung his axe at Sid, and with a flash, Artix saw Arceus' sword blocking his axe.

"What are you doing?!" Artix said, then backed off a bit.

"Artix, relax. These are my friends." Arceus said, then withdrew his sword.

"WHAT???" Artix said, then looked at Sid.

"Um......may I have a say in this?" Amy said, while hiding behind Sid. Artix glared at her.

".......Nevermind." Amy said. Artix looked back at Arceus.

"Are you serious?" Artix said.

"As serious as I'll ever be. So.....can you calm down......a bit and stop scaring Amy?" Arceus said. Artix withdrew his axe.

"Uh huh. Okay, I will......for now. But know this, I'll be watching you guys." he said.

"Fair enough." Amy said, still hiding behind Sid. Artix looked at her.

"So, Arceus, is she your girlfriend?" he said, then looked at Arceus. Amy blushed.

"What?!" Arceus said. Artix laughed.

"Just kidding. You can come out now." he said, then looked at Amy.

"Promise you won't........chase me again?" Amy said.

"I guess." Artix said. Amy stepped beside Sid.

"So Amy, you want to eat lunch with us?" Arceus said.

"W-well......Alright." Amy said.

"Great! Wait here, Artix and I will set up the table first. Right?" Arceus said, then looked at Artix.

".........Alright." Artix said, then he and Arceus went inside the tower.

"Areeeeew! (Translation: That man's crazy!)" Sid said.

"Artix? Yeah." Amy said.

"Areeeeew! (Translation: That Arceus guy, he looks nice, don't you think?)" Sid said.

"Yeah. Well, let's go inside." Amy said, then both of them went inside the tower. She saw Artix in the kitchen while Arceus finished setting up the table. Arceus noticed them then walked up to them.

"Artix is not done cooking yet, so, feel free to sit by the couch and wait." Arceus said, then the three of them sat down on the couch.

"Um.....Arceus, I've been meaning to ask you.....is Artix your brother? Cause he's so.......insane compared to you." Amy said. Arceus looked at her.

"U-uh, sorry." Amy said.

"It's okay. Artix isn't my brother. He adopted me when I was little, after my parents...........dropped me off." Arceus said.

"Um......is it too much if I asked what happened?" Amy said. Arceus sighed.

"Drakath........attacked my parents and wiped off the rest of my kin." he said.

"What do you mean by, 'kin'?" Amy said.

"Uh, well......"

"You two make a cute couple." Artix said. Arceus glared at Artix.

"Hahaha. Just kidding. Lunch is ready!" Artix said, then sat down at the table.

"So, let's go?" Arceus said.

"O-okay." Amy said, then Arceus grabbed her hand and walked to the table. Amy blushed so hard, her face turned bright red.

"Areeeeew! (Translation: You have a crush on him, don't you?)" Sid said.

"Sid! Quiet!" Amy said. Both of them sat at the table with Artix. Amy sat beside Artix and Arceus on her other side. Artix leaned closer to Amy.

"I heard what that undead said." Artix whispered. Amy looked at Artix.

"U-um.....t-that's.......uh....." Amy said, looking nervous. Arceus looked at both of them.

"What are you guys talking about?" he said. Artix looked at him.

"Well, it's---"

"Nothing!" Amy said.

"Okaaay. Let's eat." Arceus said. After they ate their lunch, they all sat down at the couch.

"So, Amy, where exactly do you live?" Artix said.

"I live just a few miles away from here." Amy said.

"I see. And when did you start learning........necromancy." Artix said.

"Uh......I started learning when I was 13 years old." Amy said.

"How old are you exactly?" Arceus said.

"18 years old." Amy said.

"Same age as Arceus here. You two do make a good couple." Artix said.

"Artix!" Arceus said, then blushed.

"Hahaha! Just kidding." Artix said.

"Um.....Arceus? About what you said earlier. About your, 'kin'?" Amy said. Artix looked at both of them.

"Uh, I'll just......leave you two alone for a bit." he said, then went up-stairs.

"Yeah, about that.......I'm...half chaos dragon." Arceus said. Amy's eyes widened.

"Really?!" she said.

"Uh.....yeah......You see, my father was the leader of the chaos dragons and my mother was just a simple human. They dropped me off here at Artix's to keep me safe while Drakath was......attacking them." Arceus said. There was a few minutes of silence until a knock on the door was heared.

"I'll get it." Arceus said, then stood up and opened the door. He saw a pactagonal knight, then saluted at him.

"I have come here to bring a message to the Hero from the King. He says that he requires your presence at the castle." the knight said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Arceus said. The knight nodded, then walked off. Arceus ran up to his room and grabbed his leather armor and sword and ran back down-stairs.

"Artix! I'm going to the castle!" he shouted.

"Okay!" Artix shouted back. Arceus looked at Amy.

"Wanna come?" Arceus said.

"Oh. S-sure." Amy said.

"Let's go!" Arceus said, then grabbed Amy's hand and ran off to Swordhaven.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/11/2013 6:59:48 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
2/9/2013 7:07:17   

Since valentines day is next week, I'll be doing some valentines day related chapters. Enjoy

Chapter 7:

On the way to Swordhaven, neither Arceus nor Amy said a word. Arceus looked back at Amy every five minutes wondering what she's thinking. They were half way through until Arceus stopped walking and turned around. Amy bumped into Arceus and looked up. Their faces were only inches away from each other. Amy blushed and stepped back a little.

"Sorry." Arceus said. Amy walked next to a nearby tree and sat beside it while Sid followed behind. Arceus lowered his head, then walked to where Amy was and sat beside her.

"What's wrong? You never spoke since we left. Is everything alright?" Arceus said. Amy stood up and was about to leave when suddenly, Arceus blocked her way and held both of her hands.

"W-what are you doing?" Amy said, looking at her hands then back at Arceus.

"Tell me. Are you......afraid of me? Because I'm half chaos dragon?" Arceus said, looking worried.

"W-well........yeah......a little." Amy said, not looking at him. Arceus let go of her hands.

"........A little?" Arceus asked. Amy looked him in the eyes.

"A little, because I........like.....you." Amy said, then blushed.

"What was that? I didn't catch that last part." Arceus said.

"N-nothing." Amy said, then sat back down beside the tree. Arceus also sat down and looked at her. It took some time until Amy finally talked.

"Dragons brings me back bad memories." she said, then looked at Arceus.

"I-i'm sorry.......Mind if I asked what happened?" Arceus said. Amy sighed.

"It was ten years ago. I was playing with my friend at our village when suddenly, a dragon attacked and burned the whole village. I was lucky enough to escape with my friend, but......" she looked at Sid "you know...." she said, as tears formed in her eyes. She immediately wiped the tears off then stood up.

"Come on, the King's waiting." she said.

"R-right." Arceus said, then stood up. They arrived at the castle and went to see the King. On the throne room, they saw King Alteon speaking with one of his knights. King Alteon saw them and signaled the knight to leave.

"Thank you for coming immediately, Arceus." the King said, then looked at Amy.

