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A different perspective on enhancements

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1/25/2013 1:32:04   

To everyone who is not happy with the enhancement situation, I would like to help you feel better about this subject and see the good of it.
Please try to see it from a different perspective:

IF omega was a new update bringing new, more powerful items, powerful enough for you to trash your current weapons, your currently enhanced weapons would become weak against the new. They would become OUTDATED anyways!
But I am sure no one would complain, since they would be just releasing new items like usual.

Omega will not bring stronger items because of the new system. But it's still a new phase, and in a new phase, old stuff gets outdated all the time. Just imagine if they did release stuff with more stats and damage. Would you have preferred to have your weapon turn outdated that way?

There is no point in complaining about it. You are not getting ripped off... In reality they are making you pay less! You wont have to pay constantly to keep up with the new released items.
In fact, they have just saved you money from that. All your current weapons will be usable for unlimited time, and will not need to pay varium like before.
You made use of those enhancements, and you will even get a refund. Let's be grateful. :)

And what if you enhanced recently? Well, that may be bad, because maybe you did not make enough use out of your enhanced items. However, Omega was announced quite some time ago, and with the delay in the release, there was enough time to make use of it.
And even if there wasn't, you would expect new items from Omega that would replace yours in some way or another.

Choose. Keep enhancements and have your weapons outdated from time to time? Or Get a refund and Save money at the same time you keep your weapons fresh?
In my opinion, even without the refund, this is a money saver. The game got less expensive to be able to keep up. :D
Maybe some players will benefit more than others from this change, but still... everyone benefits from it, even if just a little bit!
Thank you for reading this!

< Message edited by Vypie -- 1/25/2013 2:01:08 >
Epic  Post #: 1
1/25/2013 1:41:09   

"power" is the exact reason balance is disgustingly bad currently.

Adding more powerful items will simply destroy the game further then it already is.

Reducing the total amount of stats is the best thing the devs could possibly do to revive this game to a fun strategy pvp game with battles determined by wits and creativity rather then power and build copying worsened by unaccountable luck.
Epic  Post #: 2
1/25/2013 1:58:58   

I am not suggesting that we add more powerful items.

I am simply showing and explaining why it would be worse that the current situation. Some players still do not grasp the good of these changes, and are upset about the enhancement subject, while in reality it is something benefiting everyone and the game.

The game is evolving, and we should be grateful that it's becoming better.

(I changed "WHAT IF" to just "IF" to not cause confusion.)

< Message edited by Vypie -- 1/25/2013 2:00:30 >
Epic  Post #: 3
1/25/2013 2:02:52   

^Certainly agree with you their vypie.

I would be happy without a compensation at all because basically the only reason I quit this game is disappearing.

But the fact that they made us go through those 2 and a half years plus of enhancements despite constant complaints about balance, and extreme cost of outdated weapons is reason enough to give a compensation to any player who has to suffer through the time period of enhancements.

But now it gone this game can finally move foward.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 1/25/2013 2:03:17 >
Epic  Post #: 4
1/25/2013 2:39:38   

this is what i said on the main compensation thread:

i think trizzzy shall kick....ahem i mean get some sense into some of the people who think 30% refund is not fair.

firstly, i can say that im shocked to see that people are not happy with this generous compensation that the devs offered us, secondly, may i ask some questions to those people?
question 1: where are your max enhanced lvl 25-30 items?
question 2: are you currently using them even though you are level 35?
question 3: are they still giving you a advantage in battle, or are they collecting dust in your inventory?
i can't believe that most don't even see the current problem with enhancements, i suppose that people like to spend $50 every-time the devs decides to release a new and more powerful promo every 1-3 months, i suppose that people like to spend 1.7k or less varium on a new and more powerful weapon, then later to be outclasses by a more powerful item, leaving your max enhanced item in your inventory collecting dust, and may never be able to use it again, isn't that worse than 30% refund? or would you rather see your inventory fill up with fully enhanced and under-powered items that you no longer gain advantages from.

congrats to those who see the bright and positive side of this DN and omega, also seeing what harm that enhancements have brought on balance and our varium amounts.

vypie and i have the same thoughts on the matter.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/25/2013 2:57:09   

That is a perfect direct example.
Epic  Post #: 6
1/25/2013 9:00:43   

I'm perfectly happy. My dead account which didn't have the prettiest of win rates (1.7:1) shallbe reincarnated as a new class. I will also know how much pocket money I've spent on this strangely hooking game...
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
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