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RE: New prize code!

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3/9/2013 10:14:23   

I believe it was around 4am when it was released. I wasn't sleeping because of insomnia, and the fact it's weekend so I don't have to wake up at any given time - as I do for College - so only because some people were sleeping at that time, just tough. I was awake despite being late, is it unfair that I got it? And if I slept during the day, what then? It was released at a bad time for me.

Yes, I do have the Sword. High quantity (it lasted about 2-3 hours) allowed me to get it on few chars even.
AQ Epic  Post #: 26
3/9/2013 10:22:54   


Warned or not, those with a life still need to sleep at some point.

So the staff is suppose to release something again just because people choose to go to sleep and not wait for the code when they had more then enough warning? Sounds right.
Epic  Post #: 27
3/9/2013 10:23:17   
One Winged Angel1357

Trans you allow me to make a good point

Should one person be able to claim a code many times? Going through my twitter feed or whatever the thing is called I saw three people claim 13 swords total. For those who hate math that is 10 other people who could not get the sword.

Now you can block multiple claims by checking IP's or checking if a character on the master account has already claimed that code. This stops people from hoarding the weapon to themselves(to some extent) and allows others to get it
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 28
3/9/2013 10:26:36   


So the staff is suppose to release something again just because people choose to go to sleep and not wait for the code when they had more then enough warning? Sounds right.

I dont know about you, but normal human beings actually need to sleep. So yea, they are supposed to do just that.

< Message edited by Oba -- 3/9/2013 10:28:28 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 29
3/9/2013 10:27:02   

@ owa

That could be a problem is someone shares the same IP. However if they did it one item per master account that would be a much better solution.

@ oba

I am a normal human just like everyone else, and normally I go to sleep a lot earlier then this release. However I know this was coming and I sacrified some sleep to get the item. Anyone else could have done the same if they really wanted it.

The real world doesn't work like that, and as it stands now the game doesn't either.

@ Lambo

No matter what time they release the item it will inconvience someone.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 3/9/2013 10:34:25 >
Epic  Post #: 30
3/9/2013 10:27:36   

You chose not to get the item, now stop crying over a few pixels.
Epic  Post #: 31
3/9/2013 10:30:21   

^LOL says the guy going all out over it not to be released.

I say release it again, at a better time, not 4:00am in the morning for some people which is just silly.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 32
3/9/2013 10:33:46   


I say release it again, at a better time, not 4:00am in the morning for some people which is just silly.

What if you work at night? What if you have insomnia and can't sleep (obviously)? What if you're staying up for other reason? What about people in other timezones when 4am may have been bad for those in UK but great for others (in the UK or outside; where it may have been morning)? Don't pick something that suits you because it won't suit others instead. Known as being selfish somewhat.
AQ Epic  Post #: 33
3/9/2013 10:35:36   
SouL Prisoner

I have a great idea, that could make this last longer ...

Anybody wanna hear/see/read?? :P
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
3/9/2013 10:36:08   

^No, no we don't.
Epic  Post #: 35
3/9/2013 10:39:58   

Why would I need it? I gave up on ED long ago. I only got the weapon cause a friend told me the code which I knew nothing about.
Like I care for something that has no use to me, It selfish of me to say release it AGAIN for the people who couldn't stay up to 4:00am to receive this weapon? You sir are smart. Derp.

The release was late, too late for most people.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 36
3/9/2013 10:44:06   
One Winged Angel1357

@Mother1 I was thinking the same thing. If you got the code using a public signal you might prevent others from getting the item that use the same signal to play.

But the draw back with the master account is that before Day X to make a new account you had to make a new master account which would bypass the system. But the number of players after Day X is great then that of before so it would be an acceptable loop hole
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
3/9/2013 10:49:32   
SouL Prisoner


^No, no we don't.

I'm glad you don't ... Don't really intend on saying, unless someone really wants to hear out.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 38
3/9/2013 11:05:33   

They should announce a time when their about to release a prize code such as a ultra rare item like this, I think it would suit best so people wouldn't complain like this because even i missed it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 39
3/9/2013 11:10:22   

^They actually did .
AQW Epic  Post #: 40
3/9/2013 11:14:51   

@ skeletondude

They did in the design note a day in advance this time since people complained the last time that 3 hours wasn't enough warning.
Epic  Post #: 41
3/9/2013 11:18:25   

They should release the item, then 12 hours later restock it. This way it is available at an am and pm time for everyone :)
Post #: 42
3/9/2013 11:26:44   


You didn't get it, deal with it.

They won't restock just cause a few people are crying over not getting a sword.

You ain't special.
Epic  Post #: 43
3/9/2013 11:32:30   


Why do you care about us getting it? some of us want it maybe because we still have basic blades or only have an energy wep and need a phys one. You should stop being so negative towards some players.....

< Message edited by D4RKRAVEN -- 3/9/2013 11:33:53 >
Post #: 44
3/9/2013 11:34:30   

@ darkraven

The item is ultra rare plus it is limited quantity at that. Everyone being able to get the item would defeat that purpose. The staff only intended on giving away a small amount. If they wanted a lot of people to have it they would have done it like they did with the basic armors and have a huge quantity of them.
Epic  Post #: 45
3/9/2013 11:43:18   

>Ultra-rare item
>Thousands of players have it

Yeah.. that is not ultra rare y'know. :I
AQ Epic  Post #: 46
3/9/2013 11:49:50   

>Ultra-rare item.
>Ten Year Titan
>Like everyone has it..

Yeah.. still will be a ultra-rare, it's just a tag.

It's just a free item... everyone should have a chance to get it. Limited time not a limited quality.

< Message edited by LambO -- 3/9/2013 11:51:14 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 47
3/9/2013 11:52:58   

Because it doesn't even matter.

Any other sword is the same as this one.
Epic  Post #: 48
3/9/2013 11:55:31   


The staff only intended for a certain number of people to have the item. The same with the bounty pistol. That was the intent from the start.
Epic  Post #: 49
3/9/2013 11:57:31   

^Oh really? Can someone from staff respond? Will ya restock once? Yes or no.
Epic  Post #: 50
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