"My my, looks like you brought you're girlfriend with you." he said.

"Huh?" Arceus said.

"Anyways, sorry for calling you so soon. I called you here because of something. As you know, Heroes Heart Day is coming in a couple of weeks, so I've planned something different for it along with the usual events." he said.

"What is it, your highness?" Amy said.

"I'm planning to hold up a tournament for all of the heroes to compete in." the King said.

"Tournament?" Arceus said.

"Yes, and I want you, Arceus, to compete in it." the King said, looking at Arceus.

"I would gladly join the tournament, your highness." Arceus said.

"Great. See you at the tournament then." the King said. Arceus nodded. He was about to leave when King Alteon called him again.

"Before you leave, do you mind if I talk to....." the King looked at Amy.

"Amy. My name's Amy, your highness." she said.

"Right. Come here for a second." the King said. Amy walked to the King's side, then the King whispered something to Amy. She stepped back a little, looking shocked.

"Are you sure, your highness?" she said. King Alteon nodded.

"Okay then." Amy said.

"Excellent. You two may leave now, see you then." the King said. Amy nodded, then both Arceus and Amy walked off. Outside the walls of Swordhaven, Arceus stopped and looked at the sky. It was a bright afternoon. The wind blew softly as the sound of chirping birds can be heard in the distance. Amy stood beside him.

"Something wrong?" she said. Arceus looked at her.

"It's too early to go home right away, don't you think?" Arceus said.

"Huh?" Amy said.

"Let's go to someplace first." Arceus said. Amy blushed and looked away.

"O-okay. But what about Sid?" she said, then looked at Sid.

"I think Sid needs some quality time with Artix." Arceus said, then looked at Sid. Sid looked at Arceus then nodded.

"Areeeeew! (Translation: Okay. See you.....If I survive.)" Sid said.

"He says okay." Amy said.

"Alright then." Arceus said, then carried Amy on his hands.

"W-what are you doing?!" Amy said.

"Let's go." Arceus said. His wings sprouted from his back and flew off.

"Waaaaaahh!" Amy shouted. She was clinging to Arceus' arm while she buried her head on his chest. After a few minutes, they arrived at a bridge. Amy got down and saw the scenery. They arrived at an open field, freshly watered by the rain, and was surrounded by flowers which was beautifully landscaped. The leaves on the trees was swaying along with the soft blowing wind. A river flowed down on the middle of the field below a wooden bridge about 15 meters long and 6 feet high. Only the sweet songs of birds can be heared on the field. Arceus walked to the bridge and sat down along with Amy.

"Wow. It's so beautiful here." Amy said, while looking all over the place.

"Yeah. I used to go here when I was a kid." Arceus said, then looked at the sky. There was a few minutes of silence, until Arceus talked.

"Amy, can I ask you something?" he said.

"What is it?" Amy said, then looked at Arceus and saw that their faces were only an inch apart. Amy blushed and looked the other way.

"S-sorry." she said.

"Earlier, I asked you if you were afraid of me 'cause I'm half chaos dragon, you said a little, because?" Arceus said.

"W-well.....it's b-because....u-um......" Amy said, looking nervous. Arceus raised an eyebrow.

"Because?" he said.

"Nevermind." Amy said.

"Huh?" Arceus said.

"I-it's nothing." Amy said, then stood up.

"Come on, tell me." Arceus said.

"I told you, it's nothing." Amy said. She was about to leave, but slipped on a puddle of water and fell down the bridge.

"Waaaaaahh!" Amy yelled.

"Amy!" Arceus shouted, then sprouted his wings and flew down. Before Amy could hit the water, Arceus caught her in his arms.

"You okay?" Arceus said.

"Y-yeah." Amy said, then blushed.

"You're blushing." Arceus said.

"H-huh? N-no I'm not. L-look, let's just go home. It's getting late." Amy said, then looked away.

"Okay, then." Arceus said, then flew off. Amy looked at Arceus' face. His brown hair was blowing backwards through the wind and his golden eyes were shinning through the sunlight. Arceus looked down.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he said. Amy looked away.

"N-nothing." she said. Arceus smiled.

"What's so funny?" Amy said, then looked at him.

"You look so cute when you're blushing." Arceus said. Amy looked away.

"S-shut up." she said. After a few minutes, they arrived at Artix's tower. It was almost sundown. Arceus opened the door. They saw Artix running around the house chasing Sid with his axe drawn, while Sid has both his arms raised up and was running for his life. Artix stopped and looked at Arceus.

"How'd your date go?" Artix said, then smirked.

"Huh?" Arceus said.

"From the looks of it, I'd say it went well." Artix said, then looked at Amy. Arceus looked down and saw that he's still carrying Amy. Amy blushed, then got down.

"S-sorry." Arceus said.

"I-it's alright. Come on Sid, let's go home. It's getting late." Amy said, then looked at Sid.

"Areeeeew! (Translation: Finally! That man's insane! He tried to kill me.........all day.)" Sid said, then ran to Amy.

"I heared that!" Artix said.

"Areeeeew! (Translation: Uh oh.)" Sid said, then hid behind Amy.

"Let me walk you there." Arceus said.

"You sure?" Amy said.

"Yeah. Is it alright with you Artix?" Arceus said, then looked at Artix.

"Sure, just be back before dinner." Artix said.

"Let's go." Arceus said, then looked at Amy.

"Okay." Amy said, then both of them walked off along with Sid. Sid looked at Artix and saw Artix looking at him. Artix gave him a I'll-be-watching-you look then closed the door. After at least, an hour, they arrived at Amy's house. It was a simple cottage house and were only two floors high. Inside, the walls was decorated with wallpapers of unique design (that I don't want to bother describing) with a picture of a moglin, framed, and hung on the wall. The room was decorated with stuffed animals neatly placed on the upper-left corner of the house. On the middle of the room was a dinning table with a rug on the bottom. A couch was placed near the door next to a small table decorated with a lamp. There's a door to the right of the dinning table which is probably the kitchen. Amy looked at Arceus.

"Nice place you have here." Arceus said, then looked at Amy.

"Thanks." Amy said, then smiled. Arceus blushed, then looked away.

"I-i'm gonna go now. S-see you." Arceus said, then ran off.

"Bye!" Amy shouted, then waved her hand. Back at Artix's place, the table's already been set and Artix was already eating dinner. Arceus sat down beside Artix.

"So, what happened back at the castle?" Artix said.

"The King wants me to compete in the upcoming Tournament of Heroes." Arceus said.

"Really?! That's great news!" Artix said.

"Yeah. But, I think I need more training if I want to win the tournament." Arceus said.

"Not a problem. I'll train you myself, starting tomorrow." Artix said.

"Really?! Oh yeah!" Arceus said.

"Woah, slow down there. I don't want you using your chaos powers there. You might freak the people out." Artix said.

"Right." Arceus said.

