For each two levels you gain, the "buy level" increases by one:
NewBuyLevel = BuyLevel + (YourLevel-BuyLevel)/2, rounded down
You then apply the Z-Token boost:
If NewBuyLevel <= 80, then NewPowLevel = ROUND(39.98605457*1.01019365^NewBuyLevel)
Otherwise, NewPowLevel = NewBuyLevel+10
The weapon then scales its stats based on the new power level:
Base: =ROUND(2 * (1 - 0.5) * (0.00375 * (NewPowLvl^2) + 0.5625 * NewPowLvl+ 5.25) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 *NewPowLvl)*1)
Rand: =ROUND(2 * ((0.0075 * (NewPowLvl^ 2) + 1.125 * NewPowLvl+ 10.5) / 2 / (1 + 0.03 * NewPowLvl)-Base))
BTH =ROUND(NewPowLvl/8)