Rune Knight
Raven! *Glompsnugs tightly* It's been way too long, old friend. Dx Hey Fae, it sure has :) I hope this means I can expect you back in the Beacons of Hope. The Water Pillar has missed you. Sorry fae but this I cannot promise yet ;) Also, I'd love to fight with you in the next war. I've improved quite a bit since we last talked, and I hope to be a worthy ally. ;) And I hope to be worthy myself to guard your back. Anyways, on with the questions! Oh dear 1) Will we be a question-answering dynamic duo again? Perhaps, if your paths cross again 2) How does it feel to be free? How are the shackles feeling? Kinda comfy, I made sure to order an extra feathered version with lots of fluffyness :3 3) How different do you think it will feel to switch from AQWorlds GD to AQWorlds Q&A? Who is to say I won't take both hehe >:D 4) Are you excited for your work here? Sure am and always will be :) 5) Don't let the purpul get you. I know this isn't a question, but... I'm black, I am eternal, i am everywhere :D 6) Seriously. The fairy could be anywhere! True enough, but so are you right? 7) Wait, what if she sees this? Oh God, uh... Back to normal questions! What are your feelings on pandas? Then she will stab you and fly away laughing :p As for panda's, they are fluffy yet IRL I would stay away from them just in case Excellent save, if I do say so myself. ;D *whistles innocently* Anyways, that's all from me. Glad to have you back, Raven! *Snugs* Likewise Fae :) *snugs back*
< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 3/4/2013 3:13:47 >