"Now that that's settled, let's eat. You have a lot of preparations to do." Artix said, then both of them ate their dinner before going to bed.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/12/2013 5:21:46 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
2/10/2013 6:36:45   

Chapter 8:
Hidden Power

The next day, Arceus woke up and saw a feint figure sitting on his side. He blinked, the figure got clearer and revealed Amy, sitting beside his bed.

"Waaaaah!" Arceus yelled, then sat up. Amy giggled.

"Good morning." she said, then smiled.

"W-what are you doing here?! When did you get here?! How did you get here?!" Arceus said.

"Calm down. Artix let me in. He says I should see you when you're sleeping." Amy said.

"He WHAT?!" Arceus shouted. Amy giggled.

"You drool when you sleep." she said. Arceus blushed.


"Hey Arceus! Get up! Time for training!" Artix shouted. Arceus stood up and fixed his bed.

"Wait here for a minute." he said, looking at Amy.

"Okay." Amy said. Arceus went to the bathroom and washed up. He combed his hair neatly then went out. He grabbed an orange shirt and was about to change when he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Amy.

"Um.....I'm gonna change now, so......"

"O-oh. R-right." Amy said, while blushing, then quickly went down stairs. After Arceus changed his clothes, he grabbed his leather armor and his sword, then went down stairs. Outside, he saw Artix talking with Amy. Arceus walked up to them.

"Glad you aren't chasing her around anymore." Arceus said. Artix looked at him.

"So, let's begin. First thing to do is to train your sword fighting skills." he said.

"Okay, I----"

"Heads up!" Artix said, then swung his axe. Arceus parried with his blade and jumped back.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me?!" he said.

"No, but the contestants at the tournament would." Artix said, then lunged at Arceus. Arceus side-stepped out of the way and swung his blade at Artix. Artix blocked his sword with his axe.

"Impressive." he said, then swung his axe. Arceus jumped back and lunged at Artix. He swung his sword and made a small dent on Artix's armor.

"Hey! This is my favorite armor!" Artix said.

"That's your only armor." Arceus said. Artix swung his axe sideways. Arceus blocked it with his sword and side-stepped to Artix's side, then held his sword to Artix's neck.

"Looks like I won." Arceus said.

"You sure?" Artix said. He dropped his axe then grabbed Arceus' free arm and threw him with all his might. With a loud 'thud', Arceus fell down on the ground.

"Ow. What was that for?!" Arceus said. Amy ran to Arceus' side and helped him stand up. Arceus put his hand on Amy's shoulders, then stood up.

"Sorry about that. I got carried away." Artix said,then scratched his head. Amy looked at Arceus.

"Are you alright?!" Amy said, looking worried.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." Arceus said. Amy noticed that Arceus' hand was still on her shoulders and took it off.

"I think you're all ready for the tournament." Artix said. Arceus looked at Artix.

"Sure, if I didn't break any bones." Arceus said.

"Hey, I said sorry already." Artix said.

"Relax. I'm just kidding." Arceus said. Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound on the bushes. They all drew their weapons and prepared to attack. They withdrew their weapons, except for Artix who still has his axe drawn, when they saw Sid come out from the bushes.

"Hey, Artix, relax. It's just Sid." Amy said.

"No. I sense another undead here." Artix said.

"Huh? Where---" Arceus paused when he saw Sid, flying to their direction. Artix knocked Sid over and focused on the trees.

"Areeeeew! (Translation: Hey!)" Sid said.

"Sorry." Artix said. They heard a loud roar from the trees that called their attention. They saw two gleaming eyes looking straight at them. The figure emerged and revealed a chaorrupted dracolich flying at high speed, heading straight for them. Arceus quickly sprouted his wings and lunged at the dracolich. He swung his sword at the dracolich's skull, making a huge gash on it. The dracolich slowed down and backed off a bit, even though it didn't feel the sword hitting it in it's skull. The dracolich looked shocked, if possible, when it saw an arrow flying straight at it's eye socket. Arceus looked to see who shot the arrow and saw Amy, firing a barrage of arrows at the dracolich. Artix took the opportunity to attack the dracolich head on. Artix swung his axe, removing one of the dracolich's wing. The dracolich fell down. Arceus was about to finish it when suddenly, the dracolich breathe a thick, toxic cloud of gas straight at Arceus, Artix, and Amy. Arceus and Artix quickly backed off.

"Watch out!" he yelled. The toxic gas was getting closer to their position when Arceus remembered something. He remembered what Warlic had told him in his training: A dragon or half-dragon isn't so much affected by each others abilities, including chaos dragons. But, they will suffer serious damage after. Then suddenly, he hatched a plan. He looked at both Artix and Amy.

"I'm going in." Arceus said.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Amy said.

"Yeah. That gas would kill you." Artix said.

"Trust me. I have a plan." Arceus said, then lunged at the dracolich.

"Arceus!" Amy shouted, then tried to follow him, but Artix stopped her.

"We have to trust Arceus." Artix said.

"But.......Alright." Amy said, then sighed. Arceus was flying at top speed, passing through the toxic gas, straight through then dracolich. He felt intense pain as he flew past the toxic gas.

"I probably shouldn't have done this. Oh well, there's no backing out now!" Arceus said to himself. He got close to the dracolich and started to cast the most powerful light spell to destroy the dracolich, the Supernova. Artix saw what Arceus was doing.

"No, not that." Artix said, then looked down.

"What? What's the problem?!" Amy said, looking worried. Arceus finished chanting the spell and was about to cast it but took a last look at Amy and Artix. He mouthed the words goodbye, then casted the spell. Both Arceus and the dracolich exploded in blinding light.

"NO!!! Arceus!!!" Amy shouted, as tears formed in her eyes. Artix shielded her from the light.

"I guess this is it." Arceus thought to himself. The dracolich started to dissolve, along with the toxic gas. When the dracolich dissolved completely, Arceus began to glow........chaotic. A voice emmitted out of nowhere.

"Do you wish to live?" the voice said. It sounded like a million buzzing bees, speaking in his mind.

"Y-yes. I have to!" Arceus said.

"Then use your power. Unleash your full potential. But, use it wisely........" the voice said, then faded away. Arceus started glowing stronger, as his chaotic aura enveloped him. Back at Artix's place, Amy was crying on Artix's arms.

"Why does he have to do that?!" Amy said, while crying.

"He......did it to save us." Artix said.

"I know. But......but....." Amy said. Suddenly, they heard a loud crackling noise. The sky turned dark, as the wind blew fiercely. Thunder enveloped the sky, while lightning started to strike.

"What the......" Artix said, looking at the sky. A purple colored lightning struck the nearby trees, causing it to burn........chaotic flames. A figure an be seen, lying on the ground, unconscious.

"C-could that be?" Amy said, then looked at Artix.

"Let's go." Artix said, then walked to the figure. Amy knelt down and saw that the figure was Arceus, unconscious.

"Let's bring him to the tower." Artix said. They carried Arceus and brought him in his room. Amy sat beside Arceus' bed while Artix stood beside Amy. Hours have passed but Arceus still hasn't woken.

"Go get some sleep, Amy. I'll watch him." Artix said. Amy shook her head.

