I like cookies... Anyway, the next chapter will be up today. However, due to a number of events thatr are happening, it will probably be the last for a while. My half term for Y8 is just around the corner, I have an early A Level English exam to do, and then I'm going to Vietnam for a spelunking holiday. Bascily, I am very, very busy indeed and will be away from the computer and indeed civilization for a week...maybe more if we are attacked by tigers. So, enjoy the chapters, you probably havn't read them all, or even started yet. Its quite long, but very action packed. I do descriptive stuff too, but it would not really be in context with the war story theme. If the war is still on, or we are in an aftermath quest when I get back, I'll carry on. If not, it shall remain an unfinished masterpiece for scholoars to read and lament at for centuries to come. Ta-rah!