New prize code! (Full Version)

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D4RKRAVEN -> New prize code! (3/9/2013 3:34:13)

The new prize code has already expired after 3 hours. I went to bed, and when i woke up i was gonna watch the vid and get the new item, but when i woke up it was already expired and it had only been out for 3 hours

Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 3:39:35)

Ever here the saying you snooze you lose? That literally happened with you friend. Also the item was another ultra rare item.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 3:44:24)

yeah, it was ultra rare and is a limited amount/time item, so better luck next time.

theholyfighter -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 3:50:10)

Actually this time it was out for longer than I expected...

axell5 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 4:02:33)

it expired atleast in less than 1 hour

Oba -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 4:16:44)

Never liked these prize codes, since Im usually/should be in bed at the time they release. Anyways, this sword didnt look so well, imo, so as long it didnt have any rare cores it dosent really matter to me.

Celestial Plasma -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 5:08:29)

No rare cores sadly, but it's damage is 1 higher than normal weapons and it's ULTRA-RARE [:D]

Rogue Ninja -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 5:24:28)

I'm curious of the name and what it looked like.. :O

Oba -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 5:32:40)


No rare cores sadly, but it's damage is 1 higher than normal weapons and it's ULTRA-RARE

Good. Though, all swords have +36 dmg while claws/clubs/staffs have +35. (At lvl 35)

8x -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 7:46:34)


The new prize code has already expired after 3 hours. I went to bed, and when i woke up i was gonna watch the vid and get the new item, but when i woke up it was already expired and it had only been out for 3 hours

It was released around 5 am in my timezone and when I woke up at 7 am the code had already expired. :/

Cookielord12 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 7:53:12)'s_Deathbringer

That's the new wep?

ansh0 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 7:59:55)


D4RKRAVEN -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:17:53)

8x My point exactly, it not fair to the players with different timezones. The update was at 2am in my timezone, it is just not fair

ansh0 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:18:48)

Um, what if it was timed perfectly for your timezone RAVEN, would you like it then?

Sir Caden -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:19:25)


ansh0 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:21:47)


Really? Really?

ScarletReaper -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:26:23)

Unfortunetly they don't care about people in other time zones, or who were at work at the time. >:O Basically just have to either stay up till 3 am, or be out of luck. Also @ansh0 Slight difference there. Those items were available for months. This sword was available for an hour.

Oba -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:33:26)



You missed those because you had no idea this game even existed, we missed this prize code because we had to be human; and sleep. Two valid points.

DestruRaGe -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:50:02)

I say restock 1 time for those who couldnt stay up the whole night...

Mother1 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 9:53:55)

Lol people in different time zones are crying foul, however you have to remember no matter what time they release something of limited quantity someone is going to be inconvienced. It happened with the bounty pistol and now it is happening again with this item.

Plus unlike before with the bounty pistol which a lot of people said "they need to give a day's worth of warning when they do this" This time around they did just that. They posted the design notes one day before the code came out saying that their would be a code coming so this time in all honestly no one can say they didn't give fair warning.

LambO -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 10:03:27)

Release it again so everyone can get it. The release was so late that it was after 4:00am where I'm from. To me, if the release is so late then release the release the same time as it should be released the next day.

ansh0, it wouldn't be the same even if you was in alpha/beta, which looking at your char, you wasn't. Them things was release for awhile, anyone who played at them times could of got it. This sword was released late, wasn't the players fault they couldn't stay up till late due to a bedtime/work etc..

(Yes, I got the weapon so, meh..)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 10:07:20)

I like that it is up on the wiki because I really dislike swords and do not mind one bit that I missed the deathbringer

ansh0 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 10:09:11)

Why should it be re-released so everyone can get it?

It's an ULTRA- Rare goddammit.

Oba -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 10:09:43)


Lol people in different time zones are crying foul

You, in the right timezone lol'ing at those who couldnt stay up to get it. How ignorant.


It happened with the bounty pistol and now it is happening again with this item.

Hence why they should've either release the prize code twice, say 100 swords as it did, and 100 swords at a different timezone, or release it in awhole other timezone than last time. Now players who got the gun, also got the sword. Shouldnt have been like dat.


Plus unlike before with the bounty pistol which a lot of people said "they need to give a day's worth of warning when they do this" This time around they did just that.

Warned or not, those with a life still need to sleep at some point.


Why should it be re-released so everyone can get it?

It's an ULTRA- Rare goddammit.

Well, so its fine to re-release limited rares?

ansh0 -> RE: New prize code! (3/9/2013 10:11:48)

^You can't have everything in life.

Sleep or virtual item, your choice.

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