"No. You go and sleep. I'll watch him." she said. Artix looked at Amy. Amy looked worried while holding Arceus' hand.

"Well, if you insist. I'll see you tomorrow." Artix said, then went downstairs. The next day, Arceus woke up and saw Amy, lying on his chest, asleep. Arceus put his hand on Amy's hair and began stroking it. Amy woke up and saw Arceus, stroking her hair.

"You're alive!" Amy said, then hugged Arceus. Amy sat up, then slapped Arceus on the face.

"Ow. What was that for?" Arceus said, while holding his cheek. Amy started crying.

"H-hey. Why are you crying?" Arceus said, looking worried.

"Don't make me worry like that!" Amy said, between her sobs.

"I-i'm sorry." Arceus said, then stroke Amy's hair. Artix was coming up the stairs.

"So, you finally woke up. You made us worry back there." he said.

"I know." Arceus said. Amy wiped her tears.

"That was a pretty stupid thing you did!" she said.

"Wait......Did you sleep here?" Arceus said.

"Yeah. She watched you all night." Artix said, then moved closer to Arceus.

"What happened back there? How are you still........alive?" Artix said.

"I don't know. Something in me wanted to survive. Suddenly, my powers started......acting up. Next thing I know, I woke up to Amy, sleeping on my chest." Arceus said. Amy blushed, then looked away.

"I still don't know how you did that but, I'm glad you're still alive." Artix said. Arceus tried to sit up, but his body was aching all over.

"Are you alright?!" Amy said.

"Yeah......I guess." Arceus said.

"Let me call a healer." Amy said, then stood up. Arceus held her hand.

"No need." he said, then emmitted a chaotic aura. It enveloped Arceus and in a flash, his body got much better. He stepped out of bed.

"Neat!" Amy said, looking amazed.

"NOW where did you learn how to do that?!" Artix said.

"I-I don't know. It seems so.......natural to me." Arceus said.

"Well then, both of you can come down for breakfast when you're ready." Artix said, then went downstairs.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/11/2013 7:24:04 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
2/12/2013 8:01:59   

Chapter 9:
Full Potential

Arceus went to the bathroom to wash up. After that, he grabbed a clean, blue shirt and black pants, changed to it, then combed his hair neatly before going downstairs. On the dinning table, he saw Artix and Amy, chatting. He sat down beside them.

"So, what exactly happened to you? How exactly did you get back to life?" Artix said.

"Well, after I was enveloped by the spell, I thought that I was already dead. But then, I heard a......voice." Arceus said.

"Voice?" Amy said.

"Yeah. It said that I should unleash my 'full potential' to survive. After that, I blacked out." Arceus said.

"What do you mean by 'full potential'?" Artix said.

"I don't know either." Arceus said. After they finished their breakfast, they all sat down on the couch. Artix looked at Arceus.

"Hey, isn't the Tournament of Heroes starting next week?" Artix said.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that." Arceus said.

"I thought of a better idea to train you. Since you're half-dragon, I'll invite another half-dragon I know." Artix said.

"Another half-dragon? Who?" Arceus said.

"Its a secret. You'll find out soon enough. Why don't you go to Amy's house for the meantime. I'll fetch you as soon as our guest arrives." Artix said.

"Huh?" Amy said.

"Okay. I want to see what's on the second floor anyway." Arceus said. Amy looked at Arceus.

"Er, alright." Amy said, then stood up. "Let's go." she said. A few minutes later, they arrived at Amy's house.

"What's on the second floor anyway?" Arceus said.

"My room." Amy said. Arceus walked up the stairs.

"H-hey! Don't go in without my permission!" Amy said, then followed Arceus. Upstairs, the walls were decorated with pink wallpaper with a bed on the upper-right corner of the room. On the middle of the floor, lies a carpet. A telescope can be seen pointed outside the window near the bed. Amy saw Arceus, peeking through the telescope.

"Amy, why is your telescope pointed at Artix's house?" Arceus said, then sat on the bed.

"W-well......um....." Amy said, twiddling her fingers.

"Are you observing me?" Arceus said.

"N-no! O-of course not! Why would I want to do that?! It just so happens that it was pointed at your room." Amy said.

"But I didn't said it was pointed at my room." Arceus said, while smiling.

"H-huh? I.......uh....." Amy said, then, a knock on the door was heard. "I-i'll get it." Amy said, then quickly ran down.

"Arceus! Artix's here!" Amy shouted. Arceus went down.

"Let's go. Your trainer is here." Artix said, then, all of them went off. At Artix's house, a girl was standing at the doorstep. Artix approached the girl.

"Arceus, this is Nythera. She's going to be your trainer for the next few days." Artix said.

"Hi." Arceus said.

"Yeah, hi." Nythera said. She had short, dark blue colored hair braided into twin tails with green eyes and had light blue colored lip-stick put on. She wore a violet colored top with purple colored trim and matching violet colored skirt and violet colored boots. She looked about the same age as Arceus.

"So, you're the trainer that Artix told me about?" Arceus said.

"Yeah. So, you're the chaos half-dragon kid huh?" Nythera said.

"Er, Yeah." Arceus said. Nythera examined him carefully.

"I don't like chaos. Last time I used that power......let's just say it didn't end well." Nythera said.

"Right. Now then, I'll leave you two alone. I gotta go check on the King." Artix said, then ran off.

"So, you want to train your chaos powers? I don't know if I can help that much but, I'll try to teach you what I know." Nythera said. Arceus nodded.

"First of all, what do you know about chaos?" Nythera said.

"Uh.....It is the most powerful and unstable element ever existed." Arceus said.

"Right. Do you know how to use your powers to its fullest?" Nythera said.

"I.....only use my chaos powers if needed." Arceus said.

"If you want to beat Drakath, you have to unlock your full potential. Embrace the chaos. Be one with your powers." Nythera said.

"A-are you sure?" Arceus said.

"Positive." Nythera said.

"Wait! What if he can't control his powers? What would happen then?" Amy said.

"Don't worry little girl, he will only suffer........minor damage." Nythera said. Arceus closed his eyes and breathe deeply. A chaotic aura started to envelop him as the sky turned dark. The wind blew fiercely while thunder crashed and lightning struck the ground. Arceus floated in mid-air. His eyes glowed purple as wings, sprouted from his back. The chaotic aura enveloped him completely, then, lightning struck Arceus. Blinding light enveloped the place. A few minutes later, the light vanished. The sky turned back to normal. The wind blew softly as thunder and lightning faded away. Arceus knelt down the ground. Nythera and Amy ran to Arceus.

"So, how do you feel? You've.......changed." Nythera said.

"I......feel......different." Arceus said, then stood up. He noticed that he now wore an armor........similar to Drakath's.

"Now, let's train your new found powers. Before we start, I must warn you, don't let IT control YOU." Nythera said.

"Right." Arceus said. Hours of training has passed as sundown came by. Artix was seen through the distance coming towards them, when suddenly, he drew his axe and charged at Arceus. Arceus side-stepped out of the way as Artix swung his axe.

