Wolf Rider
1: Out of the Webcomics that you currently follow... Which one is your favorite? The Order of The Stick by The Giant In The Playground. A fellow OOTS fan! :D Yay! Another OOTS FAN!!! Do you like Looking for Group, too? Yes. What about Weregeek (one of my personal favorites and I highly recommend it)? Haven't read it but I will have to check it out. Any other webcomics that you like? Hmm... There is ANTI-Heroes (The art is inspired by OOTS but the updates are a bit erratic), Spinerette (comedic Super-hero comic) and one called Grim Tales. Last question. Have you read my favorite book series, Otherland by Tad Williams? Nope. If you haven't, you should. I'll warn you up front, though, they're all really long books (the shortest is around 800 pages, and the rest are all around that amount), and they have so many interconnected plots that it's not the easiest to follow the first read. Sounds like a lovely read. That's all from me. *waves and poofs* *Waves back*
< Message edited by The Odor -- 2/27/2013 13:39:00 >