"Drakath! Prepare to------" Artix stopped when he saw Arceus' face. "Oh, sorry." Artix said, then withdrew his axe.

"That was close." Arceus said. Artix looked at Nythera.

"It seems that the training went well." Artix said.

"Yeah." Nythera said, then moved closer to Artix. "That girl keeps glaring at me the whole time." Nythera whispered, then looked at Amy. Artix smiled.

"Well, I'm off now. See you guys tomorrow." Nythera said, then walked off. Artix walked beside Amy.

"Why do you keep on glaring at Nythera?" Artix said.

"B-because......I......um......" Amy said, while blushing. Arceus walked beside them.

"What's up?" Arceus said.


"Nothing! I-i'm going now it's getting late." Amy said, then ran off.

"Right. Come on, it IS getting late. I'll prepare us dinner." Artix said, then both of them walked inside the tower.

< Message edited by _Arceus_ -- 2/15/2013 8:38:55 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
2/15/2013 8:36:20   

Chapter 10:

Days had passed, Arceus completed his training as Heroes Heart Day arrived. The next day, Arceus woke up and went down for breakfast. Downstairs, he saw Artix at the door.

"Going somewhere?" Arceus said. Artix looked at him.

"Yeah. The King wants me to help with the preparations for tomorrow." Artix said.

"Preparations for what?" Arceus said.

"Don't tell me you forgot?" Artix said.

"Forgot what?" Arceus said. Artix sighed.

"Tomorrow's the start of the Tournament of Heroes." he said.

"Already?!" Arceus said.

"Yup. Oh yeah, I heared they opened the path to the Forest of Infinite Terror near Swordhaven. You should go there if I were you. Oh, and bring Amy with you." Artix said, then winked at Arceus

"Huh?" Arceus said. Artix smiled.

"See ya." he said, then walked off. After Arceus ate his breakfast, he went upstairs and changed his clothes. He now wore a bright, red shirt and black jeans. He grabbed his sword, then ran off. He arrived at Amy's house, then knocked on the door. After a few minutes, the door opened.

"What are you doing here Arceus?" Amy said, then yawned.

"Sorry for coming so early. I just want to ask you if you would come with me to, you know, hang out?" Arceus said. Amy blushed.

"H-huh?" she said.

"So, what do you say?" Arceus said.

"U-uh......I....S-sure. W-wait here for a minute." Amy said, then ran to her room. After a few minutes, Amy ran back to Arceus.

"O-okay. L-let's go." Amy said. She wore a clean, pink t-shirt and blue jeans with a quiver of arrows strapped on her back. To her right hand, she held her bow. "Um....W-where are we going?" she said.

"Just follow me." Arceus said, then both of them went off. A few hours later, they arrived at Swordhaven.

"Oh yeah. Where's Sid?" Arceus said.

"He stayed back home." Amy said. After a few minutes of roaming about.

"There!" Arceus said.

"Huh?" Amy said.

"Let's go." Arceus said, then grabbed Amy's hand and walked off. They stopped at a forest. The trees' leaves were colored pink, decorated with hearts. Same goes for the bushes. They saw a kid, who looked about 5 years old, standing on a crate. Arceus approached the kid.

"Um, hey---"

"Hey, baby! Big Daddy is the name, and Love is my game (along with Chocolate, and Card sales). Welcome to Lore's center of romance, The Forest of infinite Terror! I've been waiting for a hero just like you to become a real champion of love!" Big Daddy said. He had yellow hair with blue eyes and wore a dark red colored hat. He wore a dark red shirt with red trim, decorated with a few hearts, and matching dark red pants with red trim. He also wore gray gloves, belt, and shoes.

"So, THIS is the Forest of Infinite Terror?" Arceus said.

"It's so.......pink." Amy said, looking around.

"Center of romance?" Arceus said.

"Yup. This is the place where people, along with their loved ones, go to for their date, or hang out." Big Daddy said, then looked at Amy. "And I see you're here for your date too." Big Daddy said.

"Huh?" Arceus said.

"Well, anyways, first things first, baby! I need to you to go clear out the forest of some pesky Mood Slimes. They're all pink and rosy until it absorbs you and starts to digest your arms. Bad for tourism. Bring me 5 Mood Slime Rings as proof!" Big Daddy said.

"Er....But I----"

"Go on, baby! If you want to be my Special Case Worker, you gotta earn it first." Big Daddy said.

"But....I.....Alright." Arceus said, then walked to Amy.

"Be right back. Gotta do something first." Arceus said.

"Uh, Okay." Amy said. Arceus ran deeper into the forest. After he 'cleared out' the mood slimes, he went back to Big Daddy. He saw Big Daddy talking with Amy.

"How can I make him notice me?" Amy said.

"Leave it to me, baby! I'm an expert at this kinds of stuff." Big Daddy said. Arceus walked up to them.

"I'm done." Arceus said.

"Not bad, baby. Maybe you have what it takes after all. On to the next one. Deep down inside the Wishing Well in the forest lives a guy called Kewpid. He used run the Love business but he stand up to the competition. Rather than taking defeat like a good sport he tries to ruin a lot of my best laid plans. Go deliver a message to him. Tell him to 'take it like a cherub!'. Come back when you've defeated him." Big Daddy said.

"Uh....Okay." Arceus said, then ran off. At the bottom of the Wishing Well, he saw a 'man' wearing a diaper, with a quiver on his back and holding a bow, floating in mid-air.....well, flying in mid-air with his tiny wings. Arceus approached the 'man'.

"Um..are you Kewpid?.....I've been sent by Big Daddy---"

"Big Daddy?! So, you're his 'Special Case Worker' eh? What does he want now?" Kewpid said, then fired one of his arrows at Arceus. The arrow made a small wound at Arceus' cheek.

"Hey!" Arceus said. Kewpid fired another arrow, but this time, Arceus dodged then drew his sword and swung it at Kewpid. Kewpid's bow was cut in half as he fell down the ground.

"Okay, okay! I give!" Kewpid said.

"Relax. I'm just here to deliver Big Daddy's message. He says to 'take it like a cherub!'." Arceus said, then ran off. Back at Big Daddy.

"I delivered the message." Arceus said.

"Great, great! You've really got the right stuff, baby! I'm HAPPY to offer you the position of Special Case fro Big Daddy Candy and Cards LLC! Now....time to go meet your client!" Big Daddy said.

"Client?" Arceus said.

"Yup. Your client is Prince Jim. You'll find him near the path back to Swordhaven. He'll fill you in on the case details. This is your big break....don't drop the ball, baby!" Big Daddy said.

"But I....alright." Arceus said.


"I'll stay here." Amy said.

"Okay then." Arceus said, then ran off. He saw Prince Jim, standing beside a tree just near the Forest of Infinite Terror.

"Hey, I'm Prince Jim of the country of Munder. You must be the Special Case Worker that Big Daddy set me up with. Listen, I've got a really special girl in my life and I need her to know how I feel. Think you can help?" Jim said.

"Well....Okay." Arceus said.

"Great! First, I'll need something to write the love message on. The Inquisitor Guards of the Citadel in the Dwarfhold Mountains zone carry some of the finest parchment to be found in Lore. I already know what I want to write so all I will need is 1 Sheet of Perfect Parchment." Jim said. Arceus sprouted his wings and flew off. At Citadel, he saw a couple of Inquisitor Guards roaming about. Arceus snuck at an Inquisitor Guard, then knocked it unconscious, then grabbed a sheet of 'Perfect Parchment' then flew off, leaving the other Guard wondering what had happened. Back at the Forest of Infinite Terror.

"Got it." Arceus said, then gave the piece to Jim.

"This Perfect Parchment is.....perfect. This will be so great. On to the next Ingredient....." Jim said. After getting every 'Ingredient' for Prince Jim, the letter was ready to be delivered.

"Perfect, it's ready. Now all you need to do is deliver it! You should find Princess Pam near the wishing well here in the Forest of Infinite Terror. I can't thank you enough for all your help. It's up to fate now." Jim said. Arceus nodded, then ran off. At the Wishing Well, he saw a girl standing beside it. Arceus approached the girl.

"Princess Pam?" Arceus said. The girl looked at Arceus.

"Yes, that's me." Pam said.

"Special delivery." Arceus said, then handed Pam the letter. Then, Arceus began to sing.

"Princess Pam, from a far off land. I've been paid to say.....That someone thinks you're the bees knees on Heroes Heart Day.....Your heart is true, your brain is smart, your smile can light up Lore.....You have a laugh that rings like bells, you hardly ever snore....."

"I snore?" Pam said.

"He was just guessing at that one." Arceus said, then continued the song.

"Your hair, in curls, makes other girls look like a leftover meal.....Your Prince has known you all your life, but he can't believe you're real.....You showed the world your confidence with your bold and fearless strut.....Your beauty is unparalleled and you have an awesome....personality.....So now the question hangs above, like the warm and constant sun.....Who is this Prince who loves you so and thinks you're Number One?!....."

"It's Jim!" Pam said.

"Let me finish." Arceus said.

"Sorry, go ahead." Pam said, then Arceus continued the song.

"Who is the man whose only wish is for you to marry him?!.....Why, it is no other than your life-long friend, Munder's own Prince Jim!" Arceus said.....er, sang.

"Did you say marry?" Pam said, then Jim walked to her.

"Yeah. I know I'm risking our friendship but I have to take this chance. Pam, I know we've been friends for a REALLY long time, but I have been in love with you for almost as long as I've known you. I hired Big Daddy because I wanted to make my one shot count." Jim said.

"Jim, you idiot. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING FOR?!" Pam said.

"Say what, now?" Jim said.

"You didn't have to do all this. You could have proposed at a gas station, in the rain, in the middle of NOWHERE, and I would have said yes...." Pam said.

"So I went through ALL OF THAT and...."

"We're having a moment here, Hero." Jim said.

"Right, right.....sorry." Arceus said.

"So, Princess Pam, what do you say? Will you become my queen and join our families together?" Jim said.

"The family of Munder-Difflin. I like the sound of that. Of course I'll marry you!" Pam said, then tackled Prince Jim.

"So.....no tip?" Arceus said. Jim and Pam both stood up.

"I'm SO happy! Thank you so much for everything, Hero!" Jim said.

"Its nothing. Well, goodbye." Arceus said, then ran off. It was now past sundown. Arceus went back to Big Daddy and saw him talking to Amy.

"Everything's ready, baby!" Big Daddy said.

"Thanks, Big Daddy, for everything." Amy said.

"Don't thank me yet, baby! Let's just hope that he will like it." Big Daddy said. Arceus walked up to them.

"What's up?" Arceus said.

"Hey, baby! I see you're done with our client, eh?" Big Daddy said.

"Yup. It all went well." Arceus said.

"And I hope that things will go well too." Big Daddy said, then winked at Amy. Arceus looked at both of them.

"Um....is there something I should know?" Arceus said.

"O-oh....um....l-let's walk around for a bit." Amy said.

"Okaaay. Wait here for a minute." Arceus said, then whispered something to Big Daddy.

"You can count on me, baby!" Big Daddy said.

"Thanks." Arceus said, then walked off. It was about, 9 PM when they stopped near the Wishing Well then sat under a tree.

"The stars look beautiful today, isn't it?" Amy said. Arceus looked at Amy.

"Yeah." Arceus said. Amy looked at him.

"What?" Amy said.

"Huh?" Arceus said.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Amy said.

"Nothing." Arceus said, then looked away.

"It's time." Amy thought to herself, then sighed.

"Um....Arceus." Amy said.

"Amy....." Arceus said.

"I have something to say...." they said in chorus.

"Really? You go first." they said in chorus. Arceus laughed.

"Okay, I'll go first." he said. "Amy......I know that we've only known each other for the past few weeks, but........." Arceus said, then looked straight at Amy's eyes. "I.....I think that....that I'm......" Arceus said, then suddenly, fireworks started to fill the sky. It formed a heart shape with a name on the middle......Arceus' name.

"What----" Arceus looked at Amy, and saw her blushing.

"Arceus......I.....hired Big Daddy to.....arrange a fireworks display while you were busy doing Prince Jim's requests." Amy said.

"But.....why?" Arceus said. Amy leaned her head close to Arceus' ear.

"Because......I.....love you." Amy whispered. Then, another fireworks shot up the sky and formed a heart in it with Amy's name in the middle. Amy looked at the fireworks.

"Huh?" she said.

".......I love you too." Arceus said. Amy's eyes widened. She turned her head to Arceus then suddenly.........their lips met. Amy's face turned bright red, then broke away from their kiss.

"I....I'm s-sorry." she said, then looked away. There were a few minutes of silence before Arceus talked.

"I also 'hired' Big Daddy to arrange a fireworks display." Arceus said, then held Amy's hands. "Because I love you too." Arceus said, then looked straight at Amy's eyes. Amy started crying.

"H-hey, why are you crying?" Arceus said, as he wiped Amy's tears.

"You idiot!" Amy said, then stopped when Arceus suddenly hugged her.

"I.....I'm sorry. Stop crying, alright?" Arceus said, while stroking Amy's hair.

"I love you." Arceus whispered.

"I love you too." Amy whispered back, then both of them watched the fireworks together.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
2/16/2013 9:18:52   

This is the last of the valentines special chapter. Enjoy, oh, and belated Happy Valentines Day (This is probably the longest chapter I've written)

Chapter 11:

After the fireworks display had finished, they went back to Amy's house. When they arrived, Arceus opened the door.

"So.....I'll see you tomorrow?" Arceus said.

"Sure!" Amy said, then smiled.

"Bye." Arceus said. He was about leave, but Amy grabbed his hand.

"Wait, you forgot something." Amy said.

"What?" Arceus said.

"This." Amy said, then kissed Arceus on the cheek. "Bye." Amy said, then went inside.

"Uh......b-bye." Arceus said, then ran off. Back at Artix's house, he saw Artix, sleeping at the couch, still wearing his armor. Arceus walked quietly upstairs. The next day, Arceus woke up and went downstairs. He saw Artix sitting at the couch, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, Artix." Arceus said.

"Huh? Yeah, morning." Artix said, then stood up and went to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Artix walked out of the kitchen then grabbed Arceus' arm and dragged him to the couch. Both of them sat down.

"I just remembered. How did your date with Amy go?" Artix said.

"It went well." Arceus said, while smiling.

"Oh, alright.......Wait, WHAT?!" Artix said, looking shocked.

"What?" Arceus said.

"Usually, when I say that, you get angry at me. But now....." Artix said, then looked at Arceus with his eyebrow raised. "What happened?" Artix said.

"Its nothing, really. We just......watched the fireworks together and-----"

"Fireworks?! You hired Big Daddy to set up a fireworks display for Amy?!" Artix said.

"What? How did you know?" Arceus said. Artix smiled.

"I knew it." he said.

"Huh?" Arceus said.

"I knew you also had a crush on her." Artix said.

"You......ALSO?!" Arceus said.

"Yeah. She also had a crush on you since she first met you. Don't tell me you didn't notice that?" Artix said.

"I---" Then, a knock on the door was heared. "I'll get it." Arceus said. He opened the door and saw a pactagonal knight.

"The King has called for you. He says to come immediately to the Tournament of Heroes." the knight said. Arceus nodded, then went upstairs. He changed his clothes from a bright, red shirt and black jeans to a clean, white t-shirt and blue jeans. He put his leather armor on and grabbed his sword before coming back down.

"What's the rush for?" Artix said.

"Today's the Tournament of Heroes!" Arceus said.

"Oh, okay then. Good luck!" Artix said. Arceus quickly ran out. Outside, he noticed that the pactagonal knight has left. He saw a figure running towards him from the distance. It was Amy.

"Hi." Amy said, then smiled. "You look worried. What happened?" she said.

"I'm just nervous about the Tournament of Heroes today." Arceus said.

"Better hurry then. The tournament's about to start." Amy said.

"Well then, let's go." Arceus said, then carried Amy in his hands then flew off. At the Coliseum, the competitors were all ready. Arceus ran inside to join the others. Inside, he saw Princess Brittany standing at the Coliseum's balcony, holding a scroll. Beside her, sat King Alteon.

"Competitors!" Brittany shouted. "By entering this Tournament, you take a binding vow to obey these rules." she said, then read the list of approved weaponry, combat fouls, and victory requirements. One such rule states: Each competitor may fight in up to 3 battles before being disqualified. Prize: Becoming Swordhaven's War-General and the opportunity to court Alteon's heir, Princess Brittany.

"Finally, any combat MUST take place inside the arena to qualify for the Tournament." Brittany said, then put down the scroll. "Please, do not take your battles to the streets of our fair city." she said. King Alteon stood up.

"With that, I declare the Tournament of Heroes....." the King said, as the competitors drew their weapons. "OPEN!" the King said. One of the competitors, wearing black armor and helm with dark green trim decorated with a unique design, grabbed two of the other competitors and knocked them to each other. The knight, swung his sword at another competitor, sending it flying backwards to a post. Princess Brittany clung to her father's arm, looking scared. Everybody on the arena drew their weapons and pointed it at the knight in black armor.

"Ahaha! Is there a problem, my friends? Why do you wait to begin your own battles? Me, I choose to go after any prize I desire as soon as it is within reach. And it will be, once none of YOU are in my way." the knight said, then drew his sword and shield.

"STOP! Everybody, you may rest for a while. We'll start the REAL Tournament right after." the King said. Everyone went to the Coliseum's main entrance to rest and chat with the other competitors. Arceus walked inside and saw the knight in black armor, acting suspicious. He approached the knight.

"Hi there." Arceus said. The knight looked at him.

"Yeah. Hi." the knight said.

"My name's Arceus. What's yours?" Arceus said.

"The name's Sir Roderick, Champion of House GrimReaver. So, you're here for the prize I see." Roderick said.

"Well, not really. I'm just here for the sport. Actually, King Alteon invited me to compete. I don't really want the 'War-General' title and I don't want to court Princess Brittany." Arceus said.

"You.....You're turning down the opportunity to be King Alteon's War-General?! AND becoming the NEXT King of the land?! You're insane, kid." Roderick said.

"I'm just saying. Well, I'll leave now. Hope you don't do anything SUSPICIOUS before the Tournament starts." Arceus said, then walked off and talked to the rest of the competitors. Meanwhile, at the Castle's entrance, Princess Brittany was standing next to a bush filled with roses. She picked a rose and smelled it. She noticed someone's presence behind her and looked to see who it was. She saw Lord Brentan, walking towards her. Brentan knelt before her. Princess Brittany blushed.

"Forgive me, your highness. I did not mean to intrude." Brentan said, then stood up. "I was just----"

"Do not apologize! I was just---"

"I must go if I want time to warm up alone before the Tournament begins. I hate to leave such beauty, but I trust I'll see you in the audience later?" Brentan said.

"I would not miss a chance to see your victory!" Brittany said.

"I have not won yet, my lady!" Brentan said, then went inside the Coliseum to practice. Inside, he saw a couple of bandits. The bandits surrounded him. While Brentan was busy, Roderick ran towards Brentan and swung his sword, knocking Brentan unconscious. As the bandits dragged Brentan's body away, Roderick stays to watch his remaining competitors practice.

"They said the great Lord Brentan would be a challenge. HAH! Crippling him was a kindness. Let him see now what it takes to be a truly great general! They will ALL bow to me before this Tournament is finished!" Roderick said. After the practice was over, King Alteon announced that the Tournament will be resuming soon. Suddenly, Amy and Princess Brittany emerged from the doors of the throne room, carrying Brentan. Arceus followed behind. They took Brentan to King Alteon's chambers and treated Brentan's wounds.

"Sire, we found Lord Brentan's body behind the dumpster, wounded. I also took out a couple of spy bots and bandits roaming about outside the arena." Amy said.

"Good job, Amy. I was glad to put you in charge of our security." the King said. Arceus walked closer to Amy.

"Since when did King Alteon put you in charge of their security?" Arceus whispered.

"Do you remember when King Alteon whispered something to me?" Amy whispered back.

"Oh." Arceus said. Princess Brittany stomped her foot.

"We CANNOT entrust Swordhaven and MY marriage to some monstrous BRUTE!" she said.

"Marriage?" Amy whispered to Arceus.

"Yeah. The prize to who-ever wins the Tournament gets to be King Alteon's War-General and the chance to court Princess Brittany." Arceus whispered back.

"Don't. You. Dare. Win." Amy whispered, her voice, angry.

"O-okay." Arceus whispered back.

"From the looks of it, I'd say he was ambushed." the King said.

"Last thing I remembered is a bunch of bandits surrounding me. I heared a shout and then......nothing." Brentan said.

"Someone saw you as a threat, and didn't feel like waiting for an official match. And I know exactly who THAT is." Arceus said.

"I think you have the right of it, Arceus. Discover who did this. I suspect they are also involved with the plot Amy uncovered." the King said.

"What plot?" Arceus whispered to Amy.

"I'll explain later." Amy whispered back.

"Brittany, the guards around you will triple." the King said.

"Good, because I'm staying HERE. Whoever wanted to take out Brentan may return. The pactagonal knights can protect us both from that treacherous snake!" Brittany said, then looked at Arceus. "Arceus, I have a....favor to ask of you. Take up Lord Brentan's blade. Fight in his stead. I have no doubt of his skill as a warrior. I have no doubt of yours." Brittany said.

"Brittany.....the rules DO validate any combat taking place inside the arena---"

"During an OFFICIAL match! Will you permit some loophole to disqualify a GOOD candidate?" Brittany said.

"It is a fair point, your highness. I would be happy to serve as your Champion's surrogate, my lady. IF your father allows it." Arceus said. The King nodded. The Tournament began as the first match begun. It was Arceus versus Khai Khaldun. It was a swift match as Arceus won the first round. Next is Arceus versus Johann Wryce. Arceus was almost defeated but he used the sand to his advantage and threw it at Johann, causing him to fall down as Arceus won the match. The next match was between Sir Roderick and Johann Wryce. It was a quick battle as Roderick quickly defeated his enemy in a single round.

"Hmph." Roderick said. Meanwhile, at the King's chambers.

"I think.....I think I'm feeling better, somehow. The fog in my mind is gone. I must go back. The people need to see I am unhurt!" Brentan said.

"That is good, my Lord. But the Coliseum can wait a little more. I must be sure you're fully healed before you go back into that pit of betrayal." Brittany said. The next match is againts Sir Roderick and Khai Khaldun. The battle was swift as Roderick won the round.

"Ahahaha! The desert Prince eats dirt so prettily. Bring on the next challenge!" Roderick said. The next match is againts the Green Knight and the Knight of Thorns. The Green Knight won the match, quickly and silently.

"You fought bravely, Knight of the Silver Roses. I'll make sure you're rewarded for that." the knight said. The next match is between Sir Roderick and the Green Knight. The fight went on, as the two fought fiercely.

"You have seen me defeat every opponent this pathetic arena holds. Look at you, so small. Do you really think YOU can win againts ME? Because I do not." Roderick said, then looked at the King. "You took this throne by right of conquest so many years ago, your highness. Who is to say that I am not stronger than you were? I deserve the same glory you do." Roderick said. The Green Knight ripped off her helm, revealing Princess Victoria.

"And I. Will. TAKE IT!" Roderick shouted. The two continued their fight, until Arceus stopped them.

"Roderick! Step AWAY from the PRINCESS!" Arceus said, then looked at Victoria. "Princess Victoria? Are you alright, my lady?!" Arceus said.

"Yes...yes. I'm fine. Just a little....winded." Victoria said, then coughed. "I'll be ready for the next round in 10." she said.

"As soon as I'm done with this farce of a Tournament, Brittany will be mine. The throne will be mine. None of you are worth my time. And ALL of you will bow before me! The GrimReaver dynasty will begin!" Roderick said.

"Your dynasty can't start if its line ends here, by my blade!" Arceus said. The next match was between Arceus and Sir Roderick. The battle was fierce, as both contenders gave it all they've got. Eventually, Arceus won by strength.

"Nothing? No? Good. House GrimReaver lost its Champion, and Swordhaven gained security. All in all, a good end to the Tournament!" Arceus said.

"It's not over just yet, Arceus!" Brittany said.

"Forgive me, my lady." Arceus said, then looked at the King. "Sire, I fought in place of Lord Brentan, Guardian of the Neverglades. Know throughout your lands as an honorable, valiant warrior. I wish to declare him the victor in this Tournament of Hero----"

"I appreciate what you have done, Arceus, saving Swordhaven from a monster. But I cannot just accept the gift you offer without fighting for it. I must win the right to court our fair Princess and prove to the King I am worthy of his trust. I challenge YOU!" Brentan said.

"Very well. I accept." Arceus said.

"Excellent. I'll be waiting for you here. Until then." Brentan said, then walked off. Arceus went to the main entrance and saw Amy, sitting by the bench. Arceus sat beside her.

"What's wrong?" Arceus said.

"You're going to win that for sure......and court Princess Brittany, but.....what about me?" Amy said.

"Amy, I am not going to court Princess Brittany." Arceus said, then hugged Amy. "Because you're the only one for me." Arceus said, then broke away from their hug. Amy blushed.

"Really?" Amy said. Arceus nodded, then smiled.

"Well.....Okay then. Now go out there and finish the Tournament!" Amy said, then stood up. She was about to leave, until.....

"Wait, you forgot something." Arceus said.

"What?" Amy said.

"This." Arceus said, then stood up and kissed Amy......on the lips. He broke away from their kiss as King Alteon called Arceus and Lord Brentan to the arena.

"Bye." Arceus said, then ran inside. The last match is between Arceus and Lord Brentan. The fight took long, as both contestants were evenly matched until Arceus found an opening and swung his sword at Brentan. Brentan knelt down as Arceus held his sword at Brentan. On the balcony, Princess Brittany was watching the fight along with Princess Victoria. Brittany clung to Victoria's arm as she knew Brentan lost. Victoria looked at her sister then rolled her eyes and looked back at the fight. Brentan used the same tactic as Arceus'. He threw the sand at Arceus' face. Arceus stumbled backwards. Brentan used the opportunity to charge at Arceus. He held his sword at Arceus' neck, then lowered it immediately.

"Victoria told me about your trick. I never pass up a good opportunity to practice new tactics! And I'm VERY good at learning from the best!" Brentan said. Princess Brittany looked at her father. The King nodded.

"I, Princess Brittany, heir to my father's throne, declare Brentan, Lord Guardian of the Neverglades, Tournament CHAMPION! And MY knight in mostly-shining armor!" Brittany said. King Alteon shook his head. The crowd cheers. Victoria gave Brittany a small shove, then Brittany jumped off the platform, blushing and grinning. She fell straight at Brentan's arms as the King smiled from the balcony.

"I think her highness AND the people of Swordhaven have decided you're who they want, Brentan." Arceus said.

"My liege, my friend, and my lady, I will care for you. And guard ALL the people of Swordhaven - as long as I live, even if my life is the price." Brentan said.

"MY love - and Swordhaven's TRUE general - would do no less!" Brittany said.

"If you would permit, your highness, I would take my leave." Arceus said.

"Until I call you again, Arceus." the King said. Arceus nodded, then ran out. Outside, he saw Amy running towards him, then hugged him tight.

"I seen the whole fight. You lost on purpose, didn't you?" Amy said.

"You could say that." Arceus said.

"Come on, let's go home." Amy said, then both of them went off.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
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